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科学制定种业发展规划,促进海淀种业健康发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
丰富的科技资源优势,需要通过市场交易、推广平台使其转为现实生产力。科学规划海淀种业将更好的促进种业科技创新和成果有效推广转化,有利于海淀现代高科技籽种农业的快速发展,提升我区农业的整体效益。更能充分发挥政府的主导作用,市场在科技资源配置中的基础性作用,企业在技术创新中的主体作用,科研机构的骨干和引领作用,大学院校的基础和生力军作用,进一步形成科技创新的整体合力,使我区农业科技创新优秀成果与种子企业的自有资源更好的结合,赢得经济效益和社会效益的双丰收。  相似文献   

师修繁 《分子植物育种》2023,(19):6473-6477
本研究旨在比较传统育种与现代生物育种企业在投资分析与资金筹措方面的差异与共同点。传统育种企业具有长久的历史与丰富的经验,其投资需求主要涉及设备、土地和人力资源等方面。而现代生物育种企业则涉及前沿的生物技术和基因编辑等高科技应用,其投资需求更加专业化和资本密集化。在资金筹措方面,传统育种企业常采用自有资金、银行贷款和合作伙伴投资等方式,而现代生物育种企业则更多地依赖于风险投资和研发合作。通过比较分析,我们可以深入了解两种类型的企业在投资分析和资金筹措方面的差异,为企业的投资决策和资金管理提供参考。同时,也可以为育种研究提供启示,包括平衡技术创新与资金需求、评估投资风险与回报预期以及积极开展多方合作与资源整合。这将有助于推动育种研究的进展,实现农业领域的可持续发展。  相似文献   

借助首届中国农业科技创新创业大赛举办的契机,以福建省农业科技企业调研的资料为基础,分析了农业科技企业引入风险投资的现状,并对影响农业科技企业引入风险投资的原因进行了系统的剖析。结果表明:风险投资在给农业科技企业带来资金的同时,还应该给企业带来高效的管理和优秀的商业模式;农业科技企业要加强与风险投资公司的沟通,更新观念,深刻理解资本运作对企业的作用;农业科技企业要想做大做强必须要加强对市场需求的把握。  相似文献   

张玉清 《种子世界》2001,(11):42-43
1科技创新,引导企业全面发展 国务院在<关于加强技术创新发展高科技实现产业化的决定>中指出:"技术创新,是指企业应用创新的知识、新技术、新工艺,采用新的生产方式和经营管理模式,提高产品质量,开发新的产品,提供新的服务,占据市场并实现市场价值."分析我国种子产业的科技创新体系,可以从以下几方面来概括:制度创新;管理创新;生产技术创新;品牌创新;信息创新等等.  相似文献   

籽种产业凭借具有高附加值、高科技含量以及低污染、低能耗的特点而被看作北京现代农业发展的首选。本文通过问卷调查的方式,对北京籽种企业需求进行了深入分析,提出了促进北京籽种企业发展的建设和保障措施。  相似文献   

2011年4月18日《国务院关于加快推进现代农作物种业发展的意见》发布,意见明确提出支持建立商业化育种体系、推动种子企业兼并重组等指导政策,这一政策的出台触动了中国种子企业的敏感神经,也开启了中国种业新一轮的改革之路.面对即将到来的种业群雄争霸,如何使中国种业适应新的形势需要,中国种子企业的各方力量是否做好了准备,国内种子企业如何立足国内市场,着眼于国际市场,加快技术创新和体制创新,把中国种业做大、做强.基于此,研究分析现阶段中国种子产业的基本特征,对加快推进现代农作物种业发展、促进重组整合显得尤为必要.  相似文献   

王泳争 《分子植物育种》2023,(18):6106-6110
本研究旨在探讨生物育种领域中知识产权保护与技术创新之间的关系,并为保护创新和促进生物育种发展提供指导。本研究介绍了生物育种和知识产权保护在农业领域的重要性和作用,阐明了研究的背景和动机,对知识产权保护的定义、范围和生物育种中的应用进行了概述,强调了知识产权保护对生物育种创新和技术转移的重要性。分析了生物育种技术创新的特点和现状,探讨了技术创新对生物育种产业发展的积极影响,详细论述了知识产权保护与技术创新的关联,包括知识产权保护对技术创新的激励作用、与技术转移的关系以及对技术创新的阻碍因素。进一步论述了知识产权保护对技术创新的挑战,包括知识产权保护面临的侵权行为和跨国保护等问题。最后,提出了应对策略,包括加强知识产权保护措施、完善法律法规和加强国际合作,以保护技术创新和促进生物育种发展,并展望了未来的研究方向,如深入研究知识产权保护与技术创新的机制和影响因素。本研究结果为生物育种领域的知识产权保护与技术创新提供理论和实践支持,促进农业可持续发展。  相似文献   

国家中小企业创新基金在扶持和引导科技型中小企业技术创新、促进科技成果的转化方面发挥着积极的作用。通过国家创新基金工作在新疆兵团的开展,强化了兵团中小企业技术创新意识,优化了中小企业创新创业环境建设,引导各方资金投入企业,推动了兵团科技型中小企业的较快发展。  相似文献   

在社会经济快速发展的背景下,生态环境成为人们日益关注的问题。合理利用自然资源,不仅能促进社会经济的发展,同时也有利于改善人们的生活环境。但是在当前社会发展过程中,一些不平衡的举措对生态环境造成了一定的影响。在现代林业发展过程中,林业技术创新发展不仅能提升资源的利用率,同时也是促进林业可持续发展的重要方式。基于此,结合当前林业技术应用现状,阐述了现代林业技术创新的重要意义,并提出了加强林业技术创新的建议。  相似文献   

