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The accurate simulation of the equatorial sea surlhce temperature (SST) variability is crucial for a proper representation or prediction of the El Nino-Southern Os- cillation (ENSO). This paper describes the tropical variability simulated by the Max Planck Institute (MPI) forr meteorology coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model (CGCM). A control simulation with pre-industrial greenhouse gases is analyzed, and the simulation of key oceanic features, such as SST, is compared with observa- tions. Results from the 400-yr control simulation show that the model's ENSO variability is quite realistic in terms of structure, strength, and period. Also, two related features (the annual cycle of SST and the-phase locking of ENSO events), which are significant in determining the model's performance of realistic ENSO prediction, are further validated to be well reproduced by the MPI cli mate model, which is an atmospheric model ECHAM5 (which fuses the EC tbr European Center and HAM for Hamburg) coupled to an MPI ocean model (MPI-OM), ECHAMS/MPI-OM.  相似文献   

对东亚气候年际变率的研究仍存在许多值得探寻之处。已有研究表明,产生于ENSO年际变率和暖池年循环相互作用的C-mode与东亚气候异常变化的关系密切,特别是自20世纪90年代以来,ENSO对中国南方降水的贡献减弱,而C-mode的影响则在2000年后凸显出来。本文利用600年长时间模拟结果评估了气候模式ECHAM5/MPI-OM对C-mode及其对华南季节降水影响的模拟。结果表明该模式能够再现C-mode的时空特征以及热带海气对其的非对称响应。同时也能较好地抓住C-mode影响华南冬春季降水异常的时空结构。这将有助于进一步利用ECHAM5/MPI-OM来模拟和预测与C-mode相关的华南季节降水异常变化。  相似文献   

Vegetation fires are the second largest source of greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere. The reduction of the climatic impact of these emissions is related to the vegetation susceptibility to fire (fire risk), as well as to the understanding of possible implications of changes in atmospheric circulation on fire risk in the near-future. This study evaluates the environmental susceptibility to fire occurrence based on a Potential Fire Index (PFI). Two climate simulations from the ECHAM5/MPI-OM climate model have been used to calculate the PFI: present day (1980–2000) and an experiment for the end of the twenty-first century (2080–2100). The results indicate that the proposed PFI methodology could properly reproduce the areas with the highest fire incidence under present conditions. Moreover, it was found that under greenhouse warming conditions the PFI foresees an increase in the fire risk area, particularly for the Amazon region. We concluded, furthermore, that changes of vegetation predicted to occur in the future lead to substantial modifications in the magnitude of the PFI, and may potentially extend the length of the fire season due to induced longer drought periods as compared to current conditions.  相似文献   

Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) model outputs of the South and East Asian summer monsoon variability and their tele-connections are investigated using historical simulations (1861-2005) and future projections under the RCP4.5 scenario (2006-2100). Detailed analyses are performed using nine models having better representation of the recent monsoon teleconnections for the interactive Asian monsoon sub-systems. However, these models underestimate rainfall mainly over South Asia and Korea-Japan sector, the regions of heavy rainfall, along with a bias in location of rainfall maxima. Indeed, the simulation biases, underestimations of monsoon variability and teleconnections suggest further improvements for better representation of Asian monsoon in the climate models. Interestingly, the performance of Australian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator version 1.0 (ACCESS1.0) in simulating the annual cycle, spatial pattern of rainfall and multi-decadal variations of summer monsoon rainfall over South and East Asia appears to more realistic. In spite of large spread among the CMIP5 models, historical simulations as well as future projections of summer monsoon rainfall indicate multi-decadal variability. These rainfall variations, displaying certain epochs of more rainfall over South Asia than over East Asia and vice versa, suggest an oscillatory behaviour. Teleconnections between South and East Asian monsoon rainfall also exhibit a multi-decadal variation with alternate epochs of strengthening and weakening relationship. Furthermore, large-scale circulation features such as South Asian monsoon trough and north Pacific subtropical high depict zonal oscillatory behaviour with east-west-east shifts. Periods with eastward or westward extension of the Mascarene High, intensification and expansion of the upper tropospheric South Asian High are also projected by the CMIP5 models.  相似文献   

