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We studied between-age oxygen and hydrogen isotopic variations of two pine species, red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait) and white pine (Pinus strobus L.), with particular attention paid to variations associated with needle maturity. The 2D model by Shu et al. (this volume) was applied to simulate oxygen isotopic ratios of the pine needles; calculated results were compared with data collected from trees in the Hanover, NH area. The calculations indicate that the mechanism most responsible for age-dependent isotopic variations is the variation in transpiration rate along the needle. Because stomata mature progressively from needle tip to needle base, young needles transpire most of their water near the tip. Mature needles, on the other hand, transpire water more evenly along their lengths. We cannot successfully simulate hydrogen isotopic variations, and it remains to be investigated what mechanism or physical process is not included in the model that affects hydrogen isotopic compositions in leaf water.  相似文献   

基于有限体积方法和结构化网格,建立了海底滑坡引起的波浪传播数值模型。模型控制方程为考虑了海床随时间变化的二维浅水方程。采用中心迎风格式计算控制体界面数值通量,采用线性重构技术、局部海床高程处理技术和全隐式离散底摩阻项,保证了格式的和谐性、守恒性和水深非负性,有效处理了海岸动边界问题。时间积分采用具有强稳定性质的二阶龙格-库塔方法(ssp RK)。针对滑坡体兴波经典算例开展数值模拟,将计算结果与解析解、实验结果及其他模型计算结果进行比较和分析。结果表明,对于所考虑的计算工况,模型能较合理地模拟滑坡兴波的产生、传播和爬高过程。  相似文献   

Evaluating the performance of a physically based model for landslide prediction was conducted in this study. The model was developed based on the basis of the infinite slope instability analysis and TOPMODEL for saturated water level estimation, which enabled to predict the location and time of occurrence of shallow landslides. Field data from 2008 to 2013 in two areas vulnerable to landslide in Taiwan were collected to test the applicability of the model for landslide prediction. Three indexes including the probability of detection (POD), false alarm ratio (FAR), and threat score (TS) were adopted to assess the advantages and disadvantages of the model. The results indicated that the POD for the landslide prediction by using the proposed model was 1.00, the FAR was lower than 0.25, and the overall TS value was higher than 0.75. It is promising to apply the proposed model for landslide early warnings to reduce the loss of life and property.  相似文献   

The behavior of granular materials is known to depend on its loose or dense nature, which in turns depends both on density and confining pressure. Many models developed in the past require the use of different sets of constitutive parameters for the same material under different confining pressures. The purpose of this paper is to extend a basic generalized plasticity model for sands proposed by Pastor, Zienkiewicz and Chan by modifying the main ingredients of the model flow—rule, loading–unloading discriminating direction and plastic modulus—to include a dependency on the state parameter. The proposed model is tested against the available experimental data on three different sands, using for each of them a single set of material parameters, finding a reasonably good agreement between experiments and predictions. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent experiments in the fields of crystal growth, crystal-melt element partitioning, and diffusion in magmatic melts make it possible to estimate disequilibrium partitioning for many species between liquid and crystals and to compute quantitative models which take into account partition coefficients, diffusivities and rates of crystal growth. A slight difference in the diffusivities of two isotopes should lead to selective depletion (or enrichment) in the crystals as they grow, resulting in varying isotopic ratios as crystallization proceeds. Reasonable hypotheses permit under general kinetic conditions an estimation of magnitude of possible effects. The resulting isotopic fractionation for major elements (like oxygen) may exceed the per ml level; for trace elements the effects may be more significant (5–10 per ml), especially in the case of low partition coefficients, but analytical difficulties are formidable at present.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of the environmental isotopes of about 100 water samples, the waters in the front plain of the Tainshan Mountain are divided into eight subprovinces on a horizontal plane and four zones in a vertical plane. The characteristics of the recharge, runoff, and water storage of different waters are discussed, and the runoffs in several sections are also calculated. Last, the tentative space-time regulation plan of the water resources is presented on the basis of the study of the environmental isotopes.  相似文献   

