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装配式大板结构竖缝抗震性能试验研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文旨在对装配式大板结构竖缝在反复荷载作用下的的抗震性能进行研究,以便使装配式结构最终成为一种完善的抗震体系。本文设计、试验了18榀试件,描绘了试件在反复荷载作用下的受力过程,分析了竖缝的抗剪承载力与接缝宽度与接合筋直径的关系及接缝的抗震性能。  相似文献   

本文进行了2种矩形钢管混凝土柱与钢梁连接节点——翼缘全螺栓(BFP)连接节点与外加强环(WFP-BW)连接节点在柱端低周反复荷载作用下的抗震性能试验,分析比较了这2类节点与焊接翼缘板(WFP)连接节点在不同轴压比下的滞回性能、强度与刚度退化、延性比与耗能比、破坏机理与破坏特征,得出了一些有参考价值的结论。  相似文献   

为研究钢框架内填竖缝RC墙结构(Steel frame with slit RC wall,简称"SRCW")在不同地震水平下的性态指标,结合我国现行抗震规范,对已完成的8榀SRCW试验数据进行了统计分析,基于修正的Park-Ang模型及损伤指数与性态指标的对应关系,提出了以层间位移角表征的SRCW结构的性态指标矩阵。分析结果表明:SRCW结构在显著屈服和倒塌时的层间位移角均值分别为0.63%和2.36%。SRCW结构在正常使用、基本完好、轻微破坏、中等破坏、严重破坏和倒塌状态下的层间位移角限值分别为1/170、1/130、1/100、1/70、1/50和1/40,研究成果可为SRCW结构开展基于性态的抗震设计及地震易损性分析提供参考。  相似文献   

基于大震和特大震下倒塌率目标的抗震分析与设计是结构抗震领域的主要发展方向,而大震及特大震作用下结构抗整体性倒塌能力的准确评估是其中的关键科学问题。首先对国内外结构抗整体性倒塌能力的研究工作进行了总结,重点介绍了多种微观和宏观本构模型特性及大震作用下考虑结构构件退化特性对抗整体性倒塌能力的影响。在此基础上,详细阐述了通过增量动力分析获得结构抗倒塌能力易损性曲线及确定结构抗倒塌能力极限状态的方法。最后以一个RC单层单跨平面框架结构分析模型为例,利用OpenSees分析软件,研究了钢筋后期强度退化对结构抗整体性倒塌能力评估结果的影响,结果表明不考虑钢筋后期强度退化会明显高估结构的抗倒塌能力。  相似文献   

分析比较了国内外建筑规范及专家学者提出的关于装配式钢筋混凝土结构竖向齿槽接缝的抗剪机理及抗剪承载力计算公式,指出各种计算公式的可取与不足之处,提出了符合我国国情的设计公式,从而加速我国建筑规范的发展,促进我国规范与国际规范的接轨。  相似文献   

本文通过2种方法计算风作用下不规则高层建筑结构的扭矩,给出相应的高层建筑结构刚度中心的定义。方法1:通过分析“楼面偏心距”,得出等效静荷载作用的扭矩,每楼层扭矩等于该楼层以上的各个楼层扭矩之和,加州结构工程师协会标准(SEAOC)推荐此方法。方法2:通过分析“楼层偏心距”,得出等效静荷载作用的扭矩,每楼层扭矩等于该楼层以上的各个楼层扭矩之和,UBC推荐此方法。最后,通过简单例子给出2种方法的具体计算步骤,为高层建筑结构的抗风设计提供参考。  相似文献   

采用外加电流对混凝土压弯构件中的钢筋进行了快速锈蚀试验,通过钢筋锈蚀混土压弯构件在水平反复荷载作用下的试验研究,探讨了钢筋锈蚀程度对混凝土压弯构件的承载力,刚度,延性,耗能能力等的影响,给出了锈蚀构件的滞回曲线和骨架曲线。  相似文献   

