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吴英桦  赵飞虎 《化工机械》1994,21(4):187-192
本文综合研究了螺带式搅拌器在假塑性液体中的混合特性及动力特性,测定了双螺带,内外螺带及螺带螺旋3种类型搅拌器的功率常数Kp和Metaner常数Ks,并得出混匀操作和传质工艺过程的放大准则。  相似文献   

采用数值模拟与功率测试相结合的方法,研究直叶桨式粉体混合机搅拌过程及搅拌功率、扭矩的变化规律。对粉体混合机内球形颗粒的混合过程进行离散单元法DEM数值模拟,研究直叶桨式粉体混合机内搅拌转速、搅拌桨直径、桨叶数目等特性参数对粉体混合时搅拌功率和扭矩的影响,并拟合得到功率计算公式。搭建粉体搅拌试验台,测试粉体搅拌功率并与模拟结果比较。结果表明,直叶桨式粉体混合机内功率消耗与搅拌桨转速、搅拌桨直径、桨叶数目等特性参数有密切关系。同时,扭矩值和功率值与搅拌桨转速、搅拌桨直径和桨叶数目都呈正相关。实验得到了与模拟类似的扭矩-转速关系以及功率-转速关系,模拟值与测试值具有较好的吻合性,验证了所推导公式的准确性。  相似文献   

布风方式对流化床混合特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过将离散单元法同计算流体力学相结合,对流化床内物料混合过程进行了研究。给出了水平布风板均匀布风、倾斜布风板非均匀布风2种情况下的示踪颗粒场历变过程。模拟结果表明:瞬时颗粒场组图能够较为直观表征床内混合现象;其中,在均匀布风情况下,床内气泡横向运动受到限制,颗粒整体横向运动能力较弱,混合方式以扩散混合为主;而对于非均匀布风流化床,床内存在较大的横向颗粒浓度梯度,对流混和起主要作用,且混合速度较为迅速。  相似文献   

三维喷动床内异径干湿颗粒混合特性数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
李斌  于洋  马梦祥  张磊  陈翠玲 《化工学报》2017,68(12):4545-4555
基于计算流体力学-离散单元法,建立了三维喷动床内气固两相流数学模型,采用Fortran语言编制了并行数值模拟程序。对三维喷动床内两种不同直径的干颗粒及湿颗粒的混合特性进行了数值模拟,并从颗粒角度分析了双组分颗粒的运动机制。利用Lacey混合指数对床内整体以及特定区域的混合程度进行了定量分析,并研究了液桥体积、颗粒密度比以及表观气速对异径颗粒混合的影响。结果表明:在单孔射流喷动床内,干湿两种颗粒流动方式相似,湿颗粒无明显的聚团现象;液桥力对小直径的颗粒影响较大,使不同直径湿颗粒速度差减小;环隙区内颗粒的混合是影响整床颗粒混合的关键因素;液桥体积对颗粒混合的影响较大,对颗粒密度比以及表观气速的影响有限。  相似文献   

通过开展三维离散单元法数值模拟,考察了部分烧结陶瓷在单轴拉伸和压缩加载条件下的力学响应行为.模拟结果表明,拉伸加载下试样的破坏表现为裂纹"成核"效应,而压缩加载下则呈现为裂纹"聚并"效应;通过追踪固体键的断裂顺序和断裂模式发现,拉伸加载下固体键的破坏主要源于拉伸作用,而压缩加载下则为剪切作用.试样的宏观断裂强度与固体键...  相似文献   

移动床在各种过程工业中普遍存在。从颗粒尺度出发刻画移动床内颗粒物料的复杂流动行为,对于大型移动床反应器的设计、放大和优化具有重要的意义。本工作基于三维离散单元法(Discrete Element Method, DEM)数值模拟,考察了漏斗流和半整体流卸料流型下移动床内颗粒物料的运动特性,重点探讨了两种卸料流型下颗粒运动脉动特性的异同。首先通过对比流动区轮廓及其特征宽度随时间演化的模拟预测结果和实验测量结果,检验了DEM模拟结果的可靠性。DEM模拟结果表明,两种卸料流型下,流动区上部区域不同位置处颗粒平均轴向速度随时间的变化都呈现出显著的非随机波动,表现为颗粒平均轴向速度时间序列的离散傅里叶变换频谱图都出现了明显的特征峰。空间相关性分析结果表明,在流动区上部区域,不同位置处颗粒轴向速度随时间的波动呈现强烈的空间相关性,两种卸料流型下体系内都形成了局部共振。不同轴向位置处颗粒轴向速度的延迟相关性分析结果表明,这种共振行为源自于床层底部出口上方。对颗粒轴向速度和颗粒间接触力之间延迟相关性的分析结果显示,两者之间存在显著的相关性,且后者的波动先于前者的波动,说明模拟得到的共振现象可能源于自由...  相似文献   

