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Scaling and universality in city space syntax: Between Zipf and Matthew   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
D. Volchenkov  Ph. Blanchard 《Physica A》2008,387(10):2353-2364
We report about the universality of rank-integration distributions of open spaces in city space syntax similar to the famous rank-size distributions of cities (Zipf’s law). We also demonstrate that the degree of choice an open space represents for other spaces directly linked to it in a city follows a power-law statistic. Universal statistical behavior of space syntax measures uncovers the universality of the city creation mechanism. We suggest that the observed universality may help to establish the international definition of a city as a specific land use pattern.  相似文献   

Chinese is spoken by the largest number of people in the world, and it is regarded as one of the most important languages. In this paper, we explore the statistical properties of Chinese language networks (CLNs) within the framework of complex network theory. Based on one of the largest Chinese corpora, i.e. People’s Daily Corpus, we construct two networks (CLN1 and CLN2) from two different respects, with Chinese words as nodes. In CLN1, a link between two nodes exists if they appear next to each other in at least one sentence; in CLN2, a link represents that two nodes appear simultaneously in a sentence. We show that both networks exhibit small-world effect, scale-free structure, hierarchical organization and disassortative mixing. These results indicate that in many topological aspects Chinese language shapes complex networks with organizing principles similar to other previously studied language systems, which shows that different languages may have some common characteristics in their evolution processes. We believe that our research may shed some new light into the Chinese language and find some potentially significant implications.  相似文献   

Tourism destination networks are amongst the most complex dynamical systems, involving a myriad of human-made and natural resources. In this work we report a complex network-based systematic analysis of the Elba (Italy) tourism destination network, including the characterization of its structure in terms of several traditional measurements, the investigation of its modularity, as well as its comprehensive study in terms of the recently reported superedges approach. In particular, structural (the number of paths of distinct lengths between pairs of nodes, as well as the number of reachable companies) and dynamical features (transition probabilities and the inward/outward activations and accessibilities) are measured and analyzed, leading to a series of important findings related to the interactions between tourism companies. Among the several reported results, it is shown that the type and size of the companies influence strongly their respective activations and accessibilities, while their geographical position does not seem to matter. It is also shown that the Elba tourism network is largely fragmented and heterogeneous, so that it could benefit from increased integration.  相似文献   

Natural Connectivity of Complex Networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The concept of natural connectivity is reported as a robustness measure of complex networks. The natural connectivity has a clear physical meaning and a simple mathematical formulation. It is shown that the natural connectivity can be derived mathematically from the graph spectrum as an average eigenvalue and that it changes strictly monotonically with the addition or deletion of edges. By comparing the natural connectivity with other typical robustness measures within a scenario of edge elimination, it is demonstrated that the naturM connectivity has an acute discrimination which agrees with our intuition.  相似文献   

A. Santiago 《Physica A》2009,388(11):2234-2242
In this paper we study the robustness of heterogeneous preferential attachment networks. The robustness of a network measures its structural tolerance to the random removal of nodes and links. We numerically analyze the influence of the affinity parameters on a set of ensemble-averaged robustness metrics. We show that the presence of heterogeneity does not fundamentally alter the smooth nature of the fragmentation process of the models. We also show that a moderate level of locality translates into slight improvements in the robustness metrics, which prompts us to conjecture an evolutionary argument for the existence of real networks with power-law scaling in their connectivity and clustering distributions.  相似文献   

A. Santiago 《Physica A》2009,388(14):2941-2948
In this paper we present a study of the influence of local affinity in heterogeneous preferential attachment (PA) networks. Heterogeneous PA models are a generalization of the Barabási-Albert model to heterogeneous networks, where the affinity between nodes biases the attachment probability of links. Threshold models are a class of heterogeneous PA models where the affinity between nodes is inversely related to the distance between their states. We propose a generalization of threshold models where network nodes have individual affinity functions, which are then combined to yield the affinity of each potential interaction. We analyze the influence of the affinity functions in the topological properties averaged over a network ensemble. The network topology is evaluated through the distributions of connectivity degrees, clustering coefficients and geodesic distances. We show that the relaxation of the criterion of a single global affinity still leads to a reasonable power-law scaling in the connectivity and clustering distributions under a wide spectrum of assumptions. We also show that the richer behavior of the model often exhibits a better agreement with the empirical observations on real networks.  相似文献   

Unified index to quantifying heterogeneity of complex networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hai-Bo Hu 《Physica A》2008,387(14):3769-3780
Although recent studies have revealed that degree heterogeneity of a complex network has significant impact on the network performance and function, a unified definition of the heterogeneity of a network with any degree distribution is absent. In this paper, we define a heterogeneity index 0≤H<1 to quantify the degree heterogeneity of any given network. We analytically show the existence of an upper bound of H=0.5 for exponential networks, thus explain why exponential networks are homogeneous. On the other hand, we also analytically show that the heterogeneity index of an infinite power law network is between 1 and 0.5 if and only if its degree exponent is between 2 and 2.5. We further show that for any power law network with a degree exponent greater than 2.5, there always exists an exponential network such that both networks have the same heterogeneity index. This may help to explain why 2.5 is a critical degree exponent for some dynamic behaviors on power law networks.  相似文献   

