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The thermal shock behavior of an alumina monolith and two alumina–iron ceramic-matrix composites has been investigated by superimposing the measured K R-curves of the materials onto the theoretically generated curves of the thermally induced stress intensity factor. Predictions of the critical-temperature differentials and retained strengths after quenching are in good agreement with the experimental data. The inclusion of metallic particles into an alumina matrix improves the thermal shock resistance, although the increase in toughness is not solely responsible for this improvement. There is a decrease in thermal stress-intensity factor that is generated for the composites; this decrease is due to a reduction in the Young's modulus and/or Biot modulus. However, the increased toughness for large crack lengths may offer increased damage resistance for severe thermal shock treatments.  相似文献   

Thermal Shock Behavior of Porous Silicon Carbide Ceramics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using the water-quenching technique, the thermal shock behavior of porous silicon carbide (SiC) ceramics was evaluated as a function of quenching temperature, quenching cycles, and specimen thickness. It is shown that the residual strength of the quenched specimens decreases gradually with increases in the quenching temperature and specimen thickness. Moreover, it was found that the fracture strength of the quenched specimens was not affected by the increase of quenching cycles. This suggests a potential advantage of porous SiC ceramics for cyclic thermal-shock applications.  相似文献   

The possibility of developing fine-grained (∼0.5–3 μm) and dense (≥0.98ρth) alumina (90 vol%)–aluminum titanate (10 vol%) composites with improved thermal shock resistance and maintained strength is investigated. One alumina material and one composite with similar microstructures (porosity and grain-size distribution) were fabricated to investigate the effect of Al2TiO5 on thermal shock behavior. The size of the Al2TiO5 particles was kept under 2.2 μm to avoid spontaneous microcracking. The mechanical and thermal properties of the materials involved in their response to thermal shock and the results for the evolution of indentation cracks of equal initial crack length with increasing Δ T in samples quenched in glycerine are described. The combination of thermal and mechanical properties—thermal conductivity, thermal expansion coefficient, Young's modulus, and toughness—improve the thermal shock resistance of the alumina–aluminum titanate composite in terms of critical temperature increment (>30%). The suitable structural properties of alumina—hardness and strength—are maintained.  相似文献   

Dense alumina/5 vol% SiC nanocomposites were prepared by sol–gel processing using nanosized (180 nm) precoated SiC powders and a commercial boehmite sol. The SiC powder was precoated with boehmite by a controlled heterogeneous precipitation from an aluminum nitrate solution. The coated SiC powder was then dispersed in a boehmite sol, gelled, calcined, and densified by gas pressure sintering under argon atmosphere at 7–8 MPa pressure. The dependence of the calcination conditions on densification, the effect of seeding on the microstructural development, as well as the mechanical behavior of the sintered specimens, are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The mechanical behavior of an alumina/NiCu laminate under thermal shock loading was investigated. The maximum thermal shock temperature was 1000°C. The laminate architecture was the cause of a basic change in the cracking mechanisms, manifested in a dramatic increase in the mechanical residual strength over that of monolithic alumina. The laminated system was constructed by alternating alumina layers coated with copper films with nickel interlayers and joining them by a combination of liquid-state (brazing) and solid-state (diffusion) bonding. The material system was tested by water quenching square-shaped laminated specimens initially at temperatures of up to 1000°C. Three-point bending tests revealed the mechanical strength before and after thermal shock, and SEM analysis described the damage mechanisms and the extent of debonding at the alumina/NiCu interfaces.  相似文献   

In this investigation, a multilayered, multimaterial system with strong interface subjected to thermal shock loading was analyzed. The analysis was based on a one-dimensional spatio-temporal finite difference scheme of the temperature field, and the thermal residual stresses and zero misfit stress temperature were considered. Using a failure criterion based on crack initiation, the number of broken layers due to thermal shock and residual mechanical strength at room temperature could be predicted. Furthermore, the room temperature residual strength of the laminate as a function of thermal shock temperature was constructed, demonstrating steplike behavior. Using this model, the mechanical behavior of the alumina/NiCu laminate system subjected to thermal shock loading of up to 1000°C was predicted. The model revealed the superiority of this material system over monolithic ceramics under thermal shock conditions.  相似文献   