随机地震荷载作用下黄土动强度的试验方法   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
本文将APPLE—Ⅱ微机与国产动三轴仪联机,对黄土试样直接施加随机地震荷载时程进行动强度试验,提出了在随机地震荷载条件下,从黄土的动应力与积累残余应变关系曲线确定动强度的动三轴试验方法。进而用这种方法做出的动强度参数对1920年海原8.5级大震所引起的回回川黄土滑坡进行了反演,反演结果与宏观震害相符合。  相似文献   

基于GDS动三轴对青海海北地区重塑黄土进行不同条件下的循环加载试验,采用应力控制方式进行加载,研究不同循环动应力、不同加载频率对黄土累积塑性应变和刚度弱化特性的影响,并采用Idriss提出的弱化模型对试验进行拟合.试验结果表明:相同振次下,循环动应力、加载频率对累积塑性应变和刚度弱化指数均有影响,较大循环动应力和较低加...  相似文献   

从细观结构出发,把混凝土看作由骨料、界面和砂浆组成的非均质复合材料,建立随机骨料模型,应用损伤塑性本构,对试件进行了冲击荷载作用下的数值模拟,通过施加不同的加载方式,研究材料的损伤破坏过程,最终以位移加载得出荷载-位移曲线的峰值强度作为细观混凝土试样的破坏强度.通过对混凝土进行冲击荷载作用下的实时CT扫描,得出试件的荷载位移曲线及各个应力阶段的CT图像,发现数值模拟所得混凝土强度及破坏过程与CT观测到的结果有较好的相似性.结果表明,利用该方法研究混凝土在冲击荷载作用下的损伤破坏过程是合适的,以荷载-位移曲线的峰值点作为混凝土破坏强度点是合理的.  相似文献   

外伸端板螺栓连接节点的强度和刚度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了多层钢框架外伸端板连接半刚性节点在荷载作用下的试验过程和破坏结果,并根据试验结果,分析三种不同连接类型的强度和刚度特性及影响因素,对外伸端板厚度的计算方法和增强外伸端板连接半刚性节点刚度的构造措施进行了探讨并提出建议。  相似文献   

橡胶隔震支座竖向刚度简化计算法   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
本文提出了采用橡胶隔震支座刚度因子计算隔震支座竖向刚度的方法,在此基础上提出了适于工程应用的简化计算式,研究还进行了2种不同橡胶6种规格共12件试验体的竖向刚度及水平刚度试验。文末给出了该计算结果与试验结果的对比,表明本文所提计算方法适合于工程使用。  相似文献   

A numerical study of unobstructed content sliding within several low‐to‐midrise reinforced concrete cantilever wall buildings designed to Wellington conditions in New Zealand is performed to validate the belief that increasing a building's strength and/or stiffness would result in more severe sliding response. It was shown that contents within stronger buildings experienced larger sliding response. If the building was designed to be strong, the sliding response of contents with a friction coefficient of 0.1 was smaller in stiffer buildings compared with those in flexible buildings. However, the trends start reversing with an increase in friction coefficient or a decrease in building strength. Overall, content sliding is not necessarily more severe in stiffer buildings, and in many cases, the opposite is true. This study's findings were compared against an existing parametric equation for estimating the maximum sliding displacement. This equation, which was originally derived for contents located within elastic frame buildings, was found to be more efficient than considering total floor accelerations alone but was underconservative by a mean of 17% for yielding multistorey buildings. A design procedure considering content sliding using the parametric equation and an example are provided. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Several seismic design codes around the world restrict the use of theit Equivalent Lateral Force analysis method to structures satisfying structural regularity limits. These regularity limits are based on engineering judgement and lack quantitative justification. One common irregularity is that of a change in vertical stiffness over the building height. This stiffness irregularity is almost always associated with a change in vertical strength over the building height. For this reason, the effect of various realistic combinations of stiffness–strength irregularity in shear‐type buildings is evaluated to quantify regularity limits. Structures analysed had 3, 5, 9 and 15 storeys, and the floor mass at all the levels were kept the same. Both regular and irregular structures were designed in accordance with the Equivalent Lateral Force procedure to produce the same engineering demand parameter. Structural ductility factors of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6, and target (design) interstorey drift ratios ranging between 0.5 and 3%, were used in this study. The irregular structures were created by modifying specific storey lateral stiffnesses from that of the regular structure. Strengths at these storeys were also modified to ensure realistic relationships between stiffness and strength. The modified structures were then redesigned until the target interstorey drift ratio was achieved at the critical storey. Inelastic dynamic time‐history analysis was conducted to compare the maximum interstorey drift ratio demands of the regular and irregular structures. Simple equations were developed to estimate possible variations in demand due to vertical stiffness–strength irregularity applied at critical locations in structures. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

