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六水氯化钕与甘氨酸丙氨酸三元固态配合物的热化学   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
合成了Nd3 与甘氨酸丙氨酸混配体配合物 ,通过红外光谱分析、元素分析、热重分析和化学分析 ,确定了配合物的组成为 :Nd(Gly) 2(Ala) 3Cl3·2H2 O ,并用溶解量热法分别测定了NdCl3·6H2 O(s) ,2Gly(s) 3Ala(s)和Nd(Gly) 2 (Ala) 3Cl3·2H2 O(s)在 2mol·L- 1 HCl中的溶解焓 ;再根据盖斯定律设计了一个热化学循环 ,计算得到了六水氯化钕与甘氨酸丙氨酸反应的反应焓ΔrHmθ(2 98.15K) =3 7.2 44kJ·mol- 1 ,并求出了Nd(Gly) 2 (Ala) 3Cl3·2H2 O(s)标准生成焓ΔfHmθ[Nd(Gly) 2 (Ala) 3Cl3·2H2 O ,s,2 98.15K] =-4 45 0 .1kJ·mol- 1 。  相似文献   

Bothrareearthions[1 ] and 8 hydrox yquinolinepossessantibacterialfunction[2 ] ,andtheircomplexeshavemorepowerfuldisin fection .Thebinarycomplexesofthemwerere portedasearlyas 1 96 3.Meanwhile ,there searchontheternarycomplexesofthemhasbecomeveryactiveinrecentyearsan…  相似文献   

采用具有恒温环境的反应热量计,以2mol  相似文献   

以单一盐酸溶液为淋洗剂,采用萃淋树脂法制备超高纯氯化钕溶液。研究了CL-P507、CL-P204、001×7、001×8、D113、D900、DH100等7种树脂对RE3+、Al3+的吸附、解析、分离性能,遴选CL-P507为分离树脂、DH100为除铝树脂。单因素条件试验发现,加液方式、料液浓度、淋洗酸浓度、柱径比对流出液稀土纯度影响不显著,高料液浓度、高淋洗酸浓度、低柱径比可以获得较高浓度的超高纯氯化钕溶液,以正吸附方式加料、料液浓度30.89 g/L、淋洗酸浓度0.3 mol/L、柱径比20︰1为最优工艺条件,制备了纯度>99.999%的超高纯氯化钕溶液。工艺不使用任何延缓离子,从源头控制非稀土杂质的引入,为超高纯稀土溶液的制备提供了技术参考。  相似文献   

Ithasbeenreportedthattracerareearthelements (REEs)playanimportantroleinin creasingcropproduction[1] .REEtraceele mentfertilizersareappliedinmorethan 3 33millionhectareinChinaperyear[2 ] .AgreatamountofREEfertilizersareREE ammonium bicarbonatecompoundfertilizers …  相似文献   

~~Effects of Neodymium Application Mode on Resistance to Fusarium Wilts in Cucumbers  相似文献   

The effects of RE on increasing crop productivity and stress tolerance were reported inpast years[' '2). La ion acts as a calcium-influxinhibitor by displacing Ca2 from cell wallsand occupying Ca2 -binding sites on the plasmalemma, as effective as Ca in the deferral ofsenescence. Besides blocking calcium channels, La has been frequently reported to mimicCa2 effect on plant ion transport. Migliaccioet al. found that both Ca2 and La3 stimulated auxin uptake into pea epicotyl segmentsfr…  相似文献   

