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本文采用耗散结构理论,论述了斜长石环带结构的成因信息,提出了晶体生长的动力学数学模型,并指出外界能源的供给对晶体生长和构型有着重要的影响。讨论结果表明,当能量供给体系的速率超过某一临界阈值时,就会发生大范围的相干振动现象,它将引起水压等参数的周期性变化。这样,在斜长石的结晶过程中可以形成一种典型的相干结构—韵律型环带结构。  相似文献   

辽宁省花岗岩的斜长石一般呈板状,以中细粒为主。常见韵律环带,费氏台所测环带核心与边缘An相差18—26号。环带结构发育在多次侵入形成的花岗岩中,环斑、反环斑和无环斑斜长石同时出现。斜长石总平均含量为37%,最高含量75%。斜长石与寄主岩石的1/3 SiO_2+K_2O-FeO-MgO -CaO(%)值成反相关。延性系数与冷却速度、岩石类型与后期变化有关。斜长石An18—36,X光衍射有序度为0.3—1.0,有序度变化与岩体时代关系不明显,均为低温斜长石,形成温度400—920C°,形成压力为0.07—1GPa,结晶深度约2—33km。  相似文献   

随着我国工业经济的飞速发展,对各种矿产资源需求量日益增大,特别是国内优质钾长石、斜长石依赖进口。作为一名地质工作者在野外要快速、精准对钾长石、斜长石鉴定并按要求进行详细纪录如摄像、拍照、标注地理坐标等。本文通过对钾长石与斜长石,及其风化产物的特征对比,总结出在野外较精准鉴别钾长石类、斜长石类、石英的简单实用方法。  相似文献   

对界河金矿微斜长石热发光研究表明,其强度与金品位有较好的正相关性,可利用此特点圈定矿体,区分富矿与贫矿,并发现矿体具有分枝复合的特点,向深部变大,由此圈出了新矿体。  相似文献   

超临界流体具有一些独特的性能,在地质成矿中参与成矿作用,其沸腾作用和混合作用是解释矿物元素成因、迁移及成矿岩石分布的一条重要途径.  相似文献   

介绍地震荷载对边坡动力响应分析的基本原理和计算方法,结合秭归县郭家坝边坡实例,分别采取不同地震荷载的时程数据,直接输入有限元软件计算,获得了不同地震荷载作用下边坡位移、剪应力等动力响应。  相似文献   

本文用微分方程定性理论方法分析了地形对有限振幅Rossby波的稳定性影响。结果表明:地形北坡有利于波动出现不稳定,南坡使波动稳定;西坡使导式波动不稳定但使曳式波动稳定,东坡使导式波动稳定但使曳式波动不稳定。  相似文献   

热液流体改造作用研究是近年碳酸盐岩优质油气储层形成机制研究中备受关注的一个重要领域,目前热液白云化作用、热液淋滤溶解作用是其中2个最有油气储层意义的地质过程。在分析大量国内外文献资料的基础上,较系统地总结了目前国际上流行的上述2种典型碳酸盐岩储层中热液流体改造作用的作用过程、分布规模和存在问题。对碳酸盐岩储层中热液流体改造作用的进一步讨论不仅展示了目前热液流体改造作用研究的模糊性和多解性,而且将对今后更好地应用和完善目前的热液流体改造作用模式有着重要的现实意义。   相似文献   

咸化湖盆中酸性流体对碎屑岩储层的改造作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柴达木盆地西部南区新生界主要为咸化湖盆沉积,咸化环境提高了其烃类转化率,但其对储层的控制作用尚待进一步明确。通过高温高压试验模拟了地层条件下成岩流体与岩石矿物之间的物理化学作用,进而研究咸化环境中有机质演化过程中产生的有机酸对储层的改造作用。结果表明:酸性流体对岩石矿物的溶蚀作用增加了其孔隙度,但渗透率的变化存在差异性;当岩石中含有石膏和铁白云石时,铁白云石在石膏的催化作用下极易发生溶蚀作用,反应生成的Fe2+、Mg2+促进了高岭石向针叶状绿泥石的转化,从而堵塞孔隙喉道,造成岩石渗透率的下降;岩石中石膏的发育是造成高温高压地层中方解石发生沉淀的主要原因,相同条件下石膏比方解石更易溶解,其产生的过饱和钙造成方解石的沉淀,但岩石的孔隙度有所增大,因为方解石的沉淀作用造成的储集空间减小量小于石膏和长石等易溶矿物溶解造成的储集空间增大量。  相似文献   

