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中国龙虾卵子发生及卵巢发育的组织学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用组织学方法研究了中国龙虾(Panulirus stimpsoni)的卵子发生、卵巢结构和发育.根据卵细胞的大小、形状、核仁的形态及数目、卵黄颗粒的积累情况、卵母细胞与滤泡细胞的关系等,可将卵子的发生分为卵原细胞、卵黄发生前卵母细胞、卵黄发生卵母细胞和成熟卵母细胞等四个时期;卵巢壁由结缔组织外膜和内生殖上皮构成,生殖上皮分化产生卵原细胞和滤泡细胞;卵巢的结构单位是卵母细胞发育区.根据卵巢的体积、颜色和主体卵细胞的类型等,可将中国龙虾的卵巢发育分为形成期、发育期、将成熟期、成熟期和恢复期共五期.  相似文献   

利用光镜对波纹龙虾(Panulirushomarus)呼吸器官——鳃的横切面进行组织学研究。结果表明,鳃的外层由两层角质膜和一层立方上皮构成;鳃的背方上下排列的2个管腔分别为出鳃血管和入鳃血管,腹方为结缔组织膜形成的鳃轴;鳃丝内有流入沟、流出沟和由结缔组织形成的纵走隔膜。采用Feulgen法等6种方法,对角质膜、鳃上皮、鳃丝、鳃轴、出鳃血管和入鳃血管等结构分别进行了组织化学研究。  相似文献   

刘皓  姚维  刘海情  刘楚吾  刘丽 《海洋科学》2014,38(11):16-23
为了解杂色龙虾(Panulirus versicolor)线粒体基因组多态位点及遗传变异,对龙虾类的分类研究奠定基础,作者通过常规PCR步移扩增法获得杂色龙虾线的线粒体基因组全序列,分析了其线粒体基因组的基本特征以及基因排列情况,并结合中国龙虾(Panulirus stimposni)、波纹龙虾(Panulirus homarus)线粒体基因组全序列,综合分析了龙虾属线粒体编码基因多态位点及基因变异状况。结果表明:杂色龙虾线粒体基因组全序列为15 700 bp,由13个蛋白质编码基因、22个t RNA基因、2个r RNA基因和D-loop区组成,保持了泛甲壳动物线粒体基因组的原始排列。杂色龙虾线粒体DNA的碱基组成具有AT偏好性,A+T含量为67%,4种碱基的含量分别为(A=34.6%,T=32.1%,C=20.5%,G=12.8%)。预测了杂色龙虾18个t RNA以及2个r RNA的二级结构。龙虾属线粒体基因组中的nad 2、nad 5基因以及D-loop区的多态位点比例较高,适合作为分子标记用于龙虾类系统进化关系、种内多态性以及遗传分化等方面的研究。  相似文献   

为鉴别不同龙虾(Panulirus),作者选用一维红外光谱(FTIR)、二阶导数谱(SDIR)和二维相关红外光谱(2DIR)来逐步提高谱图的分辨率,使得4个品种的差异性逐渐明显。结果表明:在一维谱图上,波士顿龙虾(Homarus americanus)没有酰胺Ⅱ带的特征峰;日本龙虾(Panulirus japonicus)在1 333 cm–1处有尖峰。在二阶导数谱上,日本龙虾在1 333 cm–1处尖峰更明显,且在1 535cm–1处有吸收峰,与其他品种的差异表现得更明显。波纹龙虾(Panulirus homarus)在1 567cm–1处有尖峰,锦绣龙虾(Panulirus ornatus)在1 567 cm–1处的峰弱而不明显,故可以区分出波纹龙虾和锦绣龙虾。在二维相关红外谱图上,进一步佐证了4种龙虾所含的氨基酸、蛋白质在种类和含量上有所差异。所以红外三级鉴定法可以对龙虾进行快速、有效的鉴别。  相似文献   

中国龙虾栖息习性的观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于1999年5月在集美大学水产学院海水养殖试验场进行中国龙虾栖息习性的试验观察。结果表明 ,正常温度、盐度条件下 ,中国龙虾有隐匿穴居、昼伏夜出的栖息习性 ,喜欢栖息于紧身或身体易于找到依靠的水平洞穴中 ,并有同穴共居现象 ,低层洞穴的栖息率高于高层洞穴 ;温度低于12℃时 ,中国龙虾夜间也很少离穴活动 ,温度低于8.6℃或高于34℃ ,盐度低于14.1或高于44.6时 ,中国龙虾都会逃离洞穴  相似文献   

