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The mineralogical and chemical characteristics of the fine-grained matrix (< or = 3 micrometers) of the unique primitive carbonaceous chondrite Acfer 094 have been investigated in detail by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and analytical transmission electron microscopy (ATEM). Generally, the fine-grained matrix represents a highly unequilibrated assemblage of an amorphous material, small forsteritic olivines (200-300 nm), low Ca-pyroxenes (300-400 nm), and Fe,Ni-sulfides (100-300 nm). The matrix is basically unaffected by secondary processes. Only minor amounts of serpentine and ferrihydrite, as products of hydrous alteration, are present. Texturally, the amorphous material acts as a groundmass to olivines, pyroxenes, and sulfides, mostly exhibiting rounded or elongated morphologies. Only very few clastic mineral grains have been found. The texture and chemical composition of the amorphous material are consistent with an origin by disequilibrium condensation in either the cooling solar nebula or a circumstellar environment. As such, the amorphous material may be considered as a possible precursor of matrix materials in other types of chondrites. The non-clastic matrix olivines (Fo98-99) and pyroxenes (En97-100) are suggested to have formed either by condensation in the solar nebula under highly oxidizing conditions or by recrystallization from the amorphous material. The formation of these grains by fragmentation of chondrule components is unlikely due to chemical and microstructural reasons. Rapid cooling caused the observed intergrowths of clino/orthoenstatite in the Mg-rich matrix pyroxenes. Although some similarities exist comparing the fine-grained matrix of Acfer 094 with the matrices of the unequilibrated CO3 chondrite ALHA77307 and the unique type 3 chondrite Kakangari, Acfer 094 remains unique. Since it contains the highest measured concentrations of circumstellar SiC and the second highest of diamond (highest is Orgueil), it seems reasonable to suggested that at least parts of the amorphous material in the fine-grained matrix may be of circumstellar origin.  相似文献   

We have detected 138 presolar silicate, 20 presolar oxide and three presolar complex grains within the carbonaceous chondrite Acfer 094 by NanoSIMS oxygen isotope mapping. These grains were further investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Auger electron spectroscopy for morphological and chemical details and their distribution within the meteorite matrix. The three complex grains consist of Al-rich oxides (grossite and hibonite) attached to non-stoichiometric Si-rich silicates. Refractory Al-rich oxides therefore serve as seed nuclei for silicates to condense onto, which is proposed by condensation theory and astronomical observations. However, in the majority of presolar silicates we did not find any indications for large subgrains. Most of the grains (80%) belong to O isotope Group I (17O-enriched) and come from 1 to 2.5 M asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars of close-to-solar or slightly lower-than-solar metallicity. About 60% of these grains are irregular in shape; 40% display elliptical morphologies together with smooth, platy surfaces. Three grains with large 17O enrichments (17O/16O > 3 × 10−3) have highly irregular shapes and are very small (<250 nm); these grains may have formed in binary star systems or around higher mass () AGB stars. About 10% of the presolar silicates in this study can be assigned to the O isotope Group IV, which most likely originate from type II supernovae (SNeII). These grains are also generally smaller than 300 nm and are often irregular in shape (88%), consistent with the SNII origin scenario. The presolar grains are generally evenly distributed within the matrix on an mm scale, although in one case a statistically significant clustering of five grains in one 10 × 10 μm2 sized field is observed. This could be an important hint that the distribution of presolar material in the parental molecular cloud was heterogeneous on a very fine scale. The matrix-normalized abundance of silicate stardust in Acfer 094 is 163 ± 14 ppm, which is among the highest abundance of O-rich stardust in primitive meteorites. Oxide stardust comprises 26 ± 6 ppm of the matrix. Auger Nanoprobe measurements of 69 presolar silicates and oxides (30 on a quantitative, 39 on a qualitative basis) indicate that most of the grains are Fe-rich (Mg/(Mg + Fe) of 0.82 and lower), which is either due to non-equilibrium condensation, secondary alteration, or both. (Mg + Fe)/Si ratios of the silicates are mostly non-stoichiometric and scatter around pyroxene-like rather than olivine-like compositions, which is consistent with recent Auger and transmission electron microscopy observations and astrophysical predictions. Mg-rich grains (Mg/(Mg + Fe) > 0.5) more likely exhibit elliptical, smooth surfaces (14 out of 18 grains), which is an indication that these grains have not been strongly altered since their circumstellar condensation. We identified only one grain similar to the “glass with embedded metal and sulfides” (GEMS) with a statistically significant sulfur content (>2–3 at.%). It remains unclear why the typical high-sulfur GEMS grains are only found in interplanetary dust particles, but have not yet been unequivocally identified in primitive meteorites.  相似文献   

