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In this work, an Ar plasma jet generated by an AC-microsecond-pulse-driven dielectric barrier discharge reactor, which had two ring-shaped electrodes isolated from the ambient atmosphere by transformer oil, was investigated. By special design of the oil insulation, a chemically active Ar plasma jet along with a safe and stable plasma process as well as low emission of CO and NOx were successfully achieved. The results indicated that applied voltage and frequency were basic factors influencing the jet temperature, discharge power, and jet length, which increased significantly with the two operating parameters. Meanwhile, gas velocity affected the jet temperature in a reverse direction. In comparison with a He plasma jet, the Ar plasma jet had relatively low jet temperature under the same level of the input parameters, being preferable for bio-applications. The Ar plasma jet has been tested to interact with human skin within 5 min without the perception of burnt skin and electrical shock.  相似文献   

In the present study, a coaxial transmission line resonator is constructed, which is always capable of generating cold microwave plasma jet plumes in ambient air in spite of using argon, nitrogen, or even air, respectively. Although the different kinds of working gas induce the different discharge performance, their ionization processes all indicate that the ionization enhancement has taken place twice in each pulsed periods, and the electron densities measured by the method of microwave Rayleigh scattering are higher than the amplitude order of 1018 m−3. The tail region of plasma jets all contain a large number of active particles, like NO, O, emitted photons, etc, but without O3. The formation mechanism and the distinctive characteristics are attributed to the resonance excitation of the locally enhanced electric fields, the ionization wave propulsion, and the temporal and spatial distribution of different particles in the pulsed microwave plasma jets. The parameters of plasma jet could be modulated by adjusting microwave power, modulation pulse parameters (modulation frequency and duty ratio), gas type and its flow rate, according to the requirements of application scenarios.  相似文献   

UV-pulsed laser cavity ringdown spectroscopy of the hydroxyl radical OH(A–X)(0–0)band in the wavelength range of 306–310 nm was employed to determine absolute number densities of OH in the atmospheric helium plasma jets generated by a 2.45 GHz microwave plasma source.The effect of the addition of molecular gases N_2 and O_2 to He plasma jets on OH generation was studied.Optical emission spectroscopy was simultaneously employed to monitor reactive plasma species.Stark broadening of the hydrogen Balmer emission line(H_β)was used to estimate the electron density nein the jets.For both He/N_2 and He/O_2 jets, newas estimated to be on the order of 10~(15)cm~(-3).The effects of plasma power and gas flow rate were also studied.With increase in N_2 and O_2 flow rates, netended to decrease.Gas temperature in the He/O_2 plasma jets was elevated compared to the temperatures in the pure He and He/N_2 plasma jets.The highest OH densities in the He/N_2 and He/O_2 plasma jets were determined to be 1.0?×10~(16)molecules/cm~3 at x?=?4 mm(from the jet orifice)and 1.8?×?10~(16)molecules/cm~3 at x=3 mm, respectively.Electron impact dissociation of water and water ion dissociative recombination were the dominant reaction pathways, respectively, for OH formation within the jet column and in the downstream and far downstream regions.The presence of strong emissions of the N_2~+ bands in both He/N_2 and He/O_2 plasma jets, as against the absence of the N_2~+ emissions in the Ar plasma jets, suggests that the Penning ionization process is a key reaction channel leading to the formation of N_2~+ in these He plasma jets.  相似文献   

The double-coupled microwave resonance probe(DMRP) based on the hairpin probe is proposed for diagnosing atmospheric plasma jet(n_e10~(17) m~(-3)). In this work, the resonance characteristics of DMRP are investigated by numerical simulation. It shows that two resonance peaks on the reflectance spectrum can be observed, and influenced significantly by some parameters, such as the probe separation, the distance to the handheld radio frequency atmospheric pressure glow discharge plasma jet(RF-APGDPJ) and the plasma electron density less than 1017 m~(-3). Based on two resonance modes of DMRP, the electron densities in the afterglow of RF-APGDPJ at the different rf powers and helium flow rates are diagnosed experimentally by matching the change of FWHM(Df_1-Df_(1,air)and Df_2-Df_(2,air)) measured by vector network analyzer with the simulated relation between the FWHM changes and the plasma density.  相似文献   

