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The dynamics of amyloid fibrils, including their formation and dissociation, could be of vital importance in life. We studied the kinetics of dissociation of the amyloid fibrils from wild-type hen lysozyme at 25°C in vitro as a function of pressure using Trp fluorescence as a probe. Upon 100-fold dilution of 8 mg ml−1 fibril solution in 80 mM NaCl, pH 2.2, no immediate change occurred in Trp fluorescence, but at pressures of 50–450 MPa the fluorescence intensity decreased rapidly with time (kobs = 0.00193 min−1 at 0.1 MPa, 0.0348 min−1 at 400 MPa). This phenomenon is attributable to the pressure-accelerated dissociation of amyloid fibrils into monomeric hen lysozyme. From the pressure dependence of the rates, which reaches a plateau at ∼450 MPa, we determined the activation volume ΔV0‡ = −32.9 ± 1.7 ml mol(monomer)−1 and the activation compressibility Δκ = −0.0075 ± 0.0006 ml mol(monomer)−1 bar−1 for the dissociation reaction. The negative ΔV0‡ and Δκ values are consistent with the notion that the amyloid fibril from wild-type hen lysozyme is in a high-volume and high-compressibility state, and the transition state for dissociation is coupled with a partial hydration of the fibril.  相似文献   

The fully reduced hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL), which is a good model of random coil structure, has been converted to highly organized amyloid fibrils at low pH by adding ethanol. In the presence of 90% (v/v) ethanol, the fully reduced HEWL adopts beta-sheet secondary structure at pH 4.5 and 5.0, and an alpha-to-beta transition is observed at pH 4.0. A red shift of the Congo red absorption spectrum caused by the precipitation of the fully reduced HEWL in the presence of 90% (v/v) ethanol is typical of the presence of amyloid aggregation. EM reveals unbranched fibrils with a diameter of 2-5 nm and as long as 1-2 microm. The pH dependence of the initial structure of the fully reduced HEWL in the presence of 90% (v/v) ethanol suggests that Asp and His residues may play an important role.  相似文献   

Human lysozyme variants form amyloid fibrils in individuals suffering from a familial non-neuropathic systemic amyloidosis. In vitro, wild-type human and hen lysozyme, and the amyloidogenic mutants can be induced to form amyloid fibrils when incubated under appropriate conditions. In this study, fibrils of wild-type human lysozyme formed at low pH have been analyzed by a combination of limited proteolysis and Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, in order to map conformational features of the 130 residue chain of lysozyme when embedded in the amyloid aggregates. After digestion with pepsin at low pH, the lysozyme fibrils were found to be composed primarily of N and C-terminally truncated protein species encompassing residues 26-123 and 32-108, although a significant minority of molecules was found to be completely resistant to proteolysis under these conditions. FTIR spectra provide evidence that lysozyme fibrils contain extensive beta-sheet structure and a substantial element of non beta-sheet or random structure that is reduced significantly in the fibrils after digestion. The sequence 32-108 includes the beta-sheet and helix C of the native protein, previously found to be prone to unfold locally in human lysozyme and its pathogenic variants. Moreover, this core structure of the lysozyme fibrils encompasses the highly aggregation-prone region of the sequence recently identified in hen lysozyme. The present proteolytic data indicate that the region of the lysozyme molecule that unfolds and aggregates most readily corresponds to the most highly protease-resistant and thus highly structured region of the majority of mature amyloid fibrils. Overall, the data show that amyloid formation does not require the participation of the entire lysozyme chain. The majority of amyloid fibrils formed from lysozyme under the conditions used here contain a core structure involving some 50% of the polypeptide chain that is flanked by proteolytically accessible N and C-terminal regions.  相似文献   

The aggregation of amyloidogenic proteins is linked to several amyloidoses, including neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease. Currently there are very few effective cures or treatments available, despite countless screenings and clinical trials. One of the most challenging aspects of potential anti-amyloid drug discovery is finding which molecules are the actual inhibitors out of mixtures, which may contain hundreds of distinct compounds. Considering that anti-amyloid compounds would interact with the aggregate, this affinity could be used as a means of separating such compounds from ineffective ones. In this work, we attempt to scavenge potential aggregation-inhibiting molecules out of four, different complexity mixtures, ranging from oxidized gallic acid to tea extract, using lysozyme amyloid fibrils. We show that these compounds bind to aggregates with high affinity and can be later separated from them by different methods.  相似文献   

