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餐盘清洗在日常生活中是必不可少的一项工作。为减轻人工劳力,设计了一种采用喷淋清洗和超声波清洗相结合的碗筷餐盘清洗装置,提高餐盘清洗速度和质量。该装置包括配套使用的收集篮和链条传动的收集架及自动上下料和传送带装置,通过两种传动装置结合加上控制模块便可实现全自动化工作。应用Pro/E软件中的MECHANICA对挂钩杆进行了理论计算与受力分析,验证了装置的合理性。  相似文献   

双排外环吹风装置的设计与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了长丝生产中的双排外环吹风冷却装置的技术特点,风整流筒在冷却吹风箱内的排布、结构和影响,冷却风量的理论计算,以及生产实践情况。  相似文献   

电脑毛巾绣花机作为绣花行业的主要应用机型之一,拥有较大的用户群体,市场上见到的毛毯、毛巾等绝大部分出自毛巾绣这类机器。本文针对电脑毛巾机所增加的清理毛絮功能的控制方面进行讨论。  相似文献   

LQJ定型机余热回收装置可以解决定型机废气排放过程中的余热回收,该回收装置利用螺旋管作换热器,废气走管程,所交换的新鲜风走壳程,而且管程内壁经过特殊防粘处理,便于系统的自动清洗。该装置具有不堵塞、换热效率不下降等功能。经过客户一年使用的情况来看,系统运行状况良好。  相似文献   

徐红霞 《中华纸业》2013,(22):69-69
如图1所示,制浆热能回收利用装置包括与高浓磨浆机废蒸汽出口连接的余热锅炉,余热锅炉包括纤维分离单元、热回收单元和洗涤单元。  相似文献   

蒸汽冷凝水的热量约占蒸汽全热的20%~30%,如果在不影响设备加热效率的前提下,将冷凝水的热量有效利用,能得到很好的节能效益。密闭式冷凝水回收装置能很好做到这一点,不仅有效将冷凝水回收,还解决了回收过程中的水泵汽蚀现象。我厂采用密闭式冷凝水回收装置后的成效(按照对应饱和水的热力参数计算),糖化和包装改造前后参数对照表如(表1)。  相似文献   

研发一种自动清理系统彻底解决长期困扰面粉厂的清粉机风道积粉问题,设计一种匀料板调节机构解决来料中含粉量高时进料堵塞或不均问题,扩大了清粉机的适用范围,提高了清粉机的使用效果.  相似文献   

一种适应长效保洁的小型水葫芦机械清理装置的设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年福建省水葫芦危害严重。在调研省内与国内水葫芦机械治理的类型、成功经验的基础上。推荐设计一种小型水葫芦机械清理装置,主机集切断、打捞、适度脱水、储存(2—3吨)与输送功能。主机装置包含切割机构、输送机构、挤压机构;船体采用框架铁皮结构、平底和安全平衡翼结构。适用于较浅的中小型河道、水库区域的长效保洁。具有设备造价低,打捞成本低。连续作业效率高(密生5—7吨/h,散生4000m^2水域/h)的特点。  相似文献   

棉花加工生产线皮棉异纤在线清理设备的研发与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先介绍了皮棉异纤在线清理设备的总体结构,异纤检测与异纤排除等关键技术的设计方案以及系统工作原理,然后对样机在线试验方法进行了简单介绍,并对试验结果进行了分析,证明该项研发成果技术方案可行、异纤清理效果理想、具有很好的实用和推广价值。  相似文献   

分析了小麦清理工艺中通风的类型.在此基础上,从粉尘控制的需要、风选分离设备的需要以及清理设备工作原理的需要等方面探讨了清理设备、风选设备、去石机以及下粮坑的粉尘控制和通风装置设计.  相似文献   