目的是解析地预测钢筋混凝土桥墩在反复荷载作用下的非线性滞回特性。使用实验中得到的力一位移滞回曲线,对随轴压比,配筋率和配箍率的变化而变化的刚度和强度折减系数,进行了回归分析,并提出了其表达式。按照提出的理论力一位移滞回模型,能够预测现存钢筋混凝土桥墩的刚度和强度折减情况。  相似文献   

Results are presented of an investigation, the objective of which was to determine the relationship between the stiffness variability of the bearings of an isolation system and the response variability of the structure. The system is modeled as a rigid, rectangular structure that is free to translate and rotate. The isolation system consists of N isolation bearings arranged in a rectangular pattern, each with a stiffness ki that is an independent, normally distributed, random variable. Response spectrum analysis is used to obtain the analytical solution for the structure response. Approximate closed‐form expressions are obtained for the variance of the centreline displacement, rotation, corner displacement and base shear, that are in terms of the variability of the isolator stiffness, aspect ratio of the structure, and the number and layout of isolation bearings. Results show that the standard deviation of the centreline displacement and base shear decrease with increasing number of isolation bearings, and are independent of the aspect ratio and layout of isolators, and in all cases are less than 1/4 the standard deviation of the isolator stiffness. The standard deviation of the corner displacement is a function of all of the system parameters, and is bounded below by the standard deviation of the centreline displacement and above by the standard deviation of a bar aligned perpendicular to the direction of ground motion with m isolation bearings distributed along the length. The approximate expressions are shown to be in good agreement with the results of Monte Carlo simulations. The results should be of use to designers of isolated structures and manufacturers of isolation systems, in assessing the significance of stiffness variability on the response of the isolated structure. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

通过高应力反复拉压试验,研究了18个钢筋套筒注浆连接试件的破坏形态和套筒的应变,并对钢筋套筒注浆连接试件的屈服强度、极限强度和钢筋接头的等级进行了分析。结果表明:连接试件发生钢筋拉断和粘结破坏2种破坏形态,其屈服强度和极限强度均与钢筋母材强度相接近,另外钢筋连接采用套筒注浆的方式施工便捷和合理可靠,并通过对试验数据分析,给出了直径为12mm和14mm的HRB400钢筋采用此套筒注浆方式连接时套筒参数的建议值,为钢筋套筒注浆连接在装配式剪力墙中的设计和应用研究提供了一定的参考借鉴。  相似文献   

基于中国大陆65 个地磁台站秒采样观测资料,利用地磁垂直强度极化方法提取了2017年西藏米林MS6.9 地震震中及附近区域超低频电磁异常信号并分析其时空演化特征。结果显示:米林MS6.9 地震前在青藏高原出现了大范围的地磁垂直强度极化高值异常,异常过程共持续9天;高值异常开始于2017 年10 月30 日,高值持续3 天之后出现短时间下降,随即转折上升,再次出现高值异常并持续了4 天,在此过程中各高值台站的时序曲线呈现出单峰或双峰的形态。空间分布图显示高值异常在中国大陆西部区域反复出现,尤其是在青藏高原巴颜喀拉地块与羌塘地块的交界处。异常呈“出现—扩大—收缩—消失—扩大—消失”的演化过程,10月31日异常面积达到最大值。异常过程结束后10天发生了西藏米林MS6.9地震,震中距离10 月31 日异常阈值线5 km。综合分析认为,此次异常与米林地震具有较强的时空相关性,是可靠的地震电磁前兆异常。   相似文献   

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