The development of a coupled damage‐plasticity constitutive model for concrete is presented. Emphasis is put on thermodynamic admissibility, rigour and consistency both in the formulation of the model, and in the identification of model parameters based on experimental tests. The key feature of the thermodynamic framework used in this study is that all behaviour of the model can be derived from two specified energy potentials, following procedures established beforehand. Based on this framework, a constitutive model featuring full coupling between damage and plasticity in both tension and compression is developed. Tensile and compressive responses of the material are captured using two separate damage criteria, and a yield criterion with a multiple hardening rule. A crucial part of this study is the identification of model parameters, with these all being shown to be identifiable and computable based on standard tests on concrete. Behaviour of the model is assessed against experimental data on concrete. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了建筑环境的保护,软土地区基坑围护中的坑内降水与坑外水位保持常是一对矛盾的课题.而坑内外的水位差,极易形成止水结构两侧的渗流运动.对饱和各向异性、水平延伸、厚度大致相等、且存在一、二类边界时的承压含水层中的承压水二维非稳定流渗流问题,本文推导出了二维、各向异性渗流等参有限元方程,用以进行基坑围护止水结构附近渗流场分析,并给出了算例.  相似文献   

A case study of slope stability mapping is presented for the A Luoi district situated in the mountainous western part of Thua Thien-Hue Province in Central Vietnam, where slope failures occur frequently and seriously affect local living conditions. The methodology is based on the infinite slope stability model, which calculates a safety factor as the ratio between shear strength and shear stress. The triggering mechanism for slope instability considered in the analysis is the maximum daily precipitation recorded in a 28-year period (1976–2003) taking into account runoff and infiltration predicted with a hydrological model. All necessary physical parameters are derived from topography, soil texture, and land use, in GIS-raster grid format with pixel size of 30 by 30 m. Results of the analysis are compared with a slope failure inventory map of 2001, showing that more than 86.9 % of the existing slope failures are well predicted by the physically based slope stability model. It can be concluded that the larger part of the study area is prone to landsliding. The resulting slope stability map is useful for further research and land-use planning, but for precise prediction of future slope failures, more effort is needed with respect to spatial variation of causative factors and analysis techniques.  相似文献   

 Polygonal serpentine (PS) from selected serpentinite were studied using transmission electron microscopy. Fiber axis selected-area electron diffraction (SAED) patterns and electron micrographs reveal orthogonal and monoclinic lizardite polytypes. The PS models by Chisholm (1992) and Baronnet et al. (1994) do not fit SAED measurements. Experimental results are matched with calculated diffraction geometry and intensities, as well as with simulated images, indicating inversion of the tetrahedral layer at sector boundaries. The structural relationships between chrysotile and PS are discussed. Two types of 30-sectored PS are distinguished. In “regular PS” the fiber axis is [100], in “helical PS” the fiber axis points into a [0] direction with large u value (u≫ν). Helical PS can be regarded as a lizardite analogue of helical chrysotile. Received December 6, 1995/Revised, accepted May 8, 1996  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to extend the generalized plasticity state parameter‐based model presented in part 1 to reproduce the hydro‐mechanical behavior of unsaturated soils. The proposed model is based on two pairs of stress–strain variables and a suitable hardening law taking into account the bonding—debonding effect of suction and degree of saturation. A generalized state parameter for unsaturated state is proposed to reproduce soil behavior using a single set of material parameters. Generalized plasticity gives a suitable framework to reproduce not only monotonic stress path but also cyclic behavior. The hydraulic hysteresis during a drying—wetting cycle and the void ratio effect on the hydraulic behavior is introduced. Comparison between model simulations and a series of experimental data available, both cohesive and granular, are given to illustrate the accuracy of the enhanced generalized plasticity equation. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

葛苗苗  李宁  郑建国  张继文  朱才辉 《岩土力学》2015,36(11):3164-3170
运用高压固结仪对压实黄土进行了长期蠕变试验,试验结果发现,压实黄土有很明显的蠕变变形,蠕变变形占总变形的6%~23%。试样含水率越高,压实度越小,蠕变占总变形的比例也越大,随着应力水平的提高,蠕变占总变形的比例减小。提出了适合描述压实黄土变形规律的非线性经验蠕变模型,结合分层总和法,对此模型进行了验证,并运用此模型,研究了不同含水率、不同压实度下黄土高填方工后沉降的变化规律,发现工后沉降与填料压实度和含水率之间符合对数关系。若以工后沉降速率v < 0.1 mm/d为工后沉降稳定标准,则高填方沉降在工后200~650 d稳定,且压实度越高,含水率越低,沉降稳定需要的时间越长。  相似文献   

