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The rise of private research institutes linked to Japanese contractors and manufacturers has divided research into either the public or private sector. This paper provides the background history and context to building research in Japan, addresses what suitable strategies exist for the publicly-funded Building Research Institute, what research topics are suitable for government funding and how public and private research organizations might develop strategies of co-operation. La creation d'instituts de recherche prives lies a des entreprises et des fabricants japonais a separe la recherche entre le secteur public et le prive. L'auteur de l'article rappelle les faits et presente le cadre de la recherche dans le secteur du b^ atiment au Japon; il recense les strategies que pourrait adopter l'Institut de recherche sur le batiment a financement public, ainsi que les sujets de recherche qui pourraient beneficier de credits publics et explique comment les organisations de recherche publiques et privees pourraient elaborer des politiques de cooperation.  相似文献   

The history of the changing status and research remits of the Building Research Establishment over 76 years is described as a dynamic response to changing government policies, industry needs and funding arrangements. The recent government decision to change BRE's status to a private sector body is briefly described. The move into the private sector and the creation of the Foundation for the Built Environment has created the opportunity to modify the existing organizational structure of BRE and identify emerging research, products, services and consultancy functions for the future. Il faut considerer le changement de statut et les differents mandats de recherche du Building Research Establishment (BRE) au cours des 76 dernieres annees comme une reaction dynamique aux differentes politiques gouvernementales, aux besoins de l'industrie et aux mecanismes de financement. Dans cet article, l'auteur explique brievement la decision du gouvernement de transformer le BRE en une entite privee. Cette transformation et la creation d'une fondation pour le cadre bati (Foundation of the Built Environment) sont autant d'occasions de modifier l'organisation actuelle du BRE et de recenser les nouveaux axes de recherche, les produits, les services et les fonctions consultatives de l'avenir.  相似文献   

Recent government policy on construction R&D in the UK is presented as having been a contradictory amalgam involving, simultaneously, government intervention and disengagement. Confusingly, both parts of the policy appear to have been aimed at the same purpose - increasing the responsiveness of the sector's R&D activities to market forces. Given the noted reluctance of the UK's private sector to assume responsibility for such activities over the past two decades, there is little to suggest that this policy will prove successful. A more likely outcome, in the short to medium term at least, is that the speed and extent of apparent government retreat from funding could, in combination with other current changes, destabilize both the capacity and the capability of Britain's construction R&D base. De l'avis de l'auteur, la politique recemment menee par le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni en matiere de R&D dans le secteur du batiment est un amalgame contradictoire qui met en presence simultanement l'intervention du Gouvernement et son desengagement. Entrangement, ces deux facettes de la politique semblent orientees vers le meme objectif, a savoir, mieux sensibiliser les activites de R&D de ce secteur aux forces du marche. Compte tenu du pen d'enthousiasme du secteur prive du Royanne-Uni a assumer des responsabilites vis-a-vis de telles activites au cours des vingt dernieres annees, rien ne laisse presager que cette politique sera couronnee de succes. En revanche, il est plus probable, a court ou a moyen terme au moins, que la celerite du Gouvernement a se retirer de facon importante du financement, combinee a autres changements qui se produisent actuellement, aura pour effet de destabiliser les capacites et les aptitudes de la base de R&D de la construction au Royanne-Uni.  相似文献   

This paper considers the role played by government in stimulating innovation to improve quality, profitability and competitiveness in construction activities. It questions whether governments should fund research and development in construction, and if so, what level and types of support might be appropriate to meet emerging needs. It addresses this with reference to the current debate on the public funding of science, citing Kealey and Pavitt. The author considers specific construction-related issues and changing conditions, indicating the need for more, rather than less funding by both private and public sectors. In conclusion, the author develops a third way, different from Kealey's and Pavitt's approaches. Construction requires a strong and vibrant research base, partly funded by government. Simultaneously, the state requires a research and knowledge base in order to fulfil its roles such as for governance of technologies in the built environment. A complementarity effect arises from both public and private funding - which is therefore greater than the sum of the parts. L'auteur examine le role joue par le gouvernement en vue de stimuler l'innovation pour ameliorer la qualite, la rentabilite et la competitivite dans le secteur du batiment. Il s'interroge sur le fait de savoir si les gouvernements doivent financer la recherche et le developpement dans ce secteur et, si la reponse est positive, quel niveau et quels types de soutien seraient appropries pour repondre aux besoins qui se font jour. A cet effet, il se refere au debat public qui s'instaure actuellement sur le financement public de la science et cite MM. Kealey et Pavitt. L'auteur s'interesse aux questions specifiquement liees a la construction ainsi qu'a l'evolution de la situation qui militent en faveur d'une augmentation du financement public et prive plutot que d'une diminution. Pour conclure, l'auteur propose une troisieme voie, differente des methodes preconisees par MM. Kealey et Pavitt. La construction doit s'appuyer sur une base de recherche solide et dynamique, financee en partie par le gouvernement. Simultanement, l'etat a besoin d'une base de recherche et de connaissances pour tenir son role, par exemple, de gerant des technologies relatives au cadre bati. Il se degage un effet de complementarite des financements publics et prives qui est superieur a la somme des deux parties.  相似文献   