Atmospheric pressure plasma jet (APPJ) was used to clean nitrogen-containing carbon films (C–N) fabricated by plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition method employing the plasma surface interaction linear device at Sichuan University (SCU-PSI). The properties of the contaminated films on the surface of pristine and He-plasma pre-irradiated tungsten matrix, such as morphology, crystalline structure, element composition and chemical structure were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, grazing incidence x-ray diffraction and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The experimental results revealed that the removal of C–N film with a thickness of tens of microns can be realized through APPJ cleaning regardless of the morphology of the substrates. Similar removal rates of 16.82 and 13.78 μm min−1 were obtained for C–N films deposited on a smooth pristine W surface and rough fuzz-covered W surface, respectively. This is a remarkable improvement in comparison to the traditional cleaning method. However, slight surface oxidation was found after APPJ cleaning, but the degree of oxidation was acceptable with an oxidation depth increase of only 3.15 nm. Optical emission spectroscopy analysis and mass spectrometry analysis showed that C–N contamination was mainly removed through chemical reaction with reactive oxygen species during APPJ treatment using air as the working gas. These results make APPJ cleaning a potentially effective method for the rapid removal of C–N films from the wall surfaces of fusion devices.  相似文献   

In this paper,the influence of voltage rising time on a pulsed-dc helium-air plasma at atmospheric pressure is numerically simulated.Simulation results show that as the voltage rising time increases from 10 ns to 30 ns,there is a decrease in the discharge current,namely 0.052 A when the voltage rising time is 10 ns and 0.038 A when the voltage rising time is 30 ns.Additionally,a shorter voltage rising time results in a faster breakdown,a more rapidly rising current waveform,and a higher breakdown voltage.Furthermore,the basic paraneters of the streamer discharge also increase with voltage rise rate,which is ascribed to the fact that more energetic electrons are produced in a shorter voltage rising time.Therefore,a pulsed-dc voltage with a short rising time is desirable for efficient production of nonequilibrium atmospheric pressure plasma discharge.  相似文献   

Atmospheric gas-liquid discharge with argon as a working gas is presented by employed nanosecond pulse power. The discharge is presented in a glow-like mode. The discharge powers are determined to be less than 1 W, and remains almost constant when the discharge duration time increases. Bountiful active species are determined by capturing optical emission spectra,and their main generation processes are also discussed. The plasma gas temperature is calculated as 350 K by comparing the experimental spectra and the simulated ones of N_2(C~3Ⅱ_g→B~3Ⅱ_g, Δv =-2). The time resolved vibrational and rotational temperature is researched to present the stability of discharge when pulse voltage and discharge duration vary.The electron density is determined to be 10~(16) cm~(-3) according to the Stark broadening effect of the H_α line.  相似文献   

In this paper, volume barrier discharge with different gap distances is added on the discharge border of high-voltage electrode of annular surface barrier discharge for generating volume added surface barrier discharge (V-SBD) excited by bipolar nanosecond high-voltage pulse power in atmospheric air. The excited V-SBDs consist of surface barrier discharge (d=0 mm) and volume added surface barrier discharges (d=2 mm and 3 mm). The optical emission spectra are recorded for calculating emission intensities of N2 (C 3u →B3Πg ) and N2+ (B 2Σu+ → X 2Σg+ ), and simulating rotational and vibrational temperatures. The influences of gap distance of V-SBD on emission intensity and plasma temperature are also investigated and analyzed. The results show that d=0 mm structure can excite the largest emission intensity of N 2 (C 3 Πu →B 3Πg ), while the existence of volume barrier discharge can delay the occurrence of the peak value of the emission intensity ratio of N2+ (B 2Σu+ → X 2Σg+ )/N 2(C3Πu →B3Πg ) during the rising period of the applied voltage pulse and weaken it during the end period. The increasing factor of emission intensity is effected by the pulse repetition rate. The d=3 mm structure has the highest threshold voltage while it can maintain more emission intensity of N2(C3 Π u →B 3Πg ) than that of d=2 mm structure. The structure of d=2 mm can maintain more increasing factor than that of the d=3 mm structure with varying pulse repetition rate. Besides, the rotational temperatures of three V-SBD structures are slightly affected when the gap distance and pulse repetition rate vary. The vibrational temperatures have decaying tendencies of all three structures with the increasing pulse repetition rate.  相似文献   

In the last two decades a growing interest has been shown in the investigation of atmospheric pressure plasma jets (APPJs) that operate in contact with liquid samples. In order to form a complete picture about such experimental systems, it is necessary to perform detailed diagnostics of plasma jets, as one step that will enable the adjustment of system properties for applications in different areas. In this work, we conducted a detailed electrical characterisation of a plasma system configuration used for water treatment. A helium plasma jet, with a pin electrode powered by a continuous sine wave at a frequency of 330 kHz, formed a streamer that was in contact with a distilled water sample. An electrical circuit allowed the monitoring of electrical signals supplied to the jet and also to the plasma itself. An electrical characterisation together with power consumption measurements was obtained by using two different methods. The first method was based on the direct measurements of voltage and current signals, while in the second method we used 'Lissajous figures'. We compared these two methods when used for discharge power estimation and addressed their advantages and limitations. The results showed that both of these methods could be used to successfully determine power consumed by a discharge in contact with water, but only when taking into account power dissipation without plasma.  相似文献   

