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To explain the effects of the ultraviolet (UV) background radiation on the collapse of pre-galactic clouds, we implement a radiation–hydrodynamical calculation, combining one-dimensional spherical hydrodynamics with an accurate treatment of the radiative transfer of ionizing photons. Both absorption and scattering of UV photons are explicitly taken into account. It turns out that a gas cloud contracting within the dark matter potential does not settle into hydrostatic equilibrium, but undergoes run-away collapse even under the presence of the external UV field. The cloud centre is shown to become self-shielded against ionizing photons by radiative transfer effects before shrinking to the rotation barrier. Based on our simulation results, we further discuss the possibility of H2 cooling and subsequent star formation in a run-away collapsing core. The present results are closely relevant to the survival of subgalactic Population III objects as well as to metal injection into intergalactic space.  相似文献   

We introduce a new code for computing time-dependent continuum radiative transfer and non-equilibrium ionization states in static density fields with periodic boundaries. Our code solves the moments of the radiative transfer equation, closed by an Eddington tensor computed using a long characteristics (LC) method. We show that traditional short characteristics and the optically thin approximation are inappropriate for computing Eddington factors for the problem of cosmological re-ionization. We evolve the non-equilibrium ionization field via an efficient and accurate (errors <1 per cent) technique that switches between fully implicit or explicit finite differencing depending on whether the local time-scales are long or short compared to the time-step. We tailor our code for the problem of cosmological re-ionization. In tests, the code conserves photons, accurately treats cosmological effects and reproduces analytic Strömgren sphere solutions. Its chief weakness is that the computation time for the LC calculation scales relatively poorly compared to other techniques  ( t LC∝ N ∼1.5cells)  ; however, we mitigate this by only recomputing the Eddington tensor when the radiation field changes substantially. Our technique makes almost no physical approximations, so it provides a way to benchmark faster but more approximate techniques. It can readily be extended to evolve multiple frequencies, though we do not do so here. Finally, we note that our method is generally applicable to any problem involving the transfer of continuum radiation through a periodic volume.  相似文献   

We find that at redshifts   z ≳ 10, HD  line cooling allows strongly shocked primordial gas to cool to the temperature of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). This temperature is the minimum value attainable via radiative cooling. Provided that the abundance of HD, normalized to the total number density, exceeds a critical level of  ∼10−8  , the CMB temperature floor is reached in a time which is short in comparison to the Hubble time. We estimate the characteristic masses of stars formed out of shocked primordial gas in the wake of the first supernovae, and resulting from the virialization of dark matter haloes during hierarchical structure formation to be  ∼10 M  . In addition, we show that cooling by HD enables the primordial gas in relic H  ii regions to cool to temperatures considerably lower than those reached via H2 cooling alone. We confirm that HD cooling is unimportant in cases where the primordial gas does not go through an ionized phase, as in the formation process of the very first stars in   z ≳ 20  minihaloes of mass  ∼106 M  .  相似文献   

Based upon a novel paradigm of galaxy formation under the influence of an ultraviolet background, the evolutionary bifurcation of pre-galactic clouds is compared with observations of elliptical and spiral galaxies. The theory predicts that the dichotomy between dissipational and dissipationless galaxy formation stems from the degree of self-shielding from the ultraviolet background radiation. This is demonstrated on a bifurcation diagram of collapse epochs versus masses of pre-galactic clouds. Using the observed properties, the collapse epochs and mass are assessed for each type of galaxy . By direct comparison of the theory with observations, it turns out that the theoretical bifurcation branch successfully discriminates between elliptical and spiral galaxies. This suggests that the ultraviolet background radiation could play a profound role in the differentiation of galactic morphology into the Hubble sequence.  相似文献   

The collapse of marginally Jeans-unstable primordial gas clouds in the presence of a UV radiation field is discussed. Assuming that the dynamical collapse proceeds approximately in an isothermal self-similar fashion, we investigate the thermal evolution of the collapsing central core until H2 cooling dominates photoheating and the temperature drops to below 104 K. Consequently, the mass of the cooled core is evaluated as M cool=3.6×106 M ( I 21/1)−0.32. This scale depends only on the incident UV intensity, and provides a lower limit to the mass of collapsed objects in the UV radiation field.  相似文献   

H2 formation in metal-free gas occurs via the intermediate  H  or  H+2  ions. Destruction of these ions by photodissociation therefore serves to suppress  H2  formation. In this paper, I highlight the fact that several processes that occur in ionized primordial gas produce photons energetic enough to photodissociate  H  or  H+2  and outline how to compute the photodissociation rates produced by a particular distribution of ionized gas. I also show that there are circumstances of interest, such as during the growth of H  ii regions around the first stars, in which this previously overlooked form of radiative feedback is of considerable importance.  相似文献   

