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沉积物的混合是自然界的普遍现象,湖盆中广泛发育的深水细粒沉积岩本身就是一类混积岩。以东营凹陷古近系沙河街组三段下亚段—沙河街组四段上亚段细粒沉积岩为研究对象,通过厘米级岩心观察描述、小型沉积构造解剖、岩石薄片观察、X射线衍射全岩矿物分析及微量元素测试等方法,研究细粒物质的产出状态和混合方式;分析湖盆流体、气候及水体性质对细粒物质迁移、混合、沉积的控制作用,尝试探讨细粒物质的混合沉积机制。结果表明,湖相深水细粒沉积岩既有物质成分上的混合,也有结构的混合,且在宏观与微观的不同尺度均存在混合;混合沉积作用有均匀混合、纹层叠置混合、不均匀团块状混合等类型。纹层叠置混合沉积是最主要的混合沉积方式,依据纹层接触关系、所占比例及矿物产出状态可分为泥砂—灰纹层叠置混合型、泥—灰纹层叠置混合型、泥砂粒序—灰纹层叠置混合型、灰—泥—云纹层叠置混合型等。湖相深水细粒物质的混合沉积作用类型多且往往受多个因素同时控制,气候及水动力条件是控制细粒混合沉积岩发育的最主要因素,不同流体(浊流和底流)作用下的细粒沉积物混合作用存在差异。气候引起湖水性质变化及水体分层,从而控制不同类型细粒物质的絮凝沉降及化学沉积。不同构造部位、不同水体深度的混合作用不同;相同构造部位在垂向上也存在混合沉积方式的差异。  相似文献   

李华  王英民  徐强  唐武  李冬 《古地理学报》2013,15(5):741-750
以地震资料为基础, 对南海北部第四系深层等深流沉积进行了研究。南海北部水深约1200~3000m范围内发育大型长条状漂积体、限制型漂积体、陆坡席状漂积体及沉积物波。大型长条状漂积体外形为丘状, 水道在靠陆一侧发育。限制型漂积体主要沉积于地形突起之间的地势相对低洼处, 外形多平坦, 水道较为发育。陆坡席状漂积体外形为席状。沉积物波面积较大, 部分与漂积体伴生。深层等深流在自北东向南西沿南海陆架运动过程中, 在中上陆坡由于地形变化相对较大及科氏力作用影响形成螺旋型等深流, 进而产生次生环流, 形成大型长条状漂积体及限制型漂积体。在中下陆坡因地形相对平坦、开阔, 等深流为层状水流, 多形成陆坡席状漂积体。本研究不仅能提高对南海深层等深流沉积的认识, 还能为油气勘探服务。  相似文献   

Fine sediment deposition in the ocean is complicated by the cohesive nature of muds and their tendency to flocculate. The result is disaggregated inorganic grain size (DIGS) distributions of bottom sediment that are influenced by single‐grain and floc deposition. This study outlines a parametric model that characterizes bottom sediment DIGS distributions. Modelled parameters are then used to infer depositional conditions that account for the regional variation in the grain sizes deposited by turbidity currents on the Laurentian Fan–Sohm Abyssal Plain, offshore south‐eastern Canada. Results indicate that, on the channellized Laurentian Fan, the mass fraction of floc‐deposited mud increases only slightly downslope. The small evolution in this fraction arises because sediment concentration and turbulent energy are associated in turbidity currents. On the Sohm Abyssal Plain, however, the mass fraction of floc‐deposited mud decreases, probably as a result of lower sediment concentration at this source‐distal site. Estimates of the mass fraction of mud deposited as flocs suggest that floc deposition is the dominant mode by which sediment is lost from suspension, although single‐grain deposition contributes more to the depositional flux in proximal areas where high energy breaks flocs and in distal areas where low sediment concentration limits floc formation. It is concluded that, throughout the dispersal system, changes in the fraction of flocculated mud deposited from turbidity currents reflect changes in sediment concentration and energy downslope.  相似文献   