Regional climate models(RCMs) can provide far more precise information than general circulation models(GCMs).However,RCMs depend on GCM results or re-analysis products providing boundary conditions,especially for future climate scenarios.Meanwhile,the capacity of RCMs to reproduce precipitation is strongly connected to its performance on circulation and moisture transport simulations in the low troposphere,which is the key problem with RCMs at present.In the Regional Climate Model Inter-comparison Project for East Asia(RMIP III),the results of ECHAM5/MPI-OM(the European Centre-Hamburg model version 5/Max Planck Institute Ocean Model,simplified as E5OM here) are used to drive RCMs for the past(1978?2000) climate simulation and future(2038?70) climate scenarios.Therefore,it is necessary to test E5OM’s ability to represent atmospheric circulation,which defines the large-scale circulation for RCMs.Here,comparisons between the E5OM results and NCEP/NCAR(simplified as NCEP) re-analysis data in the low troposphere for the years 1978 to 2000 are performed.The results show that E5OM results can generally reproduce atmospheric circulations in the low troposphere.However,differences can be detected in East Asian summer and winter monsoon simulations.For summer,there is an anti-cyclone circulation for the difference of wind vector at 850 hPa in Southeast China,the Indo-China Peninsula,the South China Sea,and the northwestern Pacific.For winter,due to the weaker northwesterly wind in Northeast Asia,the northeasterly wind from the Indo-China Peninsula to Taiwan in E5OM extends northward with greater intensity than that in NCEP.These differences will have a considerable influence on the low level atmospheric circulation and water vapor transport as well as the location and intensity of the precipitation.Therefore,when E5OM results are to be used as initial and boundary conditions to drive RCMs,the differences between NCEP and E5OM should be considered.  相似文献   

Synoptic activity over the Northern Hemisphere is evaluated in ensembles of ECHAM5/MPI-OM1 simulations for recent climate conditions (20C) and for three climate scenarios (following SRES A1B, A2, B1). A close agreement is found between the simulations for present day climate and the respective results from reanalysis. Significant changes in the winter mid-tropospheric storm tracks are detected in all three scenario simulations. Ensemble mean climate signals are rather similar, with particularly large activity increases downstream of the Atlantic storm track over Western Europe. The magnitude of this signal is largely dependent on the imposed change in forcing. However, differences between individual ensemble members may be large. With respect to the surface cyclones, the scenario runs produce a reduction in cyclonic track density over the mid-latitudes, even in the areas with increasing mid-tropospheric activity. The largest decrease in track densities occurs at subtropical latitudes, e.g., over the Mediterranean Basin. An increase of cyclone intensities is detected for limited areas (e.g., near Great Britain and Aleutian Isles) for the A1B and A2 experiments. The changes in synoptic activity are associated with alterations of the Northern Hemisphere circulation and background conditions (blocking frequencies, jet stream). The North Atlantic Oscillation index also shows increased values with enhanced forcing. With respect to the effects of changing synoptic activity, the regional change in cyclone intensities is accompanied by alterations of the extreme surface winds, with increasing values over Great Britain, North and Baltic Seas, as well as the areas with vanishing sea ice, and decreases over much of the subtropics.  相似文献   

Future climate trends for the Southwestern US, based on the climate models included in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report, project a more arid climate in the region during the 21st century. However, future climate variability associated with El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO)—an important driver for winter climate variability in the region—have not been addressed. In this work we evaluate future winter ENSO projections derived from two selected IPCC models, and their effect on Southwestern US climate. We first evaluate the ability of the IPCC coupled models to represent the climate of the Southwest, selecting the two models that best capture seasonal precipitation and temperature over the region and realistically represent ENSO variability (Max Planck Institute’s ECHAM5 and the UK Met Office HadCM3). Our work shows that the projected future aridity of the region will be dramatically amplified during La Niña conditions, as anomalies over a drier mean state, and will be characterized by higher temperatures (~0.5°C) and lower precipitation (~3 mm/mnt) than the projected trends. These results have important implications for water managers in the Southwest who must prepare for more intense winter aridity associated with future ENSO conditions.  相似文献   