With one exception, the low-FeO relict olivine grains within high-FeO porphyritic chondrules in the type 3.0 Acfer 094 carbonaceous chondrite have Δ17O (= δ17O − 0.52 × δ18O) values that are substantially more negative than those of the high-FeO olivine host materials. These results are similar to observations made earlier on chondrules in CO3.0 chondrites and are consistent with two independent models: (1) Nebular solids evolved from low-FeO, low-Δ17O compositions towards high-FeO, more positive Δ17O compositions; and (2) the range of compositions resulted from the mixing of two independently formed components. The two models predict different trajectories on a Δ17O vs. log Fe/Mg (olivine) diagram, but our sample set has too few values at intermediate Fe/Mg ratios to yield a definitive answer.Published data showing that Acfer 094 has higher volatile contents than CO chondrites suggest a closer link to CM chondrites. This is consistent with the high modal matrix abundance in Acfer 094 (49 vol.%). Acfer 094 may be an unaltered CM chondrite or an exceptionally matrix-rich CO chondrite. Chondrules in Acfer 094 and in CO and CM carbonaceous chondrites appear to sample the same population. Textural differences between Acfer 094 and CM chondrites are largely attributable to the high degree of hydrothermal alteration that the CM chondrites experienced in an asteroidal setting.  相似文献   

Based on their mineralogy and petrography, ∼200 refractory inclusions studied in the unique carbonaceous chondrite, Acfer 094, can be divided into corundum-rich (0.5%), hibonite-rich (1.1%), grossite-rich (8.5%), compact and fluffy Type A (spinel-melilite-rich, 50.3%), pyroxene-anorthite-rich (7.4%), and Type C (pyroxene-anorthite-rich with igneous textures, 1.6%) Ca,Al-rich inclusions (CAIs), pyroxene-hibonite spherules (0.5%), and amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs, 30.2%). Melilite in some CAIs is replaced by spinel and Al-diopside and/or by anorthite, whereas spinel-pyroxene assemblages in CAIs and AOAs appear to be replaced by anorthite. Forsterite grains in several AOAs are replaced by low-Ca pyroxene. None of the CAIs or AOAs show evidence for Fe-alkali metasomatic or aqueous alteration. The mineralogy, textures, and bulk chemistry of most Acfer 094 refractory inclusions are consistent with their origin by gas-solid condensation and may reflect continuous interaction with SiO and Mg of the cooling nebula gas. It appears that only a few CAIs experienced subsequent melting. The Al-rich chondrules (ARCs; >10 wt% bulk Al2O3) consist of forsteritic olivine and low-Ca pyroxene phenocrysts, pigeonite, augite, anorthitic plagioclase, ± spinel, FeNi-metal, and crystalline mesostasis composed of plagioclase, augite and a silica phase. Most ARCs are spherical and mineralogically uniform, but some are irregular in shape and heterogeneous in mineralogy, with distinct ferromagnesian and aluminous domains. The ferromagnesian domains tend to form chondrule mantles, and are dominated by low-Ca pyroxene and forsteritic olivine, anorthitic mesostasis, and Fe,Ni-metal nodules. The aluminous domains are dominated by anorthite, high-Ca pyroxene and spinel, occasionally with inclusions of perovskite; have no or little FeNi-metal; and tend to form cores of the heterogeneous chondrules. The cores are enriched in bulk Ca and Al, and apparently formed from melting of CAI-like precursor material that did not mix completely with adjacent ferromagnesian melt. The inferred presence of CAI-like material among precursors for Al-rich chondrules is in apparent conflict with lack of evidence for melting of CAIs that occur outside chondrules, suggesting that these CAIs were largely absent from chondrule-forming region(s) at the time of chondrule formation. This may imply that there are several populations of CAIs in Acfer 094 and that mixing of “normal” CAIs that occur outside chondrules and chondrules that accreted into the Acfer 094 parent asteroid took place after chondrule formation. Alternatively, there may have been an overlap in the CAI- and chondrule-forming regions, where the least refractory CAIs were mixed with Fe-Mg chondrule precursors. This hypothesis is difficult to reconcile with the lack of evidence of melting of AOAs which represent aggregates of the least refractory CAIs and forsterite grains.  相似文献   