The implications of proposed radical policy changes to building research in Sweden are examined by Ulf Sandstrom of Linkoping University and Jan Eriksson of the Royal Institute of Technology. The historical context of different funding mechanisms and political expectations provides a background to the current debate in Sweden over the future of the Swedish Building Research Council. The authors question the validity of the radical governmental reduction of R&D funding. Evidence suggests that collaborative funding would not maintain the current wide porfolio of R&D projects nor provide adequate knowledge production.  相似文献   

The evolution of the governance of China's construction industry is examined. The reasons for uncertainty in governmental management along with its impact on industry performance are considered. Recent changes arising after the 9th National People's Congress, including a series of restructuring of government bodies and changes in responsibilities are discussed. Government intervention is being simplified and reduced, leading to increased stability for the construction industry.  相似文献   

This paper presents the French system of innovation in the construction sector, and points out its strengths and its weaknesses, through the analysis of a specific institution: Plan Construction et Architecture (PCA). The originality of PCA is its capacity to encourage innovation by experimentation. PCA mobilizes all the representatives of the construction sector (clients, professionals, contractors, etc.) to conceive and work together on innovation, through 'Realisations Experimentales' (REX). Independant researchers provide expertise and evaluate the results of these experimentations. This paper points out the major lessons which can be drawn for this system.

Dans cet article, l'auteur explique comment, en France, le secteur de la construction aborde le concept d'innovation et fait ressortir les points forts et les points faibles de cette approche par le biais de l'analyse d'une institution specifique, le Plan Construction et Architecture (PCA). L'originalite du PCA reside dans sa capacite a encourager l'innovation par l'experimentation. Le PCA mobilise tous les acteurs presents sur la scene de la construction (clients, professionnels, contractants, etc.) pour qu'ils concoivent et concourent ensemble a l'innovation en presentant des "Realisations experimentales" (REX). Des chercheurs independants apportent leurs competences et evaluent les resultats de ces experimentations. L'auteur insiste sur les grands enseignements que l'on peut en tirer pour ce systeme.  相似文献   

This paper comments on the development of the infrastructure of UK building research by reference to political, economic and industrial factors which shape the needs for research. The needs of industry have not been easily met by traditional approaches to the organization of research. As a result, new types of research collaboration and organizations (institutes and clubs) have emerged. There have also been attempts to develop overarching national strategies for research and encourage collaborative academic and industrial projects. The ramifications of the recent privatization of the Building Research Establishment (BRE) are explored with reference to long-term implications for research skills, training and on the international standing of the UK's building research activities. Dans cet article, l'auteur expose ses vues sur le developpement de l'infrastructure de la recherche dans le secteur du batiment en Grande Bretagne; a cet effet, il se refere aux facteurs politiques, economiques et industriels qui faconnent la necessite de la recherche. Les methodes classiques d'organization de la recherche n'ont pas permis de repondre facilement aux besoins de l'industrie. C'est ce qui explique l'apparition de nouveaux types de collaboration et d'organization dans le domaine de la recherche (instituts et clubs). On a egalement tente de developper des strategies nationales de recherche contraignantes et d'encourager des projets academiques et industriels a mener en cooperation. L'auteur examine les ramifications de la privatisation recente du BRE en se referant aux consequences a long terme sur les competences en matiere de recherche et de formation et sur la stature internationale des activites de recherche du Royaume-Uni dans le secteur du batiment.  相似文献   