A ternary solid complex Yb(Et2dtc)3(phen) was obtained from the reaction of hydrous ytterbium chloride with sodium diethyldithiocarbamate (NaEt2dtc), and 1, 10-phenanthroline (o-phen·H2O) in absolute ethanol.The bonding characteristics of the complex were characterized by IR.The result shows Yb3 bands with two sulfur atoms in the Na(Et2dtc)3 and two nitrogen atoms in the o-phen.The enthalpy change of liquid-phase reaction of formation of the complex ΔrHθm (l), was determined as being (-24.838±0.114) kJ·mol-1 at 298.15 K, by an RD-496 Ⅲ type heat conduction microcalormeter.The enthalpy change of the solid-phase reaction of formation of the complex ΔrHθm (s), was calculated as being (108.015±0.479) kJ·mol-1 on the basis of an appropriate thermochemistry cycle.The thermodynamics of liquid-phase reaction of formation of the complex was investigated by changing the temperature during the liquid-phase reaction.Fundamental parameters, the activation enthalpy, ΔHθ≠, the activation entropy, ΔSθ≠, the activation free energy, ΔGθ≠, the apparent reaction rate constant k, the apparent activation energy E, the pre-exponential constant A, and the reaction order n, were obtained by a combination of the reaction thermodynamic and kinetic equations with the data from the thermokinetic experiments.At the same time, the molar heat capacity of the complex cm, p, was determined to be (86.34±1.74) J·mol-1·K-1 by the same microcalormeter.The constant-volume combustion energy of the complex, ΔcU, was determined to be (-17954.08±8.11) kJ·mol-1 by an RBC-Ⅱ type rotating-bomb calorimeter at 298.15 K.Its standard enthalpy of combustion, ΔcHθm, and standard enthalpy of formation, ΔfHθm, were calculated to be (-17973.29±8.11) kJ·mol-1 and (-770.36±9.02) kJ·mol-1, respectively.  相似文献   

RareEarthElements (REEs)havespecialelec tricstructuresandtheeffectsonvarietiesofbiologicalactivities .REEspromotingnitrogenmetabolismhasbeenmuchreported[1~4 ] .Ourpreviouspapersstudiedlanthanumandeurioumontherootingofloquatplant letinvitro ,showingthatLaandEucanstimulatethegrowthanddevelopmentofroot ,andenhancetheac tivitiesofnitratereductase (NR)significantly[5,6 ] .ltiswellknownthatnitratereductasecatalyzesthere ductionofNO3- toNH4 .Glutaminesynthetase (GS)andglutamatedehydrogenase…  相似文献   

刘春生  何淼  周海霞  罗根祥 《稀土》2006,27(6):88-90
以活性炭固载三氯化钕为非均相催化剂,对环己醇与乙酸酐之间的酰化反应进行了研究,考察了催化剂用量、醇酐摩尔比、反应时间对乙酸环己酯收率的影响。结果表明,活性炭固载三氯化钕有着较好的催化活性,当乙酸酐的加入量为0.1 m o l,醇酐摩尔比为1.1∶1时,催化剂质量为0.25g,反应30m in后,乙酸环己酯收率可达到92.2%,且催化剂重复使用5次仍保持较高活性,所得产品无色透明,具有很高的纯度。产品经折光率和红外光谱进行了表征。  相似文献   

A new kind of rare earth- containing flocculant of poly-ferric sulfate chloride (PFSCRE) was studied, and proved to produce high density floccules growing, make sludge deposit quickly and possess high COD removal rate, so that it is seen to be more effective for the disposal of dying wastewater than PFSC. The optimum process for preparing the PFSCRE is defined as REC/PFSC 1.2% ~ 2.2%. And each correlativity of configuration with capacity of aggregating sludge was respectively educed through analysis and comparison of configurations of them. Finally, a prediction was put forward that it should be the key for development of the PFSCRE agglomerating capacity to manage to increase its degree .of polymerization.  相似文献   

With the applications of Nd-Fe-B material extending in recent years, the materials of neodymium metal and other rare earth metal alloy confront the increased demand and the high quality request at the same time.These factors stimulated greatly to perfect the producing craft of RE metals and improve the equipments.The rare earth electrolysis cell is developing towards large-scale way.Notwithstanding the present electrolysis cell of Nd metal, include 6 kA and 10 kA cell, exists some insurmountable problems during operation and these problems lead to lower electric efficiency and higher operating costs.So it is significant to study the physical fields of rare earth electrolysis cell.In this paper,a numerical flow mode is established using vortex- flowing function method and the fluid flow field of 3000A Nd electrolysis cell is computed using MATLAB.The results of the study will be important reference in theory for improving and enlarging rare earth fluoride system cell.  相似文献   