High resolution transmission electron microscopy of the Mighei carbonaceous chondrite matrix has revealed the presence of a new mixed layer structure material. This mixed-layer material consists of an ordered arrangement of serpentine-type (S) and brucite-type (B) layers in the sequence … SBBSBB. … Electron diffraction and imaging techniques show that the basal periodicity is ~ 17 Å. Discrete crystals of SBB-type material are typically curved, of small size (<1 μm) and show structural variations similar to the serpentine group minerals. Mixed-layer material also occurs in association with planar serpentine. Characteristics of SBB-type material are not consistent with known terrestrial mixed-layer clay minerals. Evidence for formation by a condensation event or by subsequent alteration of preexisting material is not yet apparent.  相似文献   

Isotopic data for C, H and N in acid-resistant residues from carbonaceous chondrites show substantial variability during stepwise pyrolysis and/or combustion. After subtraction of contributions due apparently to inorganic C grains, of probably circumstellar origin, considerable isotopic variability remains, attributable to the kerogen-like organic fraction. That variability may be interpreted in terms of three or four distinct components, based on C, H and N isotopes. The relative proportions of those components vary significantly from sample to sample. The different isotopic components are tentatively identified in terms of specific chemical/structural moieties within the kerogen-like material. This combination of chemical, structural and isotopic information suggests a complex history for meteoritic organic matter. At least three components within the organic population as a whole still carry a signature of apparently interstellar Denrichment. Part, at least, of the interstellar carrier consisted of reactive entities, not solely polymers.  相似文献   

We report bulk chemical compositions and physical properties for a suite of 94 objects, mostly chondrules, separated from the Mokoia CV3ox carbonaceous chondrite. We also describe mineralogical and petrologic information for a selected subset of the same suite of chondrules. The data are used to examine the range of chondrule bulk compositions, and to investigate the relationships between chondrule mineralogy, texture and bulk compositions, as well as oxygen isotopic properties that we reported previously. Most of the chondrules show minimal metamorphism, corresponding to petrologic subtype <3.2. In general, elemental fractionations observed in chondrule bulk compositions are reflected in the compositions of constituent minerals. For chondrules, mean bulk compositions and compositional ranges are very similar for large (>2 mg) and small (<2 mg) size fractions. Two of the objects studied are described as matrix-rich clasts. These have similar bulk compositions to the chondrule mean, and are potential chondrule precursors. One of these clasts has a similar bulk oxygen isotopic composition to Mokoia chondrules, but the other has an anomalously high value of Δ17O (+3.60‰).Chondrules are diverse in bulk chemical composition, with factor of 10 variations in most major element abundances that cannot be attributed to secondary processes. The chondrules examined show evidence for extensive secondary oxidation, and possible sulfidization, as expected for an oxidized CV chondrite, but minimal aqueous alteration. Some of the bulk chondrule compositional variation might be the result of chemical (e.g. volatilization or condensation) or physical (e.g. metal loss) processes during chondrule formation. However, we suggest that it is mainly the result of significant variations in the assembly of particles that constituted chondrule precursors. Precursor material likely included a refractory component, possibly inherited from disaggregated CAIs, an FeO-poor ferromagnesian component such as olivine or pyroxene, an oxidized ferromagnesian component, and a metal component. Bulk oxygen isotope ratios of chondrules can be explained if refractory and ferromagnesian precursor materials initially shared similar oxygen isotopic compositions of δ17O, δ18O around −50‰, and then significant exchange occurred between the chondrule and surrounding 16O-poor gas during melting.  相似文献   

