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盛金良 《工程机械》1996,27(1):13-15
垃圾的松散系统数较大,且在较大的变化范围内波动,后装压缩式垃圾车可有效地压缩垃圾体积,增加装载重量,还可减少二次污染,压缩机构是后装压缩式垃圾车的关键部件,本介绍了摆动刮板式压缩机构设计参数的确定,提出了参数的设计目标,建立了数学模型,并提出了利用目标曲线协调法确定机构参数的设计方法。  相似文献   

我国城市生活垃圾目前多采用厢式散装垃圾车集运。由于生活垃圾比重小,因此一辆载重五吨的厢式垃圾车实际装载量往往不足二吨,加上集运点离市中心距离不断增加,因此造成设备利用率不高,成本上升,同时垃圾运输过程中垃圾沿途飞洒,造成城市环境的二次染污。为解决上述问题,我们开发了后装压缩式垃圾车。其优点是垃圾通过预压缩,大大提高了垃圾的装载量,同时采用全封闭式车厢装载,运输过程中不会造成二次污染,其社会效益和经济效益十分显著。  相似文献   

介绍了BZ5150ZLJ和BZ5160ZYS型后装压缩式垃圾车的提筒机构,针对提筒机构在实际应用过程中多处构件不同程度与轴干涉的问题,对提筒机构进行了重新分析与设计。概述了提筒机构的结构和原理,依据其运动轨迹的解析计算结果,给出了在二维平面中,直接得到垃圾筒运动轨迹的画图方法。通过对提筒机构的受力分析,得到了设计和选择液压缸的依据和主要结构件强度校核的理论数据,以及提筒机构各铰链位置确定的方法,为设计不同吨位的系列后装压缩式垃圾车提筒机构提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

后装压缩式垃圾车液压系统的几项关键技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
后装压缩式垃圾车的应用逐渐普遍,国内生产厂家和产量也不断增加。随之而来的问题是必须在可靠性、安全性和工作效率几个方面提高产品品质,这样产品才有可能适应发展的需要。1手动一气动两用多路阀:一些后装压缩式垃圾车产品的液压系统故障率高已经成为了该产品的致命伤,提高产品的可靠性,首当其冲地要解决这个问题。在液压系统中,故障又大多表现为“卡阀”,所以又可以说更为突出的是要解决阀的问题。后装压缩式垃圾车具有实现四项基本运动的四组油缸,分别用四个主换向阀来控制。要减少甚至避免卡阀,提高油液的清洁度固然是必要的…  相似文献   

Akao S  Tsuno H  Cheon J 《Water research》2007,41(8):1774-1780
In order to develop a simple L-lactate fermentation of organic wastes, acidogenic fermentation was investigated in semi-continuous culture at 55 degrees C with using unsterilized artificial garbage as feedstock. And, sludge from a thermophilic acidification reactor was inoculated at the start of the fermentation. The effects of pH and hydraulic retention time (HRT) on performance of L-lactate production were discussed in a series of operational conditions with regard to long-term stability. The best operational conditions for L-lactate fermentation are proposed to be 55 degrees C, pH 6 and HRT of 10 days to get the highest yield of lactate based on initial carbohydrate in the feedstock. The yield of 0.74 and produced L-lactate optical purity of 96.7% were obtained on these operational conditions. Another L-lactate fermentation, which were semi-continuous and batch mode operations, were conducted to present reproducibility of the fermentation. Microbial structures in the semi-continuous fermentations were analyzed with using 16S rDNA libraries, and Bacillus coagulans was shown to be the most predominant species in the L-lactate fermented cultural broth.  相似文献   

对水泥稳定碎石基层采用振动压实和静压方式的路用性能进行对比,分别从实验室数据和施工现场数据进行了分析,说明了振动压实法能够模拟现场压实方式,振动法下的混合料性能要明显优于静压法下的混合料性能。  相似文献   

Akao S  Tsuno H  Horie T  Mori S 《Water research》2007,41(12):2636-2642
Acidogenesis fermentation of artificial garbage without sterile condition was conducted in batch mode to investigate effects of cultivation pH (5.5, 6.0, 6.5) and temperature (45, 50, 55 degrees C). Bacteria exiting natively in the garbage were utilized in this study; in turn, no specific seed was inoculated. The results indicated that only one set of operational conditions (pH 5.5 and 55 degrees C) led to L-lactate fermentation. Obtained yield of lactate based on initial carbohydrate was around 0.5 and optical purity of L-lactate was around 99%. In this study, three typical cases, which were L-lactate, racemic lactate and butyrate fermentation, were observed depended on sets of cultivation pH and temperature. Microbial structures of typical cases were also identified with using 16S rDNA libraries. The analysis indicated that Bacillus coagulans produced L-lactate. Lactobacillus amylolyticus, which produces racemic lactate, and Clostridium thermopalmarium, which produces butyrate, were also detected on each typical sample. L. amylolyticus and C. thermopalmarium would be eliminated by setting cultivation temperature of 55 degrees C and above, and pH 5.5 and below, respectively. From a series of this study, operational conditions of pH 5.5 and temperature of 55 degrees C would be potentially suitable for L-lactate fermentation of garbage with view of efficiency and stability of its production.  相似文献   

王栋 《山西建筑》2014,(1):88-89
对低液限粉土进行了室内标准轻型和重型击实试验,探讨不同击实方法下同种土压实试样的差异,试验表明,击实能越大,同种土击实后得到的最大干密度增大,最优含水量减小,现场压实时采用的击实能应与室内击实试验对应的击实能相一致,计算得到的压实度才具有真实性。  相似文献   

胡迎风 《山西建筑》2011,37(7):58-59
对某工程在强夯时引起的振动进行了测试与分析,基于分析结果评价了该强夯振动对邻近建筑物的影响,得出强夯引起建筑物共振危险性较小,但应时刻关注建筑物的状况,以确保安全。  相似文献   

在考虑夯锤自重的基础上,结合动力基础半空间理论,并基于夯锤与土体的非完全弹性碰撞,导出了强夯夯锤位移、速度、加速度和锤底冲击应力时程关系等一系列解析式。同时利用工程实测数据,对湿陷性黄土地基上夯锤与土体的共同作用进行了研究。研究表明,恢复系数影响夯锤的冲击速度,冲击速度显著影响强夯的冲击应力。  相似文献   

我国目前尚无攀岩板动载荷试验方法的相关标准。本文通过攀岩板动载荷试验方法研究和数据分析,得出三类常用攀岩板冲击力的特征,并对国内外相关产品标准的指标进行对比,为攀岩板动载荷的检测提供参考。  相似文献   

路关生  胡铜梅  郑文衡 《砖瓦》2011,(11):66-69
介绍了吊顶材料为轻质(或重质)耐火混凝土板和耐火吊板或耐火纤维模块两大类断面隧道窑的吊顶方式及性能分析,在实际操作过程中应考虑原料种类和成分、燃料成分、生产规模及品种、烧结温度、窑型的大小及投资规模等因素,合理选择大断面隧道窑的吊顶方式和材料。  相似文献   

李珂  姜梦林 《山西建筑》2014,(19):72-73
对黄土地区4处不同工程点取得实测数据后,利用GeoStudio软件,用蒙特卡罗法和点估计法进行计算,并对两种计算步骤和计算结果进行比较,发现蒙特卡罗法利用GeoStudio计算简单精确,而在各状态变量未知时,点估计法在变量较少时计算也非常方便,其结果与蒙特卡罗法相当相近。  相似文献   

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