Rareearthelementshavebeenincreasinglyusedinagriculture ,animalhusbandryandfisheryinChinasinceREcanpromotegrowthofcropsandani mals[1,2 ] .However ,studieshaveshownthatoverex posureofREmayhavenegativeortoxiceffectsonor ganisms ,forexample ,inhibitingenzymeactivityandinterferinginmetabolism ,havinghighaffinitytoCa2 bindingsitesanddown regulatingabsorptionandfunc tionofCa2 ,blockingbloodclotting ,inducingpatho histologicallesionsofliver ,aswellasaffectinggo nadalfunction[3~6 ] .Furthermore ,…  相似文献   

三元配合物Pr[(C5H8NS2)3(C12H8N2)]生成反应的热动力学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在无水乙醇中 ,用吡咯烷二硫代氨基甲酸铵 (APDTC)和 1,10 邻菲咯啉 (o phen·H2 O)与PrCl3·3 .75H2 O作用 ,合成了三元固态配合物 ,确定它的组成为Pr[(C5H8NS2 ) 3(C1 2 H8N2 ) ]。X粉末衍射说明它为一新相化合物。IR光谱说明配合物中Pr3 分别与 3个APDTC的 6个硫原子双齿配位 ,同时与o phen的 2个氮原子双齿配位 ,配位数为 8。TG DTG分析显示其热分解为一步生成Pr2 S3 2C。用微量热计测定了 2 98.15K下水合氯化镨及两个配体在无水乙醇中的溶解焓 ,两个配体醇溶液的混合焓及不同温度下标题化合物液相生成反应的焓变。在实验和计算基础上 ,得到了液相生成反应的热力学参数 (活化焓、活化熵和活化自由能 ) ,速率常数和动力学参数 (表现活化能、频率因子和反应级数 ) ,通过合理的热化学循环 ,求得了 2 98 15K时标题化合物的固相反应焓变。  相似文献   

邻苯二甲酸与氯化稀土配合物的固相合成及性质研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
应用低温固相反应法合成了稀土氯化物和邻苯二甲酸的三种配合物,并对它们进行了组成分析、TG-DTA、红外光谱、荧光光谱和摩尔电导等的测定,确定配合物的组成为RE2(HL)3C l3.16H2O(RE=N d,Eu,T b;HL=o-C6H4(COOH)(COO-)),与文献报道的液相反应所得的产物组成不同[1,2]。从配合物的荧光激发和发射光谱可以发现,铕、铽的邻苯二甲酸配合物均具有很好的发光性能,且铽的发光性能比铕的发光性能更好。另外,溶解性实验表明配合物可以溶于水、乙醇,不溶于乙醚、丙酮。  相似文献   

水和废水监测分析方法规定 ,测定工业废水的化学耗氧量时 ,需要采用重铬酸钾法 ,记为CODCr。测定时 ,由于氯离子会干扰测定 ,影响测定结果 ,需要在回流前向体系中加入一定量硫酸汞 ,络合氯离子以消除干扰 ;这种方法氯离子的干扰上限为 2 0 0 0mg·L- 1 。广东珠江稀土有限公司生产排放废水为稀土矿物提炼废水 ,其氯离子含量通常在 16~ 19g·L- 1 之间 ,含量较高。按国家环保局制定的“废水中化学需氧量的测定”标准方法进行测定时 ,会使测定结果大大偏高 ,针对这种情况 ,我们在国家标准方法的基础上通过改变反应条件 ,在几个方面进行了反复试验 ,得到了切实可行的分析CODCr方法 ,方法的精密度和准确度较好 ,分析数据令人满意 ,该法得到环保部门的认可  相似文献   