We report in situ measurements of O-isotopic compositions of magnetite, olivine and pyroxene in chondrules of the Ningqiang anomalous carbonaceous chondrite. The petrographic setting of Ningqiang magnetite is similar to those in oxidized-CV chondrites such as Allende, where magnetite is found together with Ni-rich metal and sulfide in opaque assemblages in chondrules. Both magnetite and silicate oxygen data fall close to the carbonaceous-chondrite-anhydrous-mineral line with relatively large ranges in δ18O in magnetite (−4.9 to +4.2‰) and in silicates (−15.2 to −4.5‰). Magnetite and silicates are not in O-isotopic equilibrium: the weighted average Δ17O (=δ17O − 0.52 × δ18O) values of magnetite are 1.7 to 3.6‰ higher than those of the silicates in the same chondrules. The petrological characteristics and O-isotopic disequilibrium between magnetite and silicates suggest the formation of Ningqiang magnetite by the oxidation of preexisting metal grains by an aqueous fluid during parent body alteration. The weighted average Δ17O of −3.3 ± 0.3‰ is the lowest magnetite value measured in unequilibrated chondrites and there is a positive correlation between Δ17O values of magnetite and silicates in each chondrule. These observations indicate that, during aqueous alteration in the Ningqiang parent asteroid, the water/rock ratio was relatively low and O-isotopic exchange between the fluid and chondrule silicates occurred on the scale of individual chondrules.  相似文献   

We report a coordinated analytical study of matrix material in the Tagish Lake carbonaceous chondrite in which the same small (?20 μm) fragments were measured by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS), and X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES). SIMS analysis reveals H and N isotopic anomalies (hotspots), ranging from hundreds to thousands of nanometers in size, which are present throughout the fragments. Although the differences in spatial resolution of the SIMS techniques we have used introduce some uncertainty into the exact location of the hotspots, in general, the H and N isotopic anomalies are spatially correlated with C enrichments, suggesting an organic carrier. TEM analysis, enabled by site-specific extraction using a focused-ion-beam scanning-electron microscope, shows that the hotspots contain an amorphous component, Fe-Ni sulfides, serpentine, and mixed-cation carbonates. TEM imaging reveals that the amorphous component occurs in solid and porous forms, EDS indicates that it contains abundant C, and EELS and XANES at the C K edge reveal that it is largely aromatic. This amorphous component is probably macromolecular C, likely the carrier of the isotopic anomalies, and similar to the material extracted from bulk samples as insoluble organic matter. However, given the large sizes of some of the hotspots, the disparity in spatial resolution among the various techniques employed in our study, and the phases with which they are associated, we cannot entirely rule out that some of the isotopic anomalies are carried by inorganic material, e.g., sheet silicates. The isotopic composition of the organic matter points to an initially primitive origin, quite possibly within cold interstellar clouds or the outer reaches of the solar protoplanetary disk. The association of organic material with secondary phases, e.g., serpentine and carbonates, suggests that the organic matter was susceptible to parent-body processing, and thus, isotopic dilution.  相似文献   

We have conducted systematic investigations of formation age, chemical compositions, and mineralogical characteristics of ferromagnesian chondrules in Yamato-81020 (CO3.05), one of the most primitive carbonaceous chondrites, to get better understanding of the origin of chemical groups of chondrites. The 26Al-26Mg isotopic system were measured in fourteen FeO-poor (Type I), six FeO-rich (Type II) and two aluminum-rich (Al-rich) chondrules using a secondary ion mass spectrometer. Excesses of 26Mg in plagioclase (1.0-13.5‰) are resolved with sufficient precision (mostly 0.4-6.6‰ at 2σ level) in all the chondrules studied except one. Chemical zoning of Mg and Na in plagioclase were investigated in detail in order to evaluate the applicability of 26Al-26Mg chronometer. We conclude that the Al-Mg isotope system of the chondrules in Y-81020 have not been disturbed by parent-body metamorphism and can be used as chronometer assuming homogeneous distribution of 26Al. Assuming an initial 26Al/27Al ratio of 5 × 10−5 in the early solar system, 26Al-26Mg ages were found to be 1.7-2.5 Ma after CAI formation for Type I, 2.0-3.0 Ma for Type II and 1.9 and 2.6 Ma for Al-rich chondrules.The formation ages of ferromagnesian chondrules in Y-81020 are in good agreement with those of L and LL (type 3.0-3.1) chondrites in the literature, which indicates that common chondrules in the CO chondrite were formed contemporaneously with those in L and LL chondrites. The concurrent formation of chondrules of CO and L/LL chondrites suggests that the chemical differences between CO and L/LL chondrites might be caused by spatial separation of chondrule formation environments in the protoplanetary disk.  相似文献   

