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Particulate matter (PM) emissions from heavy-duty diesel vehicles (HDDVs) were collected using a chassis dynamometer/dilution sampling system that employed filter-based samplers, cascade impactors, and scanning mobility particle size (SMPS) measurements. Four diesel vehicles with different engine and emission control technologies were tested using the California Air Resources Board Heavy Heavy-Duty Diesel Truck (HHDDT) 5 mode driving cycle. Vehicles were tested using a simulated inertial weight of either 56,000 or 66,000 lb. Exhaust particles were then analyzed for total carbon, elemental carbon (EC), organic matter (OM), and water-soluble ions. HDDV fine (< or =1.8 microm aerodynamic diameter; PM1.8) and ultrafine (0.056-0.1 microm aerodynamic diameter; PM0.1) PM emission rates ranged from 181-581 mg/km and 25-72 mg/km, respectively, with the highest emission rates in both size fractions associated with the oldest vehicle tested. Older diesel vehicles produced fine and ultrafine exhaust particles with higher EC/OM ratios than newer vehicles. Transient modes produced very high EC/OM ratios whereas idle and creep modes produced very low EC/OM ratios. Calcium was the most abundant water-soluble ion with smaller amounts of magnesium, sodium, ammonium ion, and sulfate also detected. Particle mass distributions emitted during the full 5-mode HDDV tests peaked between 100-180 nm and their shapes were not a function of vehicle age. In contrast, particle mass distributions emitted during the idle and creep driving modes from the newest diesel vehicle had a peak diameter of approximately 70 nm, whereas mass distributions emitted from older vehicles had a peak diameter larger than 100 nm for both the idle and creep modes. Increasing inertial loads reduced the OM emissions, causing the residual EC emissions to shift to smaller sizes. The same HDDV tested at 56,000 and 66,000 lb had higher PM0.1 EC emissions (+22%) and lower PM0.1 OM emissions (-38%) at the higher load condition.  相似文献   

Federal Tier 3 motor vehicle emission and fuel sulfur standards have been promulgated in the United States to help attain air quality standards for ozone and PM2.5 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter <2.5 μm). The authors modeled a standard similar to Tier 3 (a hypothetical nationwide implementation of the California Low Emission Vehicle [LEV] III standards) and prior Tier 2 standards for on-road gasoline-fueled light-duty vehicles (gLDVs) to assess incremental air quality benefits in the United States (U.S.) and the relative contributions of gLDVs and other major source categories to ozone and PM2.5 in 2030. Strengthening Tier 2 to a Tier 3-like (LEV III) standard reduces the summertime monthly mean of daily maximum 8-hr average (MDA8) ozone in the eastern U.S. by up to 1.5 ppb (or 2%) and the maximum MDA8 ozone by up to 3.4 ppb (or 3%). Reducing gasoline sulfur content from 30 to 10 ppm is responsible for up to 0.3 ppb of the improvement in the monthly mean ozone and up to 0.8 ppb of the improvement in maximum ozone. Across four major urban areas—Atlanta, Detroit, Philadelphia, and St. Louis—gLDV contributions range from 5% to 9% and 3% to 6% of the summertime mean MDA8 ozone under Tier 2 and Tier 3, respectively, and from 7% to 11% and 3% to 7% of the maximum MDA8 ozone under Tier 2 and Tier 3, respectively. Monthly mean 24-hr PM2.5 decreases by up to 0.5 μg/m3 (or 3%) in the eastern U.S. from Tier 2 to Tier 3, with about 0.1 μg/m3 of the reduction due to the lower gasoline sulfur content. At the four urban areas under the Tier 3 program, gLDV emissions contribute 3.4–5.0% and 1.7–2.4% of the winter and summer mean 24-hr PM2.5, respectively, and 3.8–4.6% and 1.5–2.0% of the mean 24-hr PM2.5 on days with elevated PM2.5 in winter and summer, respectively.