Raftery, J., Pasadilla, B., Chiang, Y. H., Hui, E. C. M. and Tang, B. S. (1998) Construction Management and Economics, 16, 729–37 review recent developments in the construction industries in Asia. They discuss the main causes and effects of key trends in globalization and their impact on the industries. This paper considers some of the points raised by Raftery et al. It starts with an overall review of their paper. It then considers construction industry development in general, technology transfer and joint ventures, and the impact of policy reform on the industries. It suggests additional relevant issues, and highlights some areas where further research would be appropriate.  相似文献   

This case study of VTT Building Technology comprehensively describes the reasoning, decisions and effects in the process of change caused by the transformation to improve the applicability of research results and to increase commercial income. The change in culture, management, organizational structure, organizational strategies and research, development and dissemination activities were designed to increase customer orientation, performance quality and effectiveness in all activities. The culture change from a scientific research community to a customer-oriented and flexible commercial organization is detailed. In addition to the deep vertical levels of knowledge gained from research, a horizontal capability is developed and promoted to provide applicable knowledge (know-how) in forms suitable to the Institute's customers. Clear targets for achieving the Institute's mission and financial performance have been established to gauge progress and provide incentive for rewards. VTT Building Technology a mene cette etude de cas qui decrit de maniere exhaustive le raisonnement, les decisions et les effets du processus de changement induits par la transformation visant a ameliorer les applications des resultats de la recherche et a accroitre les recettes commerciales. Les changements qui affectent la culture, la gestion, les structures et les strategies d'organisation, la recherche et le developpement ainsi que les activities de dissemination ont ete penses afin d'orienter davantage le client, et d'ameliorer le niveau de qualite et l'efficacite de toutes les activities, L'auteur etudie en detail le changement de culture provoque par le passage d'une communaute de recherche scientifique a une organisation commerciale souple et orientee "client". Outre les niveaux verticaux profonds de connaissance issus de la recherche, il se developpe une capacite horizontale que l'on encourage pour fournir des connaissances (savoir faire) applicables et presentees dans des formes convenant a la clientele de l'Insitut. Des objectifs financiers et de programme precis ont ete fixes a l'Institut pour que l'on puisse evaluer les progres et motiver les travaux par des recompenses.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on how knowledge is produced by academics and on mechanisms for and constraints upon absorbing new ideas within the construction sector. It draws upon two bodies of work: Cohen and Levinthal's concept of ‘absorptive capacity’ and Gibbons and coworkers' ‘new production of knowledge’. Much of Steven Groák's work was concerned with technology transfer and how ideas generated during research could be put into practice. He developed the concept of ‘practitioner-researcher’ to illustrate the ways in which many built environment professionals approach their work. The paper suggests that a few construction firms have the capabilities to absorb and act directly upon the results of academic research in the UK. These firms are likely to employ a critical mass of professionally qualified practitioners and they usually compete for work in technically demanding and often specialist areas. They probably have a track record of collaboration with university researchers, and are likely to have their own internal technical support infrastructure which assists in learning between projects. However, the majority of construction organizations learn of new ideas through a range of different published media and by participating in complex sets of interactions in a wide range of networks. The role of professional institutions is important, acting as repositories of knowledge. But these institutions may also constrain development when they adhere to outmoded notions of narrowly defined discipline-based activities. Governments can play a part in putting ideas into practice as catalysts in bringing academic research and industrial practitioner communities together through sponsorship of collaborative research projects. The paper concludes that construction organizations could improve their absorptive capacity by developing better feedback and life-long learning mechanisms, education and training.  相似文献   

This opinion survey about the future of international construction concerns several time horizons, but only the five-year horizon is discussed in this paper. The analysis focuses on construction market attractiveness - a measure obtained by combining opinions about the rate of growth, profitability and openness to foreign competition - and construction industry competitiveness with respect to both services and materials. The results of the survey rank attractiveness of construction markets by country and city. The analysis of competitiveness of construction services and materials largely points to the same countries and indicates some important medium-term trends in the international construction market. Cette etude d'opinions sur l'avenir de la construction internationale s'interesse a plusieurs horizons mais seul l'horizon a 5 ans est examine dans ce document. Cette analyse se concentre sur l'attractivite du marche de la construction - que l'on mesure en combinant les opinions sur le taux de croissance, la rentabilite et l'ouverture a la concurrence internationale et sur la competitivite de cette industrie en termes de services et de materiaux. Les resultats de l'etude classent l'attractivite des marches de la construction par pays et par ville. L'analyse de la competitivite des services et des materiaux de construction met nettement en evidence les memes pays et indique certaines tendances a moyen terme qui se dessinent sur le marche de la construction internationale.  相似文献   