Summary The principal mineral component in the matrix of the Cochabamba carbonaceous chondrite is a phyllosilicate, which is identified as cronstedtite mainly on the basis of its chemical composition. Its approximate idealized formula is given by M6 Fe 0.7 3+ Al0.5Si2.7O10 (OH)8 with M=Fe2+, Fe3+, and Mg in somewhat variable amounts. TEM studies reveal the presence of three polytypes, and show a high degree of stacking disorder parallel to (001) with the displacement vector ±b/3 or ±2b . Crumpled amorphous masses in the matrix may contain structural building blocks of phyllosilicates. They, rather than the anhydrous minerals, seem to be the most likely progenitors of cronstedtite. Some constraints on its origin are reviewed. In addition to cronstedtite, observations on some other matrix phases are also reported.
Chemische und kristallographische Untersuchung von Cronstedtit in der Matrix des kohligen Chondrits (CM2) Cochabamba
Zusammenfassung Der Hauptbestandteil der Matrix im kohligen Chondrit Cochabamba ist ein Schichtsilikat, das hauptsächlich aufgrund seiner chemischen Zusammensetzung als Cronstedtit identifiziert wurde. Die idealisierte Formel entspricht ungefähr M6Fe 0.7 +3 Al0.5Si2.7O10(OH)8 mit M=Fe2+, Fe3+ und Mg in wechselnden Mengen. TEM-Untersuchungen zeigen das Vorkommen von drei Modifikationen, sowie einen hohen Grad von Versetzungsfehlern parallel zu (001), mit dem Versetzungsfaktor ±b/3 oder ±2b/3. Deformierte amorphe Aggregate in der Matrix scheinen primitive Bausteine der Schichtsilikate zu sein. Sie (und nicht die wasserfreien Mineralien) dürften das Material darstellen, aus dem Cronstedtit gebildet wurde. Die Bildungsbedingungen von Cronstedtit werden diskutiert. Außerdem wird über Beobachtungen an anderen Matrixmineralien berichtet.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   