In this paper, a honeycomb structure jet array with seven jet units was adopted to generate plasmas. Both the average discharge power and the emission intensity of the main excited species increase with increasing applied voltage. There are three stages of discharge evolution at different applied voltages: initial discharge, uniform discharge and strong coupling discharge.The spatial distribution of the emission intensity of the excited species can be divided into three categories: growth class, weakening class and variation class. The gas temperature along the whole plasma plume at different applied voltages is maintained at around 320K and can be widely used in heat-labile applications.  相似文献   

The vortex dynamics of flow over an airfoil controlled by a nanosecond pulse dielectric-barrierdischarge(NS-DBD) actuator is studied at a Reynolds number of 1?×?10~5 through wind tunnel experiments and numerical simulation. The numerical method is validated through comparison of the simulated and measured results regarding the effect of the discharge of an NS-DBD actuator placed on a flat plate. The simulated results show that vorticity is mainly induced by the baroclinic torque after plasma discharge, i.e. the term(■) in the equation of vorticity evolution. Both experimental and simulated results demonstrate that after the discharge of the NS-DBD actuator a series of vortices are developed in the shear layer and pull the high-moment fluid down to the wall, enhancing the mixing of internal and external flows.  相似文献   

In this work, the antibacterial activity of cotton containing silver nanocapsules prepared by atmospheric pressure plasma(APP) deposition is investigated. The nanocapsules consist of a shell and a silver nanoparticle(Ag NP) core, where the core is used to bring antibacterial activity,and the shell is utilized to suppress the potential toxicity of Ag NPs. The surface morphology and the elements of the samples are analyzed by scanning electron microscopy(SEM), energy dispersive x-ray and x-ray pho...  相似文献   

In this study, the density of metastable He2* in an atmospheric-pressure plasma jet operating in helium with 0.001% nitrogen has been measured using an auxiliary measuring electrode technique. In the glow discharge mode, waveforms from two grounding electrodes, including one main discharge electrode and one auxiliary electrode, are captured. The isolated current peak formed by Penning ionization in waveforms from the auxiliary measuring electrode is identified to calculate the density of metastable He2*. In our discharge environment, the helium metastable densities along the jet axis direction are between 2.26× 1013 and 1.74× 1013 cm-3, which is in good agreement with the results measured by other techniques. This measurement technique can be conveniently applied to the diagnosis of metastableHe2* in an atmospheric-pressure plasma jet array.  相似文献   

A 2D fluid model was employed to simulate the influence of dielectric on the propagation of atmospheric pressure helium plasma jet based on coplanar dielectric barrier discharge (DBD). The spatio-temporal distributions of electron density, ionization rate, electrical field, spatial charge and the spatial structure were obtained for different dielectric tubes that limit the helium flow. The results show that the change of the relative permittivity of the dielectric tube where the plasma jet travels inside has no influence on the formation of DBD itself, but has great impact on the jet propagation. The velocity of the plasma jet changes drastically when the jet passes from a tube of higher permittivity to one of lower permittivity, resulting in an increase in jet length,ionization rate and electric field, as well as a change in the distribution of space charges and discharge states. The radius of the dielectric tube has a great influence on the ring-shaped or solid bullet structure. These results can well explain the behavior of the plasma jet from the dielectric tube into the ambient air and the hollow bullet in experiments.  相似文献   

Atmospheric pressure air/Ar/H_2O gliding arc discharge plasma is produced by a pulsed dc power supply. An optical emission spectroscopic(OES) diagnostic technique is used for the characterization of plasmas and for identifications of OH and O radicals along with other species in the plasmas. The OES diagnostic technique reveals the excitation Tx?≈?5550–9000 K, rotational Tr?≈?1350–2700 K and gas Tg?≈?850–1600 K temperatures, and electron density n?(1.1-1.9) ′101 4 cm~(-3) e under different experimental conditions. The production and destruction of OH and O radicals are investigated as functions of applied voltage and air flow rate. Relative intensities of OH and O radicals indicate that their production rates are increased with increasing Ar content in the gas mixture and applied voltage. nereveals that the higher densities of OH and O radicals are produced in the discharge due to more effective electron impact dissociation of H_2O and O_2 molecules caused by higher kinetic energies as gained by electrons from the enhanced electric field as well as by enhanced n e.The productions of OH and O are decreasing with increasing air flow rate due to removal of Joule heat from the discharge region but enhanced air flow rate significantly modifies discharge maintenance properties. Besides, Tgsignificantly reduces with the enhanced air flow rate. This investigation reveals that Ar plays a significant role in the production of OH and O radicals.  相似文献   

