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Ensiling fresh dairy cattle manure (CM), corn stover, molasses (MO) or bakery by-products (BBP), as a viable method to produce good quality silage was evaluated. Silages composition was as follows: 1) molasses silage: CM, corn stover and molasses; and 2) BBP silages: CM, corn stover, and BBP. A low (250 g/kg dry matter) and a high (500 g/kg dry matter) level of CM with MO or BBP silages were incorporated in diets, and compared with a control diet (without CM silage) in lambs. There was a linear increase (P < 0.01) of dry matter (DM) intake and a quadratic increase of fiber digestion. Linear decrease (P < 0.05) in acetate to propionate ratio was observed with increased concentrations of MO or BBP in silages. Increasing MO silage caused a linear reduction of N intake and retained N, as well as a linear increase of fecal N. There were quadratic effects of BBP silage level on N intake, urine and retained, being the lowest values observed with the low level of BBP silage. Addition of BBP silages (250 or 500 g/kg DM) bring higher DM intake and total tract digestion of fiber, as compared to those diets without CM silage.  相似文献   

Feeding cows' colostrum to newborn lambs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The feeding value of fresh pasture grazed in situ is determined by animal performance or productivity and could be relatively easily established for growing and lactating horses. Despite this, there is a lack of published information on the relative feeding value of different pastures and forages grazed by horses in New Zealand and the world. In addition, for adult breeding or non-breeding and young or adult sport or performance horses, the definition of feeding value and its determination remain problematic.

Limited information suggests that the feeding value of perennial ryegrass-based pasture in New Zealand for young growing horses is high, and growth rates for Thoroughbred horses fed solely on pasture in New Zealand are similar to those reported from the Northern Hemisphere where grain-based supplements are fed in addition to pasture or other forages. Attempts to assess the ability of fresh pastures to meet the nutrient requirements of horses are hampered by problems associated with determination of feed intake by grazing horses and lack of knowledge of the digestibility and utilisation of digested nutrients, including the relative bio availability of macro- and micro-minerals in pasture. A further challenge for future research is to determine the effect of herbage allowance and grazing behaviour, including pasture species preferences, on voluntary feed intake by grazing horses.

Grazing pasture has benefits for equine health and well-being including reduced risk of some nutrition-related disorders and reduced prevalence of stereotypic behaviour. Pastured horses have greater freedom for expression of natural behaviours including social interaction and exercise. However, grazing pasture is also associated with animal health problems, particularly parasitism and diseases related to pasture-associated toxins.  相似文献   

The feeding value of fresh pasture grazed in situ is determined by animal performance or productivity and could be relatively easily established for growing and lactating horses. Despite this, there is a lack of published information on the relative feeding value of different pastures and forages grazed by horses in New Zealand and the world. In addition, for adult breeding or non-breeding and young or adult sport or performance horses, the definition of feeding value and its determination remain problematic. Limited information suggests that the feeding value of perennial ryegrass-based pasture in New Zealand for young growing horses is high, and growth rates for Thoroughbred horses fed solely on pasture in New Zealand are similar to those reported from the Northern Hemisphere where grain-based supplements are fed in addition to pasture or other forages. Attempts to assess the ability of fresh pastures to meet the nutrient requirements of horses are hampered by problems associated with determination of feed intake by grazing horses and lack of knowledge of the digestibility and utilisation of digested nutrients, including the relative bioavailability of macro- and micro-minerals in pasture. A further challenge for future research is to determine the effect of herbage allowance and grazing behaviour, including pasture species preferences, on voluntary feed intake by grazing horses. Grazing pasture has benefits for equine health and well-being including reduced risk of some nutrition-related disorders and reduced prevalence of stereotypic behaviour. Pastured horses have greater freedom for expression of natural behaviours including social interaction and exercise. However, grazing pasture is also associated with animal health problems, particularly parasitism and diseases related to pasture-associated toxins.  相似文献   