Isotopic ratios of Nd and Sr have been measured in a suite of samples spanning most of the exposed stratigraphy of the Skaergaard intrusion in order to detect and quantify input (such as assimilated wallrock and fresh magma) into the magma chamber during crystallization. Unlike 18O and D, Nd and Sr isotope ratios do not appear to have been significantly affected by circulation of meteoric waters in the upper part of the intrusion. Variations in initial 87Sr/86Sr and Nd suggest that the Skaergaard magma chamber was affected during its crystallization by a small amount (2%–4%) of assimilation of Precambrian gneiss wallrock (high 87Sr/86Sr, low Nd) and possibly recharge of uncontaminated magma. Decreases in Nd and increases in 87Sr/86Sr during the early stages (0%–30%) of crystallization give way to approximately unchanging isotopic ratios through crystallization of the latest-deposited cumulates. Modelling of assimilation-fractional crystallization-recharge processes using these data as constraints shows that the assimilation rate must have been decreasing throughout crystallization. In addition, the isotope data allow replenishment by an amount of uncontaminated magma equal to 20%–30% of the total intrusion mass, occurring either continuously or in pulses over the first 75% of crystallization. Comparison of the recharge models with published Mg/(Mg+Fe2+) data from Skaergaard cumulates shows that the modelled replenishment rates are not inconsistent with available major element data, although significant recharge during the final 25% of crystallization can be ruled out. The isotope data show that the Skaergaard magma could have incorporated only a small amount of the gneiss that it displaced from the floor of the chamber; assimilation appears to have taken place primarily across a partially molten zone that formed at the roof from the wallrock that was dislodged during emplacement. In the latest stages of crystallization (>75% crystallized), the Skaergaard magma may have become stratified into two separately-convecting layers, effectively insulating Layered Series cumulates from further contamination.  相似文献   

Quartz-carbonate gold deposits were emplaced in shear zones at or above the brittle-ductile transition. Some of the largest deposits are known to have formed along major, long-lived, transcurrent shears. Shears of this type widened downwards in the ductile regime, as a result of decreasing rock viscosity with depth; some were as wide as 40 km at depths of granulite facies metamorphism. Ductile shears are permeable and, since the permeability is along microfractures, fluid flow was pervasive, providing the opportunity for extensive chemical reaction. Reaction rates were enhanced by shear heating and by deformation-induced stress gradients in minerals, and reductions in grain size. Fluid flow tended to be upwards, because of pressure drop into the brittle portion of the shear. Given the wedge-shaped profile of ductile shears, fluids that had passed through a large volume of lower crust would have been focused at the brittle-ductile transition. Thus, if processes existed to selectively remove elements during fluid movement through the lower crust, these elements would also have been focused at this transition.One of the most constant features of quartz-carbonate lodes is carbonate alteration, which may extend kilometers out from major deposits. The 13C signature of this is consistent with a mantle source for the CO2. Upward-moving CO2 vapour of probable mantle origin has been implicated in the dehydration of amphibolite facies rocks to granulites and the concomitant depletion of large ion lithophile elements (LILE). The best documented cases of modification of the lower crust by CO2 are from major shear zones. CO2 streaming at depth could only have occurred under conditions more oxidizing than that required for graphite stability. These conditions favour solubility of gold by (a) oxidizing Au0 to Au+; (b) by dissolving sulphide from the rocks to complex with Au+. Recent work has shown that some major Archean gold deposits were derived from relatively oxidized fluids.A conceptual model is outlined for the genesis of at least some quartz-carbonate gold deposits. CO2 permeating deep ductile shear zones dehydrated amphibolite facies rocks. A relatively oxidized CO2-H2O fluid was produced, which dissolved sulphide and gold from large volumes of lower crust. Gold was carried upwards in the narrowing shear, to be focused and precipitated at or above the brittle-ductile transition.  相似文献   

New zircon reference materials for in situ zircon radiogenic Hf isotope and stable Zr isotopic determinations made by laser ablation multi-collector inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-MC-ICP-MS) are required due to high data productivity and consequently high reference material consumption rate. This study examines a new natural zircon for Zr isotope ratios by double spike thermal ionisation mass spectrometry (TIMS), and for Hf isotopes by bulk solution nebuliser (SN)-MC-ICP-MS with both Zr and Hf determined by LA-MC-ICP-MS. A total of five zirconium isotope measurements from drilled zircons, determined by TIMS, yield a mean δ94/90ZrIPGP-Zr value of -0.09 ± 0.06‰ (2s). Five and eight hafnium isotope measurements for powders from the drilled zircons and Ban-1-4 by SN-MC-ICP-MS, yield mean 176Hf/177Hf ratios of 0.282985 ± 0.000011 (2s) and 0.282982 ± 0.000007 (2s), respectively. The mean δ94/90ZrIPGP-Zr value and 176Hf/177Hf ratio determined by LA-MC-ICP-MS analyses are -0.06 ± 0.09‰ (2s, n = 504) and 0.282985 ± 0.000035 (2s, n = 327), respectively. The isotopic homogeneities suggest that the Ban-1 zircon is a suitable reference material for microbeam Zr and Hf isotopic measurements.  相似文献   