Hill SE  Miti T  Richmond T  Muschol M 《PloS one》2011,6(4):e18171
Formation of large protein fibrils with a characteristic cross β-sheet architecture is the key indicator for a wide variety of systemic and neurodegenerative amyloid diseases. Recent experiments have strongly implicated oligomeric intermediates, transiently formed during fibril assembly, as critical contributors to cellular toxicity in amyloid diseases. At the same time, amyloid fibril assembly can proceed along different assembly pathways that might or might not involve such oligomeric intermediates. Elucidating the mechanisms that determine whether fibril formation proceeds along non-oligomeric or oligomeric pathways, therefore, is important not just for understanding amyloid fibril assembly at the molecular level but also for developing new targets for intervening with fibril formation. We have investigated fibril formation by hen egg white lysozyme, an enzyme for which human variants underlie non-neuropathic amyloidosis. Using a combination of static and dynamic light scattering, atomic force microscopy and circular dichroism, we find that amyloidogenic lysozyme monomers switch between three different assembly pathways: from monomeric to oligomeric fibril assembly and, eventually, disordered precipitation as the ionic strength of the solution increases. Fibril assembly only occurred under conditions of net repulsion among the amyloidogenic monomers while net attraction caused precipitation. The transition from monomeric to oligomeric fibril assembly, in turn, occurred as salt-mediated charge screening reduced repulsion among individual charged residues on the same monomer. We suggest a model of amyloid fibril formation in which repulsive charge interactions are a prerequisite for ordered fibril assembly. Furthermore, the spatial extent of non-specific charge screening selects between monomeric and oligomeric assembly pathways by affecting which subset of denatured states can form suitable intermolecular bonds and by altering the energetic and entropic requirements for the initial intermediates emerging along the monomeric vs. oligomeric assembly path.  相似文献   

Protein polymerization into ordered fibrillar structures (amyloid fibrils) is currently associated with a range of pathological conditions. Recent studies clearly indicate that amyloid cytotoxicity is provoked by a continuum of cross-β-sheet aggregates including mature fibrils. In view of the possible diversity of cytotoxicity mechanisms, the present study addressed the question of whether protein conversion into amyloid fibrils can modify its competitive membrane adsorption behavior. Using a combination of resonance energy transfer, dynamic light scattering and fluorescence quenching techniques, the competitive binding of either monomeric or polymerized lysozyme, and cytochrome c to the model lipid membranes composed of phosphatidylcholine mixtures with varying proportions of phosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylserine or cardiolipin has been studied. The ability of fibrillar lysozyme to induce dissociation of cytochrome c from the membrane binding sites proved to be markedly stronger than that of its monomeric counterpart, with desorption process displaying cooperativity features upon increasing the charge of lipid bilayer. The decreased efficiency of tryptophan fluorescence quenching by acrylamide and short-wavelength shift of emission maximum observed upon membrane binding of lysozyme fibrils were rationalized in terms of fluorophore transfer into interfacial bilayer region. It is hypothesized that electrostatic interactions play predominant role in determining the lipid-associating and competitive abilities of fibrillar lysozyme.  相似文献   

Amyloid fibrils are a well‐recognized hallmark of neurodegeneration. A common approach to detect amyloid fibrils is staining with organic molecules and monitoring optical properties using fluorescence spectroscopy. However, the structural diversity of amyloids necessitates new sensitive methods and probes that can be reliably used to characterize them. Here, Coumarin 307 is applied for lysozyme fibrils detection by observation of laser action in the process of two‐photon excited stimulated emission. It is shown that the lasing threshold and spectrum significantly depend on the adopted structure (α‐helix or β‐sheet) of the lysozyme protein, whereas fluorescence spectrum is insensitive to the protein structure. The applications of coherent stimulated emission light that can be emitted deep inside a scattering medium can be particularly promising for imaging and therapeutic purposes in the neurodegeneration field. Two‐photon excitation with the near‐infrared light, which allows the deepest penetration of tissues, is an important advantage of the method.  相似文献   