Jian-Wei Wang  Li-Li Rong 《Physica A》2009,388(7):1289-1298
Considering that not all overload nodes will be removed from networks due to some effective measures to protect them, we propose a new cascading model with a breakdown probability. Adopting the initial load of a node j to be Lj=[kj(∑mΓjkm)]α with kj and Γj being the degree of the node j and the set of its neighboring nodes, respectively, where α is a tunable parameter, we investigate the relationship between some parameters and universal robustness characteristics against cascading failures on scale-free networks. According to a new measure originated from a phase transition from the normal state to collapse, the numerical simulations show that Barabási-Albert (BA) networks reach the strongest robustness level against cascading failures when the tunable parameter α=0.5, while not relating to the breakdown probability. We furthermore explore the effect of the average degree 〈k〉 for network robustness, thus obtaining a positive correlation between 〈k〉 and network robustness. We then analyze the effect of the breakdown probability on the network robustness and confirm by theoretical predictions this universal robustness characteristic observed in simulations. Our work may have practical implications for controlling various cascading-failure-induced disasters in the real world.  相似文献   

A.K. Nandi 《Physica A》2009,388(17):3651-3656
The optimal solution of an inter-city passenger transport network has been studied using Zipf’s law for the city populations and the Gravity law describing the fluxes of inter-city passenger traffic. Assuming a fixed value for the cost of transport per person per kilometer we observe that while the total traffic cost decreases, the total wiring cost increases with the density of links. As a result the total cost to maintain the traffic distribution is optimal at a certain link density which vanishes on increasing the network size. At a finite link density the network is scale-free. Using this model the air-route network of India has been generated and an one-to-one comparison of the nodal degree values with the real network has been made.  相似文献   

Jian-Wei Wang  Li-Li Rong 《Physica A》2009,388(8):1731-1737
Most previous existing works on cascading failures only focused on attacks on nodes rather than on edges. In this paper, we discuss the response of scale-free networks subject to two different attacks on edges during cascading propagation, i.e., edge removal by either the descending or ascending order of the loads. Adopting a cascading model with a breakdown probability p of an overload edge and the initial load (kikj)α of an edge ij, where ki and kj are the degrees of the nodes connected by the edge ij and α is a tunable parameter, we investigate the effects of two attacks for the robustness of Barabási-Albert (BA) scale-free networks against cascading failures. In the case of α<1, our investigation by the numerical simulations leads to a counterintuitive finding that BA scale-free networks are more sensitive to attacks on the edges with the lowest loads than the ones with the highest loads, not relating to the breakdown probability. In addition, the same effect of two attacks in the case of α=1 may be useful in furthering studies on the control and defense of cascading failures in many real-life networks. We then confirm by the theoretical analysis these results observed in simulations.  相似文献   

Attack vulnerability of scale-free networks due to cascading failures   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, adopting the initial load of a node i to be with ki being the degree of the node i, we propose a cascading model based on a load local redistribution rule and examine cascading failures on the typical network, i.e., the BA network with the scale-free property. We find that the BA scale-free network reaches the strongest robustness level in the case of α=1 and the robustness of the network has a positive correlation with the average degree 〈k〉, where the robustness is quantified by a transition from normal state to collapse. In addition, we further discuss the effects of two different attacks for the robustness against cascading failures on our cascading model and find an interesting result, i.e., the effects of two different attacks, strongly depending to the value α. These results may be very helpful for real-life networks to avoid cascading-failure-induced disasters.  相似文献   

王建伟  荣莉莉 《中国物理快报》2008,25(10):3826-3829
Adopting the initial load of a node j to be Lj = [kj ∑mεГkm)]^α with kj and Fj being the degree of the node j and the set of its neighbouring nodes respectively, we propose a cascading model based on a local preferential redistribution rule of the load after removing a node. Assuming that a failed node leads only to a redistribution of the load passing through it to its neighbouring nodes, we explore the response of scale-free networks subject to two different attack strategies on nodes and find some interesting and counterintuitive results in our cascading model. On the one hand, unexpectedly, tile attack on the nodes with the lowest degree is more harmful than the attack on the highest degree nodes when α〈1/2. On the other hand, when α = 1/2, the effects of two attacks for the robustness against cascading failures are almost identical. In addition, the numerical simulations are also verified by the theoretical analysis. These results may be very helpful for real-life networks to protect the key nodes selected effectively and to avoid cascading-failure-induced disasters.  相似文献   