Constraining the pressure of crystallization of magmas is an important but elusive task. In this work, we present a method to derive crystallization pressures for rocks that preserve glass compositions (either glass inclusions or matrix glass) representative of equilibration between melt, quartz, and 1 or 2 feldspars. The method relies on the well-known shift of the quartz–feldspar saturation surface toward higher normative quartz melt compositions with decreasing pressure. The critical realization for development of the method is the fact that melt, quartz and feldspars need to be in equilibrium at the liquidus for the melt composition. The method thus consists of calculating the saturation surfaces for quartz and feldspars using rhyolite-MELTS over a range of pressures, and searching for the pressure at which the expected assemblage (quartz+1 feldspar or quartz+2 feldspars) is found at the liquidus. We evaluate errors resulting from uncertainties in glass composition using a series of Monte Carlo simulations for a quartz-hosted glass inclusion composition from the Bishop Tuff, which reveal errors on the order of 20–45 MPa for the quartz+2 feldspars constraint and on the order of 25–100 MPa for the quartz+1 feldspar constraint; we suggest actual errors are closer to the lower bounds of these ranges. We investigate the effect of fluid saturation in two ways: (1) By applying our procedure over a range of water contents for three glass compositions; we show that the effect of fluid saturation is more important at higher pressures (~300 MPa) than at lower pressures (~100 MPa), but reasonable pressure estimates can be derived irrespective of fluid saturation for geologically relevant H2O concentrations >3 wt% and (2) by performing the same type of pressure determinations with a preliminary version of rhyolite-MELTS that includes a H2O–CO2 mixed fluid phase; we use a range of H2O and CO2 concentrations for two compositions characteristic of early-erupted and late-erupted Bishop Tuff glass inclusions and demonstrate that calculated pressures are largely independent of CO2 concentration (for CO2 <1,000 ppm), at least for relatively high H2O contents, as expected in most natural magmas, such that CO2 concentration can be effectively neglected for application of our method. Finally, we demonstrate that pressures calculated using the rhyolite-MELTS geobarometer compare well with those resulting from H2O–CO2 glass inclusion barometry and Al-in-hornblende barometry for an array of natural systems for which data have been compiled from the literature; the agreement is best for quartz-hosted glass inclusions, while matrix glass yields systematically lower rhyolite-MELTS pressures, suggestive of melt evolution during eruptive decompression.  相似文献   

Wang  Zhechao  Liu  Jie  Qiao  Liping  Yang  Jinjin  Guo  Jiafan  Li  Kanglin 《Hydrogeology Journal》2022,30(3):865-879
Hydrogeology Journal - There are multiple flow paths with different flow directions in fracture intersections. A general flow model synthetically describing the nonlinear flow behavior of multiple...  相似文献   

A new three-scale model to describe the coupling between electro-chemistry and hydrodynamics in non-swelling kaolinite clays in steady-state conditions is proposed. The medium is characterized by three separate nano-micro and macroscopic length scales. At the pore (micro)-scale the portrait of the clay consists of micro-pores saturated by an aqueous solution containing four monovalent ions (Na+, H+, Cl, OH) and charged solid particles surrounded by thin electrical double layers. The movement of the ions is governed by the Nernst–Planck equations and the influence of the double layers upon the hydrodynamics is modeled by a slip boundary condition in the tangential velocity governed by the Stokes problem. To capture the correct form of the interface condition we invoke the nanoscopic modeling of the thin electrical double layer based on Poisson–Boltzmann problem with varying surface charge density ruled by the protonation/deprotonation reactions which occur at the surface of the particles. The two-scale nano/micro model is homogenized to the macroscale leading to a precise derivation of effective governing equations. The macroscopic model is discretized by the finite volume method and applied to numerically simulate desalination of a clay sample induced by an external electrical field generated by the placement of electrodes. Numerical results indicate strong pH-dependence of the electrokinetics.  相似文献   


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