以塔里木盆地古城地区寒武系为例,探讨多重流体介质下碳酸盐岩储层形成与保存问题。古城地区寒武纪发育台缘带,上寒武统共发育4期礁滩体。根据礁滩体储层的形态特征、岩石学特征和地球化学特征,可知存在大气淡水、白云石化流体、热液流体与硅化流体等4种重要流体参与碳酸盐岩的成岩演化过程。其中大气淡水为准同生期;白云石化流体主要作用于准同生的早成岩阶段;热液流体存在2期,分别为海西早期的盆地卤水和二叠纪的中酸性岩浆热液;早期组构选择性硅化流体主要为寒武纪海水,晚期非组构选择性硅化流体包括地层水和两期热液。分析多重流体介质对储层形成和保存的作用,大气淡水导致的层间岩溶促进溶蚀孔洞的形成,具有较高水岩比例的盆地卤水也具有较强的溶蚀能力。白云石化作用对孔隙形成贡献并不大,但有利于已有孔隙的保存和继承。热液流体和Ⅱ、Ⅲ期硅化流体为同一流体的2种不同表现形式,岩浆热液对硅化作用的贡献更大。硅化作用整体表现为较强的硅质胶结,破坏已有孔隙空间,对储层的保存不利。  相似文献   

基于可靠度理论建立顺层岩质边坡稳定的可靠性分析方法,获得顺层岩质边坡可靠指标和失稳概率的计算表达式。以某高切坡为例分析其稳定状态和失稳概率,并据此探讨不同粘聚力、内摩擦角、炸药量和爆心距条件下边坡失稳概率的变化规律。计算结果表明,粘聚力对边坡的失稳概率影响较大;随着内摩擦角的增加,边坡失稳概率近乎线性减小;当单孔药量从10 kg增大到160 kg后,失稳概率增幅97.10%;当爆心距小于20 m时,边坡的失稳概率减小的速度很快,而爆心距超过20 m后边坡失稳概率减小的幅度较小。考虑爆破振动的时效性,爆破荷载使边坡失稳概率增大49.61%,单次爆破振动的影响时间约6 s。  相似文献   

Soil samples from several forest areas in China were analyzed by X-ray powder diffractometry after mineral separation and enrichment. The density gradient separation method with sequential extraction by acetone-methylene iodide mixtures was applied for the separation of fine sand fraction of soil samples. The clay fraction (< 2μm) was separated from silt fraction of soil samples prior to examination. Mineral components in some fine sand and clay samples were compared, and their weathering potentiality and buffering capacity against acidic precipitation were discussed.  相似文献   

Based on the fundamental equations of geophysical fluid dynamics and on the consequence of verticaldensity stratification,travelling wave coordinates are used in this work to study the geometric topologicalstructures of nonlinear permanent wave in phase plane.Rigorous mathematical mechanics demonstratethat the solution of permanent solitary wave does not exist.Hamilton functions and "action-angle" varia-bles are used to express the travelling wave system in the simplest form and the analytic solution of the nonlinear inertia-gravity internal wave is obtained.  相似文献   

Deep ice drilling in Polar Regions plays a key role in paleo-climate, microbiological and glaciological researches. For deep ice and subglacial coring the special purpose-built electromechanical cable-suspended drills with bottom-hole circulation are designed and explored. Used at present drilling fluid circulation systems are specified by very high fluid wastes during processing. Measurements in deep drilling projects in Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets showed that 25%-40% of the drilling fluid, pumped into the hole, is retrieved to the surface with cable and drill, and up to 45% of retrieved fluid goes to waste. This leads not only to increasing of the fluid consumption and cost of the project in general but also to severe contamination of air, surface and near-surface snow-firn layers at the drilling site. In order to reduce wastes and environmental impact, it is proposed to modify drilling fluid processing system by avoiding of evaporation and leakages of fluid as far as practicable. Drilling fluid is prepared and pumped into the hole according to predetermined program on semiautomatic mode, and volume and density of blended and pumped into the hole drilling fluid are measured continuously. Components of the drilling fluid are stored and mixed in the special closed containers equipped by pressure relief valves. Separation of drilling fluid from ice cuttings is carried out by two steps: firstly, fluid is separated with hydro extractor and then with thermal separator. To reduce the amount of removed drilling fluid with cable special squeezing collar is installed on the borehole mouth. All these arrangements are able to decrease drilling fluid wastes in many times.  相似文献   

