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Magnetization reversal was studied in square arrays of square Co/CoO dots with lateral size varying between 200 and 900 nm. While reference nonpatterned Co/CoO films show the typical shift and increased width of the hysteresis loop due to exchange bias, the patterned samples reveal a pronounced size dependence. In particular, an anomaly appears in the upper branch of the magnetization cycle and becomes stronger as the dot size decreases. This anomaly, which is absent at room temperature in the patterned samples, can be understood in terms of a competition between magnetostatic interdot interaction and exchange anisotropy during the magnetic switching process.  相似文献   

Motivated by the far-infrared transmission experiments of Demel et al., we have investigated the magnetoplasmon excitations in an array of quantum dots within the Thomas–Fermi–Dirac–von Weizsäcker (TFDW) approximation. Detailed calculations of the magnetic dispersion and power absorption from a uniform radiation field unambiguously demonstrates that the noncircular symmetry of the individual dots is responsible for the anticrossing behaviour observed in the experiments. The interdot Coulomb interaction is unimportant at the interdot separation of the samples studied.  相似文献   

《Physics Reports》2005,422(3):65-117
The phenomenology of exchange bias and related effects in nanostructures is reviewed. The types of systems discussed include: lithographically fabricated ferromagnetic (FM)—antiferromagnetic (AFM) nanostructures, chemically surface modified FM particles, FM particles embedded in an AFM matrix, controlled core–shell particles, nanoparticles with surface effects and coupled AFM–AFM systems. The main applications of exchange biased nanostructures are summarized. Finally, the implications of the nanometer dimensions on some of the existing exchange bias theories are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We present Monte Carlo simulations of hysteresis loops of a model of a magnetic nanoparticle with a ferromagnetic core and an antiferromagnetic shell with varying values of the core/shell interface exchange coupling which aim to clarify the microscopic origin of exchange bias observed experimentally. We have found loop shifts in the field direction as well as displacements along the magnetization axis that increase in magnitude when increasing the interfacial exchange coupling. Overlap functions computed from the spin configurations along the loops have been obtained to explain the origin and magnitude of these features microscopically.  相似文献   

Research on the exchange bias (EB) phenomenon has witnessed a flurry of activity during recent years, which stems from its use in magnetic sensors and as stabilizers in magnetic reading heads. EB was discovered in 1956 but it attracted only limited attention until these applications, closely related to giant magnetoresistance, were developed during the last decade. In this review, I initially give a short introduction, listing the most salient experimental results and what is required from an EB theory. Next, I indicate some of the obstacles in the road towards a satisfactory understanding of the phenomenon. The main body of the text reviews and critically discusses the activity that has flourished, mainly during the last 5 years, in the theoretical front. Finally, an evaluation of the progress made, and a critical assessment as to where we stand nowadays along the road to a satisfactory theory, is presented.  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of inelastic cotunneling on the electronic transport properties of gold nanoparticle multilayers and thick films at low applied bias, inside the Coulomb-blockade regime. We find that the zero-bias conductance, g(0)(T), in all systems exhibits Efros-Shklovskii-type variable range hopping transport. The resulting typical hopping distance, corresponding to the number of tunnel junctions participating in cotunneling events, is shown to be directly related to the power-law exponent in the measured current-voltage characteristics. We discuss the implications of these findings in light of models on cotunneling and hopping transport in mesoscopic, granular conductors.  相似文献   

An electron teleportation protocol, inspired by the scenario by Bennett et al., is proposed in a mesoscopic set-up. A superconducting circuit allows to both inject and measure entangled singlet electron pairs in an array of three normal quantum dots. The selection of the teleportation process is achieved in the steady state with the help of two superconducting dots and appropriate gating. Teleportation of the electron spin is detected by measuring the spin-polarized current through the normal dot array. This current is perfectly correlated to the pair current flowing inside the superconducting circuit. The classical channel required by Bennett's protocol, which signals the completion of a teleportation cycle, is identified with the detection of an electron pair charge in the superconducting circuit. Received 10 December 2002 / Received in final form 14 March 2003 Published online 7 May 2003  相似文献   