Zirconia-toughened alumina (Al2O3–15 vol% Y-PSZ (3 mol% Y2O3)) reinforced with 10 vol% silicon carbide whiskers (ZTA-10SiC w ) ceramic matrix composite has been characterized with respect to its room-temperature mechanical properties, thermal shock resistance, and thermal stability at temperatures above 1073 K. The current ceramic composite has a flexural strength of ∽550 to 610 MPa and a fracture toughness, K IC , of ∽5.6 to 5.9 MPa·m1/2 at room temperature. Increases in surface fracture toughness, ∽30%, of thermally shocked samples were observed because of thermal-stress-induced tetragonal-to-monoclinic phase transformation of tetragonal ZrO2 grains dispersed in the matrix. The residual flexural strength of ZTA–10 SiC w ceramic composite, after single thermal shock quenches from 1373–1573 to 373 K, was ∽10% higher than that of the unshocked material. The composite retained ∽80% of its original flexural strength after 10 thermal shock quenches from 1373–1573 to 373K. Surface degradation was observed after thermal shock and isothermal heat treatments as a result of SiC whisker oxidation and surface blistering and swelling due to the release of CO gas bubbles. The oxidation rate of SiC whiskers in ZTA-10SiC w composite was found to increase with temperature, with calculated rates of ∽8.3×10−8 and ∽3.3×10−7 kg/(m2·s) at 1373 and 1573 K, respectively. It is concluded that this ZTA-10SiC w composite is not suitable for high-temperature applications above 1300 K in oxidizing atmosphere because of severe surface degradation.  相似文献   

Using monolithic alumina ceramics as the reference, the thermal shock behavior of the hot-pressed alumina matrix ceramics with 3 mol% neodymium titanate was investigated. The thermal shock resistance of the materials was evaluated by water quenching and a subsequent three-point bending test to determine the flexural strength degradation. The hot-pressed composite exhibited a temperature differential of the thermal shock resistance 120°C higher than the monolith, mainly because of significantly improved fracture toughness.  相似文献   

Thermal Shock Behavior of Silicon Oxycarbide Foams   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Silicon oxycarbide (SiOC) ceramic foams, obtained from the pyrolysis of a preceramic polymer, were subjected to thermal multiple cycles from 800°–1200°C to room temperature in a water bath. Flexural and compression strengths, as well as elastic modulus, were characterized before and after quenching. Excellent thermal shock and cycling resistance behavior was observed, with only moderate strength and stiffness degradation. The phase assemblage of the foam remained unchanged, and no crack formation in the foams was observed. However, microstructural characterization revealed the development of porosity in the struts and cell walls due to the oxidation of residual carbon in the amorphous SiOC material, thereby contributing to a small decrease in stiffness after quenching.  相似文献   

A water-quenching technique was used to evaluate the thermal-shock strength behavior of silicon nitride (Si3N4) ceramics in an air atmosphere. When the tensile surface was shielded from air during the heating and soaking process, the quenched specimens showed a gradual decrease in strength at temperatures above 600°C. However, the specimens with the air-exposed surface exhibited a ∼16% and ∼29% increase in strength after quenching from 800° and 1000°C, respectively. This is because of the occurrence of surface oxidation, which may cause the healing of surface cracks and the generation of surface compressive stresses. As a result, some preoxidation of Si3N4 components before exposure to a thermal-shock environment is recommended in practical applications.  相似文献   

The response of Al2O3 and Al2O3/SiC nanocomposites to lapping and polishing after initial grinding was investigated in terms of changes in surface quality with time for various grit sizes. The surface quality was quantified by surface roughness ( R a ) and by the relative areas of smooth polished surfaces as opposed to rough as-ground areas. Polishing behavior of the materials was discussed in terms of SiC content and grain size. It was concluded that nanocomposites are more resistant to surface damage than Al2O3, and this behavior does not depend on the amount of SiC in the range 1–5 vol%. SiC addition ≥1 vol% is enough to produce a noticeable improvement in surface quality during lapping and polishing.  相似文献   

氧化铝-堇青石复合陶瓷抗热震性研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
为了提高氧化铝陶瓷的抗热震性,将具有低膨胀系数的堇青石加入到Al2O3中,通过无压烧结工艺,制备出了氧化铝-堇青石复合抗热震陶瓷.结果表明,堇青石加入量为w(堇青石)=10%,烧结温度 1520℃时,陶瓷样品能够承受1500℃温差(空冷)的热震破坏.采用SEM对陶瓷进行组织结构分析,发现在基体内部形成长柱状组织,并呈无规分布状态,这样的显微组织对提高陶瓷的抗热震性具有重要作用.  相似文献   

Thermal Shock Behavior of Isotropic and Anisotropic Porous Silicon Nitride   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The thermal shock behavior of isotropic and anisotropic porous Si3N4 was evaluated using the water-quenching technique. The critical temperature difference for crack initiation was found to be strongly dependent on the ratio of fracture strength to elastic modulus. Because of a very high strain-to-failure, anisotropic porous Si3N4 showed no macroscopic cracks and was able to retain its strength even at a quenching-temperature difference of ∼1400°C.  相似文献   

以氮化硅喷雾造粒粉为原料,通过高温常压烧结及热等静压处理烧坯两种制备方法获得的氮化硅陶瓷材料,进行了陶瓷显微组织结构、热导率与抗热震性能研究.结果表明热等静压处理能够消除烧结体的残余孔隙,有利于提高陶瓷的强度、热导率和抗热震性能.  相似文献   