A detailed survey of the upper and middle Nova Scotian continental slope at 42°50′N and 63°30′W indicates a complex morphology dominated by mass movements on various scales and an immature turbidity current channel. The range of sediment facies is diverse including hemipelagic and turbidite muds, turbidite sands and gravelly sandy muds of debris flow origin. Deformed units, interpreted as slump deposits are also observed. Several facies associations, related to discrete morphological environments, are recognized. Thick turbidite sand units with minor intervening mud beds are characteristic of the high-relief uppermost slope and channel margin. Thinner turbidite sands, deformed slump beds and various mud facies are associated with small-scale, hummocky mid-slope topography. Sand beds are more abundant in the depressions than on intervening hummocks indicating the preferred transport paths of small turbidity currents. At the lower end of the main turbidity current channel, frequent turbidite sand beds with relatively minor mud beds are deposited on a depositional lobe. In areas unaffected by mass movements, alternating bioturbated mud and sandy muds make up the core sequences. A local model of sedimentation is proposed for this area and illustrates that simple models of continental slope sedimentation only apply to a limited range of settings.  相似文献   

The lower boundaries of the Aberystwyth Grits Formation and the underlying Grogal Sandstones Formation (new name) in the New Quay area are defined. The Grogal Sandstones Formation is described, and interpreted as a contourite deposit on a continental rise; we believe these are the first rocks in the British Isles to be identified as contourites. The transition within a few tens of metres from Grogal Sandstones Formation contourite facies, displaying bimodal current directions, to Aberystwyth Grits Formation turbidite facies, with unimodal current directions, can be seen well in two places on the coast southwest of New Quay. Regionally, an upward transition from finegrained contourites to turbidites of varying facies can be recognised. Our results are compatible with Ziegler's interpretation of early Upper Llandoverian palaeogeography.  相似文献   

A series of individual turbidites, correlated over distances >100 km, are present in the recent fill of the Agadir Basin, offshore northwest Africa. The aim here is to unravel multiple turbidite source areas and flow pathways, and show how turbidite provenance studies contribute to interpretation of flow processes. Agadir Basin turbidites are sourced from four main areas, with the majority originating from the siliciclastic Morocco Shelf; their sand-mud distribution is strongly controlled by flow sediment volume, with relatively low-volume flows dying out within the Agadir Basin and large-volume flows bypassing significant sediment volumes to basins further downslope. Two large-volume volcaniclastic turbidites are attributed to a Canary Islands landslide source, while several small mud-dominated turbidites are interpreted to be locally sourced from hemipelagic-draped seamounts (e.g. Turbidite AB10). Finally, Turbidite AB1 (∼1 ka) is only present in the western Agadir Basin, and is linked to recent “re-activation” of the Sahara Slide headwall. The muddy suspension clouds of three large-volume flows, all linked to large-scale landslides, have covered huge areas of seafloor and flowed along or even slightly upslope for long distances. It is proposed that northeastwards-flowing bottom currents have aided transport of these dilute flow fractions into and across the Agadir Basin.  相似文献   

南海北部深水区新生代热演化史   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在构造沉降史恢复的基础上确定拉张期次,再采用非瞬时非均匀多期拉张纯剪切模型恢复南海北部深水区新生代热流史,结果表明:始新世以来,南海北部深水区存在多期热流升高的加热事件。裂谷阶段盆地基底热流幕式升高,裂后阶段也并非完全处于热衰减期。琼东南盆地新生代存在56.5~32 Ma、32~16 Ma和5.3 Ma以来3期加热事件,珠江口盆地存在56.5~32 Ma和32~23.3 Ma两期加热事件。琼东南盆地深水区基底热流始新世末为56~62 mW/m2; 早中新世末上升到60~64 mW/m2; 上新世末在深断陷区最高达75mW/m2。珠江口盆地深水区基底热流始新世末升高到60 mW/m2; 渐新世末升高到70 mW/m2。深水区新生代裂谷阶段多期拉张决定了基底热流幕式升高的多期加热事件,琼东南盆地晚期加热事件与红河走滑断裂在10~5 Ma时由左旋走滑转变为右旋走滑拉张有关。  相似文献   

Meteoric-water flux and formation of kaolinite owing to the dissolution of detrital silicates are common features of continental and paralic sandstones. In deep-water marine sandstones, meteoric-water flux is commonly considered unlikely to occur. However, the study of deep-water, marine sandstones of the Shetland–Faroes Basin on the British continental shelf revealed widespread and extensive dissolution and kaolinitization of mica and feldspar grains, which are attributed to meteoric-water flux during a sea-level lowstand. We suggest that this apparently enigmatic meteoric-water flux mechanism is likely to have occurred by hyperpycnal flow. Hyperpycnal flow occurs when river effluent directly transfers into sediment gravity flow, and enters seawater as a mixture of sediment and fresh water. The likelihood for hyperpycnal flows increases at times when rivers and distributary channels reach the shelf edge, and their flows are delivered directly onto the deepwater slope.  相似文献   

