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When highly enriched multipotential spleen colony forming cells (CFU-S) obtained following fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS-CFU-S) are cultured on marrow stromal cells, they undergo proliferation and development to produce mature haemopoietic cells (Spooncer et al., Nature, 316:62-64, 1985). We now show that FACS-CFU-S behave in a similar way when cultured on monolayers of 3T3 cells, indicating that the 3T3 cells can supply at least part of the environment which is representative of marrow stromal cells and provide, therefore, a system for studying stromal cell: haemopoietic cell interactions. We also demonstrate that IL-3-dependent multipotential stem cell lines (FDCP-Mix), but not a variety of other "committed" IL-3-dependent cell lines, resemble FACS-CFU-S in terms of their ability to proliferate and differentiate when cultured on 3T3 cells in the absence of IL-3. In this system, attachment of the FDCP-Mix to the 3T3 cells is critical for the subsequent maintenance of viability and stimulation of development of the cells. When the FDCP-Mix cells are physically separated from the 3T3 cells, they die and their death cannot be prevented by using 3T3-cell-conditioned medium. The extracellular matrix generated by 3T3 cells is not sufficient for promoting attachment or viability of the FDCP-Mix cells, indicating the importance of integral membrane components. However, attachment and development of FDCP-Mix cells occurs on 3T3 cells that have been lightly fixed with glutaraldehyde indicating that active metabolism is not essential for the effects promoted by the 3T3 cells. We suggest that the ability of FACS-CFU-S and FDCP-Mix cells to respond to 3T3 cells involves specific ligand/receptor interactions.  相似文献   

Interleukin-3 (IL-3)-dependent cell lines (FDCP-mix) were cloned and isolated from long-term bone-marrow cultures infected with src-MoMuLV. These cell lines have many of the characteristics of hematopoietic stem cells. Early isolates of the FDCP-mix cells form spleen colonies in irradiated mice and establish long-term hematopoiesis on irradiated marrow stroma in vitro in the absence of IL-3. These two properties of the cells are lost within 15 weeks of establishing the cell lines, but the cell lines retain their ability to differentiate in a multilineage response to hematopoietic growth factors and to hematopoietic stromal cells, as well as to self-renew in the presence of IL-3. The choice between differentiation and self-renewal in FDCP-mix cells can clearly be modified by culture conditions: in particular, cultures containing horse serum preferentially promote self-renewal, whereas cultures containing fetal calf serum preferentially promote differentiation. The FDCP-mix cell lines are not leukemic, nor do they contain the src oncogene. Their ability to respond to hematopoietic growth factors and stroma in a similar manner to normal hematopoietic cells makes them a valuable model for studying the regulation of hemopoietic cell self-renewal and differentiation.  相似文献   

Bcr-Abl protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) activity is a feature of chronic myeloid leukaemia and confers a survival advantage on haemopoietic progenitor cells. We have expressed conditional mutant of the Bcr-Abl PTK in the FDCP-Mix A4 multipotent haematopoietic cell line in order to examine the molecular mechanisms whereby Bcr-Abl PTK leads to enhanced cell survival under conditions in which normal cells die. Activation of Bcr-Abl PTK does not phosphorylate or activate either ERK-1/2 or JAK-2/STAT-5b, suggesting that these signal transduction pathways are not involved in Abl PTK-mediated suppression of apoptosis in FDCP-Mix cells. However, protein kinase C (PKC) does have a role to play. Inhibition of PKC results in a reversal of Bcr-Abl PTK-mediated survival in the absence of growth factor and Bcr-Abl stimulates translocation of the PKCbetaII isoform to the nucleus. Furthermore, expression of a constitutively activated PKCbetaII in haemopoietic progenitor FDCP-Mix cells stimulates enhanced cell survival when IL-3 is withdrawn. However, expression of this constitutively activated PKC isoform does not suppress cytotoxic drug-induced apoptosis. Thus Bcr-Abl PTK has pleiotropic effects which can suppress cell death induced by a number of stimuli.  相似文献   