前言 湿法薄形陶瓷砖工艺是一种新型的制造陶瓷砖的工艺技术,其中有一个工序是混料。混料设备有很多种,根据此技术的要求,我们对螺带式混合设备做了重点调研和分析。转子呈螺带状的混合设备称为螺带式混合设备。根据螺带的个数将螺带混合设备分为单螺带混合设备和多螺带混合设备;根据螺带的安装方式又可分为卧式螺带混合设备(见图1)、立式螺带混合设备(见图2)和斜式螺带混合设备(见图3),通常以卧式为主。  相似文献   

戚华彪  徐骥  宋文立  葛蔚 《化工学报》2018,69(1):371-380
采用离散单元法(discrete element method,DEM)模拟了工业尺度螺旋输送器中两种不同密度与粒径的颗粒的流动状态与混合过程。采用Lacey混合指标的定量分析表明,该输送器的混合性能强烈地依赖于操作条件和结构尺寸,转速和物料的添加速率对混合效果影响最大,其次是混合段螺距和物料粒径。根据工业生产的具体要求,可参考上述发现合理地选择技术参数、提高混合效率、降低能耗。  相似文献   

采用DEM离散单元法,对不同转速与倾角下半封闭式回转鼓内颗粒物料的混合过程进行了模拟。通过“颗粒接触数”定义的分离指数S,分析了不同转速和倾角对回转鼓内颗粒物料径向与轴向混合特性的影响。结果表明:转速与倾角对回转鼓内颗粒物料径向与轴向混合特性有显著的影响;倾角不变,转速分别为15r/min、30r/min、45r/min时,颗粒物料的径向与轴向混合速度随转速的增加而增加,当转速超过30r/min后,增加转速对径向与轴向混合速度的影响越来越小;转速不变,倾角分别为0°、17°、34°时,增大倾角能有效的增加轴向混合速度,但对径向混合速度没有促进作用,当倾角超过17°后,轴向混合速度的增幅随着倾角的增加而逐渐变小,而径向混合速度随着倾角的增大而减小,但增加转速可以减小径向混合速度下降幅度。  相似文献   

张立栋  韦庆文  秦宏  王擎 《化工进展》2016,35(10):3057-3064
采用离散单元法DEM(discrete element method)对圆柱形生物质颗粒和钢球颗粒在滚筒中的混合进行了数值模拟,分析了滚筒转速和颗粒数量比对混合质量的影响。结果表明:在本文设定的工况下,颗粒的混合模式为阶梯模式,并且颗粒在混合时可以分成3个区域,即左面的单层钢球颗粒区、中间的钢球颗粒和生物质颗粒混合区、右面的生物质颗粒堆积区。左右两边的颗粒混合效果较差,中间的颗粒混合效果较好。当滚筒转速相同时,钢球颗粒和生物质颗粒数量比为3000∶200时的颗粒混合效果比钢球颗粒和生物质颗粒数量比为3000∶100时的好,即当钢球颗粒数量远大于生物质颗粒数量时,增加生物质颗粒的数量可以提高混合效果。在钢球颗粒和生物质颗粒数量比相同的情况下,当滚筒转速在5~25r/min的范围内,滚筒转速越高,颗粒的混合质量越好,并且颗粒混合达到稳定的时间就越短。  相似文献   

The effect of interparticle cohesion on powder mixing in a ribbon mixer was studied by means of the discrete element method. It is shown that with an increase in the cohesion, the mixing rate and uniformity of mixing deteriorate, the coordination number increases indicating the loss of the ability of particles to be engaged in free flowing motion, and a majority of particles have a stronger tangential velocity allowing bulk angular motion of particles. Conversely, with a decrease in the cohesion, more particles have larger axial velocities, which will increase convective motion in the axial direction. When the cohesion is reduced, the number of particles having large radial stresses increases, and normal stress in the axial direction remains mostly unchanged. The ribbon mixer can mix cohesive particles in a wide range of the Bond numbers without causing large stresses. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 62: 1023–1037, 2016  相似文献   

An understanding of heat transfer in a bladed mixer is important for drying of pharmaceutical drug crystals. This study presents thermal imaging experiments of the particle bed surface in a bladed mixer to investigate how the impeller speed influences the rate and the uniformity of heat transfer. Next, the process is simulated using the discrete element method. The bed thermal properties are lumped into an effective thermal conductivity, that is calibrated for one impeller speed. The experiments and the simulations show the same trends and generally agree well for all agitated beds. However, to obtain good agreement of the rate of heat transfer between the simulations and experiments in a static bed, we need to adopt a higher thermal conductivity than for the agitated beds. Finally, we discuss the implications of these results for the design of operating protocols.  相似文献   

The performance of a coaxial mixer in the laminar-transitional flow regime was numerically investigated with Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. These mixers comprised two shafts: a central fast speed shaft mounted with an open turbine, and a slow speed shaft fitted with a wall scraping anchor arm. To model the complex hydrodynamics inside the vessel, the virtual finite element method (POLY3DTM software) coupled with a Lagrange multiplier approach to cope with the non-linearity coming from the rheological model was employed. Co-rotation and counter-rotation mode were compared, based on several numerical criteria, namely, mixing time, power consumption and pumping rate. It was found that co-rotating mode is more efficient than counter-rotating mode in terms of energy, pumping rate and homogenization time.  相似文献   

