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Modification of GABAA receptor mRNA levels by seizure activity can regulate general neuronal excitability. The possibility of absence seizure-induced alteration in GABAA receptor alpha 1, alpha 4, beta 2, and gamma 2 subunit gene expression in thalamic relay nuclei was studied in a rat model of absence seizures induced by gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB). We observed a marked increase in alpha 1 mRNA and a corresponding decrease in alpha 4 mRNA in thalamic relay nuclei 2-4 h after the onset of GHB-induced absence seizures (when the seizures were terminating). These changes were selective to these alpha isoforms as neither beta 2 nor gamma 2 mRNA changed following seizures and occurred only in thalamic relay nuclei but not in hippocampus, a structure from which absence seizures do not evolve. The alterations in alpha 1 and alpha 4 mRNA persisted until about 12 h, and by 24 h after the seizure-onset the mRNA levels normalized. Blocking GHB-seizures produced no change in the levels of alpha 1 and alpha 4 mRNA in thalamic relay nuclei, suggesting that seizures themselves were responsible for mRNA alterations. In order to determine if absence seizure-induced changes in alpha 1 and alpha 4 mRNA had any physiological significance, GHB was readministered in rats 6 and 24 h after the onset of seizures. The total duration of GHB-seizures was found to be significantly decreased when GHB was readministered at 6 h but not 24 h after the seizure-onset. These results suggest that absence seizures regulate GABAA receptor alpha 1 and alpha 4 gene expression in thalamic relay nuclei as a compensatory mechanism by which absence seizures are terminated.  相似文献   

Focal cortical lesions are associated with a functional downregulation of the GABAergic system in perilesional tissue lasting (at least) several weeks. The molecular mechanisms underlying this phenomenon are still poorly understood. Here we used RT-PCR to investigate whether mRNA-levels of two alpha-subunits of the GABAA-receptor (alpha1- and alpha2-subunits) change following ischemic cortical lesioning. The results show that 7 days after lesion induction mRNA-levels for both the alpha1- and alpha2-subunits are increased threefold in perilesional tissue ipsilateral, but not contralateral to the lesion. Taken together with the results of a previous immunohistochemical study in which a moderate decrease of the alpha1-subunit-protein and no change for the alpha2-subunit [T. Neumann-Haefelin, J.F. Staiger, C. Redecker, K. Zilles, J.M. Fritschy, H. Mohler, O.W. Witte, Immunohistochemical evidence for dysregulation of the GABAergic system ipsilateral to photochemically induced cortical infarcts in rats. Neuroscience (Oxford) 87 (4) (1998) 871-879] was observed, this is interpreted as a partial block of translation in the perilesional tissue surrounding cortical ischemic lesions.  相似文献   

Leptin receptor gene expression in the brains of lean (+/+) and obese (ob/ob) C57Bl/6 mice was examined using a non-radioactive in situ hybridization detection method. Significant increases in leptin receptor mRNA expression were found in the ventromedial and arcuate hypothalamic nuclei, piriform and olfactory cortices and medial habenular nucleus. There were very minor changes in the amount of leptin receptor mRNA expression in hippocampus proper (CA1-3). Results indicated that leptin receptor is upregulated when there is a lack of functional leptin, as in hereditary obese (ob/ob) mice. It is also suggested that leptin receptor may be an autoreceptor.  相似文献   

Arginine-481 is located in the putative agonist-binding region preceding the putative transmembrane segment M1 of the alpha1-subunit of the AMPA-selective glutamate receptor (GluR) channel. This amino acid is completely conserved among GluR proteins. A site-directed mutagenesis study using a baculovirus expression system showed that substitution of glutamate, glutamine and lysine for arginine-481 of the recombinant alpha1-subunit protein abolishes binding to [3H]AMPA completely. The present study provides the first direct experimental evidence that the conserved charged arginine-481 residue is essential, directly or indirectly, for the acquisition of ligand-binding activity by the receptor protein.  相似文献   

To overcome problems associated with Western blotting of denatured proteins, we have used quantitative immunoelectrophoretic techniques to perform functional analysis of the Neisseria gonorrhoeae common antigen. Using these techniques, we show (a) that Neisseria gonorrhoeae expresses an antigen that is cross-reactive with the common antigen of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Legionella micdadei and with the GroEl-like protein of Chlamydia, and (b) that this N. gonorrhoeae common antigen has lectin-like activity and can be precipitated with three different sugars immobilized on agarose beads: alpha-D-glucosamine, maltose and fucose.  相似文献   

Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN 1) is inherited as an autosomal dominant disorder, characterized by hyperplasia and neoplasia in several endocrine organs. The MEN 1 gene, which is most probably a tumor suppressor gene, has been localized to a 900-kb region on chromosome 11q13. The human phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C beta 3 (PLC beta 3) gene, which is located within this region, was considered to be a good candidate for the MEN 1 gene. In this study, the structure and expression of the PLC beta 3 gene in MEN 1 patients were investigated in more detail, to determine its potential role in MEN 1 tumorigenesis. Southern blot analysis, using blood and tumor DNA from affected persons from seven different MEN 1 families, did not reveal structural abnormalities in the PLC beta 3 gene. To detect possible point mutations, or other small structural aberrations, direct sequencing of PLC beta 3 cDNAs from two affected persons from two different MEN 1 families was performed, but no MEN 1-specific abnormalities were revealed. Several common nucleotide sequence polymorphisms were detected in these cDNAs, proving that both alleles of the PLC beta 3 gene were expressed and analyzed. In conclusion, these results exclude the PLC beta 3 gene as a candidate gene for MEN 1.  相似文献   

T cell growth factor receptor, interleukin-2 receptor alpha chain (IL-2R alpha) is constitutively expressed on human T-cell leukemia virus type-1 (HTLV-1) infected T cells. We have established L cell lines which express both IL-2R alpha and the Rex protein of HTLV-1. We found that IL-1R alpha mRNA is stabilized in a cell line, Ltk/1-2a, which expresses a high amount of the Rex protein. In the presence of lower amounts of Rex, stabilization of the mRNA was not observed. These results may well explain the mechanism by which most of the lymphocytes infected with HTLV-1 escape from malignant transformation.  相似文献   

Our work on the role of glutamate in Alzheimer's disease (AD)-related neuronal vulnerability and death provided significant insight into the potential contribution of the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) neurotransmitter system as it participates in countering the neurotoxic effects of excessive glutamate receptor stimulation. Our previous studies demonstrate that beta2/3 GABAA receptor subunit immunoreactivity is relatively well preserved in hippocampi with AD pathology. To further elucidate the molecular basis for this observation, we employed in situ hybridization histochemistry to examine the levels of beta2 and beta3 receptor subunit mRNAs in the hippocampus of 19 elderly subjects presenting with a broad range of pathologic severity (i.e., Braak stage I-VI). Semi-quantitative analysis with film autoradiograms revealed that beta2 mRNA signal was highest in the granule cell layer, CA2 and CA1 subfields, while beta3 mRNA hybridization was highest in the granule cell layer, followed by CA2>/=CA3>/=CA1 regions. No significant difference in beta2 mRNA expression was detected among the pathologically mild, moderate or severe groups. In contrast, levels of beta3 mRNA in the pathologically severe group was significantly decreased compared to the mild group within all subregions examined except CA4. Our data suggest that alterations in the expression of GABAA receptor subunits in the AD hippocampus differ between specific receptor subunits with the amount of beta2 mRNA being relatively well-preserved, while beta3 mRNA levels were decreased.  相似文献   