Using observations covering the last 128 years we show that apparent changes in El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) teleconnections can be explained by chance and stem from sampling variability. This result is backed by experiments in which an atmosphere model is driven by 123 years of observed sea surface temperature. The possibility of ENSO teleconnection changes in a warming climate is further investigated using coupled GCMs driven by past and projected future greenhouse gas concentrations. These runs do not exclude physical changes in the teleconnection strength but do not agree on their magnitude and location. If existing at all, changes in the strength of ENSO teleconnection, other than obtained by chance, are small and will only be detectable on centennial time scales.  相似文献   

Historical ENSO teleconnections in the eastern hemisphere   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Examination of instrumental data collected over the last one hundred years or so shows that rainfall fluctuations in various parts of the eastern hemisphere are associated with the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon. Using proxy rainfall data-sets from Indonesia, Africa, North China; and a chronology of droughts from India, we investigate the occurrence of ENSO-related floods and droughts over the last five hundred years. The aim of this work is to examine the stability of the pattern of ENSO teleconnections over this longer period, noting any changes in ENSO behaviour which may be relevant in estimating its future behaviour, such as its response to climate change due to the enhanced greenhouse effect.Comparisons of the various data sets with each other and with El Niño chronology from South America, showed statistically significant evidence of teleconnections characteristic of ENSO back to around 1750. Prior to that time, relationships characteristic of ENSO were weak or absent. The disappearance of the ENSO signal in the early period is considered to be most likely due to the poorer quality of the data at that time. From the 18th Century onwards, chronologies of ENSO and anti-ENSO events are given and compared with similar chronologies in the literature.  相似文献   

Changes of the winter climate in the Mediterranean Basin (MB) for future A2 conditions are investigated for the period 2071–2100 and compared with the control period 1961–1990. The analysis is based on time-slice simulations of the latest version of the ECHAM model. First, the control simulation is evaluated with reanalysis data. The emphasis is given to synoptic and large-scale features and their variability in the MB. The model is found to be capable of reproducing the main features of the MB and southern Europe in the winter season. Second, the A2 simulation is compared with the control simulation, revealing considerable changes of the synoptic variability. Focusing on the synoptic spatio-temporal scale aims to unfold the dynamic background of the climatic changes. The Mediterranean cyclones, which are individually detected and tracked, decrease by 10% in the Western Mediterranean (WM) whereas no significant change is found in the Eastern Mediterranean. The cyclone intensity is slightly reduced in the entire region. To understand these changes, the underlying dynamical background is analyzed. It is found that changes in baroclinicity, static stability, transformation from eddy kinetic energy to kinetic energy of the mean flow and stationary wave activity are significant in particular in the WM and the coastline of North Africa. The reduction of cyclonic activity severely impacts the precipitation mainly in the southern part of the WM.  相似文献   

Interannual variability over South America (SA) is mainly controlled by the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon. This study investigates the ENSO precipitation signal during austral spring (September–October–November-SON) over SA. Three global circulation models-GCMs-(MPI, GFDL and HadGEM2) are used for RegCM4 (Regional Climate Model version 4) downscaling of the present (1975–2005) near-future (2020–2050) and far-future (2070–2098) climates using two greenhouse gas stabilization scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5). For the present climate, only HadGEM2 simulates a frequency of El Niño (EN) and La Niña (LN) years similar to the observations. In terms of ENSO frequency changes, only in the far-future RCP8.5 climate there is greater agreement among GCMs, indicating an increase (decrease) of EN (LN) years. In the present climate, validation indicates that only the RegCM4 ensemble mean provides acceptable precipitation biases (smaller than ±20 %) in the two investigated regions. In this period, the GCMs and RegCM4 agree on the relationship between ENSO and precipitation in SA, i.e., both are able to capture the observed regions of positive/negative rainfall anomalies during EN years, with RegCM4 improving on the GCMs’ signal over southeastern SA. For the near and far future climates, in general, the projections indicate an increase (decrease) of precipitation over southeastern SA (northern-northeastern SA). However, the relationship between ENSO and rainfall in most of RegCM4 and GCM members is weaker in the near and far future climates than in the present day climate. This is likely connected with the GCMs’ projection of the more intense ENSO signal displaced to the central basin of Pacific Ocean in the far future compared to present climate.  相似文献   