Tl and Pb isotopic abundances have been measured in various phases from Allende and the distribution and siting of these elements in the matrix phase investigated. Matrix fractions, prepared by sieving, sedimentation, magnetic separation and acid etching, were further characterised by X-ray diffraction and SEM. Tl concentrations range from 1 ppb in coarse grained inclusions to 1560 ppb in the acid-etched carbon residues and from 32 ppb to 194 ppb in the 16 matrix fractions. Pb concentrations which range from 0.1 ppm to 3.1 ppm, are enhanced in magnetic phases and depleted in Allende pentlandite relative to the whole meteorite. The Tl-204Pb abundance diagram is described near the origin by the inclusions and chondrules and extends through sulphide to the non-magnetic and magnetic matrix fractions. Abundances in the finest grained matrix fractions form a linear trend which passes through the origin and the Orgueil and Murchison whole meteorite data. The deviation of magnetic matrix fractions from the above linear trend is probably related to the presence of an intimate association of an awaruite-sulphide-carbon species. 92% of the Tl in the carbon residues, which is released on hydrolysis with HCl, probably resides in an organic host molecule(s) on the macromolecular carbonaceous material, whereas the surface film of organics on the matrix grains shows no apparent enrichment of Tl.Tl and 204Pb abundances revealed an inverse correlation with grain size and a distribution within the grains rather than as a surface layer, is indicated. Constraints placed by the data on the formational environment of the matrix grains are considered. Interstellar shock heating and rapid radiative cooling is a possible mechanism for the establishment of the observed inverse correlation of volatile abundance with grain size. Matrix data do not lend support for a recent redistribution of lead as an explanation for the apparent excess Pb in Allende. The apparent initial Pb isotopic compositions of the matrix fractions are heterogeneous and not attributable to terrestrial contamination. The very magnetic fractions have high abundances of Pb and the least radiogenic apparent initial Pb compositions, whereas the non-magnetic fractions have lower Pb abundances but more radiogenic apparent initial Pb compositions. The data also indicate that use of the predicted Tl-204Pb cosmothermometer, to infer accretion temperatures, is apparently not valid for individual phases of Allende.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional 18O/16O isotopic analysis of the Vigarano matrix was conducted by secondary ion-imaging using a novel two-dimensional ion-imager. Quantitative oxygen-isotope images (isotopographs) of the Vigarano matrix show that 16O-rich micrograins are scattered within 16O-poor matrix. This heterogeneous O-isotopic distribution indicates that matrix is composed of different O-isotopic components that formed in different locations and/or at different times. However, the O-isotopic composition of groundmass in the matrix is the same as the bulk isotopic composition of the matrix within ±5 uncertainty. The spatial resolution and isotopic precision of our technique should allow submicron-size objects (>0.2 μm) with extreme O-isotopic anomalous characteristics (δ18OSMOW ∼250) to be detectable in isotopographs. Because the mean grain size of the matrix is ∼0.2 μm, the inability to detect such O-isotopic anomalous objects indicates that isotopically anomalous micrograins (e.g., presolar grains) are extremely rare in the Vigarano matrix and that most objects in the matrix were formed in the solar nebula or in the parent body.  相似文献   

We report a study of the oxygen isotope ratios of chondrules and their constituent mineral grains from the Mokoia, oxidized CV3 chondrite. Bulk oxygen isotope ratios of 23 individual chondrules were determined by laser ablation fluorination, and oxygen isotope ratios of individual grains, mostly olivine, were obtained in situ on polished mounts using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). Our results can be compared with data obtained previously for the oxidized CV3 chondrite, Allende. Bulk oxygen isotope ratios of Mokoia chondrules form an array on an oxygen three-isotope plot that is subparallel to, and slightly displaced from, the CCAM (carbonaceous chondrite anhydrous minerals) line. The best-fit line for all CV3 chondrite chondrules has a slope of 0.99, and is displaced significantly (by δ17O ∼ −2.5‰) from the Young and Russell slope-one line for unaltered calcium-aluminum-rich inclusion (CAI) minerals. Oxygen isotope ratios of many bulk CAIs also lie on the CV-chondrule line, which is the most relevant oxygen isotope array for most CV chondrite components. Bulk oxygen isotope ratios of most chondrules in Mokoia have δ18O values around 0‰, and olivine grains in these chondrules have similar oxygen isotope ratios to their bulk values. In general, it appears that chondrule mesostases have higher δ18O values than olivines in the same chondrules. Our bulk chondrule data spread to lower δ18O values than any ferromagnesian chondrules that have been measured previously. Two chondrules with the lowest bulk δ18O values (−7.5‰ and −11.7‰) contain olivine grains that display an extremely wide range of oxygen isotope ratios, down to δ17O, δ18O around -50‰ in one chondrule. In these chondrules, there are no apparent relict grains, and essentially no relationships between olivine compositions, which are homogeneous, and oxygen isotopic compositions of individual grains. Heterogeneity of oxygen isotope ratios within these chondrules may be the result of incorporation of relict grains from objects such as amoeboid olivine aggregates, followed by solid-state chemical diffusion without concomitant oxygen equilibration. Alternatively, oxygen isotope exchange between an 16O-rich precursor and an 16O-poor gas may have taken place during chondrule formation, and these chondrules may represent partially equilibrated systems in which isotopic heterogeneities became frozen into the crystallizing olivine grains. If this is the case, we can infer that the earliest nebular solids from which chondrules formed had δ17O and δ18O values around -50‰, similar to those observed in refractory inclusions.  相似文献   