Perennial ryegrass is the primary forage component of ruminant diets in New Zealand. It is persistent and palatable, and immature ryegrass has a high nutritive value (NV). However, seedhead development substantially lowers its feeding value (FV) as fibre concentration increases, the rate and extent of digestibility decreases, and voluntary intake declines. Ryegrass pastures are susceptible to accumulation of endophytic and saprophytic fungi in dead material at the base of the sward, especially when mature and laxly grazed. Feeding forage legumes to ruminants grazing grass-dominant pastures will improve animal performance and lessen the reliance on a single species to meet all nutritional requirements. The FV of forage is a function of intake and NV, measured by chemical analyses and animal feeding trials. Performance of individual animals grazing forages is usually limited by energy intake because structural fibre can slow digestion and clearance from the rumen and because of competition between individuals for available feed. The use of metabolisable energy (ME) content of forage to signify FV can give a reasonable indication of animal performance, but it should be used in conjunction with chemical analyses to improve the accuracy of predictions. The relationship between FV, pasture production, animal performance and profitability is complex. The importance of skilled management to maintain pasture quality and optimise animal performance under inconsistent climatic conditions should not be underestimated. Acceptable animal performance with minimal veterinary intervention requires good nutrition, but the genetic potential of livestock in New Zealand cannot be met solely by grazing pasture, especially when a high utilisation of pasture is required to maintain quality and profitability. Producers are responding to industry demands to reduce the seasonality in supply of milk and meat by changing lambing and calving dates, and extending lactation length in dairy cows. Social changes include adoption of once-daily milking in the dairy industry. Some changes have necessitated increased use of supplements and others can be met by feeding forages with a higher FV than ryegrass, all of which require an improved knowledge of feed quality. This information is available through rapid and inexpensive near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) analysis, enabling animal nutritional needs to be balanced by appropriate nutrient supply. It is essential that producers continue to improve animal welfare, limit excessive use of fertilisers and meet the demands of overseas consumers. Good nutrition, with an increased use of legumes and other forages to complement ryegrass pastures, will enable these objectives to be achieved.  相似文献   

Perennial ryegrass is the primary forage component of ruminant diets in New Zealand. It is persistent and palatable, and immature ryegrass has a high nutritive value (NV). However, seed-head development substantially lowers its feeding value (FV) as fibre concentration increases, the rate and extent of digestibility decreases, and voluntary intake declines. Ryegrass pastures are susceptible to accumulation of endophytic and saprophytic fungi in dead material at the base of the sward, especially when mature and laxly grazed. Feeding forage legumes to ruminants grazing grass-dominant pastures will improve animal performance and lessen the reliance on a single species to meet all nutritional requirements.

The FV of forage is a function of intake and NV, measured by chemical analyses and animal feeding trials. Performance of individual animals grazing forages is usually limited by energy intake because structural fibre can slow digestion and clearance from the rumen and because of competition between individuals for available feed. The use of metabolisable energy (ME) content of forage to signify FV can give a reasonable indication of animal performance, but it should be used in conjunction with chemical analyses to improve the accuracy of predictions.

The relationship between FV, pasture production, animal performance and profitability is complex. The importance of skilled management to maintain pasture quality and optimise animal performance under inconsistent climatic conditions should not be underestimated. Acceptable animal performance with minimal veterinary intervention requires good nutrition, but the genetic potential of livestock in New Zealand cannot be met solely by grazing pasture, especially when a high utilisation of pasture is required to maintain quality and profitability.