Recent developments in the construction sector in the Asian region demonstrate three trends: (1) larger private sector participation in infrastructure projects, (2) increasing vertical integration in the packaging of construction projects, and (3) increased foreign participation in domestic construction. This paper attributes the trends to the globalization and deregulation of markets necessitated by fiscal, technological and managerial constraints. Although these trends present intra-Asian opportunities, there are also areas of concern. The trends have helped polarize the financial and technical superiority of the developed countries and the corresponding inferiority of the developed countries in the region of the developing ones. In the long term, this gap could be filled through technology transfer. In the short term, however, there are concerns that imported construction services could grow at the expense of the indigenous sectors of the developing countries. This paper illustrates this dilemma with the case of Japan as a world leader in international construction services. Its dominance has apparently come through the orchestration of industrial and corporate policies, implemented in a highly regulated and protected domestic market. However, construction industries in other Asian economies (such as China) will have to leapfrog in technology, finance and management know-how (e.g. through joint ventures with developed countries' construction companies) before they can become formidable powers in an environment that has become much more global, more de-regulated, more open and more competitive than before.  相似文献   

The way in which research and technology development in building and construction is conducted in most industrialized countries is changing dramatically. Major changes include a reduced dependence on government support for R&D, the development of a partnership between the construction industry and the research community, internationalization of construction research as a market, the subsequent impact for national research programmes, increased international collaboration between national research organizations, and the impact of electronic communication. The changing role of CIB is discussed as positive response to these challenges, which include the changing composition of CIB's membership (from East Asia and North America), increased participation by industry, more focused CIB programmes which are closely aligned to industry's priorities, and new ways of creating international teams and working methods through the use of electronic participation. La facon de conduire les recherches ainsi que la mise au point des techniques du batiment et de la construction dans la plupart des pays industrialises est en train de changer radicalement. Les principaux changements sont: une moindre dependance vis-a-vis des aides en R&D de l'Etat, l'institution d'un partenariat entre l'industrie de la construction et le monde de la recherche, l'internationalisation du marche des recherches pour la construction, un developpement de la collaboration internationale entre les instituts de recherche nationaux et l'impact des communications electroniques. Les nouvelles missions due CIB s'analysent comme une reaction positive face a ces defis et concernent la modification de la composition des membres du CIB (originaires de l'est de l'Asie et de l'Amerique du Nord), une participation accrue de l'industrie, des programmes du CIB mieux centres et plus proches des preoccupations de l'industrie, de nouvelles methodes de travail et de constitution d'equipes internationales gr^ ace aux outils de communications electroniques.  相似文献   

Discrepancies exist between aggregate and activity productivity measurements in the US construction industry. Multiple studies using aggregate industry measures suggest that construction productivity has declined over the long term. A longstanding problem with the aggregate measures concerns the difficulty of controlling for inflation so as to accurately measure real output. As an alternative, average activity productivity, measured by individual work activities, indicates that construction productivity has increased over the same time period. Activity measurement data have been collected for 200 construction activities over a 22-year time period from commercial estimation manuals used by contractors and owners to estimate the cost and time requirements for construction. This paper examines the discrepancies between aggregate and activity measurements and suggests possible reasons for their existence.  相似文献   

Research needs to be applied in practice, yet in the building sector this is difficult to attain, if only because of cultural and functional differences between researchers and practitioners. A survey of Building Centres shows that they operate primarily in the information field and that they possess good contacts with professionals and members of the public. Networking with them could improve researchers' access to information users. L'application de la recherche en assure la pertinence; cependant, cette application est difficile dans le secteur de la construction, ne serait-ce qu'a cause des differences culturelles et fonctionnelles entre les chercheurs et les praticiens. Une etude des Centres du batiment indique que leur champ principal d'activite porte sur l'information, et qu'ils possedent des liens etroits avec les professionnels et avec le public. Constituer des reseaux avec les Centres du batiment devrait contribuer a ameliorer la communication entre les chercheurs et les utilisateurs de l'information.  相似文献   

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