The developmental expression of mRNAs encoding the GABAA receptor was analyzed in the rat cerebellar cortex and in cultured cerebellar granule neurons. Our studies in vivo reveal that the alpha 1-, beta 2-, and gamma 2-subunit mRNA levels in the cerebellar cortex rise dramatically during the second post-natal week, a period temporally correlated with extensive cerebellar maturation. To determine if these increases were preprogrammed or dependent on extrinsic factors, we examined subunit mRNA expression in granule cell cultures prepared at embryonic day 19 (E19) and postnatal day 10 (P10), immature and mature stages of cerebellar development, respectively. In E19 cultures, the alpha 1, beta 2, and gamma 2 GABAA receptor subunit mRNAs were present and their levels remained constant over the 21 d culture period. These results suggest that GABAA receptor gene expression is not intrinsic to the immature granule cells. A different pattern was found in P10 cultures where the three subunit mRNAs were initially present at levels approximately sixfold higher than those found at E19. The beta 2- and gamma 2-subunit mRNAs remained constant for 4 d and then increased sixfold between 4 and 7 d in culture. The magnitude and time course of these increases were similar to the developmental changes that occurred in vivo. Thus, our findings raise the possibility that signals encountered during development are necessary to induce GABAA receptor subunit mRNA expression. Moreover, these cues have been received by granule neurons prior to P10.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Disturbances of events associated with intracellular signaling pathways have been suspected of involvement in the development or progression of affective disorders. Often, heterotrimeric G proteins are located at the beginning of these pathways as modulators of extracellular messages. For this reason, messenger RNA expression of three G protein alpha-subunits and of phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI-3 K) regulatory subunit p85 was examined in granulocytes from patients with bipolar or unipolar affective disorder and compared to healthy controls. Messenger RNA expression of the G protein subunit alpha(q) and of p85 was identical in unipolar and bipolar patients and in controls. Furthermore, mRNAs of G protein subunits alpha(s) and alpha(i2) were not different in unipolar patients as compared to healthy controls. Alpha(s) mRNA, however, was markedly increased in bipolar patients. This increase was observed in lithium-treated (more than 12 months) and in unmedicated patients. Elevated levels of alpha(i2) mRNA in unmedicated bipolar patients did not reach statistical significance, whereas mRNA in bipolar patients receiving lithium was significantly above controls. Finally, long-term medication of unipolar patients with lithium had no influence on alpha(i2) mRNA levels. The data reveal elevated mRNA levels of G alpha(s) as a robust feature of bipolar affective disorder. Moreover, despite responsiveness of alpha(i2) gene expression to cAMP-related events, no substantial upregulation of alpha(i2) mRNA was observed in bipolar patients. The lack of alpha(i2) mRNA upregulation, hence, could be an additional abnormality in these patients. Even though lithium was able to reinstate this upregulation, there was no feedback downregulation of alpha(s). This strongly supports the notion of major disturbances of the cAMP signaling system in bipolar illness.  相似文献   

To investigate maturational changes of membrane food protein binding capacity, we studied binding characteristics of brush border membranes isolated from small intestines of newborn and adult rats. Binding of biotinylated gliadin peptides, cow's milk proteins (alpha-casein, beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin, bovine serum albumin) and lectins was assessed by a sensitive chemiluminescence blot assay. We found specific food protein binding with regard to saturation and inhibition. Maximal binding of most food proteins and several lectins to brush border membranes of newborn and adult rats was comparable, whereas binding of beta-lactoglobulin was substantially less. Common or adjoining binding sites for the different food proteins tested were indicated by corresponding membrane protein binding patterns and by inhibition properties of unrelated proteins. Compared to newborns, adult membrane vesicles as well as isolated membrane proteins showed higher binding capacities. Thus postnatal maturation of small intestinal brush border membranes correlated with increased food protein binding capacity.  相似文献   

Localization of cannabinoid receptor mRNA in rat brain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cannabinoid receptor mRNA was localized in adult rat brain by 35S-tailed oligonucleotide probes and in situ hybridization histochemistry. Labelling is described as uniform or non-uniform depending on the relative intensities of individual cells expressing cannabinoid receptor mRNA within a given region or nucleus. Uniform labelling was found in the hypothalamus, thalamus, basal ganglia, cerebellum and brainstem. Non-uniform labelling that resulted from the presence of cells displaying two easily distinguishable intensities of hybridization signals was observed in several regions and nuclei in the forebrain (cerebral cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, certain olfactory structures). Olfactory-associated structures, basal ganglia, hippocampus, and cerebellar cortex displayed the heaviest amounts of labelling. Many regions that displayed cannabinoid receptor mRNA could reasonably be identified as sources for cannabinoid receptors on the basis of well documented hodologic data. Other sites that were also clearly labelled could not be assigned as logical sources of cannabinoid receptors. The localization of cannabinoid receptor mRNA indicates that sensory, motor, cognitive, limbic, and autonomic systems should all be influenced by the activation of this receptor by either exogenous cannabimimetics, including marijuana, or the yet unknown endogenous "cannabinoid" ligand.  相似文献   