Producers are responding to industry demands to reduce the seasonality in supply of milk and meat by changing lambing and calving dates, and extending lactation length in dairy cows. Social changes include adoption of once-daily milking in the dairy industry. Some changes have necessitated increased use of supplements and others can be met by feeding forages with a higher FV than ryegrass, all of which require an improved knowledge of feed quality. This information is available through rapid and inexpensive near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) analysis, enabling animal nutritional needs to be balanced by appropriate nutrient supply. It is essential that producers continue to improve animal welfare, limit excessive use of fertilisers and meet the demands of overseas consumers. Good nutrition, with an increased use of legumes and other forages to complement ryegrass pastures, will enable these objectives to be achieved.  相似文献   

金灵 《广东饲料》2010,(12):32-35
<正>椰子粕(copra meal)是椰子胚乳提取油脂后的副产物。椰子粕富含蛋白质(15%~25%)和碳水化合物(60%)。但它在家禽日粮中的使用受限,主要是由于其中几种必需氨基酸含量低,特别是赖氨酸和蛋氨酸(Thomas和Scott,1962;Lachance和Molina,1974;)。  相似文献   

断奶仔猪饲料所选用的原料,必需极易消化,且不含过敏原化合物或其他营养抑制因子,以适应肠道和酶系统都未完全发育的仔猪。传统上,符合上述要求,适宜用作断奶仔猪日粮的重要蛋白质源,主要包括脱脂奶粉、乳清粉、无过敏原大豆蛋白和鱼粉。近年来,血液加工蛋白质制品的利用,已引起人们的关注。1 影响血液制品营养价值的因素研究显示,血液制品可应用于仔猪饲料中。血液中含有诸如氨基酸和矿物质等多种仔猪需要的养分。加工方法对血液制品的营养价值起关键性作用。大量的研究表明,喷雾干燥制品中的氨基酸回肠消化率最高(表1)。表1 加工方法对…  相似文献   

籽粒苋 (GrainAmaranth)属苋科 (Amaran thaceae) ,是一年生草本植物 ,其种子、叶和茎营养丰富 ,蛋白质和氨基酸含量较高 ,且维生素、铁、磷和钙含量亦高出一般作物。我国有丰富的饲用苋资源 ,年种植面积 1 0 0多万亩。籽粒苋具有抗旱、耐盐碱、耐酸、再生力强、高产易栽培等特点 ,籽实每亩可产 1 80~ 2 80公斤 ,兼收青茎叶 40 0 0~ 60 0 0公斤 ,籽实是良好的食品资源和优质饲料 ,茎叶是优质青贮饲料 ,因此籽粒苋是具有良好开发前景的优质饲料。1 营养成分样品采自曹县试验田 ,样品细度为 60目 ,玻璃瓶保存。…  相似文献   

Nutritive value of a vegetable amaranth cultivar for growing lambs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Current interest in amaranth as a food resource for humans and animals has been stimulated by activities in germplasm collection and testing in the U.S. Fifteen growing, intact male lambs weighing 18.7 kg were assigned randomly to three diets (five lambs/diet) for a 14-d growth trial followed immediately by an 8-d (4-d adjustment, 4-d collection) digestion and N balance trial to determine the utilization of the forage component (leaves and stems) of an African cultivar (Zimbabwe cultivar PI 482049, Amaranthus cruentus L.) All diets contained 40.95% ground corn, 8.0% soybean meal and 1.05% mineral-vitamin supplement plus either 50% ground alfalfa hay, 25% ground alfalfa hay plus 25% ground amaranth forage or 50% ground amaranth forage. Lambs had ad libitum access to feed during the growth trial and at 4% of BW daily during the digestion and N balance period. Replacement of half or all the alfalfa in the diet with amaranth had no effect on weight gain or feed utilization. Apparent digestibility of cell contents, NDF, ADF, cellulose, ADL, N and GE and percentage of absorbed N retained did not differ among the three diets. The amaranth vegetable cultivar Zimbabwe PI 482049 promoted weight gain and feed utilization equal to that obtained with alfalfa as the sole forage for growing lambs. Additional research is needed to evaluate further the potential role of forage/vegetable amaranth as an animal feed resource.  相似文献   

