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We present multimolecular line maps obtained with the Mopra telescope towards the southern giant molecular cloud (GMC) complex G333, associated with the H  ii region RCW 106. We have characterized the GMC by decomposing the 3D data cubes with gaussclumps , and investigated spatial correlations among different molecules with principal component analysis (PCA). We find no correlation between clump size and linewidth, but a strong correlation between emission luminosity and linewidth. PCA classifies molecules into high- and low-density tracers, and reveals that HCO+ and N2H+ are anticorrelated.  相似文献   

We present a fully sampled C18O (1–0) map towards the southern giant molecular cloud (GMC) associated with the H  ii region RCW 106, and use it in combination with previous 13CO (1–0) mapping to estimate the gas column density as a function of position and velocity. We find localized regions of significant 13CO optical depth in the northern part of the cloud, with several of the high-opacity clouds in this region likely associated with a limb-brightened shell around the H  ii region G333.6−0.2. Optical depth corrections broaden the distribution of column densities in the cloud, yielding a lognormal distribution as predicted by simulations of turbulence. Decomposing the 13CO and C18O data cubes into clumps, we find relatively weak correlations between size and linewidth, and a more sensitive dependence of luminosity on size than would be predicted by a constant average column density. The clump mass spectrum has a slope near −1.7, consistent with previous studies. The most massive clumps appear to have gravitational binding energies well in excess of virial equilibrium; we discuss possible explanations, which include magnetic support and neglect of time-varying surface terms in the virial theorem. Unlike molecular clouds as a whole, the clumps within the RCW 106 GMC, while elongated, appear to show random orientations with respect to the Galactic plane.  相似文献   

We report the results of a blind search for 22-GHz water masers in two regions, covering approximately half a square degree, within the giant molecular cloud associated with RCW 106. The complete search of the two regions was carried out with the 26-m Mount Pleasant radio telescope and resulted in the detection of nine water masers, five of which are new detections. Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) observations of these detections have allowed us to obtain positions with arcsecond accuracy, allowing meaningful comparison with infrared and molecular data for the region. We find that for the regions surveyed there are more water masers than either 6.7-GHz methanol, or main-line OH masers. The water masers are concentrated towards the central axis of the star formation region, in contrast to the 6.7-GHz methanol masers which tend to be located near the periphery. The colours of the GLIMPSE point sources associated with the water masers are similar to those of 6.7-GHz methanol masers, but slightly less red. We have made a statistical investigation of the properties of the 13CO and 1.2-mm dust clumps with and without associated water masers. We find that the water masers are associated with the more massive, denser and brighter 13CO and 1.2-mm dust clumps. We present statistical models that are able to predict those 13CO and 1.2-mm dust clumps that are likely to have associated water masers, with a low misclassification rate.  相似文献   

The reliability of modelling the far-infrared continuum to  13CO  J = 1 → 0  spectral line ratios applied to the Orion clouds (see previous paper in the series) on the scales of several parsecs (i.e. ∼7 pc) is tested by applying the models to simulated data. The two-component models are found to give the dust–gas temperature difference,  Δ T   , to within 1 or 2 K. However, other parameters like the column density per velocity interval and the gas density can be wrong by an order of magnitude or more. In particular, the density can be systematically underestimated by an order of magnitude or more. The overall mass of the clouds is estimated correctly to within a few per cent.
These results may permit us to reliably constrain estimates of the Orion clouds' physical parameters, based on the real observations of the far-infrared continuum and  13CO  J = 1 → 0  spectral line. Nevertheless, other systematics must be treated first. These include the effects of background/foreground subtraction, effects of the H  i component of the interstellar medium, and others. These will be discussed in a future paper.  相似文献   

Determining temperatures in molecular clouds from ratios of CO rotational lines or from ratios of continuum emission in different wavelength bands suffers from reduced temperature sensitivity in the high-temperature limit. In theory, the ratio of far-infrared (FIR), submillimetre or millimetre continuum to that of a 13CO (or C18O) rotational line can place reliable upper limits on the temperature of the dust and molecular gas. Consequently, FIR continuum data from the COBE /Diffuse Infrared Background Experiment (DIRBE) instrument and Nagoya 4-m  13CO  J = 1 → 0  spectral line data were used to plot  240 μm/13CO  J = 1 → 0  intensity ratios against 140/240 μm dust colour temperatures, allowing us to constrain the multiparsec-scale physical conditions in the Orion A and B molecular clouds.
The best-fitting models to the Orion clouds consist of two components: a component near the surface of the clouds that is heated primarily by a very large scale (i.e. ∼1 kpc) interstellar radiation field and a component deeper within the clouds. The former has a fixed temperature and the latter has a range of temperatures that vary from one sightline to another. The models require a dust–gas temperature difference of 0 ± 2 K and suggest that 40–50 per cent of the Orion clouds are in the form of dust and gas with temperatures between 3 and 10 K. The implications are discussed in detail in later papers and include stronger dust–gas thermal coupling and higher Galactic-scale molecular gas temperatures than are usually accepted, and an improved explanation for the N (H2)/ I (CO) conversion factor. It is emphasized that these results are preliminary and require confirmation by independent observations and methods.  相似文献   