Implications: Following U.S. Tier 3 emissions and fuel sulfur standards for gasoline-fueled passenger cars and light trucks, these vehicles are expected to contribute less than 6% of the summertime mean daily maximum 8-hr ozone and less than 7% and 4% of the winter and summer mean 24-hr PM2.5 in the eastern U.S. in 2030. On days with elevated ozone or PM2.5 at four major urban areas, these vehicles contribute less than 7% of ozone and less than 5% of PM2.5, with sources outside North America and U.S. area source emissions constituting some of the main contributors to ozone and PM2.5, respectively.  相似文献   


Road traffic is one of the main sources of particulate matter (PM) in the atmosphere. Despite its importance, there are significant challenges in the quantitative evaluation of its contribution to airborne concentrations. In order to propose effective mitigation scenarios, the proportions of PM traffic emissions, whether they are exhaust or non-exhaust emissions, should be evaluated for any given geographical location. In this work, we report on the first study to evaluate particulate matter emissions from all registered heavy duty diesel vehicles in Qatar. The study was applied to an active traffic zone in urban Doha. Dust samples were collected and characterized for their shape and size distribution. It was found that the particle size ranged from few to 600 μm with the dominance of small size fraction (less than 100 μm). In-situ elemental composition analysis was conducted for side and main roads traffic dust, and compared with non-traffic PM. The results were used for the evaluation of the enrichment factor and preliminary source apportionment. The enrichment factor of anthropogenic elements amounted to 350. The traffic source based on sulfur elemental fingerprint was almost 5 times higher in main roads compared with the samples from non-traffic locations. Moreover, PM exhaust and non-exhaust emissions (tyre wear, brake wear and road dust resuspension) were evaluated. It was found that the majority of the dust was generated from tyre wear with 33% followed by road dust resuspension (31%), brake wear (19%) and then exhaust emissions with 17%. The low contribution of exhaust PM10 emissions was due to the fact that the majority of the registered vehicle models were recently made and equipped with efficient exhaust PM reduction technologies.

Implication: This study reports on the first results related to the evaluation of PM emission from all registered diesel heavy duty vehicles in Qatar. In-situ XRF elemental analysis from main, side roads as well as non-traffic dust samples was conducted. Several characterization techniques were implemented and the results show that the majority of the dust was generated from tyre wear, followed by road dust resuspension and then brake wear; whereas exhaust emissions were tremendously reduced since the majority of the registered vehicle models were recently made and equipped with efficient exhaust PM reduction technologies. This implies that policy makers should place stringent measures on old vehicle license renewals and encourage the use of metro and public transportation.  相似文献   

Emission factors of large PAHs with 6–8 aromatic rings with molecular weights (MW) of 300–374 were measured from 16 light-duty gasoline-powered vehicles (LDGV) and one heavy-duty diesel-powered vehicle (HDDV) operated under realistic driving conditions. LDGVs emitted PAH isomers of MW 302, 326, 350, and 374, while the HDDV did not emit these compounds. This suggests that large PAHs may be useful tracers for the source apportionment of gasoline-powered motor vehicle exhaust in the atmosphere. Emission rates of MW 302, 326, and 350 isomers from LDGVs equipped with three-way catalysts (TWCs) ranged from 2 to 10 (μg L−1 fuel burned), while emissions from LDGVs classified as low emission vehicles (LEVs) were almost a factor of 10 lower. MW 374 PAH isomers were not quantified due to the lack of a quantification-grade standard. The reduced emissions associated with the LEVs are likely attributable to improved vapor recovery during the “cold-start” phase of the Federal Test Procedure (FTP) driving cycle before the catalyst reaches operating temperature. Approximately 2 (μg g−1 PM) of MW 326 and 350 PAH isomer groups were found in the National Institute of Standards and Technology standard reference material (SRM)#1649 (Urban Dust). The pattern of the MW 302, 326, and 350 isomers detected in SRM#1649 qualitatively matched the ratio of these compounds detected in the exhaust of TWC LDGVs suggesting that each gram of Urban Dust SRM contained 5–10 mg of PM originally emitted from gasoline-powered motor vehicles.Large PAHs made up 24% of the total LEV PAH emissions and 39% of the TWC PAH emissions released from gasoline-powered motor vehicles. Recent studies have shown certain large PAH isomers have greater toxicity than benzo[a]pyrene. Even though the specific toxicity measurements on PAHs with MW >302 have yet to be performed, the detection of significant amounts of MW 326 and 350 PAHs in motor vehicle exhaust in the current study suggests that these compounds may pose a significant public health risk.  相似文献   