Low temperature nuclear orientation has been used for the first time to investigate the magnetization reversal processes in an exchange bias system (Co/Au/CoO), with the advantage of observing both the Co and Au layers at the same time. By monitoring the counting-rate ratio of two γ-ray detectors, the measurements may be used to distinguish between reversal processes dominated by domain wall motion as opposed to rotation of the magnetization.  相似文献   

We describe the observation of novel localization in mesoscopic quantum dots and quantum dot arrays, which are realized in high mobility GaAs/AlGaAs heterojunctions using the split‐gate technique. With a sufficient gate voltage applied to form the devices, their resistance diverges as the temperature is lowered below a degree Kelvin, behavior which we attribute to localization. Evidence for the localization is found over the entire range of gate voltage for which the dots are defined, persisting to conductances higher than 50e2/h.  相似文献   

The low-temperature stable states and the magnetization reversal of realistic two-dimensional nanoarrays with higher-order magnetostatic interactions are studied theoretically. For a general calculus of the multipole-multipole interaction energy we introduce a Hamiltonian in spherical coordinates into the Monte Carlo scheme. We demonstrate that higher-order interactions considerably change the dipolar ground states of in-plane magnetized arrays favoring collinear configurations. The multipolar interactions lead to enhancement or decrease of the coercivity in arrays with in-plane or out-of-plane magnetization.  相似文献   

Patterned magnetic media have been considered as one of the promising candidates for future ultra-high-density magnetic recording. In this paper, a new kind of patterned medium based on hexagonal ferrite have been studied. We have successfully fabricated strontium ferrite dot arrays by electron beam lithography. Their magnetic properties are evaluated by magnetic force microscopy (MFM) and superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID). The results show the dot arrays have perpendicular anisotropy. Dots with the lateral size larger than 500 nm show multidomain magnetization configuration in the initial magnetization state. However, with dot size decreased to 500 nm, all the dots have single-domain configuration both in the initial magnetization state and remanent magnetization state.  相似文献   

We have investigated the exchange bias effect in micron-sized ferromagnetic wires made from Co and Ni80Fe20 films. The wires were fabricated using optical lithography, metallization by sputtering and lift-off technique. Magnetotransport measurements were performed at temperatures ranging from 3 to 300 K. We observed marked changes in the magnetoresistance (MR) properties as the temperature is varied. At 300 K, the field at which the sharp peak occurs corresponding to the magnetization reversal of the Co wires is 167 Oe and is symmetrical about the origin. As the temperature was decreased to 3 K, we observed a shift in the peak positions of the MR characteristics for both the forward and reverse field sweeps corresponding to a loop shift of 582 Oe in the field axis. The asymmetric shift in the MR loops at low temperatures clearly indicates the exchange bias between ferromagnetic (Co) and antiferromagnetic parts (Co-oxide at the surfaces) from natural oxidation. Ni80Fe20 wires of the same geometry showed similar effect with a low exchange bias field. The onset of exchange biasing effect is found to be 70 and 15 K for the Co and Ni80Fe20 wires, respectively. A striking effect is the existence of exchange biasing effect from the sidewalls of the wires even when the wires were capped with Au film.  相似文献   

Iron oxide nanoclusters have been prepared by the gas-phase aggregation technique to form thin film structures with very high exchange bias values (up to 3000?Oe at low temperatures). Composition has been analysed by x-ray absorption and M?ssbauer spectroscopies in order to elucidate the actual origin of the observed magnetic behaviour. The formation of a metal-oxide core-shell arrangement to explain the observed exchange bias has to be discarded since results show no metallic iron content and the main presence of α-Fe(2)O(3). The observed weak ferromagnetism and exchange bias are in agreement with the obtained size of α-Fe(2)O(3) nanoparticles: weak ferromagnetism because of the well-known spin canting in this antiferromagnetic structure and exchange bias because of the interaction between different spin sublattice configurations promoted by the modification of iron coordination in α-Fe(2)O(3) nanoparticles. Moreover, the preparation method is proposed for tuning both magnetization and exchange bias values by modification of the preparation conditions of α-Fe(2)O(3) nanoparticles, which open new possibilities in the design of new materials with required properties.  相似文献   