A reliable estimate of the molecular gas content in galaxies plays a crucial role in determining their dynamical and star-forming properties. However, H2, the dominant molecular species, is difficult to observe directly, particularly in the regions where most molecular gas is thought to reside. Its mass is therefore commonly inferred by assuming a direct proportionality with the integrated intensity of the  12CO( J = 1 → 0)  emission line, using a CO-to-H2 conversion factor, X . Although a canonical value for X is used extensively in such estimates, there is increasing evidence, both theoretical and observational, that the conversion factor may vary by over an order of magnitude under conditions different from those of the local neighbourhood. In an effort to understand the influence of changing environmental conditions on the conversion factor, we derive theoretical estimates of X for a wide range of physical parameters using a photon-dominated region (PDR) time-dependent chemical model, benchmarking key results against those of an independent PDR code to ensure reliability. Based on these results, the sensitivity of the X factor to change in each physical parameter is interpreted in terms of the chemistry and physical processes within the cloud. In addition to confirming previous observationally derived trends, we find that the time-dependence of the chemistry, often neglected in such models, has a considerable influence on the value of the conversion factor.  相似文献   

We investigate the possibility of interstellar masers in transitions of the methanol isotopomers CH3OD, 13CH3OH and CH318OH, and of CH3SH. The model used, in which masers are pumped through the first and second torsionally excited states by IR radiation, has accounted successfully for the Class II masers in main species methanol, 12CH316OH. Several potential maser candidates are identified for CH3OD, their detectability depending on the enrichment of this species in star-forming regions. In 13CH3OH and CH318OH the best maser candidates are direct counterparts of the well-known 6.7- and 12.2-GHz methanol masers, but the lower interstellar abundance of these substituted species means that the expected brightness is greatly reduced. The maser candidates in CH3SH are also weak. By comparing these species we find that the large b -component of the dipole moment in methanol plays a significant role in its propensity to form masers, as does the strong torsion–rotation interaction due to the light hydroxyl frame. Thus the exceptional brightness of interstellar methanol masers is due to a favourable combination of molecular properties as well as high interstellar abundance.  相似文献   

We present theoretically established values of the CO-to-H2 and C-to-H2 conversion factors that may be used to estimate the gas masses of external galaxies. We consider four distinct galaxy types, represented by M51, NGC 6946, M82 and SMC N27. The physical parameters that best represent the conditions within the molecular clouds in each of the galaxy types are estimated using a χ2 analysis of several observed atomic fine structure and CO rotational lines. This analysis is explored over a wide range of density, radiation field, extinction and other relevant parameters. Using these estimated physical conditions in methods that we have previously established, CO-to-H2 conversion factors are then computed for CO transitions up to J = 9 → 8. For the conventional CO(1–0) transition, the computed conversion factor varies significantly below and above the canonical value for the Milky Way in the four galaxy types considered. Since atomic carbon emission is now frequently used as a probe of external galaxies, we also present, for the first time, the C-to-H2 conversion factor for this emission in the four galaxy types considered.  相似文献   

High-resolution far-infrared observations of a large area of the star-forming complex RCW 106 obtained using the TIFR 1-m balloon-borne telescope are presented. Intensity maps have been obtained simultaneously in two bands centred around 150 and 210 μm. Intensity maps have also been obtained in the four IRAS bands using HIRES-processed IRAS data. From the 150- and 210-μm maps, reliable maps of dust temperature and optical depth have been generated. The star formation in this complex has occurred in five linear sub-clumps. Using the map at 210 μm, which has a spatial resolution superior to that of IRAS at 100 μm, 23 sources have been identified. The spectral energy distribution (SED) and luminosity of these sources have been determined using the associations with the IRAS maps. The luminosity distribution of these sources has been obtained. Assuming these embedded sources to be zero-age main-sequence stars and using the mass–luminosity relation for these, the power-law slope of the initial mass function is found to be −1.73±0.5 . This index for this very young complex is about the same as that for more evolved complexes and clusters. Radiation transfer calculations in spherically symmetric geometry have been undertaken to fit the SEDs of 13 sources with fluxes in both the TIFR and the IRAS bands. From this, the r −2 density distribution in the envelopes is ruled out. Finally, a correlation is seen between the luminosity of embedded sources and the computed dust masses of the envelopes.  相似文献   

Solid CO2 is observed to be an abundant interstellar ice component towards both quiescent clouds and active star-forming regions. Our recent models of gas–grain chemistry, appropriate for quiescent regions, severely underproduce solid CO2 at the single assumed gas density and temperature. In this paper, we investigate the sensitivity of our model results to changes in these parameters. In addition, we examine how the nature of the grain surface affects the results and also consider the role of the key surface reaction between O and CO. We conclude that the observed high abundance of solid CO2 can be reproduced at reasonable temperatures and densities by models with diffusive surface chemistry, provided that the diffusion of heavy species such as O occurs efficiently.  相似文献   