Three 2-wk seasonal field campaigns were performed in 2003 and 2004 at a sampling site on the southern Tyrrhenian coast of Italy with the aim to investigate the dynamics and characteristics of particle-bound pollutants in the Mediterranean area. Fine (PM(2.5)) and coarse particulate matter (PM(10-2.5)) size fractions were collected by a manual dichotomous sampler on 37-mm Teflon filters over a 24-hr sampling period. On average, 70% of the total PM(10) (PM(2.5) + PM(10-2.5)) mass was associated with the coarse fraction and 30% with the fine fraction during the three campaigns. The ambient concentrations of Pb, Ni, Cr, Zn, Mn, V, Cd, Fe, Cu, Ca, and Mg associated with both size fractions were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. Ambient concentrations showed differences in their absolute value, ranging from few ng x m(-3) to microg x m(-3), as well as in their variability within the PM(2.5) and PM(10-2.5) size fractions. PM(10) levels were well below the European Union (EU) limit value during the study period with the exception of three events during the first campaign (fall) and five events during the third campaign (spring). Two main sources were identified as the major contributors including mineral dust, transported from North Africa, and sea spray from the Tyrrhenian Sea. Comparing the results with backward trajectories, calculated using the Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory Model (HYSPLIT) and Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer-National Aeronautics and Space Administration (TOMS-NASA) maps, it was observed that in central and eastern Europe, the Tyrrhenian Sea and North Africa were the major emission source regions that affected the temporal variations and daily averages of PM(2.5) and PM(10-2.5) concentrations.  相似文献   

We develop a method that uses both the total column aerosol optical depth (AOD) and the fractional AOD values for different aerosol types, derived from Multiangle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) aerosol data, to estimate ground-level concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) mass and its major constituents in eastern and western United States. Compared with previous research on linking column AOD with ground-level PM2.5, this method treats various MISR aerosol components as individual predictor variables. Therefore, the contributions of different particle types to PM2.5 concentrations can be estimated. When AOD is greater than 0.15, MISR is able to distinguish dust from non-dust particles with an uncertainty level of approximately 4%, and light-absorbing from non-light-absorbing particles with an uncertainty level of approximately 20%. Further analysis shows that MISR Version 17 aerosol microphysical properties have good sensitivity and internal consistency among different mixture classes. The retrieval uncertainty of individual fractional AODs ranges between 5 and 11% in the eastern United States, and between 11 and 31% in the west for non-dust aerosol components. These results provide confidence that the fractional AOD models with their inherent flexibility can make more accurate predictions of the concentrations of PM2.5 and its constituents.  相似文献   

为满足即将实施密耦催化剂的国家第3阶段排放标准,汽油车排气冷起动问题显得尤为重要。采用如低起燃温度催化剂、密耦催化剂、HC捕集器、二次空气注入和电加热催化剂等在内的排气后处理技术,可以有效地减少污染物尤其是HC的排放。多种处理技术的结合和系统优化能够满足更加严格的排放标准。  相似文献   

Federally funded, multistate field studies were initiated in 2002 to measure emissions of particulate matter (PM) < 10 microm (PM10) and total suspended particulate (TSP), ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, methane, nonmethane hydrocarbons, and odor from swine and poultry production buildings in the United States. This paper describes the use of a continuous PM analyzer based on the tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM). In these studies, the TEOM was used to measure PM emissions at identical locations in paired barns. Measuring PM concentrations in swine and poultry barns, compared with measuring PM in ambient air, required more frequent maintenance of the TEOM. External screens were used to prevent rapid plugging of the insect screen in the PM10 preseparator inlet. Minute means of mass concentrations exhibited a sinusoidal pattern that followed the variation of relative humidity, indicating that mass concentration measurements were affected by water vapor condensation onto and evaporation of moisture from the TEOM filter. Filter loading increased the humidity effect, most likely because of increased water vapor adsorption capacity of added PM. In a single layer barn study, collocated TEOMs, equipped with TSP and PM10 inlets, corresponded well when placed near the inlets of exhaust fans in a layer barn. Initial data showed that average daily mean concentrations of TSP, PM10, and PM2.5 concentrations at a layer barn were 1440 +/- 182 microg/m3 (n = 2), 553 +/- 79 microg/m3 (n = 4), and 33 +/- 75 microg/m3 (n = 1), respectively. The daily mean TSP concentration (n = 1) of a swine barn sprinkled with soybean oil was 67% lower than an untreated swine barn, which had a daily mean TSP concentration of 1143 +/- 619 microg/m3. The daily mean ambient TSP concentration (n = 1) near the swine barns was 25 +/- 8 microg/m3. Concentrations of PM inside the swine barns were correlated to pig activity.  相似文献   