To improve the performance of a metal ion plasma jet in vacuum discharge,an anode-insulated cone-cylinder electrode with insulating sleeve is proposed in this paper.Discharge characteristics and generation characteristics of plasma of the electrode are investigated,effects of diameter of insulating sleeve,variety of cathode material and length of the insulating sleeve on characteristics of metal ion plasma jet are discussed.Results indicate that a directional and steady plasma jet is formed by using the novel electrode with insulating sleeve under high vacuum conditions.Moreover,the properties of metal ion plasma jet are improved by using the aluminum cathode and thin and long insulating sleeve.The study provides strong support for research of vacuum metal ion plasma thruster and ion implantation technology.  相似文献   

Atmospheric pressure glow discharge (APGD) plasma in air has high application value.In this paper,the methods of generating APGD plasma in air are discussed,and the characteristics of dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) in non-uniform electric field are studied.It makes sure that APGD in air is formed by DBD in alternating current electric field with using the absorbing electron capacity of electret materials to provide initial electrons and to end the discharge progress.Through designing electric field to form two-dimensional space varying electric field and three-dimensional space varying electric field,the development of electron avalanches in airgap is suppressed effectively and a large space of APGD plasma in air is generated.Further,through combining electrode structures,a large area of APGD plasma in air is generated.On the other hand,by using the method of increasing the density of initial electrons,millimeter-gap glow discharge in atmospheric pressure air is formed,and a maximum gap distance between electrodes is 8 ram.By using the APGD plasma surface treatment device composed of contact electrodes,the surface modification of high polymer materials such as aramid fiber and polyester are studied and good effect of modifications is obtained.The present paper provides references for the researchers of industrial applications of plasma.  相似文献   

In this letter, the streamer propagation in the atmospheric pressure helium plasma jet with afloating electrode nozzle driven by the kHz AC power supply is investigated. The current signal induced by the space charges and the mean propagation velocity of the guided ionization waves are measured by the capacitive probe method in the discharge region. The space charges in the guided ionization waves are found to increase with the applied voltage, which enhances both the electric field near the streamer head and the propagation velocity. The applicability of the streamer mechanism to the propagation of the guided ionization waves is validated by this electrical diagnostic method.  相似文献   

The current paper presents the prediction results of a bubbly flow under plunging jet conditions using multiphase mono- and poly-dispersed approaches. The models consider interfacial momentum transfer terms arising from drag, lift, and turbulent dispersion force for the different bubble sizes. The turbulence is modeled by an extended k? model which accounts for bubble induced turbulence. Furthermore in case of a poly-dispersed air–water flow the bubble size distribution, bubble break-up and coalescence processes as well as different gas velocities in dependency on the bubble diameter are taken into account using the Inhomogeneous MUSIG model. This model is a generalized inhomogeneous multiple size group model based on the Eulerian modeling framework which was developed in the framework of a cooperative work between ANSYS-CFX and Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (FZD). The latter is now implemented into the CFD code CFX.According to the correlation on the lateral lift force obtained by Tomiyama (1998); this force changes its sign in dependence on the bubble size. Consequently the entrained small bubbles are trapped below the jet. They can escape from the bubble plume only by turbulent fluctuations or by coalescence. If the size of the bubbles generated by coalescence exceeds the size at which the lift force changes its sign these large bubbles go out from the plume and rise to the surface.A turbulent model based on an additional source term for turbulence kinetic energy and turbulence eddy dissipation equation is compared to the common concept for modeling the turbulence quantities proposed by Sato et al. (1981). It has been found that the large bubble distribution is slightly affected by the turbulence modeling which affects particularly the bubble coalescence and break-up process.  相似文献   

An atmospheric pressure plasma jet (APPJ) in Ar with various grounded electrode arrangements is employed to investigate the effects of electrode arrangement on the characteristics of the APPJ.Electrical and optical methods are used to characterize the plasma properties.The discharge modes of the APPJ with respect to applied voltage are studied for grounded electrodepositions of 10 mm,40 mm and 80 mm,respectively,and the main discharge and plasma parameters are investigated.It is shown that an increase in the distance between the grounded electrode and high-voltage electrode results in a change in the discharge modes and discharge parameters.The discharges transit from having two discharge modes,dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) and jet,to having three,corona,DBD and jet,with increase in the distance from the grounded to the high-voltage electrodes.The maximum length of the APPJ reaches 3.8 cm at an applied voltage of 8 kV.The discharge power and transferred charges and spectral line intensities for species in the APPJ are influenced by the positions of the grounded electrode,while there is no obvious difference in the values of the electron excited temperature (EET) for the three grounded electrode positions.  相似文献   

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