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The present paper deals mainly with the absorption, distribution and biological cycles of K, Ca and Mg in Rhizophora stylosa mangrove community in Yingluo Bay of Guangxi, China. The results showed that: In standing crop of the community, the total amounts of K, Ca and Mg were 46.26 g·m-2, 276. 33 g·m-2 and 50. 43 g·m-2, respectively. The Biological cycles of K, Ca and Mg in this stand were:annual uptake 4.46 g· m-2 for K, 17.46 g·m-2 for Ca and 4.81 g·m-2 for Mg ;annual retention 1.67 g·m-2 for K, 10.83 g·m-2 for Ca and 1.39 g·m-2 for Mg; annual return 2.79 g·m-2 for K, 6.63 g·m-2 for Ca an 3.42 g·m-2 for Mg. The enrichment ratios of K, Ca and Mg in this community were 1. 81, 1.20 and 1.80, respectively. The speed of turnover period (yr) was 17, 42 and 15, respectively,in which the speed of Mg recycling was the fastest.  相似文献   

Summary Growth and physiological responses of date palm. Phoenix dactylifera L. cv. Barhee, callus to salinity stress were examined. Callus induced from shoot tips of offshoots was cultured on Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with NaCl at concentrations ranging from 0 to 225 mM, in consective increments of 25 mM. Data obtained after 6 wk of exposure to salt have shown a significant increase in callus proliferation in response to 25 mM NaCl the lowest level tested, beyond which callus weight decreased. At 125 mM NaCl and higher, callus growth was nearly completely inhibited. Physiological studies on callus exposed to salt stress have shown an increase in proline accumulation in response to increased salinity. Proline accumulation was correlated to callus growth inhibition. Furthermore, increasing the concentration of NaCl in the culture medium generally resulted in a steady increase in Na+ and reduction in K+ concentrations. However, at 25 mM NaCl, the only level at which callus growth was significantly enhanced, an increase in K+ content was noted, in comparison to the NaCl free control. In response to increasing external NaCl level, the Na+/K+ ratio increased The Na+/K+ ratio was positively correlated to proline accumulation and hence callus growth inhibition. This study provides, an understanding of the response of date palm callus to salinity, which is important for future studies aimed at developing strategies for selecting and characterizing somaclonal variants tolerant to salt stress.  相似文献   

以新疆产不同抗裂性枣品种‘骏枣’、‘哈密大枣’、‘灰枣’、‘金铃圆枣’果实为试验材料,用不同浓度CaCl2(0、2.5、25g/L)分别浸泡12、36、60h,研究CaCl2对枣裂果率及果肉、果皮中Ca、K、Mg含量的影响。结果显示:(1)2.5、25g/L CaCl2均能有效降低枣裂果率,且25g/L CaCl2对各品种枣的防裂效果均优于2.5g/L CaCl2。(2)极抗裂品种枣的果皮、果肉中Ca显著高于极易裂品种,且各品种Ca含量均随CaCl2浓度增加而增加。(3)极抗裂品种枣的果皮、果肉中K含量高于极易裂品种,其Mg含量则表现出相反趋势,但不同浓度CaCl2处理的枣果肉、果皮中Mg、K升降幅度变化不同。(4)枣果肉、果皮中Ca、K含量与裂果率呈负相关关系,Mg含量与裂果率呈正相关关系。研究认为,CaCl2浸果能有效增加枣果肉、果皮中钙含量,影响各品种枣果实的钾镁含量,显著降低枣裂果率,并以25g/L CaCl2效果最好。  相似文献   

In Egypt, inflorescence brown rot disease of date plam trees caused by Thielaviopsis paradoxa De Syenes causing high losses of pollen grains and fruits yield productivity. Infection occurs early on spathes even when it still hidden in the leaf bases. White mycelium of pathogenic fungi grows on inflorescence then turned to brown when fungus spores abundant. Isolation trails from diseased spathes showed brown rot, yielded three genus of fungal i.e. Aspergillus niger (25%), Mucor hiemalis (25%) and T. paradoxa (50%). Pathogenicity test by using fungal isolates and male inflorescence of data indicate that, all isolates of T. paradoxa were able to induce brown rot of inflorescence. Isolates of T. paradoxa were differed in pathogenic activity for producing inflorescence brown rot symptom. Also, A. niger isolate could cause slightly decay on inflorescence. Meanwhile, all isolates of M. hiemalis recorded as non pathogenic. In vitro, dual culture technique by using M. hiemalis showed antagonistic properties against T. paradoxa. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) study revealed that, pollen grains of date palm are susceptible to infection by T. paradoxa, accompanied by complete lyses and ruptured. SEM examination of inflorescence treated by each of M. hiemalis or/and T. paradoxa showed that M. hiemalis was able to colonisation on inflorescence and reduced colonisation of T. paradoxa on inflorescence and pollen grains. Preliminary evaluation of M. hiemalis as a biocontrol agent showed that, spray of inflorescence with M. hiemalis suspension two days before or after infestation by T. paradoxa were reduced brown rot of inflorescence than the control. Spraying of spathes by M. hiemalis before infestation by pathogen was highly effective in reduction brown rot incidence compared with spraying after infestation. These results help to explain the role of M. hiemalis in the suppression and biological control of T. paradoxa.  相似文献   