To reliably measure at the low particulate matter (PM) levels needed to meet California’s Low Emission Vehicle (LEV III) 3- and 1-mg/mile particulate matter (PM) standards, various approaches other than gravimetric measurement have been suggested for testing purposes. In this work, a feasibility study of solid particle number (SPN, d50 = 23 nm) and black carbon (BC) as alternatives to gravimetric PM mass was conducted, based on the relationship of these two metrics to gravimetric PM mass, as well as the variability of each of these metrics. More than 150 Federal Test Procedure (FTP-75) or Supplemental Federal Test Procedure (US06) tests were conducted on 46 light-duty vehicles, including port-fuel-injected and direct-injected gasoline vehicles, as well as several light-duty diesel vehicles equipped with diesel particle filters (LDD/DPF). For FTP tests, emission variability of gravimetric PM mass was found to be slightly less than that of either SPN or BC, whereas the opposite was observed for US06 tests. Emission variability of PM mass for LDD/DPF was higher than that of both SPN and BC, primarily because of higher PM mass measurement uncertainties (background and precision) near or below 0.1 mg/mile. While strong correlations were observed from both SPN and BC to PM mass, the slopes are dependent on engine technologies and driving cycles, and the proportionality between the metrics can vary over the course of the test. Replacement of the LEV III PM mass emission standard with one other measurement metric may imperil the effectiveness of emission reduction, as a correlation-based relationship may evolve over future technologies for meeting stringent greenhouse standards.

Implications: Solid particle number and black carbon were suggested in place of PM mass for the California LEV III 1-mg/mile FTP standard. Their equivalence, proportionality, and emission variability in comparison to PM mass, based on a large light-duty vehicle fleet examined, are dependent on engine technologies and driving cycles. Such empirical derived correlations exhibit the limitation of using these metrics for enforcement and certification standards as vehicle combustion and after-treatment technologies advance.  相似文献   

This paper characterizes the emission rates of size fractionated particulate matter, inorganic aerosols, acid gases, ammonia and methane measured over four flocks at a commercial broiler chicken facility. Mean emission rates of each pollutant, along with sampling notes, were reported in this paper, the first in a series of two. Sampling notes were needed because inherent gaps in data may bias the mean emission rates.The mean emission rates of PM10 and PM2.5 were 5.0 and 0.78 g day?1 [Animal Unit, AU]?1, respectively, while inorganic aerosols mean emission rates ranged from 0.15 to 0.46 g day?1 AU?1 depending on the season. The average total acid gas emission rate was 0.43 g day?1 AU?1 with the greatest contribution from nitrous and nitric acids and little contribution from sulfuric acid (as SO2).Ammonia emissions were seasonally dependent, with a mean emission rate of 66.0 g day?1 AU?1 in the cooler seasons and 94.5 g day?1 AU?1 during the warmer seasons. Methane emissions were relatively consistent with a mean emission rate of 208 g day?1 AU?1.The diurnal pattern in each pollutant’s emission rate was relatively consistent after normalizing the hourly emissions according to each daily mean emission rate. Over the duration of a production cycle, all the measured pollutants’ emissions increased proportionally to the total live mass of birds in the house, with the exception of ammonia.Interrelationships between pollutants provide evidence of mutually dependent release mechanisms, which suggests that it may be possible to fill data gaps with minimal data requirements. In the second paper (Roumeliotis, T.S., Dixon, B.J., Van Heyst, B.J. Characterization of gaseous pollutants and particulate matter emission rates from a commercial broiler operation part II: correlated emission rates. Atmospheric Environment, 2010.), regression correlations are developed to estimate daily mean emission rates for data gaps and, using the normalized hourly diurnal patterns from this paper, emission factors were generated for each pollutant.  相似文献   