<正>为了更好的促进生物农药的发展和应用,我会在举办了三届全国生物农药发展与应用交流会的基础上,进一步整合资源,会同中国植保学会生物防治专业委员会、生物农药与生物防治产业技术创新战略联盟等  相似文献   

This paper explores the interaction between venture capital and innovation in China. We focus on the difference between early, development, and expansion stages of innovation firms when they receive their first installment of venture capital. Using ordinary least squares (OLS), switching regression model and counterfactual comparison, we find that selection effect exists in all three stages, suggesting that established innovation capacity increases the possibility of innovation firms to receive venture capital. Further, the selection effect is most profound in the development stage. The treatment effect, the combined effect of financial role and value‐added service, plays an important role in promoting innovation in all three stages. However, the mechanisms of the effect vary greatly across the early, development, and expansion stages. The financial role of venture capital does not influence innovation in the early stage, but promotes innovation in the development stage, and restrains innovation in the expansion stage. Value‐added service promotes innovation in the early and expansion stages, and whether it influences innovation in the development stage needs further study.  相似文献   

Improves investment decision method NPV method by introducing risk. This paper CAPM and certainty equivalent wealthare applied because of NCF'S volatility of venture capital projects, on the basis of which, debt capital is introduced. the dissertation derives a levered risky project's NPV formula, which broadens applying range and lessens constrain conditions. For risky projects investment decision, the research provides a new theoretical basis.  相似文献   

There exists the information asymmetry between venture capitalists and venture entrepreneurs which can cause the problem of moral hazard. To deal with the problem of moral hazard, it is necessary to choose the proper investment tool and compensation policy. A game model is set up, which helps to study which tool is the best investment tool among debt, common stock, convertible preferred stock and convertible debt, given the venture entrepreneurs can be made work hard. By the analysis of the model, a fact can be found that convertible preferred stock and convertible debt is the best way if the better result is twice larger than the original capital. Otherwise, the form of debt will be better.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Today rapidly growing economies depend more on the creation, acquisition, distribution, and use of knowledge. As such, strategies for enhancing research and innovation capabilities have come to occupy a more important position in many developing nations, including China. Already the leading production center, and often seen as China's economic locomotive, Shanghai is striving aggressively to retain its national preeminence and has launched concerted efforts to increase local innovative output. The primary purpose of this paper is to understand how state‐led efforts have fared in promoting technology innovation. By situating the city in the national and global context, the paper shows that Shanghai has gained a substantial lead in developing an innovation environment with extensive global linkages and leading research institutions. Recent efforts in building up the research and innovation capacity of the enterprise sector have begun to show progress. Although firms are enthusiastic about its future as an innovation center, Shanghai continues to face challenges of inadequate protection of intellectual property, lack of venture capital investment, and the tightening supply of highly qualified knowledge workers.  相似文献   

China has taken a foreign direct investment‐based approach toward increasing its capital and knowledge base, and developing into an innovative economy. However, little quantitative evidence exists about the factors that drive innovations of foreign‐invested enterprises (FIEs) there. This paper uses survey data from high‐technology firms in Shanghai to discuss factors affecting their innovativeness. It takes the concepts of absorptive capacity, export orientation, and innovation‐related cooperation as a starting point. It highlights how the interplay of strategies and resources affects innovativeness and heterogeneity of FIEs. The most innovative FIEs are endowed with a strong human capital base and R&D activities, which at the same time target export markets and whose cooperative partners involve firms other than their parent company. The results underline the necessity to differentiate between the different types of FIEs when examining their innovativeness.  相似文献   

农业高校科技成果产业化模式与发展对策初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
总结了中国农业高校科技成果-高新技术产业化发展过程中初步形成的七种运行模式,并分析各种模式的特点和适用范围;通过研究、评价农业高校科技成果产业化发展中面临的主要问题,提出了高校科技管理、科技组织创新、科技中介市场建设、科技风险投资、国际科技合作等方面的对策措施。  相似文献   

The relationship of investors and venture capitalists is an important part in venture capital. Based on asymmetric information, this paper analyzes the principal agent relationship between investors and venture capitalists with game theory. And this paper mainly discusses the choosing, controlling and incentive problem. It suggests that only the capable and self confident venture capitalists could accept the terms of the limited partnership. It also indicates that recompense mechanism which holds the interest of investors and that of venture capitalists tightly is the center of the limited partnership. Rate of yield is the key of recompense mechanism, it not only reflects the incentive on venture capitalists, also reflects the share of risk between investors and venture capitalists. At last, the market credit play an important role in venture capital.  相似文献   

特色农业产业化过程中对风险投资的利用对策浅析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从特色农业发展的资金制约因素和现阶段风险投资对现代农业的关注等角度切入,本文对特色农业产业化过程中风险资金的作用进行了阐述和分析,对特色农业利用风险资金加快产业进程提出了具体对策和措施,为现代农业的发展寻求新的途径。  相似文献   

周露  王颖 《中国农学通报》2014,30(11):29-33
近期国务院发布关于促进海洋渔业持续健康发展的若干意见中提出,支持符合条件的海洋渔业企业上市融资。这意味着日后我国海洋渔业企业将更进一步的活跃在资本市场上。对上市海洋渔业企业内在价值进行投评估分析,有利于投资者更多的关注上市公司本身的经营行为和业绩表现。论文基于DDM和市盈率模,使用个股进行实证分析研究即通过使用两种不同的模型对獐子岛的内在价值进行估计,比较目前市场上獐子岛股票的交易均价提出投资建议。  相似文献   

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