In many industrial applications, the quality of mixing between different materials is fundamental to guarantee the desired properties of products. However, properly modeling and understanding polymer mixing presents noticeable difficulties, because of the variety and complexity of the phenomena involved. This is also the case with the Cavity Transfer Mixer (CTM), an add‐on to be mounted downstream of existing extruders, to improve distributive mixing. The present work proposes a fully three‐dimensional model of the CTM: a finite element solver provides the transient velocity field, which is used in the mapping method implementation to compute the concentration field evolution and quantify mixing. Several simulations are run assessing the impact on mixing of geometrical and functioning parameters. In general, the number of cavities per row should be limited and the cavity size rather big to guarantee good mixing quality. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 64: 1034–1048, 2018  相似文献   

Powder mixing is an essential operation in pharmaceutical, food, and petrochemical industries. Pharmaceutical companies have been working in the implementation of continuous processes as an alternative to the batch process using the food and drug administration process analytical technology initiative. The main goal was to understand the mixing phenomena inside the continuous tumble mixer and monitor blend uniformity using discrete element method. Results demonstrated that the main mixing mechanism is convection similar to the common tumbling mixers. This mechanism is driven by the bulk flow of the particles, due to the mixer rotation. The simulations' results, demonstrated that the cohesion reduces the concentration variability due to the higher holdup, particle interactions, and mean residence time. The blend uniformity at the exit of the system was measured and a relationship between relative standard distribution, cohesion, and the collision frequency was found. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 61: 792–801, 2015  相似文献   

采用离散元方法对LIST卧式差动双轴搅拌设备内高密度聚乙烯(PE?HD)填充碳酸钙复合材料的混合过程进行了仿真模拟,研究了不同加料速率及不同转速条件对该类自清洁混合器混合腔内物料充满度、物料停留时间分布及混合均匀程度的影响。结果表明,该类自清洁混合器的轴向输送能力主要由后续物料的推动作用实现,采用高速轴转速40 r/min,加料速率为10 kg/h的工艺参数可以获得最佳的混合均匀程度。  相似文献   

唐巧  叶思施  王运东 《化工学报》2016,67(2):448-457
工业混合澄清槽混合室的放大设计多基于操作经验,缺乏理论基础。基于几何相似放大,采用计算流体力学(CFD)方法,针对间歇操作的单相体系,对4 种不同放大准则下混合室内混合时间和流场特性的变化规律进行研究。结果显示,混合时间的计算值与测量位置有关,但随转速的增加受测量位置的影响减小;充分湍流条件下,本研究体系的功率准数趋于常数NP=1.3,且几何相似放大可以保证混合室中轴向流动的流型特征;等桨叶端面速度和等Reynolds 数准则下,所需混合时间长,且抽吸压头小;等循环时间准则下,可以得到与基准混合室相同的混合时间和较高的抽吸压头,但单位体积功耗急剧增加到基准槽的24 倍;等单位体积功耗准则下,在满足具有较低的混合时间和较高的抽吸压头的同时还保证了较低的单位体积功耗,优于其他3 种放大准则。  相似文献   

采用三维绘图软件PRO/E对双转子连续混炼机的转子进行了结构设计,利用GAMBIT对其进行网格划分及边界条件设定,并运用有限元流体分析软件POLYFLOW对转子部分的混炼过程进行了模拟分析,比较了转子转过不同角度时沿轴向距离的剪切速率、平均速度、黏度以及压力。分析得出,螺棱交汇点位置在其长度方向1/3处的转子存在着很明显的反向压力,即可以产生明显的有利于混炼的反向流动。该研究将有助于优化转子结构,从而进一步提高混炼效果。  相似文献   

A number of studies have modeled flow and mixing of granular materials using the discrete element method (DEM). In an attempt to reduce computational costs, many of these DEM studies model particles larger than the actual particle size without investigating the implications of this assumption. Using DEM, the influence of the modeled particle size on flow and mixing in a bladed granular mixer is studied. The predicted flow microdynamics, including mixing rates, are strongly dependent on the particle diameter. The effect of particle size on macroscopic advective flow also is significant, particularly for dilute flow regions. These results suggest that the influence of particle size needs to be taken into consideration when using larger particles in DEM mixing simulations. To guide scale‐up efforts, particle‐size‐based scaling relationships for several key flow measurements are presented. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 61: 46–57, 2015  相似文献   

Numerical and experimental investigation of the turbulent mixing in a coaxial jet mixer is presented. Laser doppler velocimetry (LDV) and planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) were applied for measurements of velocity and scalar fields and their fluctuations. Numerical simulations were performed using large-eddy simulation and RANS with different closure models. These results are used for validation of numerical models and a detailed study of flow physics within the recirculation zone.  相似文献   

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