In this study the global coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model ECHAM2/OPYC and its performance in simulating the present-day climate is presented. The model consists of the T21-spectral atmosphere general circulation model ECHAM2 and the ocean general circulation model OPYC with a resolution corresponding to a T42 Gaussian grid, with increasing resolution towards the equator. The sea-ice is represented by a dynamic thermodynamic sea-ice model with rheology. Both models are coupled using the flux correction technique. With the coupled model ECHAM2/OPYC a 210-year integration under present-day greenhouse gas conditions has been performed. The coupled model simulates a realistic mean climate state, which is close to the observations. The model generates several ENSO events without external forcing. Using traditional and advanced (POP-technique) methods these ENSO events have been analyzed. The results are consistent with the delayed action oscillator theory. The model simulates both a tropical and an extra-tropical response to ENSO, which are in good agreement with observations.  相似文献   

Influence of SST biases on future climate change projections   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We use a quantile-based bias correction technique and a multi-member ensemble of the atmospheric component of NCAR CCSM3 (CAM3) simulations to investigate the influence of sea surface temperature (SST) biases on future climate change projections. The simulations, which cover 1977?C1999 in the historical period and 2077?C2099 in the future (A1B) period, use the CCSM3-generated SSTs as prescribed boundary conditions. Bias correction is applied to the monthly time-series of SSTs so that the simulated changes in SST mean and variability are preserved. Our comparison of CAM3 simulations with and without SST correction shows that the SST biases affect the precipitation distribution in CAM3 over many regions by introducing errors in atmospheric moisture content and upper-level (lower-level) divergence (convergence). Also, bias correction leads to significantly different precipitation and surface temperature changes over many oceanic and terrestrial regions (predominantly in the tropics) in response to the future anthropogenic increases in greenhouse forcing. The differences in the precipitation response from SST bias correction occur both in the mean and the percent change, and are independent of the ocean?Catmosphere coupling. Many of these differences are comparable to or larger than the spread of future precipitation changes across the CMIP3 ensemble. Such biases can affect the simulated terrestrial feedbacks and thermohaline circulations in coupled climate model integrations through changes in the hydrological cycle and ocean salinity. Moreover, biases in CCSM3-generated SSTs are generally similar to the biases in CMIP3 ensemble mean SSTs, suggesting that other GCMs may display a similar sensitivity of projected climate change to SST errors. These results help to quantify the influence of climate model biases on the simulated climate change, and therefore should inform the effort to further develop approaches for reliable climate change projection.  相似文献   

We use the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis (NCEP) and the MPI/ECHAM5 general circulation model to drive the RegCM3 regional climate model to assess the ability of the models to reproduce the spatiotemporal aspects of the Pacific-North American teleconnection (PNA) pattern. Composite anomalies of the NCEP-driven RegCM3 simulations for 1982–2000 indicate that the regional model is capable of accurately simulating the key features (500-hPa heights, surface temperature, and precipitation) of the positive and negative phases of the PNA with little loss of information in the downscaling process. The basic structure of the PNA is captured in both the ECHAM5 global and ECHAM5-driven RegCM3 simulations. The 1950–2000 ECHAM5 simulation displays similar temporal and spatial variability in the PNA index as that of NCEP; however, the magnitudes of the positive and negative phases are weaker than those of NCEP. The RegCM3 simulations clearly differentiate the climatology and associated anomalies of snow water equivalent and soil moisture of the positive and negative PNA phases. In the RegCM3 simulations of the future (2050–2100), changes in the location and extent of the Aleutian low and the continental high over North America alter the dominant flow patterns associated with positive and negative PNA modes. The future projections display a shift in the patterns of the relationship between the PNA and surface climate variables, which suggest the potential for changes in the PNA-related surface hydrology of North America.  相似文献   