Disks of commercial alumina were fabricated by slip casting and sintering. Two surface finishes were performed: coarse (denoted as "C") using a 70 grit diamond wheel and fine (denoted as "F") with 120 and 320 grit SiC papers. The machined surfaces were analyzed by SEM, profilometry, and residual stresses measurements. The fracture strength was evaluated in biaxial flexure, and the thermal shock resistance was tested by cooling with a high-velocity air jet. The fracture of the specimens under both conditions was studied analyzing crack patterns and fracture surfaces in relation to the surface machining and type of loading, i.e., mechanical and thermal stresses.  相似文献   

氧化铝和碳化硅填充硅橡胶的导热性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究氧化铝和碳化硅填充硅橡胶的导热性能。结果表明:采用不同粒径碳化硅填充硅橡胶时,随着碳化硅用量的增大,硅橡胶的热导率逐渐增大;在相同填料用量下,粒径小的碳化硅填充硅橡胶热导率高于粒径大的碳化硅填充胶;氧化铝/碳化硅并用填充硅橡胶的导热性能优于单用氧化铝填充胶;当氧化铝/碳化硅质量比为8:2、填充量为600份时,硅橡胶的导热性能最佳。  相似文献   

High-strength porous alumina has been fabricated with a microstructure control using the pulse electric current sintering (PECS) technique. During sintering the discharge, which is assumed to take place in the voids between the particles, is thought to promote the bridging of particles by neck growth in the initial stages of sintering, leaving high porosity. The effect of dopants (MgO, 200 ppm; TiO2, 1000 ppm) and of secondary inclusions (3 vol% 3Y-TZP) on the constrained densification and the improvement in the mechanical behavior of porous alumina ceramics has been reported. The porosity of the fabricated porous alumina was controllable between 30% and 50% depending on the sintering temperature. The flexural strength of alumina having 30% and 42% porosity showed impressive values of 250 and 177 MPa, respectively. The dominance of the preferential neck growth of grains over densification significantly improved the mechanical properties of porous alumina, besides leaving high porosity.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the densification and microstructure development during firing of mullite/zirconia composites made from silica-coated-alumina (SCA) microcomposite powders. Densification occurs in two stages: in the presence of a silica–alumina mixture and after conversion to mullite. The first stage of densification occurs through transient viscous phase sintering (TVS). This is best promoted by rapid heating, which delays the crystallization of silica to higher temperatures. A further sintering stage is observed following mullitization. The introduction of seeds promotes solid-state sintering, most probably due to refinement of the mullite matrix. For seed concentrations up to about 1% the sintering kinetics depend on seed concentration. This suggests that nucleation still remains the rate-controlling mullitization step. Above this concentration the reaction becomes growth controlled. Introduction of seeds also promotes direct mullitization without transient zircon formation that was observed in a previous study of the same process without seeding. Seeding also promotes the development of elongated grains by way of a solid-state recrystallization process.  相似文献   

Thermal Conductivity of Zinc Oxide: From Green to Sintered State   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The thermal conductivity of ZnO with different particle sizes (micrometer, submicrometer, and nanometer) was measured using the laser flash technique. As the "green" samples were heated from room temperature to 600°C (and 1000°C) and then cooled down to room temperature, the thermal conductivity was measured in situ . A model for interparticle neck growth was developed based on mass transfer to the neck region of a powder as a result of known temperature. By combining this model with a three-dimensional numerical code, the thermal conductivity of ZnO was calculated. Excellent agreement between the theoretical calculation and experimental data was found.  相似文献   

The combined effect of rapid sintering by spark-plasma-sintering (SPS) technique and mechanical milling of γ-Al2O3 nanopowder via high-energy ball milling (HEBM) on the microstructural development and mechanical properties of nanocrystalline alumina matrix composites toughened by 20 vol% silicon carbide whiskers was investigated. SiCw/γ-Al2O3 nanopowders processed by HEBM can be successfully consolidated to full density by SPS at a temperature as low as 1125°C and still retain a near-nanocrystalline matrix grain size (∼118 nm). However, to densify the same nanopowder mixture to full density without the benefit of HEBM procedure, the required temperature for sintering was higher than 1200°C, where one encountered excessive grain growth. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) results indicated that HEBM did not lead to the transformation of γ-Al2O3 to α-Al2O3 of the starting powder but rather induced possible residual stress that enhances the densification at lower temperatures. The SiCw/HEBMγ-Al2O3 nanocomposite with grain size of 118 nm has attractive mechanical properties, i.e., Vickers hardness of 26.1 GPa and fracture toughness of 6.2 MPa·m1/2.  相似文献   

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