The attempt of this work is to use the LAMMA, a newly developed modern micro-beam analytical technique, to determine the lead isotopic composition of some grains picked out from the white aggregate in the Allende (C3V) carbonaceous chondrite. The experimental results show that the Pb/Pb model age of the Allende calculated on the basis of the206Pb/207Pb ratio is 4.56 ±0.008 b. y., just in agreement with the values reported in literature. The LAMMA provides a new and powerful tool in the analytical arsenal dealing with trace elements and isotopic compositions, due to its high sensitivity, rapid performence and good space resolution.  相似文献   

Determination by neutron activation of 6 trace elements retained in Allende (C3) samples heated at 400–1000°C for 1 week in a low-pressure (initially ~10?5 atm H2) atmosphere reveals loss of small proportions of Ga and Se and large proportions of Bi, In and Tl-Co being unaffected. The retentivity patterns for the 5 volatile elements differ and in no way duplicate a step-function. In contrast to these trace elements, sulfur is initially present in discrete mineral(s) and visually it appears to be released over a narrow temperature range. Elements are lost more easily from powder than from chips but the difference is ≤35 per cent. Above 600°C, the process of loss appears due to process(es) with apparent activation energies of 2 kcal/mole (Bi, Tl), 4 kcal/mole (Se) and 22 kcal/mole (In). Loss of Bi, Se and Tl below 600°C involves higher apparent activation energies. Two-element correlation diagrams involving Bi, In and Tl are consistent with the idea that trends among highly-volatile elements in enstatite chondrites arise from metamorphism.  相似文献   

Within a CM-like clast in the Plainview (H5) chondrite are two inclusions which have the distinctive morphologies of an Allende-like, coarse-grained CAI and an amoeboid olivine inclusion respectively. The compositions of the mineral components within the inclusions were ascertained in this microprobe study. The major constituents of the altered inclusions are calcite, Mg-Fe-rich phyllosilicates, Fe-Ti oxides, and an unusually Al-rich (21–32 wt% A12O3) phyllosilicate. Assuming the starting compositions for these inclusions suggested by their morphologies, namely, Ca-Al refractory-rich oxides and silicates, the alteration process would have required transport of Na, Cl, H2O, “CO2” and “FeO”. Because significant quantities of iron are required to produce the mineral assemblages now present from the inferred starting materials, and because of the presence of hydrous phases, it seems that liquid water was probably the medium in which the alteration reactions took place. The two possible sources of liquid water in meteorite parent bodies are primordially formed clay minerals and water ice. As yet neither source can be ruled out.  相似文献   

We report evidence of interchondrule matrix heterogeneity on a scale of ∼50 μm in the well-preserved CR2 chondrite LAP 02342. Despite minor effects resulting from asteroidal aqueous alteration, the matrix in this CR chondrite seems to preserve much of the compositional record of nebular fines. We carried out electron-microprobe studies using a 3-μm-diameter beam; we analyzed 10 elements in 36- or 49-point grids on 11 ca. 50 × 50-μm rectangular areas of matrix. Each grid area has a distinct composition, inconsistent with a simple model of matrix material having a uniform composition throughout the nebular formation region of the CR chondrites. On S-Fe, Mg-Si, K-Na and K-Al scatter diagrams, the grid areas (i.e., different matrix patches) are largely separated from each other; plots of means with 95% confidence limits demonstrate that the compositions are resolvable. Five matrix areas were analyzed again in duplicate runs; excellent agreement was observed between duplicate studies. LAP 02342 experienced two forms of mild aqueous alteration - as patchy enrichments in Ca (inferred to reflect CaCO3) and as regions in which sulfide laths are embedded within phyllosilicates. Despite this evidence of aqueous transport, the effect on the composition of matrix is not resolvable. For example, matrix points that were adjacent to points with high CaCO3 contents show elemental concentrations similar to those in regions having only one or two points with a Ca enrichment. It appears that secondary minerals are found in areas where there are suitable precursor phases and voids into which new phases could grow unimpeded. Calcium appears to be unique in forming a phase that greatly lowers the Ca++ content of the aqueous medium, thus enhancing the rate of diffusion. Because chondrules vary widely in bulk composition, the formation of chondrules in small sets (100 or less) could generate “smoke” and mesostasis spray with compositions unique to each set. However, if these nanoparticles were moving independently in the nebula, it would not have been possible to have preserved compositional variations. We therefore infer that the anomalous materials were preserved in small nebular structures, probably as porous chondrules formed by low degrees of melting.  相似文献   