大陆边缘动力沉降及其深部构造作用控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刘少峰 《地质科学》2009,44(4):1199-1212
动力沉降是动力地形的一种,即动力地形低。动力地形一般认为具有两种成因,一种为与超大陆集聚和分散有关的动力地形,另一种为与大洋板片俯冲有关的动力地形。大陆边缘动力沉降的模拟已经提出了不同的动力学模型,如大洋板块缓倾角或陡倾角俯冲模型、不同样式(俯冲角度变化和速度变化)和性质(大洋岩石圈热年代变化等)的大洋板块俯冲模式和具应力引导的、动态三维的板块俯冲模型。关于大陆边缘动力沉降及其深部板块俯冲作用控制的研究已经趋向更加符合实际、更加精细和系统。对深部地幔活动及其地表动力地形响应的深入研究有望对关于大陆边缘区高级别层序单元及其界面的成因机制、大陆内部动力沉降与深部构造作用之间的耦合关系、我国晚中生代至新生代大陆边缘区动力学背景和油气资源评价等问题的研究取得新的进展和突破。  相似文献   

Two sites in the eastern Fram Strait, the Vestnesa Ridge and the Yermak Plateau, have been surveyed and sampled providing a depositional record over the last glacial‐interglacial cycle. The Fram Strait is the only deep‐water connection from the Arctic Ocean to the North Atlantic and contains a marine sediment record of both high latitude thermohaline flow and ice sheet interaction. On the Vestnesa Ridge, the western Svalbard margin, a sediment drift was identified in 1226 m of water. Gravity and multicores from the crest of the drift recovered turbidites and contourites. 14C dating indicates an age range of 8287 to 26 900 years BP (Early Holocene to Late Weichselian). The Yermak Plateau is characterized by slope sediments in 961 m of water. Gravity and multicores recovered contourites and hemipelagites. 14C ages were between 8615 and 46 437 years BP (Early Holocene to mid‐Weichselian). Downcore dinoflagellate cyst analyses from both sites provide a record of changing surface water conditions since the mid‐Weichselian, suggesting variable sea ice extent, productivity and polynyas present even during the Last Glacial Maximum. Four layers of ice‐rafted debris were also identified and correlated within the cores. These events occurred ca at 9, 24 to 25, 26 to 27 and 43 ka, asynchronous with Heinrich layers in the wider north‐east Atlantic and here interpreted as reflecting instability in the Svalbard/Barents Ice sheet and the northward advection of warm Atlantic water during the Late Weichselian. The activity of the ancestral West Spitsbergen Current is interpreted using mean sortable silt records from the cores. On the Vestnesa Ridge drift the modern mass accumulation rate, calculated using excess 210Pb, is 0·076 g cm?2 year?1. On the Yermak Plateau slope the modern mass accumulation rate is 0·053 g cm?2 year?1.  相似文献   

青藏高原北缘早古生代板块构造演化和大陆深俯冲   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:16  
青藏高原北缘北祁连山和柴达木盆地北缘分别发育有2类不同的高压和超高压变质带.北祁连山为典型的环太平洋型俯冲带,榴辉岩锆石的SHRIMP年龄为464 Ma±5 Ma.而柴北缘为典型的大陆俯冲型变质带,片麻岩锆石中的柯石英证明柴北缘是一超高压变质带.石榴橄榄岩中的超硅石榴子石和橄榄石中的钛铁矿等出溶反映其形成深度大于200 km.柴北缘榴辉岩的原岩具有MORB和OIB的特征,并与北祁连山榴辉岩的年龄相同,代表早古生代祁连洋俯冲变质的时代.而含柯石英片麻岩的锆石和石榴橄榄岩超高压变质年龄均为423 Ma,代表大陆地壳深俯冲发生的时间.北祁连山和柴北缘很可能是一个俯冲带从大洋俯冲到大陆碰撞的不同阶段的产物.  相似文献   