Thermochemistry of Ternary Complex Dy(Et_2dtc)_3(phen)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ternary solid complex was synthesized with sodium diethyldithiocarbamate (NaEt2dtc), 1,10-phenanthroline (phen) and low hydrated dysprosium chloride in absolute ethanol by improved method of reference. The title complex was identified as the general formula of Dy(Et2dtc)3(phen) by chemical and elemental analyses. IR spectrum of the complex shows that the Dy3 coordinated with six sulfur atoms of three NaEt2dtc and two nitrogen atoms of phen. It is assumed that the coordination number of Dy3 is eight.The enthalpy change of liquid-phase reaction of formation, ΔrHθm(l), is determined as (-19.091±0.015) kJ·mol-1 at 298.15 K by a microcalorimeter, and the enthalpy change of the solid-phase reaction of formation, ΔrHθm(s), is calculated as (139.641±0.482) kJ·mol-1 on the basis of a thermochemical cycle. The thermodynamic of reaction of formation was studied by changing the temperature of liquid-phase reaction. The constant-volume combustion energy of the complex, ΔcU, is determined as (-16730.21±9.25) kJ·mol-1 by a precise rotating-bomb calorimeter at 298.15 K. Its standard enthalpies of combustion, ΔcHθm, and standard enthalpies of formation, ΔfHθm, are calculated as (-16749.42±9.25) kJ·mol-1 and (-2019.68±10.19) kJ·mol-1, respectively.  相似文献   

Homogeneous (ZrO2)0.92 (Sc2O3)0.08 solid solution in fluorite cubic structure was prepared from the gels with altered molar ratios of citric acid (CA) to metal ions (M) and ethylene glycol (EG) via a polymerization route (Pechini method). Due to the enhanced chemical homogeneity (high level of mixing of metal ions and ligands) in the polymeric gels, Sc-doped zirconia can be crystallized at temperatures as low as 400 ~C. During the evolution from amorphous gel to the crystallized (ZRO2)0.92 (Sc203)0.08 fine powder, the bonding nature between carboxylate groups and Zr/Sc cations changed: unidentate→bridging→ionic upon calcination. The molar ratios of CA/M (1~4) and CA/EG (0.2~4) were demonstrated to affect the thermal behavior of the gels and thus the particle properties of the derived nanoparticulate oxide powders (including particle size and surface area). The as-sintered sample compacted from the nanosized powders prepared by calcining the gel with the highest content of organics (CA/M =4and CA/EG=0.2) exhibited the best sinterability and the highest oxide ion conductivity.  相似文献   

The diameter of the colony of Fusarium oxysporum in solid medium, and the mycelium growth, pectinase activity, and mycelium permeability of Fusarium oxysporum in liquid medium under varying concentrations of Nd^3+ (0, 2, 4, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, 300, and 400 mg·L^-1) were measured. The results indicated that the growth of Fusarium oxysporum was stimulated in solid medium when the concentration of Nd^3+ ranges from 2 to 180 mg·L^-1, whereas it was inhibited when Nd^3 + concentration was greater than 200 mg· L^-1. The colonies were fewer and smaller when Nd^3 + was used in the solid medium. The growth of Fusarium oxysporum was inhibited in liquid medium when Nd^3+ was used. The inhibition rate showed by the dry weight of mycelium ranged from 4.83% to 52.18% and inereased with Nd^3 + concentration. The pectinase activity decreased compared with that of controls. When the concentration of Nd^3 + was 10 and 400 mg· L^- 1, the pectinase activity decreased by 95 % at both concentrations. Mycelium cell membrane permeability increased when Nd^3 + concentrations ranged from 10 to 400 mg· L^-1 but decreased when Nd^3+ concentration was 2 mg· L^-1.  相似文献   

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