Two 21-d trials were conducted to evaluate the effect of heating time and sodium metabisulfite (SMBS) on the nutritional value of full-fat soybeans for chicks. In Trial 1, four pen-replicates of eight chicks each were fed corn-based diets (19% CP; 3,167 kcal of ME/kg) containing either 44% CP soybean meal or full-fat soybeans. The soybeans either were unheated or were autoclaved at 121 degrees C for 10, 20, 30, 40, 60, or 90 min. Soybean oil was added to the soybean meal diet to make it isoenergetic with the soybean diets. Trypsin inhibitor, urease activity, and the solubility of protein in the soybeans decreased as heating time increased. Weight gain increased and feed:gain and pancreas weights decreased quadratically (P less than .01) with heating time. Rate and efficiency of gain were maximized when the soybeans were heated for 40 min; further heating for 60 or 90 min reduced performance. In Trial 2, SMBS was added at levels of 0, 1, or 2% to full-fat, unheated soybeans or to soybeans before autoclaving at 121 degrees C for 10, 20, or 40 min. Four pen-replicates of seven chicks each were fed corn-soybean diets (19% CP; 3,144 kcal of ME/kg) with 12 treatments in a factorial arrangement of heating times and SMBS levels. The rate and efficiency of chick weight gain improved linearly (P less than .01) and pancreas weights decreased linearly (P less than .01) as heating time increased. Less heating time was required to maximize performance and minimize pancreas weights when SMBS was added, resulting in a heating time x SMBS interaction (P less than .05). Under the conditions of this research, chicks fed full-fat soybeans achieved maximum performance when the soybeans were heated at 121 degrees C for 40 min, and SMBS decreased by one-half the heating time required to inactivate the trypsin inhibitors. Trypsin inhibitor activity in soybeans was more closely related to their nutritional value than was urease activity.  相似文献   

Six crossbred steers (344 kg) with "T" cannulas in the rumen and proximal duodenum (6 cm from the pyloric sphincter) were used in a crossover experiment to evaluate the feeding value of wood sugar concentrate (WSC) in a finishing diet for feedlot steers. Composition of WSC was as follows: DM, 49.5%; ash, 19.2%; N, .1%; hydrolyzable sugars, 38.9% and lignosulfonate, 28.8%. Dietary treatments consisted of a finishing diet based on steam-flaked corn supplemented or not supplemented with 10.5% WSC (DM basis). Adding WSC to the diet increased (P less than .10) passage of OM to the small intestine. However, passage of N constituents (non-ammonia N, microbial N and feed N) was not affected (P greater than .10). Postruminal digestion of OM and N was depressed (P less than .05) 11.5% and 6.7%, respectively, with WSC supplementation. Total tract digestibilities of OM and GE were depressed (P less than .01) 4.1 and 4.2%, respectively. Adjusting for constituent passage of the basal diet, estimated digestible OM and DE values for WSC used in this trial were 42.7% and 2.02 Mcal/kg. WSC (DM basis) had 76% and 64%, respectively, of the energy value of hemicellulose extract (masonex) and cane sugar molasses. Because a high level (10% of diet DM) of WSC depressed postruminal N digestion, WSC levels of feedlot diets that are marginal in protein should not exceed 5% of diet DM.  相似文献   