Summary A study conducted in pots to evaluate the effect of different Mg/Ca ratios (2, 4, 8 and 16) and electrolyte concentrations (20 and 80 meq/l) at SAR 10 in irrigation water on the nutrient uptake and yield of wheat crop in two soils revealed that the average grain and dry matter yields of wheat decreased significantly with an increase in Mg/Ca ratio in irrigation water, but the magnitude of decrease was greater at higher electrolyte concentration than at lower electrolyte concentration. The concentration of Na in both straw and grain of wheat increased and that of K decreased with an increase in Mg/Ca ratio and electrolyte concentration of irrigation water, which led to higher Na/Ca and Na/K ratios in the plant. Further, the concentration of Ca and Mg both in straw as well as in grain increased with increasing electrolyte concentration of the irrigation water. An increasing proportion of Mg in saline irrigation water resulted in decreased concentration of Ca and increased concentration of Mg in both straw and grain of wheat crop. It was also noticed that the increasing proportion of Mg over Ca in the poor quality irrigation water increased the P content of both straw and grain of wheat crop.  相似文献   

An experiment was designed to study whether hyphae and colonized roots of arbuscular mycorrhiza have more direct access to P in organic matter than roots of non-mycorrhizal plants. Soil supplied with 0, 15 or 45 mg P kg–1 was uniformly mixed with 32P-labelled organic matter at four levels (0, 1, 2 and 5 g kg–1) and inoculated with a mycorrhizal fungus or left uninoculated. Pots were incubated at 60% of field capacity for one week prior to sowing of clover, and plants were harvested after a growth period of 23 days. Mycorrhizal colonization increased shoot dry weight, P concentration and 32P uptake at all P levels. Specific activity in plants was consistently higher than in corresponding soil. This indicates that the added 32P never reached an equilibrium with inorganic P in the soil. P mineralized from organic matter thus had a residence time in the soil solution sh ort enought to partially avoid isotopic exchange and adsorption. Mycorrhizal colonization influenced specific activity of 32P in plants from three of the nine combinations of P and labelled organic matter: At the lowest level of P the specific activity was highest in non-mycorrhizal plants, and at the intermediate level of P there was one treatment where mycorrhizal plants had the highest specific activity. These differences are discussed. Plant dry weight and P concentration did not respond to addition of organic matter, though soil extracts consistently contained higher amounts of inorganic P as a result of organic matter addition. The results suggest that mycorrhizal plants at an early growth stage utilize a substantially higher amount of P released from organic matter than non-mycorrhizal plants. This mycorrhizal advantage does not seem to be related to a mycorrhizal influence on mineralization.  相似文献   

The effects of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae inoculation on the growth of cacao seedlings (Theobroma cacao var. Ocumare 60) grown for 5 months in a nursery were studied. The effects of introduced VAM fungi (Glomus occultum, Acaulospora appendicula, Glomus manihotis, Acaulospora morrowae and Scutellospora pellucida) in soils treated with copper oxychloride or methyl bromide, were compared with the indigenous VAM and with their respective non-inoculated controls.Cacao seedlings responded well to indigenous VAM fungi, which included Scutellospora calospora as the dominant species, inducing increases significant in height, dry weight and foliar uptake of P, Cu and Zn in relation to the sterile control. G. occultum and A. appendicula increased the height of cacao seedlings but to an extent not yet statistically significant through the duration of the experiment. S. pellucida and A. appendicula doubled the phosphorus uptake of cacao seedlings. The methyl bromide sterilization induced the lowest Cu and Zn uptake in the cacao seedlings but this effect was ameliorated with VAM inoculation. Manifest deficiency symptoms were not observed in the treatments.Copper oxychloride treatment depressed growth to the same level as the sterile control although its residual effects did not kill VAM. It could change the competitive relations among the VAM species and in this case seemed to affect adversely the more efficient native fungi.The influence of the presence and long permanence of large cotyledons in cacao on the results obtained is discussed.  相似文献   