本文以人工配合饲料为对照组,4种添加剂为实验组,对中国龙虾进行50d的生长试验,结果表明:复合脱壳素(实验组1^#)效果最佳,其次分别是脱壳素(实验组2^#)、甲壳粉(实验组3^#)、喹乙醇(实验组4^#)和对照组,其增重率分别为:17.08、8.41%、7.62%、5.45%和4.21%;蜕壳率分别为58.33%、50.33%、33.33%、33.33%和33.33%;蜕壳后增重率为29.29%、16.90%、22.85%、16.43%和12.68%;饲料系数分别为7.57、7.11、7.92、11.00和14.21;对照组和实验组4^#存活率为91.67%,其余均为100%。整个试验过程龙虾生长良好。  相似文献   

以缢蛏(Sinonovacula constricta)(A)、菲律宾蛤(Venerupis Philippinaram)仔(B)及自制配合饲料(C)作为饵料,分别研究了上述3种饵料对二龄管角螺(Hemifusus tuba Gmelin)生长、肝脏消化酶活性以及软体部营养成分的影响。结果表明:(1)鲜活饵料的投喂更有利于管角螺的生长和营养物质的累积,配合饲料的摄食效果较差,还需进一步的优化和完善;其特定生长率大小为:缢蛏组>菲律宾蛤仔组>配合饲料组,组间差异显著(P<0.05);(2)不同饵料的投喂对其肝脏消化酶活性的影响差异显著,在整个实验区间的胰蛋白酶活力的大小为:缢蛏组>菲律宾蛤仔组>配合饲料组,组间差异显著(P<0.05);配合饲料组的淀粉酶活力和脂肪酶活力先降后升,鲜活饵料组则较稳定;45 d 后配合饲料组的淀粉酶活力和脂肪酶活力皆显著高于鲜活饵料组的(P<0.05);表明管角螺在饥饿时,消化酶可能存在补偿性分泌,优先利用糖原和脂肪作为能源物质;(3)不同饵料对管角螺软体部的灰分和水分没有显著影响(P>0.05),鲜活饵料组的粗蛋白和粗脂肪含量皆显著高于配合饲料组(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

中国对虾生长与环境因子关系的初步探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文根据1987年岱山县水产养殖试验场中国对虾养殖资料,分析了虾池中的环境因子以及对虾的生长与溶解氧、水温、盐度和pH的关系。另外,还阐述了有些环境因子的变化对对虾生长的影响。  相似文献   

为探讨不同饵料对青蛤(Cyclina sinensis)与文蛤(Meretrix meretrix)生长和存活的影响,本实验选用紫菜(Pyropia)、浒苔(Enteromorpha prolifera)、海带(Laminaria japonica)、小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)和人工配合饲料5种饵料...  相似文献   

饥饿对中国龙虾叶状幼体Ⅰ期发育、摄食及存活的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
中国龙虾叶状幼体Ⅰ期在饥饿条件下的生长发育、变态、存活的研究结果表明:初孵叶状幼体耐饥饿能力较强,完全饥饿144h,成活率为100%,饥饿192~216h,成活率为76%~68%.由生长和变态来看,推迟24~36h投饵,对叶状幼体Ⅰ期的生长没有明显影响.在摄食饵料方面,初孵幼体饥饿144h,仍然有55%的幼体具有摄食能力.饥饿24~120h的初期叶状幼体摄食卤虫幼体的大小(体长为349.5~604.9μm)可达到自身体长的1/2~1/3.当叶状幼体连续摄饵时间达60h,体内储存一定的营养后,即使不再喂食,幼体也能变态,但变态率较低.由间隔投饵效果来看,每隔8,16,24h投饵,幼体的发育变态差异不大.这些研究结果对开展龙虾基础生物学与人工育苗技术研究,提高育苗成活率将有一定的参考意义.  相似文献   

INTRODUcrIONAs a quality seaha, lobster has a greater market demand or higher demand than supply. Inrecent years the natural resource of lobster is decreasing day by day due to overfishing oPera-tions. Conequently, an attention has been increasingly drawn to the development of artificialbreeding in lObster and seedstock preduction. From the l970s to the l980s the culture of lobsterlarva started but with very slow pngress. Inoue et al. (l978), Yamakawa et al. (1989), Kitta-ka and Kimura(l…  相似文献   

江天久  徐轶肖 《海洋学报》2006,28(6):169-175
麻痹性贝类毒素(Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning,PSP)是目前已知的赤潮生物毒素中,发生次数最频繁、对人类影响最严重的一种[1].以往的监测数据表明,PSP可以沿食物网进行传递、积累和代谢,结果不仅使直接营滤食生活的贝类、草食性鱼类等含毒,而且可能使更高营养级的生物染毒,如常见的水产甲壳类,甚至包括一些海洋哺乳动物[2,3].总的来说,国内对PSP在生物体内的传递和代谢研究起步较晚,相关报道主要见于近5年,内容基本集中在实验室条件下PSP沿藻类→贝类体内的积累、转化与排出[4~6].而国外在该领域的研究要更深入且涉及的范围亦更广.  相似文献   