The non-methane hydrocarbon (NMHC) compositions of the exhausts from 67 vehicles in ‘on the road’ condition and driven through an urban driving cycle on a chassis dynamometer, have been determined. The major components were ethylene (11.2% w/w of NMHC), toluene (10.2%), acetylene (8.7%), m,p-Xylenes(6.5%), benzene (5.0%), propylene (5.0%) and i-pentane(4.8%). These compounds have also been reported as significant components in the exhausts from two similar populations of American vehicles.The NMHC compositions were found to be insensitive to the mass emission rates of hydrocarbons from the vehicles, except for the combustion-derived olefins, ethylene and propylene, which were affected by engine modifications introduced to satisfy emission control requirements. A close relationship was found between petrol composition and exhaust composition but this did not correspond simply to emissions of unburnt petrol. The aromatics are enriched relative to the alkanes in exhaust when compared with their proportions in the petrol.  相似文献   

Deployment of continuous analyzers in the Southeastern Aerosol Research and Characterization Study (SEARCH) network began in 1998 and continues today as new technologies are developed. Measurement of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) mass is performed using a dried, 30 degrees C tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM). TEOM measurements are complemented by observations of light scattering by nephelometry. Measurements of major constituents include: (1) SO4(2-) via reduction to SO2; (2) NH4+ and NO3- via respective catalytic oxidation and reduction to NO, (3) black carbon (BC) by optical absorption, (4) total carbon by combustion to CO2, and (5) organic carbon by difference between the latter two measurements. Several illustrative examples of continuous data from the SEARCH network are presented. A distinctive composite annual average diurnal pattern is observed for PM2.5 mass, nitrate, and BC, likely indicating the influence of traffic-related emissions, growth, and break up of the boundary layer and formation of ammonium nitrate. Examination of PM2.5 components indicates the need to better understand the continuous composition of the unmeasured "other" category, because it contributes a significant fraction to total mass during periods of high PM2.5 loading. Selected episodes are presented to illustrate applications of SEARCH data. An SO2 conversion rate of 0.2%/hr is derived from an observation of a plume from a coal-fired power plant during early spring, and the importance of local, rural sources of NH3 to the formation of ammonium nitrate in particulate matter (PM) is demonstrated.  相似文献   

The San Joaquin Valley (SJV) in California has one of the most severe particulate air quality problems in the United States during the winter season. In the current study, measurements of particulate matter (PM) smaller than 10 microm in aerodynamic diameter (PM10), fine particles (PM18), and ultrafine particles (PM0.1) made during the period December 16, 2000-February 3, 2001, at six locations near or within the SJV are discussed: Bodega Bay, Davis, Sacramento, Modesto, Bakersfield, and Sequoia National Park. Airborne PM1.8 concentrations at the most heavily polluted site (Bakersfield) increased from 20 to 172 microg/m3 during the period December 16, 2000-January 7, 2001. The majority of the fine particle mass was ammonium nitrate driven by an excess of gas-phase ammonia. Peak PM0.1 concentrations (8-12 hr average) were approximately 2.4 microg/m3 measured at night in Sacramento and Bakersfield. Ultrafine particle concentrations were distinctly diurnal, with daytime concentrations approximately 50% lower than nighttime concentrations. PMO.1 concentrations did not accumulate during the multiweek stagnation period; rather, PMO.1 mass decreased at Bakersfield as PM1.8 mass was increasing. The majority of the ultrafine particle mass was associated with carbonaceous material. The high concentrations of ultrafine particles in the SJV pose a potential serious public health threat that should be addressed.  相似文献   

Particulate matter (PM) has long been recognized as an air pollutant due to its adverse health and environmental impacts. As emission of PM from agricultural operations is an emerging air quality issue, the Agricultural Particulate Matter Emissions Indicator (APMEI) has been developed to estimate the primary PM contribution to the atmosphere from agricultural operations on Census years and to assess the impact of practices adopted to mitigate these emissions at the soil landscape polygon scale as part of the agri-environmental indicator report series produced by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. In the APMEI, PM emissions from animal feeding operations, wind erosion, land preparation, crop harvest, fertilizer and chemical application, grain handling, and pollen were calculated and compared for the Census years of 1981-2006. In this study, we present the results for PM10 and PM2.5, which exclude chemical application and pollen sources as they only contribute to total suspended particles. In 2006, PM emissions from agricultural operations were estimated to be 652.6 kt for PM10 and 158.1 kt for PM2.5. PM emissions from wind erosion and land preparation account for most of PM emissions from agricultural operations in Canada, contributing 82% of PM10 and 76% of PM2.5 in 2006. Results from the APMEI show a strong reduction in PM emissions from agricultural operations between 1981 and 2006, with a decrease of 40% (442.8 kt) for PM10 and 47% (137.7 kt) for PM2.5. This emission reduction is mainly attributed to the adoption of conservation tillage and no-till practices and the reduction in the area of summer fallow land.  相似文献   