将水培后盆栽的花生幼苗,置于培养箱42℃高温培养,定时测定幼苗叶光合速率、叶绿素含量和叶绿体Ca^2+-ATPase、Mg^2+-ATPase的相对活性,并观察幼叶细胞内Ca^2+分布的变化。试验结果表明:高温胁迫过程中,光合速率及叶绿素含量都随处理时间的延伸而下降,并呈显著正相关;叶绿体Ca^2+-ATPase和Mg^2+-ATPase高温胁迫过程中相对活性呈先升后降趋势,Ca^2+-ATPase热敏性高于Mg^2+-ATPase;高温胁迫过程中,Ca^2+具有从胞外转运到胞质内和叶绿体中的趋势,Ca^2+能够稳定高温胁迫下叶肉细胞膜和叶绿体的超微结构。  相似文献   

In vitro studies were conducted to assess the efficacy of the biofungicide Mycostop on the fungus Ceratocystis radicicola (= Ceratostomella radicicola), which causes black scorch on date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) and the effect salinity on the growth of Streptomyces griseoviridis, the activecomponent of Mycostop. C. radicicola wasisolated from roots of diseased date palm inlandscape settings, nurseries, andplantations. In vitro, the effectiveconcentration (EC50) of Mycostop thatreduced the mycelial growth by 50% was 0.35 g/l of PDA. Mycostop at the rate of 0.35 g/lor greater reduced spore germination,plasmolyzed germlings and reduced sporulationof C. radicicola. In essence it reducedthe inoculum potential of C. radicicola. In sterile soil treated with Mycostop, rootpieces of date palm inoculated with C.radicicola were less necrotic than those inuntreated soil. Streptomycesgriseoviridis in Mycostop did not grow on PDAamended with 5.0% NaCl (–4.28 MPa), but thenumber of colony formed units on PDA amendedwith 1.0 to 4.0% NaCl was not significantlydifferent from a factor that was considered ifMycostop is to be used to manage black scorchin Kuwait. The observations showed the effectsof Mycostop on C. radicicola inlaboratory studies but its efficacy on blackscorch disease of date palms in nurseries andplantations is yet to be determined.  相似文献   

花期降低施钙量后,钙低效番茄品种L-402果实中钙含量显著降低,高效品种江蔬一号降低不显著,镁含量显著增加,钾含量有增加趋势。果实底端的钙含量高于顶端,降低施钙量后果实水溶性钙含量和比例显著提高,果胶酸钙含量和比例降低,磷酸钙含量也降低。钙低效品种L-402水溶性钙含量的增加,以及果胶酸钙和磷酸钙的降低程度,都大于高效品种江蔬一号,且降钙后果实顶端的革酸钙含量和比例增加。  相似文献   

来琦芳  王慧  房文红 《生态学杂志》2007,26(9):1359-1363
通过静态急性毒性试验和正交设计,研究K 、Ca2 及其相互作用对中国明对虾幼虾生存的影响。结果表明:在盐度为6的水环境中,K 和Ca2 浓度与幼虾存活率均呈双相剂量-反应关系;在低离子浓度中,Ca2 浓度变化对中国明对虾幼虾存活的影响略大于K ,K 的LC50为11.56mg.L-1,Ca2 的LC50为22.43mg.L-1;在高离子浓度中,K 浓度变化对中国明对虾幼虾存活的影响明显大于Ca2 ,K 的LC50为176.93mg.L-1,Ca2 的LC50为956.99mg.L-1;在正交试验范围内,K 、Ca2 /K 及其相互作用均存在显著影响,影响程度依次为K >Ca2 /K >K 和Ca2 /K 间的相互作用;在高K 、Ca2 水环境中,高K 、高Ca2 之间存在拮抗作用,具体表现为高钙可以提高中国明对虾幼虾在高K 浓度水环境中的存活率,当Ca2 /K 为4时K 、Ca2 之间的拮抗作用最为显著。  相似文献   

Solarization of soil was found beneficial for plant growth in cowpea under field conditions. Root nodulation, infection by mycorrhizal fungi and yield were higher in plants grown in solarized soil. These increases were to the extent of 104.7, 20.0 and 23.7 per cent respectively when compared to control treatment without solarization.  相似文献   