We investigate the sensitivity of the transient climate change to a tidal mixing scheme. The scheme parameterizes diapycnal diffusivity depending on the location of energy dissipation over rough topography, whereas the standard configuration uses horizontally constant diffusivity. We perform ensemble climate change experiments with two setups of MPIOM/ECHAM5, one setup with the tidal mixing scheme and the second setup with the standard configuration. Analysis of the responses of the transient climate change to CO2 increase reveals that the implementation of tidal mixing leads to a significant reduction of the transient surface warming by 9 %. The weaker surface warming in the tidal run is localized particularly over the Weddell Sea, likely caused by a stronger ocean heat uptake in the Southern Ocean. The analysis of the ocean heat budget reveals that the ocean heat uptake in both experiments is caused by changes in convection and advection. In the upper ocean, heat uptake is caused by reduced convection and enhancement of the Deacon Cell, which appears also in isopycnal coordinates. In the deeper ocean, heat uptake is caused by reduction of convective cooling associated with the circulation polewards of 65°S. Tidal mixing leads to stronger heat uptake in the Southern Ocean by causing stronger changes in advection, namely a stronger increase in the Deacon Cell and a stronger reduction in advective cooling by the circulation polewards of 65°S. Counter-intuitively, the relation between tidal mixing and greater heat storage in the deep ocean is an indirect one, through the influence of tidal mixing on the circulation.  相似文献   

Previous studies with single models have suggested that El Niño teleconnections over North America could be different in a future warmer climate due to factors involving changes of El Niño event amplitude and/or changes in the midlatitude base state circulation. Here we analyze a six-member multi-model ensemble, three models with increasing future El Niño amplitude, and three models with decreasing future El Niño amplitude, to determine characteristics and possible changes to El Niño teleconnections during northern winter over the North Pacific and North America in a future warmer climate. Compared to observed El Niño events, all the models qualitatively produce general features of the observed teleconnection pattern over the North Pacific and North America, with an anomalously deepened Aleutian Low, a ridge over western North America, and anomalous low pressure over the southeastern United States. However, associated with systematic errors in the location of sea surface temperature and convective heating anomalies in the central and western equatorial Pacific (the models’ anomaly patterns are shifted to the west), the anomalous low pressure center in the North Pacific is weaker and shifted somewhat south compared to the observations. For future El Niño events, two different stabilization experiments are analyzed, one with CO2 held constant at year 2100 concentrations in the SRES A1B scenario (roughly doubled present-day CO2), and another with CO2 concentrations held constant at 4XCO2. Consistent with the earlier single model results, the future El Niño teleconnections are changed in the models, with a weakened as well as an eastward- and northward-shifted anomalous low in the North Pacific. This is associated with weakened anomalous warming over northern North America, strengthened cooling over southern North America, and precipitation increases in the Pacific Northwest in future events compared to present-day El Niño event teleconnections. These changes are consistent with the altered base state upper tropospheric circulation with a wave-5 pattern noted in previous studies that is shown here to be consistent across all the models whether there are projected future increases or decreases in El Niño amplitude. The future teleconnection changes are most consistent with this anomalous wave-5 pattern in the models with future increases of El Niño amplitude, but less so for the models with future decreases of El Niño amplitude.  相似文献   

 The last 810 years of a control integration with the ECHAM1/LSG coupled model are used to clarify the nature of the ocean-atmosphere interactions at low frequencies in the North Atlantic and the North Pacific. To a first approximation, the atmosphere acts as a white noise forcing and the ocean responds as a passive integrator. The sea surface temperature (SST) variability primarily results from short time scale fluctuations in surface heat exchanges and Ekman currents, and the former also damp the SST anomalies after they are generated. The thermocline variability is primarily driven by Ekman pumping. Because the heat, momentum, and vorticity fluxes at the sea surface are correlated in space and time, the SST variability is directly linked to that in the ocean interior. The SST is also modulated by the wind-driven geostrophic fluctuations, resulting in persistent correlation with the thermocline changes and a slight low-frequency redness of the SST spectra. The main dynamics are similar in the two oceans, although in the North Pacific the SST variability is more strongly influenced by advection changes and the oceanic time scales are larger. A maximum covariance analysis based on singular value decomposition in lead and lag conditions indicates that some of the main modes of atmospheric variability in the two oceans are sustained by a very weak positive feedback between the atmosphere, SST, and the strength of the subtropical and subpolar gyres. In addition, in the North Atlantic the main surface pressure mode has a small quasi-oscillatory component at 6-year period, and advective resonance occurs for SST around 10-year period, both periods being also singled out by multichannel singular spectrum analysis. The ocean-atmosphere coupling is however much too weak to redden the tropospheric spectra or create anything more than tiny spectral peaks, so that the atmospheric and oceanic variability is dominated in both ocean sectors by the one-way interactions. Received: 2 April 1999 / Accepted: 14 October 1999  相似文献   

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