We present NH3(1,1) and (2,2) observations of MBM 12, the closest known molecular cloud (65-pc distance), aimed at finding evidence for on-going star formation processes. No local temperature (with a T rot upper limit of 12 K) or linewidth enhancement is found, which suggests that the area of the cloud that we have mapped (15-arcmin size) is not currently forming stars. Therefore this nearby 'starless' molecular gas region is an ideal laboratory to study the physical conditions preceding new star formation.
A radio continuum source has been found in Very Large Array archive data, close to but outside the NH3 emission. This source is likely to be a background object.  相似文献   

The identity of the carriers of the diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) is one of the most fascinating puzzles of modern spectroscopy. Over the last few years the number of known DIBs has grown substantially. In this paper we discuss the two recently discovered near-infrared weak interstellar features which have already been proposed as fingerprints of the buckminsterfullerene We present and discuss measurements of the two related DIBs within a larger sample of reddened targets, observed with different spectrometers, telescopes and site conditions. We provide additional arguments in favour of the interstellar origin of the two bands. We find evidence around the 9577-Å DIB of far-wing structures, which may affect broad-band measurements. We estimate corrections and errors for telluric and stellar blends, and show that the cores of the two DIBs are well correlated with a ratio near unity within 20 per cent. Finally, we discuss their relation to the laboratory spectra of and the search for two expected weaker transitions.  相似文献   

Two Bok globules, L1253 (CB246) and CB34, have been mapped in the C2S (21–10) transition and in the NH3 (1, 1) and NH3 (2, 2) inversion transitions, respectively. By comparing the C2S map of L1253 (CB246) with the NH3 map of the same globule from Lemme et al., a clumped onion structure results as a consequence of the chemical and dynamical evolution of the object. From the derived parameters it appears that both L1253 (CB246) and CB34 are close to virial equilibrium.  相似文献   

We have retrieved Spitzer archive data of pre-stellar cores taken with the Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS) at a wavelength of 160 μm. Seventeen images, containing 18 cores, were constructed. Flux densities were measured for each core, and background estimates were made. Mean off-source backgrounds were found to be 48 ± 10 MJy sr−1 in Taurus and 140 ± 55 MJy sr−1 in Ophiuchus. Consistency was found between the MIPS 170-μm and ISOPHOT 160-μm calibrations. Fourteen cores were detected both by MIPS and by our previous submillimetre surveys. Spectral energy distributions were made for each core, using additional 24- and 70-μm data from the Spitzer data archive, as well as previous infrared and submillimetre data. Previous temperature estimates were refined, and new temperature estimates were made where no Infrared Space Observatory ( ISO ) data exist. A temperature range of 8–18 K was found for the cores, with most lying in the range 10–13 K. We discount recent claims that a large number of pre-stellar cores may have been misclassified and in fact contain low-luminosity protostars detectable only by Spitzer . We find no new protostars in our sample other than that previously reported in L1521F. It is shown that this has a negligible effect on pre-stellar lifetime estimates.  相似文献   

We present isophot spectrophotometry of three positions within the isolated high-latitude cirrus cloud G 300.2−16.8, spanning from the near- to far-infrared (NIR to FIR). The positions exhibit contrasting emission spectrum contributions from the unidentified infrared bands (UIBs), very small grains (VSGs) and large classical grains, and both semi-empirical and numerical models are presented. At all three positions, the UIB spectrum shapes are found to be similar and the large grain emission may be fitted by an equilibrium temperature of  ∼17.5 K  . The energy requirements of both the observed emission spectrum and optical scattered light are shown to be satisfied by the incident local interstellar radiation field (ISRF). The FIR emissivity of dust in G 300.2−16.8 is found to be lower than in globules or dense clouds and is even lower than model predictions for dust in the diffuse interstellar medium (ISM). The results suggest physical differences in the ISM mixtures between positions within the cloud, possibly arising from grain coagulation processes.  相似文献   

We have re-analysed all of the Submillimetre Common User Bolometer Array (SCUBA) archive data of the Orion star-forming regions. We have put together all of the data taken at different times by different groups. Consequently, we have constructed the deepest submillimetre maps of these regions ever made. There are four regions that have been mapped: Orion A North and South, and Orion B North and South. We find that two of the regions, Orion A North and Orion B North, have deeper sensitivity and completeness limits, and contain a larger number of sources, so we concentrate on these two. We compare the data with archive data from the Spitzer Space Telescope to determine whether or not a core detected in the submillimetre is pre-stellar in nature. We extract all of the pre-stellar cores from the data and make a histogram of the core masses. This can be compared to the stellar initial mass function (IMF). We find the high-mass core mass function (CMF) follows a roughly Salpeter-like slope, just like the IMF, as seen in previous work. Our deeper maps allow us to see that the CMF turns over at,  ∼1.3 M  about a factor of 4 higher than our completeness limit. This turnover has never previously been observed, and is only visible here due to our much deeper maps. It mimics the turnover seen in the stellar IMF at  ∼0.1 M  . The low-mass side of the CMF is a power law with an exponent of, 0.35 ± 0.2 which is consistent with the low-mass slope of the young cluster IMF of 0.3 ± 0.1. This shows that the CMF continues to mimic the shape of the IMF all the way down to the lower completeness limit of these data at  ∼0.3 M  .  相似文献   

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