An immortalized interleukin-3 (IL-3)-dependent progenitor cell line, BAF-3, undergoes programmed cell death (apoptosis) when deprived of IL-3. This program is characterized by an early degradation of DNA into oligonucleosome-length fragments that precedes by several hours the loss of cell viability. In the absence of IL-3, DNA fragmentation and cell death can be prevented by the calcium ionophores A23187 (1 microM) and ionomycin (0.5 microM). This addition of calcium ionophore maintains cell viability while reversibly arresting the cell cycle. Apoptosis by growth factor deprivation is also a mechanism of cell elimination in bone marrow cells removed from the stromal micro-environment, as DNA fragmentation and cell death was shown to take place in primary cultures of IL-3-responsive bone marrow cells after IL-3 removal.  相似文献   

Although semaphorins were identified originally as guidance cues for developing neuronal axons, accumulating evidence indicates that several semaphorins are expressed also in the immune system. SEMA4D (CD100), which is expressed constitutively by T cells, enhances the activation of B cells and dendritic cells (DCs) through its cell-surface receptor, CD72. SEMA4A, which is expressed by DCs, is involved in the activation of T cells through interactions with TIM2. So, these semaphorins seem to function in the reciprocal stimulation of T cells and antigen-presenting cells (APCs). Emerging evidence indicates that additional semaphorins and related molecules are involved in T-cell-APC interactions also.  相似文献   

Treatment of ST2/K9 cells, a cloned mouse T-cell line, with 1 mM sodium butyrate for 24 h leads to complete growth arrest in G1. This block is completely reversible and restimulation of cellular growth is entirely dependent on the presence of interleukin-2 (Il-2) in the culture medium. Additional as yet undefined serum factors are necessary for maintenance of further proliferation. After release from butyrate-induced growth arrest, Il-2 is required only during the induction phase of DNA replication. At the onset of thymidine incorporation, the growth factor can be removed, after which DNA replication occurs and the cells are able to complete only one cycle of duplication. The data presented here show that synchronization with sodium butyrate promotes cellular accumulation in the lymphokine-sensitive phase of the cell cycle. On the basis of the parameters established for restimulation of these cells, the detailed characterization of the molecular events involved in Il-2-mediated growth is possible.  相似文献   

Ag recognition is achieved through the communication across intercellular contacts between T cells and APCs such as dendritic cells (DC). Despite remarkable progress in delineating detailed molecular components at the intercellular contacts, little is known about the functional roles of physical cross-junctional adhesion between T and DC in shaping T cell responses. In addition, the mechanisms underlying sensitivity and specificity of Ag discrimination by T cells at intercellular contacts remain to be elucidated. In this study, we use single-cell force spectroscopy to probe the mechanical interactions between DC and T cells in response to stimulation with a panel of altered peptide ligands. The results show that intercellular interactions of DC-T cell conjugates exhibited different ranges of interaction forces in peptide-dependent manners that match the ability of the peptides to activate T cells. Elevated calcium mobilization and IL-2 secretion by T cells were only promoted in response to antigenic peptides that induce strong interaction forces, suggesting that mechanically stable DC-T cell contacts are crucial for driving T cell activation. Strong interactions were not solely dependent on cell-surface molecules such as TCRs and the adhesion molecule LFA-1, but were also controlled by cytoskeletal dynamics and the integrity of membrane lipid rafts. These data provide novel mechanical insights into the effect of Ag affinity on intercellular contacts that align with T cell responsiveness.  相似文献   