In experiments designed to characterize the basis of amyloid fibril stability through mutational analysis of the Abeta (1-40) molecule, fibrils exhibit consistent, significant structural malleability. In these results, and in other properties, amyloid fibrils appear to more resemble plastic materials generated from synthetic polymers than globular proteins. Thus, like synthetic polymers and plastics, amyloid fibrils exhibit both polymorphism, the ability of one polypeptide to form aggregates of different morphologies, and isomorphism, the ability of different polypeptides to grow into a fibrillar amyloid morphology. This view links amyloid with the prehistorical and 20th century use of proteins as starting materials to make films, fibers, and plastics, and with the classic protein fiber stretching experiments of the Astbury group. Viewing amyloids from the point of view of the polymer chemist may shed new light on a number of issues, such as the role of protofibrils in the mechanism of amyloid formation, the biological potency of fibrils, and the prospects for discovering inhibitors of amyloid fibril formation.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic parameters characterizing protein stability can be obtained for a fully reversible folding/unfolding system directly by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). However, the reversible DSC profile can be altered by an irreversible step causing aggregation. Here, to obtain insight into amyloid fibrils, ordered and fibrillar aggregates responsible for various amyloidoses, we studied the effects on human beta(2)-microglobulin and hen egg-white lysozyme of a combination of agitation and heating. Aggregates formed by mildly agitating protein solutions in the native state in the presence of NaCl were heated in the cell of the DSC instrument. For beta(2)-microglobulin, with an increase in the concentration of NaCl at neutral pH, the thermogram began to show an exothermic transition accompanied by a large decrease in heat capacity, followed by a kinetically controlled thermal response. Similarly, the aggregated lysozyme at a high concentration of NaCl revealed a similar distinct transition in the DSC thermogram over a wide pH range. Electron microscopy demonstrated the conformational change into amyloid fibrils. Taken together, the combined use of agitation and heating is a powerful way to generate amyloid fibrils from two proteins, beta(2)-microglobulin and hen egg-white lysozyme, and to evaluate the effects of heat on fibrillation, in which the heat capacity is crucial to characterizing the transition.  相似文献   

Makin OS  Serpell LC 《The FEBS journal》2005,272(23):5950-5961
Alzheimer's disease and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease are the best-known examples of a group of diseases known as the amyloidoses. They are characterized by the extracellular deposition of toxic, insoluble amyloid fibrils. Knowledge of the structure of these fibrils is essential for understanding the process of pathology of the amyloidoses and for the rational design of drugs to inhibit or reverse amyloid formation. Structural models have been built using information from a wide variety of techniques, including X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, solid state NMR and EPR. Recent advances have been made in understanding the architecture of the amyloid fibril. Here, we describe and compare postulated structural models for the mature amyloid fibril and discuss how the ordered structure of amyloid contributes to its stability.  相似文献   

Protein aggregation is a process in which proteins self-associate into imperfectly ordered macroscopic entities. Such aggregates are generally classified as either amorphous or highly ordered, the most common form of the latter being amyloid fibrils. Amyloid fibrils composed of cross-β-sheet structure are the pathological hallmarks of several diseases including Alzheimer’s disease, but are also associated with functional states such as the fungal HET-s prion. This review aims to summarize the recent high-resolution structural studies of amyloid fibrils in light of their (potential) activities. We propose that the repetitive nature of the cross-β-sheet structure of amyloids is key for their multiple properties: the repeating motifs can translate a rather non-specific interaction into a specific one through cooperativity.  相似文献   

Six hydrophobic clusters involved in long-range interaction have been identified in the residual structure of reduced lysozyme at pH 2. Recently, it was found that modulation in the residual structure affected amyloid formation. In this paper, we examined the effect of the hydrophobic cluster containing W111 (cluster 5) on amyloid fibril formation of reduced lysozyme. The reduced W62G lysozyme, in which most of the hydrophobic clusters except for cluster 5 are disrupted, formed hardly any amyloid fibrils in comparison with the reduced wild-type. However, the disruption of cluster 5 by the mutation of Trp111 to Gly allowed significant amyloid fibril formation of reduced W62G lysozyme. Moreover, the extent of amyloid formation in the reduced W62G/W111G lysozyme was greater than that of the reduced wild-type lysozyme. From the above results, it became clear that cluster 5 contributed to retarding the amyloid fibrils formation of the W62G lysozyme.  相似文献   

Wild-type hen lysozyme has been converted from its soluble native state into highly organized amyloid fibrils. In order to achieve this conversion, conditions were chosen to promote partial unfolding of the native globular fold and included heating of low-pH solutions and addition of organic solvents. Two peptides derived from the beta-sheet region of hen lysozyme were also found to form fibrils very readily. The properties and morphologies of the amyloid fibrils formed by incubation either of the protein or the peptides are similar to those produced from the group of proteins associated with clinical amyloidoses. Fibril formation by hen lysozyme was substantially accelerated when aliquots of solutions in which fibrils of either one of the peptides or the full-length protein had previously formed were added to fresh solutions of the protein, revealing the importance of seeding in the kinetics of fibril formation. These findings support the proposition that the beta-domain is of particular significance in the formation of fibrils from the full-length protein and suggest similarities between the species giving rise to fibril formation and the intermediates formed during protein folding.  相似文献   