Both, culture-derived and metacyclic trypomastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi shed a glycoprotein, the shed acute phase antigen, that is responsible for the trans-sialidase activity. In the present work the structure of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol membrane anchor of the trans-sialidase isolated from metacyclic forms was determined. Parasites were metabolically labelled with [9, 10(n)3H]-palmitic acid and the glycoprotein was purified by immunoprecipitation with a monoclonal antibody directed against the repetitive aminoacid sequence. Treatment of the glycoprotein with phosphatidylinositol phospholipase C (PI-PLC) from Bacillus thuringiensis rendered a lipid that comigrated in TLC with a standard of ceramide. No alkylglycerol was detected in contrast with the results previously obtained for the trans-sialidase isolated from culture-derived trypomastigotes where both lipids were found. Chemical and chromatographic analysis showed that the lipid moiety is palmitoyldihydrosphingosine with a minor amount of stearoyldihydrosphingosine. The glycan constituent of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchor was analysed by nitrous acid deamination of the aqueous phase of the PI-PLC treatment, followed by reduction with NaBH4 and hydrolysis of the phosphodiester with aqueous hydrofluoric acid. A major oligosaccharide was obtained and enzymatic treatment with exoglycosidases and further chromatography in a high pH anion exchange system showed that the trimannosyl core backbone is substituted by an alpha-galactose. A comparison between the lipid constituent of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor of several proteins and their spontaneous shedding by the action of an endogenous PI-PLC was made.  相似文献   

Pharmacological characterization of ion channels and receptors in cultured neurons or transfected cell lines requires microapplication of multiple drug solutions during electrophysiological recording. An ideal device could apply a large number of solutions to a limited area with rapid arrival and removal of drug solutions. We describe a novel "multipuffer" rapid application device, based on a modified T-tube with a nozzle made from a glass micropipette tip. Drug solutions are drawn via suction from open reservoirs mounted above the recording chamber through the device into a waste trap. Closure of a solenoid valve between the device and the waste trap causes flow of drug solution though the T-tube nozzle. Any number of drug solutions can be applied with rapid onset (50-100 ms) after a brief fixed delay (100-200 ms). Recombinant alpha1beta1gamma2S GABAA receptors (GABARs) transfected into L929 fibroblasts were recorded using whole-cell and single-channel configurations. Application of GABA resulted in chloride currents with an EC50 of 12.2 microM and a Hill slope of 1.27, suggesting more than one binding site for GABA. GABAR currents were enhanced by diazepam and pentobarbital and inhibited by bicuculline and picrotoxin. Single-channel recordings revealed a main conductance state of 26-28 pS. This device is particularly suitable for rapid, spatially controlled drug applications onto neurons or other cells recorded in the whole-cell configuration, but is also appropriate for isolated single-channel or multichannel membrane patch recordings.  相似文献   

We observed that glutathione (GSH) status regulates the Ah receptor inducible cytochrome P4501A (CYP1A) gene expression and catalytic activity in 3,3',4,4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl (TCB) exposed rainbow trout. Tissue GSH status of TCB (1 mg/kg body weight, in corn oil) injected fish was manipulated by a) injecting (i.p.) GSH (0.25 g/kg), b) arresting GSH synthesis by L-buthionine-[S,R]-sulfoximine (BSO; 6 mmol/kg) injection for 3 and 6 days. Our attempt to manipulate GSH levels by lipoate supplementation (16 mg/kg) was not productive. Both BSO- and lipoate-supplemented fish maintained a low tissue redox (GSSG/GSH) ratio. Activities of glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase were elevated following 3 days of GSH supplementation in GSH rich tissues. Low activities of these enzymes were observed in BSO treated GSH deficient tissues. TCB injection markedly induced hepatic and renal CYP1A catalytic (ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase [EROD]) activities. This effect was further potentiated (3-fold) in GSH-supplemented fish tissues. In contrast, EROD induction by TCB was markedly suppressed in GSH deficient (BSO-treated) and lipoate-supplemented fish. The suppression of CYP1A catalytic activities in GSH deficient and lipoate-supplemented fish was consistently associated with a suppression of TCB induced CYP1A mRNA and protein expressions in these groups. In glutathione-supplemented fish, TCB induced CYP1A protein expression was markedly higher following 3 days of GSH supplementation. Results of our study suggest that tissue thiol status modulates cytochrome P450 CYP1A gene expression and catalytic activity.  相似文献   

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