Addition of non-ionic surfactants (NIS) is known to accelerate enzymatic lignocellulose hydrolysis. The mechanism behind this accelerating effect is still not elucidated but has been hypothesized to originate from favorable NIS-lignin interactions which alleviate non-productive adsorption of cellulases to lignin. In the current work we address this hypothesis using tannic acid (TAN) as a general poly-phenolic model compound (for lignin and soluble phenolics) and measure the mutual interactions of cellulases (CBHI, CBHII, EGI, EGII and BG), TAN and NIS (Triton X-100) using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). The experimental results suggest rather strong enzyme-specific interactions with TAN in reasonable agreement with enzyme specific lignin inhibition found in the literature. Enzyme-TAN interactions were disrupted by the presence of NIS by a mechanism of strong TAN-NIS interaction. The presence of NIS also alleviated the inhibitory effect of TAN on cellulase activity. All together the current work provides strong indications that favorable NIS-poly-phenol interactions alleviate non-productive cellulase-poly-phenol interactions and hence may provide a mechanism for the accelerating effect of NIS on lignocellulose hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Previous immunolocalisation studies using intact cells have identified modification of the cytoskeleton by cryoprotectants. In the present study we have used a proteomics approach to directly resolve the interactive effects of 3T3-LI cells exposed to two cryoprotectants, dimethyl sulphoxide (Me2SO) and 1,2-propanediol (PROH) in 5,10, 20 and 50 (v/v) percent solutions, respectively. Two-dimensional protein electrophoresis and Western blot analysis of the cell extracts identified a range of immunoreactive actin fragments with varying molecular weights and isoelectric points at all cryoprotectant concentrations. The addition of either 10 mM l-cysteine or reduced glutathione to the cells prior to cryprotectant exposure modified the actin fragmentation. In this preliminary report, we have provided direct evidence of actin fragmentation when exposed to cryoprotectants and have demonstrated that the use of redox agents can modify the cryprotectant action.  相似文献   

Juan Soler  Manuel Soler 《Oecologia》2000,125(3):309-320
Brood parasitism is one of the systems where coevolutionary processes have received the most research. Here, we review experiments that suggest a coevolutionary process between the great spotted cuckoo (Clamator glandarius) and its magpie (Pica pica) host. We focus on different stages of establishment of the relationship, from cuckoos selecting individual hosts and hosts defending their nests from adult cuckoos, to the ability of magpies to detect cuckoo eggs in their nests. Novel coevolutionary insights emerge from our synthesis of the literature, including how the evolution of "Mafia" behaviour in cuckoos does not necessarily inhibit the evolution of host recognition and rejection of cuckoo offspring, and how different populations of black-billed magpies in Europe have evolved specific host traits (e.g. nest and clutch size) as a result of interactions with the great spotted cuckoo. Finally, the results of the synthesis reveal the importance of using a meta-population approach when studying coevolution. This is especially relevant in those cases where gene flow among populations with different degrees of brood parasitism explains patterns of coexistence between defensive and non-defensive host phenotypes. We propose the use of a meta-population approach to distinguish between the "evolutionary equilibrium" hypothesis and the "evolutionary lag" hypothesis.  相似文献   

3T3 cells have a large, pericellular coat which contains 30 times more hyaluronate than the amount of cell surface hyaluronate associated with simian virus 40-transformed 3T3 (SV-3T3) cells. On the other hand, SV-3T3 cells have high affinity binding sites for exogenously added hyaluronate, whereas 3T3 cells have much lower affinity sites. Removal of cell surface hyaluronate from SV-3T3 cells by treatment with hyaluronidase caused a reproducible increase in their maximum binding capacity for exogenous hyaluronate but no significant change in binding affinity or specificity. For 3T3 cells, however, the maximum amount of binding decreased and the affinity of binding increased after hyaluronidase treatment. When endogenous cell surface hyaluronate was labeled metabolically and then the cells incubated in the presence of exogenous unlabeled hyaluronate, the labeled cell surface hyaluronate was quantitatively displaced from the SV-3T3 cells but was not displaced from the 3T3 cells. Chondroitin sulfate and heparin did not displace cell surface hyaluronate from either cell type. Membranes isolated from SV-3T3 cells bound hyaluronate specifically and with high affinity, whereas membranes from 3T3 cells did not consistently bind a significant amount of hyaluronate. We conclude from these studies that the retention of endogenous hyaluronate on the surface of SV-3T3 cells is mediated by binding sites similar to those detected by the addition of exogenous hyaluronate, and the mechanism of retention of endogenous hyaluronate on the surface of 3T3 cells differs from SV-3T3 cells.  相似文献   