为解决目前标准中手排法和光电法测试羊绒纤维长度存在的问题,自主研发了一种能够快速测量羊绒、散绒毛长度的新方法--双须光电法。取9种分梳山羊绒,采用GB 18267-2013《山羊绒》测试方法及双须光电法2种方法进行测试对比。结果表明:双须光电法测试的羊绒根数平均长度和短绒率都与手排法的测量结果没有显著性差异;2种方法测试的根数频率分布规律整体一致。双须光电法的试样量远大于手排法,双须光电法多个须丛间的长度变异系数小、测试结果稳定,不受人工技术和人为因素影响。  相似文献   

为研究多层电磁屏蔽织物屏蔽效能情况,通过改变叠层角度、间距、叠层方式、层数,构建正交导电网格结构和单方向金属纱线平行结构的双层及多层电磁屏蔽织物,采用法兰同轴法测试其0.3~1.5 GHz内的屏蔽效能。结果表明,经纬向具有同样金属纱线间距时,织物屏蔽层厚度小于趋肤深度则双层织物的屏蔽效能明显高于单层织物,超过趋肤深度后增加不显著;3层及以上织物的屏蔽效能增加不明显;随层间距离增加,屏蔽效能呈增加趋势。仅纬向含金属纱线的双层织物,随双层织物中纬纱交叉角度的增加,逐渐形成金属纱线正交网格结构,屏蔽效能增大;双层织物中纬纱对齐叠放时,层间距离增加则屏蔽效能增大,纬纱垂直叠放时,层间距离增加则屏蔽效能降低。  相似文献   

Technical success and effectiveness of teat cleaning and the management factors associated with them were evaluated in 9 automatic milking herds. In total, 616 teats cleaned with a cleaning cup and 716 teats cleaned with rotating brushes were included. Technical success and the effectiveness of teat cleaning, including the location and nature of the dirt, were evaluated visually. On average, 79.9% of teat cleanings with a cleaning cup, and 85.0% of those cleaned with brushes succeeded technically; that is, the teat was correctly positioned in the cleaning device throughout the whole cleaning process. The difference between use of teat cups and brushes was significant. However, because technical success of teat cleaning is strongly dependent on herd characteristics, these results should be interpreted with caution. Factors associated with the technical success of teat cleaning with a cleaning cup were herd, days in milk, behavior of the cow, teat color, and teat location. For rotating brushes, behavior of the cow, teat location, udder and teat structure, and days in milk were associated with technical success. Excessive udder hair and technical failure of the automatic milking machine also caused a few technically unsuccessful teat cleanings with a cleaning cup. Teats with technically successful teat cleanings were evaluated for the effectiveness of teat cleaning. From originally dirty teats, the cleaning cup had a significant advantage over the brushes in the percentage of teats that became clean or almost clean during the cleaning process (79.8 vs. 72.9%). Teat orifices were least effectively cleaned compared with the teat barrel and apex. Bedding material (peat, sawdust, or straw) on the teat was cleaned almost completely. Factors associated with the effectiveness of teat cleaning were teat cleanliness before cleaning, herd, teat cleaning method, and teat condition. The variation among herds indicates the likelihood that herd management factors can be adjusted to improve milking hygiene. There is also a need to improve the precision and effectiveness of the teat cleaning mechanisms of automatic milking systems.  相似文献   

大型浆纸企业循环经济产业链研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐晓兰 《中华纸业》2007,28(5):28-31
以某大型浆纸产业为例,通过物质、能量流动分析企业内部和外部形成的各种产业链。分析证明,林浆纸一体化带动了大量产业发展,企业资源利用率高,但是缺乏环保产业群,影响整个产业系统生态效益的发挥。  相似文献   

李树俭 《中华纸业》2008,29(7):12-14
中冶纸业银河有限公司通过发展循环经济,形成了一条以“资源-产品-再生资源”为主线的生态造纸产业链,实现了污染排放最小化、废物资源化和无害化,以最小成本获得了最大的经济效益和环境效益。  相似文献   