These studies were designed to determine the metabolic capability of the microsomal cytochrome(s) P-450 in spiny lobster hepatopancreas, and to determine how chemicals which selectively modify mammalian monooxygenase activity catalyzed by different cytochrome P-450 isozymes affect the spiny lobster cytochrome P-450. We used a washing procedure to concentrate the hepatopancreas microsomal cytochrome P-450 and remove the inhibitors of monooxygenase activity which are normally present in microsomes. The resulting reparation (MI fraction) was used to determine monooxygenase activity towards benzo[a]pyrene, benz-phetamine, 7-ethoxyresorufin in the presence of either cumene hydroperoxide or NADPH and vertebrate liver cytochrome P-450 reductase. Benzphetamine was the best substrate for the lobster cytochrome P-450, whereas 7-ethoxyresorufin was metabolized very slowly. Studies with chemical modifiers showed that the responses of the lobster cytochrome(s) P-450 were not similar to those of any of the well-characterized cytochrome P-450 isozymes purified from mammalian liver.  相似文献   

Ca2+, Mg2+对中国龙虾叶状幼体存活、变态的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龙虾是高级海产品,经济价值很高.龙虾的发育要经过叶状幼体、游龙虾幼体、稚龙虾和成体龙虾几个阶段.在龙虾幼体的培育中,叶状幼体生长、蜕皮、变态所需时间最长.影响叶状幼体存活、变态的因子较多,除了温度、盐度、光照以及铒料的质量、数量之外,还与海水中的矿物元素等有关.在矿物元素中Ca2+,Mg2+作用显得比较突出.龙虾蜕壳、生长与体内的Ca2+,Mg2+积累有关,Ca2+,Mg2+对龙虾幼体的营养物质和能量代谢极为重要.龙虾幼体在蜕皮生长的过程中需要足够的钙、镁来满足体壳(皮)的更新和机体的生长所需.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases constitute an enzyme superfamily, with at least 74 known families. Members of CYP families 1–4 are important in the phase 1 metabolism of lipophilic xenobiotics, such as those found in contaminated marine environments. Previous studies (James et al. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. (1996) 329, 31–38) showed that a major form of P450 in spiny lobster, Panulirus argus, hepatopancreas was CYP2L1, a new sub-family, and that there was evidence for other P450 forms in hepatopancreas. We now report the sequence of a second member of this subfamily, named CYP2L2, present in P. Argus hepatopancreas. The deduced amino acid sequences of CYP2L1 and CYP2L2 share 54.7% sequence identity and an additional 13.6% of the sequences show conservative substitutions. Analysis of the sequences of CYP2L1, CYP2L2 and other representative CYP2 family members (from rat and mouse sub-families 2A, 2B, 2D and 2E) showed that the crustacean sequences clustered together. In addition to CYP2L2, cDNA clones of 66 to 117 base pairs from the 5′ coding region of two more P450 isoforms were isolated from the spiny lobster cDNA library. The deduced amino acid sequence of one of these additional cDNA clones was identical to the first 22 amino acids of the N-terminal sequence of a P450 protein previously isolated from hepatopancreas microsomes. These studies confirm earlier biochemical evidence that the hepatopancreas contains multiple forms of cytochrome P450.  相似文献   

This study compared catches of Panulirus argus pueruli and very young juveniles between Hunt and Sandwich collectors at Long and Big Munson Keys, Florida, United States. Catch comparisons were made over the peak puerulus settlement period between February and July 2002, using six Sandwich and six Hunt collectors at each site. The collectors were set out in arrays and the relative positions of the two collector types were reversed each month after they had been checked and the catch removed. A total of 3470 pueruli and juveniles were collected; 2011 and 1459 by Sandwich and Hunt collectors, respectively. Sandwich collectors caught an average of 5.43 more pueruli and juveniles per check than Hunt collectors, with this difference being significant for catches of clear pueruli (P1s), pigmented pueruli (P3s), and juvenile stages (J1s and J2s) (P < 0.05), but not for catches of semi‐pigmented pueruli (P2s). The catches made by both collector types were highly dependant on the month of collection and site of the collectors (P < 0.01). Catches were generally not influenced by the location of the collector in the array (P = 0.50), but corner collectors caught significantly fewer P1s, P2s, P3s, and J1s and J2s than all other collectors (P < 0.01). Conditioning time influenced the total catch (P < 0.01) but was not significant for all individual P1s, P2s, P3s, and J1s and J2s stages of development. Overall, the time taken for collectors to condition in Florida was less than the Sandwich collectors used for P. cygnus in Western Australia.  相似文献   

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