Due to their common occurrence in various types of chondrites, igneous rims formed on pre-existing chondrules throughout chondrule-forming regions of the solar nebula. Although the peak temperatures are thought to reach similar values to those achieved during chondrule formation events, the heating duration in chondrule rim formation has not been well defined. We determined the two-dimensional chemical and oxygen isotopic distributions in an igneous rim of a chondrule within the Northwest Africa 3118 CV3oxA chondrite with sub-micrometer resolution using secondary ion mass spectrometry and scanning electron microscopy. The igneous rim experienced aqueous alteration on the CV parent body. The aqueous alteration resulted in precipitation of the secondary FeO-rich olivine (Fa40–49) and slightly disturbed the Fe-Mg distribution in the MgO-rich olivine phenocrysts (Fa11–22) at about a 1 μm scale. However, no oxygen isotopic disturbances were observed at a scale greater than 100 nm. The MgO-rich olivine, a primary phase of igneous rim formation, has δ17O = −6 ± 3‰ and δ18O = −1 ± 4‰, and some grains contain extreme 16O-rich areas (δ17O, δ18O = ∼−30‰) nearly 10 μm across. We detected oxygen isotopic migration of approximately 1 μm at the boundaries of the extreme 16O-rich areas. Using oxygen self-diffusivity in olivine, the heating time of the igneous rim formation could have continued from several hours to several days at near liquidus temperatures (∼2000 K) in the solar nebula suggesting that the rim formed by a similar flash heating event that formed the chondrules.  相似文献   

Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used to study the microtextural and mineralogical characteristics of fine-grained rims in the unbrecciated CM2 chondrites, Y-791198 and ALHA81002, in an effort to provide constraints on the origins of the rims themselves. Our TEM observations show that the rims in Y-791198 are composed of two distinct types of region, sulfide-poor and sulfide-rich, that are intermixed in a complex manner at the micron to submicron level. The sulfide-poor regions are largely composed of amorphous silicate material or nanocrystalline serpentine, but rare fibrous and coarse-grained serpentine grains have also been identified. No fine-grained cronstedtite or tochilinite were observed, although coarse-grained lumps of tochilinite are present in the rims. In contrast, the sulfide-rich regions are characterized by the presence of a myriad, nanometer-sized Fe, Ni sulfide grains (pentlandite with some Ni-rich pyrrhotite) embedded within an amorphous silicate similar in composition to that of the sulfide-poor regions. The sulfide-rich regions also contain rare phases such as olivine, and Fe, Ni metal grains with grain sizes that are always >100 nm in size. Z-contrast scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) reveals that the fine-grained rims consist of a mosaic of irregularly-shaped sulfide-poor and sulfide-rich-regions with sizes of about 0.2-0.5 μm, that have been compacted together during parent body lithification. Despite aqueous alteration, the distinct mineralogical characteristics of these different regions are preserved on a fine-scale and probably represent primitive heterogeneity in the dust from which these rims formed.Serpentine is much better developed and more widespread in the fine-grained rims of ALHA81002 than Y-791198. Complex mats of serpentine fibers are commonly found and cronstedtite and tochilinite are plentiful. Anhydrous minerals such as olivine are rare and have usually been replaced by serpentine. Like Y-791198, all the fine-grained rims studied in ALHA81002 show the same mineral assemblages and textural characteristics throughout and between rims. The homogeneity of the mineralogy, textural relationships and degree of hydration in the rims of these two chondrites is more consistent with parent-body alteration than with pre-accretionary alteration.  相似文献   

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