We propose a biologically motivated quantity, twinness, to evaluate local similarity between nodes in a network. The twinness of a pair of nodes is the number of connected, labeled subgraphs of size n in which the two nodes possess identical neighbours. The graph animal algorithm is used to estimate twinness for each pair of nodes (for subgraph sizes n=4 to n=12) in four different protein interaction networks (PINs). These include an Escherichia coli PIN and three Saccharomyces cerevisiae PINs — each obtained using state-of-the-art high-throughput methods. In almost all cases, the average twinness of node pairs is vastly higher than that expected from a null model obtained by switching links. For all n, we observe a difference in the ratio of type twins (which are unlinked pairs) to type twins (which are linked pairs) distinguishing the prokaryote E. coli from the eukaryote S. cerevisiae. Interaction similarity is expected due to gene duplication, and whole genome duplication paralogues in S. cerevisiae have been reported to co-cluster into the same complexes. Indeed, we find that these paralogous proteins are over-represented as twins compared to pairs chosen at random. These results indicate that twinness can detect ancestral relationships from currently available PIN data.  相似文献   

Generalized projective synchronization (GPS) between two complex networks with time-varying coupling delay is investigated. Based on the Lyapunov stability theory, a nonlinear controller and adaptive updated laws are designed. Feasibility of the proposed scheme is proven in theory. Moreover, two numerical examples are presented, using the energy resource system and Lü's system [Physica A 382 (2007) 672] as the nodes of the networks. GPS between two energy resource complex networks with time-varying coupling delay is achieved. This study can widen the application range of the generalized synchronization methods and will be instructive for the demand supply of energy resource in some regions of China.  相似文献   

We investigate the collection behaviour of coupled phase oscillators on Newman-Watts small-world networks in one and two dimensions. Each component of the network is assumed as an oscillator and each interacts with the others following the Kuramoto model We then study the onset of global synchronization of phases and frequencies based on dynamic simulations and finite-size scaling. Both the phase and frequency synchronization are observed to emerge in the presence of a tiny fraction of shortcuts and enhanced with the increases of nearest neighbours and lattice dimensions.  相似文献   

The two-phase behaviour in financial markets actually means the bifurcation phenomenon, which represents the change of the conditional probability from an unimodal to a bimodal distribution. We investigate the bifurcation phenomenon in Hang-Sang index. It is observed that the bifurcation phenomenon in financial index is not universal, but specific under certain conditions. For Hang-Sang index and randomly generated time series, the phenomenon just emerges when the power-law exponent of absolute increment distribution is between 1 and 2 with appropriate period. Simulations on a randomly generated time series suggest the bifurcation phenomenon itself is subject to the statistics of absolute increment, thus it may not be able to reflect essential financial behaviours. However, even under the same distribution of absolute increment, the range where bifurcation phenomenon occurs is fax different from real market to artificial data, which may reflect certain market information.  相似文献   

Sangman Han 《Physica A》2008,387(23):5946-5951
We empirically study various network properties of an online community. The numbers of articles written by each user to the bulletin boards of each of the others are used to construct the directed and weighted network B, and gifting behaviors among users are also kept track of, to build the network G which is again directed and weighted. Detailed analysis reveals that B and G have very different network properties. In particular, whereas B contains many more bidirectional links than directed arcs, G shows the opposite characteristic. The number of writings on bulletin boards is found to decay with the distance from the hub vertex, which reflects the structural assortativeness in B. We also observe that the activities in writings and purchases are negatively correlated with each other for highly active users in B.  相似文献   

Lucas Lacasa  Miguel Cea 《Physica A》2009,388(18):3948-3954
In this work we present a model of an air transportation traffic system from the complex network modelling viewpoint. In the network, every node corresponds to a given airport, and two nodes are connected by means of flight routes. Each node is weighted according to its load capacity, and links are weighted according to the Euclidean distance that separates each pair of nodes. Local rules describing the behaviour of individual nodes in terms of the surrounding flow have been also modelled, and a random network topology has been chosen in a baseline approach. Numerical simulations describing the diffusion of a given number of agents (aircraft) in this network show the onset of a jamming transition that distinguishes an efficient regime with null amount of airport queues and high diffusivity (free phase) and a regime where bottlenecks suddenly take place, leading to a poor aircraft diffusion (congested phase). Fluctuations are maximal around the congestion threshold, suggesting that the transition is critical. We then proceed by exploring the robustness of our results in neutral random topologies by embedding the model in heterogeneous networks. Specifically, we make use of the European air transportation network formed by 858 airports and 11 170 flight routes connecting them, which we show to be scale-free. The jamming transition is also observed in this case. These results and methodologies may introduce relevant decision-making procedures in order to optimize the air transportation traffic.  相似文献   

Recently, projective synchronization (PS) has been widely studied in more than one system. In this Letter, we propose a linear controller and an updated law to realize the PS in drive-response dynamical networks of partially linear systems with time-varying coupling delay, based on the Lyapunov stability theory. A sufficient condition is obtained. Moreover, numerical simulations are provided to verify the correctness and effectiveness of the scheme.  相似文献   

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