This study determined whether early experiences of sheep with the same feed, but presented in multiple or single flavors, would influence intake, the profile of hormones involved in feed intake regulation, and the subsequent acceptability of novel feeds. Thirty-five 2-mo-old lambs were randomly assigned to 5 treatments (7 lambs/treatment). Lambs in 1 treatment (the diversity treatment) were simultaneously fed an unflavored plain ration of alfalfa (control) and barley (75:25; as-fed basis) and the same ration mixed (0.2%) with 1 of 3 flavors: 1) sweet, 2) umami, or 3) bitter. The other 4 treatments (monotonous diets) received only 1 of the 4 rations. All animals were fed their respective rations from 0800 to 1600 h for 60 d. On d 55, intake was recorded every 30 min for 8 h. On d 58, blood samples from lambs were collected at 1 h prefeeding and at 30, 60, 210, 300, and 540 min postfeeding. Preference tests were conducted by simultaneously offering novel feeds: 1) high-energy feed, 2) high-protein feed, 3) beet pulp mixed with phytochemicals, or 4) low-quality feed. Lambs in the diversity treatment consumed more feed than did lambs in the other treatments (P < 0.001). Lambs in the diversity treatment consumed equivalent amounts of plain and umami feeds, with a greater amount (P < 0.001) of the umami feed being consumed than the bitter and sweet feeds. Lambs in the diversity treatment tended to grow faster than did lambs in the other treatments (P=0.06). On d 55, lambs in the diversity treatment showed decreased (P < 0.05) feed intake compared with lambs in the other treatments during the 2 peaks of food consumption (30 and 270 min from feeding) and showed a trend for the least plasma concentrations of ghrelin (P=0.06). In contrast, lambs in the diversity treatment consumed more feed than did lambs exposed to monotonous flavors at 60, 90, 120, and 180 min from feeding (P < 0.05). Lambs in the diversity treatment also showed the least concentrations of cholecystokinin and glucagon-like peptide 1 (P < 0.001). There were trends for the greatest concentrations of leptin (P=0.14) and IGF-1 (P=0.16) in the diversity treatment, and for the least concentration of leptin in the bitter treatment (P=0.14). Previous experience with flavored feeds affected the preference of lambs for high-energy and low-quality feeds, and for beet pulp mixed with phytochemicals (treatment × feed × day effect; P < 0.05). Thus, exposure to diverse flavors has the potential to increase feed intake and induce a more even consumption of feed across time by reducing peaks and nadirs of intake compared with exposure to monotonous rations. Flavor diversity may also influence the initial acceptability of and preference for novel feeds.  相似文献   

Six crossbred steers (274 kg) with "T" cannulas in the rumen, proximal duodenum (6 cm from the pyloric sphincter) and distal ileum (20 cm from the ileal-cecal valve) were used in a crossover experiment to evaluate the feeding value of coconut alcohol bottoms-bottoms (CABB) in a finishing diet for feedlot steers. Dietary treatments consisted of a steam-rolled barley-based finishing diet supplemented with or without 6% CABB. The CABB was blended first with the steam-rolled barley portion of the diet prior to adding the other dietary ingredients. Ruminal digestion of ADF and N was not affected (P greater than .10) by CABB supplementation. Added CABB decreased total tract digestibility of OM, ADF, lipid and DE by 5.65 (P less than .01), 29.4 (P less than .05), 57.4 (P less than .01) and 5.65%, respectively. Adjusting for constituent passage of the basal diet, estimated total tract digestibility of OM, DE and lipid of the supplemental CABB was 1.1, -.23 and 16.4%, respectively. CABB essentially has no feeding value in finishing diets for cattle.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of a corn-soybean meal (C-SBM) and a sorghum-soybean meal (S-SBM) diet on reproductive performance and nutrient utilization by sows. In Exp. 1, 75 sows (39 gilts; 36 primiparous) were fed either a C-SBM or a S-SBM gestation diet from breeding to d 109. On d 110, sows were assigned to lactation diets; half of the sows from each dietary treatment were assigned to a lactation diet based on the opposite grain. Sow weight change from d 54 to farrowing was greater (P less than .06) for sows fed S-SBM than for sows fed C-SBM. There was no difference (P greater than .50) in weight change of sows during lactation. Feed consumption during lactation was greater (P less than .01) for sows fed C-SBM than for sows fed S-SBM. Litter size at birth and d 21 did not differ between treatments (P greater than .13). Litter weights at birth were similar, but litters of sows fed C-SBM gained more weight (P less than .05) during the 21-d lactation than those fed S-SBM. There were no differences (P greater than .30) in the number of days from weaning to estrus. In Exp. 2, the energy and N metabolism of the two diets was compared in 12 lactating, primiparous sows from d 15 to 20 of lactation. Dry matter digestibility, DE and ME percentages were not affected by grain source (P greater than .46).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