南海南北缘具有不同地球物理特征和地质构造特征。南海北缘新生代盆地为断陷型盆地;南海南缘则发育周缘前陆盆地、板缘拉张盆地。北缘盆地的沉降以两幕发展为特征,南缘的盆地的沉降以三幕发展为特征。南海北缘盆地经历了古新世一始新世盆地形成时期、渐新世一中中新世盆地发展期、晚中新世一第四纪盆地成熟期三个阶段;南海南缘盆地经历了古新世一中始新世初始盆地形成、晚始新世一中中新世盆地发展、中中新世末盆地遭受压扭改造、晚中新世一第四纪盆地定型期四个阶段。造成南北缘差异的原因是边缘性质不同:北缘为拉张型边缘;南缘北侧是拉张型边缘,南缘南侧是挤压型边缘。  相似文献   

基于GIS的矿井突水水源判别系统研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
应用模糊聚类分析得到的含水层背景值,建立模糊综合评判模型,进行矿井突水水源快速判别。基于GIS强大的数据处理功能,利用GIS可视化技术将判别结果直观地显示出来。该系统不但实现了突水水源的点查询,还实现了突水空间分区。通过实际应用,证明该系统简便易行,结果可靠。它可高效准确地完成未知突水水样的水源判别,为煤矿安全生产提供决策依据。  相似文献   

流域水资源供需系统演化特征识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
水资源的有限性和稀缺性必然导致水资源供需系统中资源、社会经济和生态环境目标相互制约、相互冲突。在系统识别水资源供需系统协同特征基础上,根据协同学支配原理,分别在水资源供需系统资源、社会经济和生态环境子系统中设置了序参量,并运用有序度、协调度等概念,构建了一种基于协同学原理的流域水资源供需系统演化特征识别模型,并将此模型运用于东江流域,揭示了该流域不同发展时期水资源供需系统的协同异化特征演化规律。结果表明,剧烈人类活动影响下,2000年左右东江流域水资源供、需关系发生明显转变,水资源供需系统逐渐向无序、混乱状态演进。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a comparative study of pockmarks and associated features appearing on both sides of the North Atlantic: on the Scotian Shelf off Nova Scotia and in the northern North Sea. Pockmarks are formed in seabed material consisting of soft silty clay. The seismic, sonar and lithologic characteristics of the sediments on the Scotian Shelf are remarkably similar to those found in the northern North Sea. Sediment clouds suspended in the water column immediately over the seabed have previously been observed on side-scan records associated with gas-charged sediments on corresponding shallow-seismic records. These and similar observations strongly suggest that most pockmarks are caused by gas efflux through the seafloor. However, the detailed mechanism of formation and the origin of the gas in the sediments is still unknown.  相似文献   

林潼  李文厚  孙平  沈英  王东良 《地质通报》2013,32(9):1461-1470
准噶尔盆地南缘油气资源十分丰富,但是目前仅在浅层发现有十分有限的储量.深层的勘探一直没有突破.前人在构造模式方面开展过大量的研究,但成效甚微.通过深层储层发育特征及其对有利储层发育的影响因素研究,进行铸体薄片、扫描电镜、孔渗分析、包裹体测温、方解石C和O同位素分析、Ro测定等分析测试.综合分析认为,准噶尔南缘地区:①深层清水河组有效储层的勘探,应该以远砂坝相为主,齐古组有效储层发育在水下分流河道微相的上段.深层有利储层的发育受有利的沉积相带控制,同时受成岩作用的影响;②较低的古地温梯度;③早期浅埋、晚期快速深埋的地层埋藏方式;④区域构造应力发育较弱的区域.以上因素都对准噶尔盆地南缘地区深层储层起到了明显的改善作用.  相似文献   

西宁盆地北西缘地下热水分布特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
笔者重点对西宁盆地北西缘南门峡-台子地区地下热水的赋存条件、热储构造概念模型进行了讨论。基于实际资料,得出地处老爷山凸起与双树凹陷间斜坡带,具有“凹中凸”地质结构的南门峡-台子地热异常热储为新元古界克素尔组大理岩和白垩系民和组砂砾岩,地热地质条件好。提出了该区的热储概念模型是“层控热储-侧向径流补给-大地热流供热-深大断裂导热-低热导率岩层聚热”,且具一定的地热资源开发利用前景。  相似文献   

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