The present work evaluated the synergistic effects of soil fertilization with rock P and K materials and co-inoculation with P and K-dissolving bacteria [PDB (Bacillus megaterium var. phosphaticum) and KDB (Bacillus mucilaginosus and B. subtilis)] on the improvement of P and K uptake, P and K availability and growth of maize plant grown under limited P and K soil conditions (calcareous soil). The experiment was establishment with eight treatments: without rock P and K materials or bacteria inoculation (control), rock P (RP), rock K (RK), RP + PDB, RK + KDB and R(P + K)+(P + K)DB. Under the same conditions of this study, co-inoculation of PDB and KDB in conjunction with direct application of rock P and K materials (R(P + K)) into the soil increased P and K availability and uptake, and the plant growth (shoot and root growth) of maize plants grown on P and K limited soils.  相似文献   

盐渍条件下AM真菌对大豆生长和离子含量的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
盐渍条件下研究了丛枝菌根(AM)真菌对大豆Glycine max植株生长和叶片离子含量的影响。结果表明,接种摩西球囊霉Glomus mosseae处理的叶片K+含量和K/Na比显著高于对照,而Na+含量无显著差异。G.mosseae显著增加了大豆植株生长量,这一效应随盐处理浓度的提高而增大。表明盐渍条件下AM真菌提高大豆抗盐性与其增加K+吸收和运输有关。  相似文献   

In order to simulate the precipitation process of microbial limestone at the offshore of the ancient ocean, different calcites induced by Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 in culture media with low Mg/Ca ratios (0.01 M Ca2+, Mg/Ca = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6) were investigated, and the characteristics of intracellular and extracellular biomineralization were described. Carbonic anhydrase activity of Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 in different culture medium was further detected. The ultrathin slices of Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 cells were analyzed by transmission electron microscope (TEM) and selected area electron diffraction (SAED). Then the precipitates were analyzed by polarizing microscope, scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS). The results showed that the biomineralization precipitates of Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 under low Mg/Ca ratios were mainly calcites with different morphologies. The CA accelerated the pivotal rate limiting step of the calcite precipitation. It was also found that the morphology, microstructure, particle size, preferred orientation, crystallinity and cell volume of calcites changed gradually with the increasing Mg2+ concentrations. What is more important, it was found that Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 had the ability of intracellular biomineralization without crystal structure. The intracellular biomineralization product could be divided into two types. This study can provide some useful information for further understanding the characteristics and mechanisms of biomineralization and even the diagenetic environment research of microbial limestone.  相似文献   

Summary Leek plants were preinoculated with a mixed inoculum ofGlomus caledonium, Glomus fasciculatum andGlomus sp., and transplanted to Dazomet disinfected and untreated field plots of moderate P deficiency. Successive harvests were made until 99 days after transplanting. Preinoculated leeks attained marketable weights 25 days earlier than uninoculated leeks from untreated soil and their final dry matter yields were 5.7 and 1.5 times as high as those of uninoculated leeks from disinfected and untreated soil, respectively. Phosphorus concentration in preinoculated leeks remained highest for at least 22 and 75 days after transplanting in untreated and disinfected soil, respectively. Preinoculation had a similar, although smaller, influence on Cu and Zn concentrations. Infection levels produced by introduced and indigenous VA endophytes in leeks reached plateaus of 90% and 40%, respectively, 47 days after transplanting. It is concluded that VAM is essential to leeks grown in moderately P deficient soils, and the potential for inoculating seedlings in commercial leek production is discussed.  相似文献   

Erythrocyte membranes prepared by three different procedures showed (Mg2+ + Ca2+)-ATPase activities differing in specific activity and in affinity for Ca2+. The (Mg2+ + Ca2+)-ATPase activity of the three preparations was stimulated to different extents by a Ca2+-dependent protein activator isolated from hemolystes. The Ca2+ affinity of the two most active preparations was decreased as the ATP concentration in the assay medium was increased. Lowering the ATP concentration from 2 mM to 2–200 μM or lowering the Mg:ATP ratio to less than one shifted the (Mg2+ + Ca2+)-ATPase activity in stepwise hemolysis membranes from mixed “high” and “low” affinity to a single high Ca2+ affinity. Membranes from which soluble proteins were extracted by EDTA (0.1 mM) in low ionic strengh, or membranes prepared by the EDTA (1–10 mM) procedure, did not undergo the shift in the Ca2+ affinity with changes in ATP and MgCl2 concentrations. The EDTA-wash membranes were only weakly activated by the protein activator. It is suggested that the differences in properties of the (Mg2+ + Ca2+)-ATPase prepared by these three procedures reflect differences determined in part by the degree of association of the membrane with a soluble protein activator and changes in the state of the enzyme to a less activatable form.  相似文献   

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