Exchange bias has been observed in sputtered magnetic double superlattices which consist of a ferromagnetically coupled superlattice grown on an antiferromagnetically (AF) coupled superlattice. This system exhibits a parallel domain wall, a spin flop transition, and exchange bias when the anisotropy is large in the AF block. This work shows that neither the domain wall nor the spin flop are directly related to exchange bias but that the anisotropy is essential.  相似文献   

赵荣  顾建军  刘力虎  徐芹  蔡宁  孙会元 《物理学报》2012,61(2):27504-027504
利用交流电化学沉积方法在氧化铝模板中制备了一维结构的FexCo1-x(0 ≤ x ≤ 0.51)二元合金纳米线阵列.X射线衍射结果显示,单质Co纳米线为(100)择优取向的hcp结构,FeCo合金纳米线则呈现(110)择优取向的bcc结构,而且衍射峰随纳米线中Fe含量的增加向低角度偏移.室温磁性测量结果显示, FeCo合金纳米线具有较好的磁特性.与Co纳米线相比,Fe的引入改善了Co纳米线的磁性能,使其呈现出较大的矫顽力和较高的矩形比.采用一致转动模型和对称扇形机理的球链模型分别计算了FeCo合金纳米线的矫顽力, 发现其磁化反转机理与对称扇形机理的球链模型相符合.  相似文献   

The photoconduction in a tunnel-coupled Ge/Si quantum dot (QD) array has been studied. The photoconductance (PC) sign can be either positive or negative, depending on the initial filling of QDs with holes. The PC kinetics has a long-term character (102?104 s at T = 4.2 K) and is accompanied by persistent photoconduction (PPC), whereby the PC value is not restored on the initial level even after relaxation for several hours. These phenomena are observed upon illumination by light with photon energies both greater and smaller than the silicon bandgap. A threshold light wavelength corresponding to a long-term PC kinetics depends on the QD filling with holes. A model describing the observed PC kinetics is proposed, according to which the main contribution to the PC is related to the degree of QD filling with holes. By applying the proposed model to the analysis of PC kinetics at various excitation levels, it is possible to determine the dependence of the hopping conductance on the number of holes per QD. The rate of the charge carrier density relaxation exponentially depends on the carrier density.  相似文献   

We present evidence for a re-entrant metal–insulator transition that arises in quantum dot arrays as the gate voltage is used to sweep their density of states past the Fermi level. The form of the temperature variation of the conductance observed in these arrays can be accounted for using a functional form derived from studies of the metal–insulator transition in two dimensions, although the values obtained for the fit parameters suggest that the behavior we observe here may be quite distinct to that found in two dimensions.  相似文献   

The tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) of a small magnetic dot array with perpendicular anisotropy, is studied by using a resistor network model. Because of the competition between dipolar interaction and perpendicular anisotropy, the TMR ratio can be up to a maximum value (~26%) as predicted by a theoretical model. At moderate dipolar interaction strength, the perpendicular TMR ratio exhibits abrupt jumps due to the switching of magnetic moments in the array when the applied field (normal to the array plane) decreases from a saturation field. This novel character does not occur if the dipolar interaction between particles is quite strong. Furthermore, the effect of the array size N on TMR is also studied and the result shows that TMR ratio fluctuates when N increases for a moderate dipolar interaction strength. When the applied field he is parallel to the array plane, the in-plane TMR curve seems insensitive to the dipolar interaction strength, but the maximum TMR ratio (~26%) can also be obtained at he=0.  相似文献   

Nucleation and annihilation of vortex states have been studied in two-dimensional arrays of densely packed cobalt dots. A clear signature of dipolar interactions both between single-domain state dots and vortex state dots has been observed from the dependence of vortex nucleation and annihilation fields on interdot separation. A direct consequence of these interactions is the formation of vortex chains as well as dipole chains aligned along the direction of the external field. In addition, short range correlation of chiralities within vortex chains has been observed using magnetic force microscopy imaging and has been attributed to cross-talking between adjacent elements.  相似文献   

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