在我国,作为粮、饲兼用作物籽粒苋的利用途径更多方面是在饲用上,由于我国人均耕地少,农民又习惯于从畜禽那里获取有机肥料用于种植业上,所以家庭养殖较普遍,每家总有几头猪,几只鸡或一头牛,这就常出现畜与人争粮食的现象.近年来有些地区由于种植了籽粒苋,从而缓解了农村饲料不足而引起的人畜争粮矛盾.  相似文献   

为了研究不同饲养方式对藏羔羊生长发育的影响,本试验对120只藏羔羊初生至12月龄体重、体尺测量数据进行了分析。结果表明:藏羔羊生长发育速度随月龄、季节的变化而变化。试验组羔羊初生到12月龄生长发育呈持续增长的态势。6月龄前生长发育迅速,6月龄平均体重由初生3.76 kg增长到24.43 kg,各项体尺数据均极显著高于对照组(P<0.01)。对照组藏羔羊9~10月龄开始体重因牧草质量下降、营养供给不足出现负增长,而体高、体长均增长缓慢。因此,在甘南藏羊的生产中应大力推广暖季放牧+冷季(放牧+补饲)饲养方式。  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated the effects of including cassava wastewater in the diet on the feeding behavior of feedlot lambs in 35 male uncastrated Santa Inês × Dorper crossbred lambs at an approximate age of 3 months, with an average live weight of 20.0?±?3.4 kg. Diets were formulated with hay of cassava shoots (roughage) and a concentrate based on corn and soybean, with a roughage:concentrate ratio of 50:50, plus inclusion of cassava wastewater at the levels of 0, 12, 24, 36, or 48 g/kg of the total diet. Feeding behavior was evaluated between the 46th and 52nd days of the experiment. Increasing cassava wastewater levels in the diet reduced (P?<?0.05) the intakes (kg/day) of dry matter and neutral detergent fiber as well as the efficiency of rumination (g/cud and g/h) of dry matter and neutral detergent fiber. The other behavioral parameters were not affected by wastewater inclusion in the diet. Therefore, the inclusion of up to 48 g/kg of cassava wastewater on fresh matter of diets is not recommended for feedlot lambs.  相似文献   

Two finishing trials, one with lambs and one with cattle, were conducted to determine the effect of combinations of dry corn (whole or rolled) with dry rolled wheat on animal performance. The cattle (mixed crossbred yearlings) trial also evaluated methods of getting cattle to full feed by stepping-up using either grain combinations or dry rolled corn and then feeding the appropriate grain combination. In the lamb trial, as the level of dry whole corn increased in the diet of 80 Rambouillet X Suffolk lambs (29 kg), feed intake (linear, P less than .01), gain (linear, P less than .01; quadratic, P less than .15) and feed efficiency (linear, P less than .01; quadratic, P less than .15) were improved. The major improvement occurred in the first 30 d of feeding when feed efficiency was improved (linear, P less than .01; quadratic, P less than .01) by the inclusion of dry whole corn. In the cattle trial (272 mixed crossbred yearling cattle, avg = 358 kg), as the level of dry rolled corn increased, feed intake (linear, P less than .01), gain (linear, P less than .01; quadratic, P less than .01) and feed efficiency (linear, P less than .05; quadratic, P less than .05) were improved. Cattle fed 67 or 33% dry rolled corn with 33 or 67% dry rolled wheat gained 4% faster and 4.4% more efficiently than the average performance of cattle fed 100% corn or wheat. Cattle stepped-up on dry rolled corn and then switched to 100% wheat, tended to gain faster (.1 kg/d) than cattle stepped-up on 100% wheat.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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