I propose a modification of the spherical infall model for the evolution of density fluctuations with initially Gaussian probability distribution and scale-free power spectra in the Einsteinde Sitter universe as developed by Hoffman & Shaham. I introduce a generalized form of the initial density distribution around an overdense region and cut it off at half the interpeak separation, accounting in this way for the presence of the neighbouring fluctuations. Contrary to the original predictions of Hoffman & Shaham, the resulting density profiles within virial radii no longer have a power-law shape, but their steepness increases with distance. The profiles of haloes of galactic mass are well fitted by the universal profile formula of changing slope obtained as a result of N -body simulations by Navarro, Frenk & White. The trend of steeper profiles for smaller masses and higher spectral indices is also reproduced. The agreement between the model and simulations is better for smaller masses and lower spectral indices, which suggests that galaxies form mainly by accretion, while formation of clusters involves merging.  相似文献   

A model for gas outflows is proposed which simultaneously explains the correlations between the (i) equivalent widths of low-ionization and Lyα lines, (ii) outflow velocity, and (iii) star formation rate observed in Lyman break galaxies (LBGs). Our interpretation implies that LBGs host short-lived (30 ± 5 Myr) starburst episodes observed at different evolutionary phases. Initially, the starburst powers a hot wind bound by a denser cold shell, which after ≈5 Myr becomes dynamically unstable and fragments; afterwards the fragment evolution is approximately ballistic while the hot bubble continues to expand. As the fragments are gravitationally decelerated, their screening ability of the starlight decreases as the ultraviolet (UV) starburst luminosity progressively dims. LBG observations sample all these evolutionary phases. Finally, the fragments fall back on to the galaxy after ≈60 Myr. This phase cannot be easily probed as it occurs when the starburst UV luminosity has already largely faded; however, galaxies dimmer in the UV than LBGs should show infalling gas.  相似文献   

Assuming simple dynamics for the growth of density fluctuations, we implement six-dimensional (6D) radiative transfer calculations to elucidate the effects of photon propagation during the reionization of an inhomogeneous universe. The ionizing sources are postulated to be AGN-like in this paper. The present simulations reveal that radiative transfer effects are still prominent considerably after the percolation epoch, in which patchy ionized regions connect with each other. In other words, owing to the collective opacity, the Universe does not become perfectly transparent against ionizing radiation even though strongly self-shielded regions disappear. It turns out that the inhomogeneity of the medium enhances the opacity effects and delays the end of reionization. Owing to such radiative transfer effects, the reionization in an inhomogeneous universe proceeds fairly slowly, in contrast to the prompt reionization in a homogeneous universe, and as a result the surface of reionization is not so sharply edged, but highly uneven. As a signature of the uneven surface of reionization, the cosmic IR background (CIB) radiation, which is produced by Ly photons resulting from radiative recombination, could exhibit strong anisotropies, reflecting the amplitude of density fluctuations at the reionization era. The predicted CIB intensity lies on a level of possible detection by forthcoming IR space telescope facilities.  相似文献   

We study the evolution of ionization fronts around the first protogalaxies by using high-resolution numerical cosmological (Λ+ cold dark matter, CDM, model) simulations and Monte Carlo radiative transfer methods. We present the numerical scheme in detail and show the results of test runs from which we conclude that the scheme is both fast and accurate. As an example of interesting cosmological application, we study the reionization produced by a stellar source of total mass M =2×108 M turning on at z ≈12, located at a node of the cosmic web. The study includes a spectral energy distribution of a zero-metallicity stellar population, and two initial mass functions (IMFs; Salpeter/Larson). The expansion of the ionization front (I-front) is followed as it breaks out from the galaxy and is channelled by the filaments into the voids, assuming (in a 2D representation) a characteristic butterfly shape. The ionization evolution is very well tracked by our scheme, as realized by the correct treatment of the channelling and shadowing effects resulting from overdensities. We confirm previous claims that both the shape of the IMF and the ionizing power metallicity dependence are important to correctly determine the reionization of the Universe.  相似文献   

Possible detection of signatures of structure formation at the end of the 'dark age' epoch  ( z ∼ 40–20)  is examined. We discuss the spectral–spatial fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) temperature produced by elastic resonant scattering of CMBR photons on deuterated hydrogen (HD) molecules located in protostructures moving with peculiar velocity. Detailed chemical kinematic evolution of HD molecules in the expanding homogeneous medium is calculated. Then, the HD abundances are linked to protostructures at their maximum expansion, whose properties are estimated by using the top-hat spherical approach and the Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) cosmology. We find that the optical depths in the HD three lowest pure rotational lines for high-peak protohaloes at their maximum expansion are much higher than those in LiH molecule. The corresponding spectral–spatial fluctuation amplitudes, however, are probably too weak to be detected by current and forthcoming millimetre telescope facilities. We extend our estimates of spectral–spatial fluctuations to gas clouds inside collapsed CDM haloes by using results from a crude model of HD production in these clouds. The fluctuations for the highest peak CDM haloes at redshifts ∼20–30 could be detected in the future. Observations will be important to test model predictions of early structure formation in the Universe.  相似文献   

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