热风干燥是大宗粮食以及农产品加工的关键环节,当前农产品热风干燥节能工艺的研究与开发多限于实际作业跟踪和经验设计,通过传热传质理论进行数值计算等,都存在一定的局限性。实物模拟是一种潜在的比较有效的研究方法。在研究冷凝增效节能工艺过程中,开发了可以模拟实际热风干燥、能源循环利用的实验系统,具有多参数可调、图形化显示干燥状态、能耗监测等功能,可为农产品热风干燥节能工艺的研究提供有效手段。利用该系统开展的玉米干燥实验表明,能源循环节能干燥比普通开放式热风干燥节能32%~56%。  相似文献   

Yak meat is of good quality with fine texture, high protein and low fat content, and rich in amino acids compared with that of cattle, and it lacks anabolic steroids or other drugs. In general terms, however, the meat yield of yak is relatively low compared with that of the cattle. In order to prevent possible adulteration of yak meat with cattle meat, based on the sequence of mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene, a multiplex PCR-based approach was proposed for rapid identification of the meat from yak and cattle using three primers designed in this work. Through the combinatorial usage of three primers with a single reaction set, two fragments of 290 and 159 bp were amplified from the cattle meat DNA, whereas only a fragment of 290 bp was obtained from the yak meat DNA. Using the assay described, satisfactory amplification was accomplished in the analysis of raw and heat-treated binary meat mixtures of yak/cattle with a detection limit of 0.1% for cattle meat. The technique is fast and straightforward. It might be a useful tool in the quality control of yak meat and meat products.  相似文献   

目的 建立检测棘鳞蛇鲭(Ruvettus pretiosus, RP)和异鳞蛇鲭(Lepidocybium flavobrunneum, LF)两种油鱼的双重实时荧光聚合酶链式反应(PCR)方法。方法 基于棘鳞蛇鲭和异鳞蛇鲭线粒体细胞色素氧化酶亚基Ⅰ(COⅠ)基因分别设计特异性引物和探针,并对方法进行灵敏度、特异性和重复性分析,建立双重实时荧光PCR方法。结果 模板量在8.4×105~8.4×100 copies/μl范围内,方法具有良好的线性关系,棘鳞蛇鲭和异鳞蛇鲭的线性回归方程分别为y=-3.18x+41.0(R2=0.998 8)和y=-3.37x+44.5(R2=0.998 6),方法组内相对标准偏差(RSD)为0.29%~0.84%。其中,检测棘鳞蛇鲭的组内RSD为0.29%~0.84%,检测异鳞蛇鲭的组内RSD为0.29%~0.62%。方法最低检测限为16.8 copies/反应,并且从随机购买的50份鳕鱼样品中鉴定出油鱼成分棘鳞蛇鲭。结论 本试验建立的双重实时荧光PCR方法能够特异性地鉴定出棘鳞蛇鲭和异鳞蛇鲭,具有实际应用潜力。  相似文献   

In this study, novel conductive fabrics were developed by polymerising of aniline onto the polyamide (PA)-knitted fabrics. The fabric treatment was done by the chemical polymerisation method at 0.5, 0.8 and 1.2?M aniline concentrations. Hydrochloric acid as acidic medium and ammonium per sulphate as oxidant were employed during the polymerisation process. The polyaniline (PANI)-treated PA fabric structures were fully characterised and evaluated in terms of their electromagnetic shielding effectiveness, absorption and reflection characteristics and tensile properties. Additionally, the fabrics were examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM) for the surface morphology and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy for the chemical functionality. The electromagnetic shielding effectiveness, absorption and reflection characteristics were determined by Network Analyzer with a frequency ranged from 15 to 3000 MHz. The electrical characteristics were measured by the two ends method. It has been concluded that the bursting strength values of the treated fabrics reduced when the amount of monomer in the concentrations decreased as compared to the untreated fabrics. It is interesting to note that 1.2 M treated fabric had the highest bursting strength values as compared to the other treated fabrics. It was also found that 0.5 M concentration of PANI-treated fabric had the lowest surface resistivity due to this it showed the highest conductivity value. Another important finding is that the 0.5 M-aniline treated fabric had the highest shielding effectiveness.  相似文献   

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