Particulate matter (PM) has long been recognized as an air pollutant due to its adverse health and environmental impacts. As emission of PM from agricultural operations is an emerging air quality issue, the Agricultural Particulate Matter Emissions Indicator (APMEI) has been developed to estimate the primary PM contribution to the atmosphere from agricultural operations on Census years and to assess the impact of practices adopted to mitigate these emissions at the soil landscape polygon scale as part of the agri-environmental indicator report series produced by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. In the APMEI, PM emissions from animal feeding operations, wind erosion, land preparation, crop harvest, fertilizer and chemical application, grain handling, and pollen were calculated and compared for the Census years of 1981–2006. In this study, we present the results for PM10 and PM2.5, which exclude chemical application and pollen sources as they only contribute to total suspended particles. In 2006, PM emissions from agricultural operations were estimated to be 652.6 kt for PM10 and 158.1 kt for PM2.5. PM emissions from wind erosion and land preparation account for most of PM emissions from agricultural operations in Canada, contributing 82% of PM10 and 76% of PM2.5 in 2006. Results from the APMEI show a strong reduction in PM emissions from agricultural operations between 1981 and 2006, with a decrease of 40% (442.8 kt) for PM10 and 47% (137.7 kt) for PM2.5. This emission reduction is mainly attributed to the adoption of conservation tillage and no-till practices and the reduction in the area of summerfallow land.

Implications: Increasing sustainability in agriculture often means adapting management practices to have a beneficial impact on the environment while maintaining or increasing production and economic benefits. We developed an inventory of primary PM emissions from agriculture in Canada to better quantify the apportionment, spatial distribution, and trends for Census years 1981–2006. We found major reductions of 40% in PM10 and 47% in PM2.5 emissions over the 25-yr period as a co-benefit of increasing carbon sequestration in agricultural soils. Indeed, farmers adopted conservation tillage/no-till practices, increased usage of cover crops, and reduced summerfallow, in order to increase soil organic matter and reduce carbon dioxide emissions, which also reduced primary PM emissions, although the agricultural production increased over the period.  相似文献   

We use the fractional aerosol optical depth (AOD) values derived from Multiangle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR) aerosol component measurements, along with aerosol transport model constraints, to estimate ground-level concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) mass and its major constituents in the continental United States. Regression models using fractional AODs predict PM2.5 mass and sulfate (SO4) concentrations in both the eastern and western United States, and nitrate (NO3) concentrations in the western United States reasonably well, compared with the available ground-level U.S. Environment Protection Agency (EPA) measurements. These models show substantially improved predictive power when compared with similar models using total-column AOD as a single predictor, especially in the western United States. The relative contributions of the MISR aerosol components in these regression models are used to estimate size distributions of EPA PM2.5 species. This method captures the overall shapes of the size distributions of PM2.5 mass and SO4 particles in the east and west, and NO3 particles in the west. However, the estimated PM2.5 and SO4 mode diameters are smaller than those previously reported by monitoring studies conducted at ground level. This is likely due to the satellite sampling bias caused by the inability to retrieve aerosols through cloud cover, and the impact of particle hygroscopicity on measured particle size distributions at ground level.  相似文献   