基于沂源鲁村煤矿围岩稳定性差,塑性变形量大的实际情况,采用弹塑性力学分析的方法,分析了鲁村煤矿千米混合立井岩石开挖后围岩应力重新分布情况和塑性变形,进而确定是否采用临时支护措施,以确保施工安全。研究表明鲁村煤矿混合井围岩掘进深度大于780 m时,围岩变得不稳定,需要施加锚喷临时支护,同时增加井筒掘进荒断面,预留围岩变形空间。  相似文献   

从不同标高、不同矿化带的流体包裹体研究入手,系统地论述了七宝山铜多金属矿床成矿流体的性质、演化过程及其与成矿的关系。黄铁矿爆裂测温表明:成矿流体温度变化在平面上以岩体为中心向四周依次为291℃~287℃~279℃,在剖面上由下往上依次为312℃~286℃~228℃。成矿流体成分主要为H2O,其次为CO2,H^ 浓度由早期到后期呈递减趋势,表明成矿热液由酸性-弱碱性演化,同时反映了矿床由高温到中低温的形成过程。  相似文献   

The stability analysis is one of the chief problems at hydropower stations.The Tengzigou Hydropower Station is a significant project in Southwest China.The authors analyzed the engineering geological features and evaluated the stability of rock mass on left bank.For determining the parameters of rock mass stability on left bank,we adopted the method of numerical value calculation according to the theory of rigidity limited equilibrium,which will provide the theoretical evidences for this project.  相似文献   

The stability analysis is one of the chief problems at hydropower stations. The Tengzigou Hydropower Station is a significant project in Southwest China. The authors analyzed the engineering geological features and evaluated the stability of rock mass on left bank. For determining the parameters of rock mass stability on left bank, we adopted the method of numerical value calculation according to the theory of rigidity limited equilibrium, which will provide the theoretical evidences for this project.  相似文献   

元坝天然气藏具有埋藏深、高温高压、储层非均质性强、低孔超低渗、多压力系统等复杂的地层特性.针对该地区储层特点,考虑储层保护,以无机盐和甲酸盐作为基液,通过实验进行处理剂的配比优选和配伍性评价,研究无黏土相完井液技术.结果表明:该系列完井液密度调节范围为1.20~2.00g/cm3,抗温为150℃,悬浮能力强,与储层配伍性好,对岩心损害率小于9%,有利于储层保护.该技术成功应用于元坝10-侧-1井,并获高产气流,天然气产量为50.9701×104 m3/d.  相似文献   

Haigou gold deposit is a typical orogenic gold deposit. There are a reasonable amount of fluid inclusions in the gold deposit,including three types: CO2-H2O-Na Cl inclusions,pure CO2 inclusions and Na Cl-H2 O inclusions,of which most of them are CO2-bearing inclusions. The fluid salinity is 1. 43%- 9. 08%,mainly concentrated in the range of 4. 69%- 5. 41%,the density of CO2 is 0. 69- 0. 80 g / cm3,indicating that the mineralization fluid is low-medium salinity and low density fluid. A series of studies on gold-bearing quartz vein and fluid inclusions show that there exists a positive correlation between the degree of the gold mi-neralization and the amount of CO2 in the inclusions,which means the more CO2-bearing inclusions there are,the higher the content of gold is. CO2 is mainly derived from mantle fluid,and the ore-forming fluid should be derived from mantle fluid and the crust shallow fluid. The conclusions have important denotative meaning on the metallogenic mechanism of orogenic gold deposit and the deep prospecting on metal deposit.  相似文献   

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