It is known that amyloid oligomers, protofibrils, and fibrils induce cell death, and antibiotic tetracycline inhibits the fibrillization of beta amyloid peptides and other amyloidogenic proteins and disassembles their pre-formed fibrils. Earlier we have demonstrated that sarcomeric cytoskeletal proteins of the titin family (X-, C-, and H-proteins) are capable to form in vitro amyloid fibrils, and tetracycline effectively destroys these fibrils. Here we show that the viability of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in the presence of X-protein amyloids depends on the concentration of amyloid fibrils of X-protein and the time of incubation. In addition to the disaggregation of X-protein fibrils, tetracycline eliminated the cytotoxic effect of the protein. The antibiotic itself did not show a toxic effect, and the cell viability in its presence even increased. Our results evidence the potential of this approach for evaluating the effectiveness of drugs preventing or treating amyloidoses.  相似文献   

Solubility characteristics of isolated amyloid fibrils   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Tissue deposition of normally soluble proteins, or their fragments, as insoluble amyloid fibrils causes the usually fatal, acquired and hereditary systemic amyloidoses and is associated with the pathology of Alzheimer's disease, type 2 diabetes and the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. Although each type of amyloidosis is characterised by a specific amyloid fibril protein, the deposits share pathognomonic histochemical properties and the structural morphology of all amyloid fibrils is very similar. We have previously demonstrated that transthyretin amyloid fibrils contain four constituent protofilaments packed in a square array. Here, we have used cross-correlation techniques to average electron microscopy images of multiple cross-sections in order to reconstruct the sub-structure of ex vivo amyloid fibrils composed of amyloid A protein, monoclonal immunoglobulin lambda light chain, Leu60Arg variant apolipoprotein AI, and Asp67His variant lysozyme, as well as synthetic fibrils derived from a ten-residue peptide corresponding to the A-strand of transthyretin. All the fibrils had an electron-lucent core but the packing arrangement comprised five or six protofilaments rather than four. The structural similarity that defines amyloid fibres thus exists principally at the level of beta-sheet folding of the polypeptides within the protofilament, while the different types vary in the supramolecular assembly of their protofilaments.  相似文献   

Babenko V  Harada T  Yagi H  Goto Y  Kuroda R  Dzwolak W 《Chirality》2011,23(8):638-646
Hydrodynamic forces are capable of inducing structural order in dispersed solid phases, and of causing symmetry-breaking when chiral crystals precipitate from an achiral liquid phase. Until it was observed upon vortex-assisted fibrillation of insulin, such behavior had been thought to be confined to few unbiological systems. In this paper we are discussing chiroptical properties of two chiral variants of insulin amyloid, termed +ICD and -ICD, which form during the process of chiral bifurcation in vortexed solutions of aggregating insulin. As conventional measurements of circular dichroism of solid, anisotropic substances are particularly vulnerable to overlapping influences of linear birefringence and linear dichroism, we have employed complementary tools including dedicated universal chiroptical spectrophotometer to rule out such artifacts. We propose that the strong chiroptical properties of +ICD and -ICD insulin fibrils are an aspect of genuine superstructural chirality of amyloid fibrils and of powerful excitonic couplings taking place within them. A comparison of thioflavin T complexes with fibrils formed by insulin and polyglutamic acid suggests that the extrinsic Cotton effect stemming from the level of single twisted dye molecules is weaker, although diagnostically useful, and cannot account for the overall magnitude of ICD of the dye bound to ±ICD insulin amyloid.  相似文献   

Different low molecular mass ligands have been used to identify amyloid deposits. Among these markers, the dyes Thioflavin T and Congo Red interact specifically with the beta-sheet structure arranged in a cross-beta conformation, which is characteristic of amyloid. However, the molecular details of this interaction remain unknown. When labelled with technetium-99m, the proteinase inhibitor aprotinin has been shown to represent a very important radiopharmaceutical agent for in vivo imaging of extra-abdominal deposition of amyloid in amyloidosis of the immunoglobulin type. However, no information is available as to whether aprotinin binds other types of amyloid fibrils and on the nature and characteristics of the interaction. The present work shows aprotinin binding to insulin, transthyretin, beta-amyloid peptide and immunoglobulin synthetic amyloid fibrils by a specific dot-blot ligand-binding assay. Aprotinin did not bind amorphous precipitates and/or the soluble fibril precursors. A Ka of 2.9 microM-1 for the binding of aprotinin to insulin amyloid fibrils was determined by Scatchard analysis. In competition experiments, analogues such as an aprotinin variant, a spermadhesin and the soybean trypsin inhibitor were tested and results suggest that both aprotinin and the spermadhesin interact with amyloid fibrils through pairing of beta-sheets of the ligands with exposed structures of the same type at the surface of amyloid deposits. An electrostatic component may also be involved in the binding of aprotinin to amyloid fibrils because important differences in binding constants are observed when substitutions V15L17E52 are introduced in aprotinin; on the other hand beta-sheet containing acidic proteins, such as the soybean trypsin inhibitor, are unable to bind amyloid fibrils.  相似文献   

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