Emissions inventories of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) were compared with estimates of emissions based on data emerging from U.S. Environment Protection Agency Particulate Matter Supersites and other field programs. Six source categories for PM2.5 emissions were reviewed: on-road mobile sources, nonroad mobile sources, cooking, biomass combustion, fugitive dust, and stationary sources. Ammonia emissions from all of the source categories were also examined. Regional emissions inventories of PM in the exhaust from on-road and nonroad sources were generally consistent with ambient observations, though uncertainties in some emission factors were twice as large as the emission factors. In contrast, emissions inventories of road dust were up to an order of magnitude larger than ambient observations, and estimated brake wear and tire dust emissions were half as large as ambient observations in urban areas. Although comprehensive nationwide emissions inventories of PM2.5 from cooking sources and biomass burning are not yet available, observational data in urban areas suggest that cooking sources account for approximately 5-20% of total primary emissions (excluding dust), and biomass burning sources are highly dependent on region. Finally, relatively few observational data were available to assess the accuracy of emission estimates for stationary sources. Overall, the uncertainties in primary emissions for PM2.s are substantial. Similar uncertainties exist for ammonia emissions. Because of these uncertainties, the design of PM2.5 control strategies should be based on inventories that have been refined by a combination of bottom-up and top-down methods.  相似文献   

在用轻型汽油车排放随行驶里程劣化规律分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于佛山市3.5万条简易稳态工况(ASM)下的尾气排放检测数据,通过分类统计和线性拟合方法分析在用轻型汽油车的污染物排放浓度随行驶里程的劣化规律。分析结果表明,该地区轻型汽油车污染物排放浓度主要分布于低值区间,超过85%的样本数据低于最低排放限值;车辆排放劣化特征随行驶里程呈规律性变化,行驶里程在0~5万km时污染物排放缓慢增长,5万~16万km时呈快速线性增长,16万km后震荡缓慢增长;行驶里程在16万km前,不同车型的排放特征存在一定差异,其中轻型货车和轻型客车的排放浓度高、劣化速度快;CO、HC、NO随行驶里程的劣化规律可用线性增长模型表示。本研究结论可为预测机动车污染变化趋势、完善在用车检查/维护制度、高排放车辆识别和淘汰等方面提供理论支持。  相似文献   

During the fall of 1998, the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection sponsored a 7-day study at the Ft. McHenry tunnel in Baltimore, MD with the objective of obtaining PM2.5 vehicle source profiles for use in atmospheric mercury source apportionment studies. PM2.5 emission profiles from gasoline and diesel powered vehicles were developed from analysis of trace elements, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), and condensed aliphatic hydrocarbons. PM2.5 samples were collected using commercially available sampling systems and were extracted and analyzed using conventional well-established methods. Both inorganic and organic profiles were sufficiently unique to mathematically discriminate the contributions from each source type using a chemical mass balance source apportionment approach. However, only the organic source profiles provided unique PAH tracers (e.g., fluoranthene, pyrene, and chrysene) for diesel combustion that could be used to identify source contributions generated using multivariate statistical receptor modeling approaches. In addition, the study found significant emission of gaseous elemental mercury (Hg0), divalent reactive gaseous mercury (RGM), and particulate mercury (Hg(p)) from gasoline but not from diesel powered motor vehicles. Fuel analysis supported the tunnel measurement results showing that total mercury content in all grades of gasoline (284±108 ng L−1) was substantially higher than total mercury content in diesel fuel (62±37 ng L−1) collected contemporaneously at local Baltimore retailers.  相似文献   

The particle size distributions (PSDs) of particulate matter (PM) in the downwind plume from simulated sources of a cotton gin were analyzed to determine the impact of PM settling on PM monitoring. The PSD of PM in a plume varies as a function of gravitational settling. Gravitational settling has a greater impact on the downwind PSD from sources with PSDs having larger mass median diameters (MMDs). The change in PSD is a function of the source PSD of emitted PM, wind speed, and downwind distance. Both MMD and geometric standard deviation (GSD) in the downwind plume decrease with an increase in downwind distance and source MMD. The larger the source MMD, the greater the change in the downwind MMD and GSD. Also, the greater the distance from the source to the sampler, the greater the change in the downwind MMD and GSD. Variations of the PSD in the downwind plume significantly impact PM10 sampling errors associated with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) PM10 samplers. For the emission sources with MMD > 10 microm, the PM10 oversampling rate increases with an increase in downwind distance caused by the decrease of GSD of the PSD in the downwind plume. Gravitational settling of particles does not help reduce the oversampling problems associated with the EPA PM10 sampler. Furthermore, oversampling rates decrease with an increase of the wind speed.  相似文献   

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