Mechanisms whereby T lymphocytes contribute to synovial inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis are poorly understood. Here we review data that indicate an important role for cell contact between synovial T cells, adjacent macrophages and fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLS). Thus, T cells activated by cytokines, endothelial transmigration, extracellular matrix or by auto-antigens can promote cytokine, particularly TNFα, metalloproteinase production by macrophages and FLS through cell-membrane interactions, mediated at least through β-integrins and membrane cytokines. Since soluble factors thus induced may in turn contribute directly to T cell activation, positive feedback loops are likely to be created. These novel pathways represent exciting potential therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

Owing to its high thermal stability and structural simplicity, the archaebacterium Thermoplasma Acidophilum 20S proteasome was selected for mechanistic studies in this work. This oligomeric enzyme complex consists of a barrel-shaped 20S core (approximately 700kDa) comprised of four stacked seven-membered rings with a alpha(7)beta(7)beta(7)alpha(7) subunit structure situated around a 7-fold symmetry axis. The hollow interior of the proteasome has three large interconnected chambers with narrow (13 A diameter) entrances from solution located at either end of the barrel. The 14 beta-subunit proteolytic sites are located on the inner surface of the central chamber. Herein, we demonstrate that unfolded horse heart ferricytochrome c (Cyt c) is a novel chromophoric probe for investigation of the mechanism of proteasome action. Under conditions of temperature and denaturant which unfold Cyt c but do not alter the thermophilic proteasome, Cyt c is extensively cleaved by the proteasome. Ten peptides were isolated and sequenced from the proteasome digest. Analysis of the cleavage products established that unfolded Cyt c and its covalently attached heme prosthetic group are translocated to the central chamber where proteolysis occurs. In the presence of site-specific inhibitors of the proteasome, we demonstrate that unfolded cytochrome c can be sequestered inside the proteasome complex. Upon cooling, a quasistable host-guest complex is formed. Analysis of the complex via UV/visible spectroscopy and mass spectrometry gave evidence that the sequestered Cyt c is essentially intact within the inhibited proteasome. High-performance liquid chromatography data show that (1) complexes with an apparent stoichiometry of approximately one Cyt c per proteasome can be formed and (2) when inhibition is removed from the complex, a rapid turnover of the sequestered Cyt c occurs.  相似文献   

Tian P  Legge M 《Cryobiology》2010,61(3):357-359
Previous immunolocalisation studies using intact cells have identified modification of the cytoskeleton by cryoprotectants. In the present study we have used a proteomics approach to directly resolve the interactive effects of 3T3-L1cells exposed to two cryoprotectants, dimethyl sulphoxide (Me(2)SO) and 1,2-propanediol (PROH) in 5,10, 20 and 50(v/v) percent solutions, respectively. Two-dimensional protein electrophoresis and Western blot analysis of the cell extracts identified a range of immunoreactive actin fragments with varying molecular weights and isoelectric points at all cryoprotectant concentrations. The addition of either 10mM l-cysteine or reduced glutathione to the cells prior to cryprotectant exposure modified the actin fragmentation. In this preliminary report, we have provided direct evidence of actin fragmentation when exposed to cryoprotectants and have demonstrated that the use of redox agents can modify the cryprotectant action.  相似文献   

Cylcodextrin sugars are cyclic sugars that have a hydrophilic exterior and a hydrophobic center. This enables cyclodextrins to solubilize hydrophobic molecules in aqueous media. Cyclodextrins may inhibit aggregation by intercalating surface aromatic residues and competing with interprotein aromatic clusters (pi-pi interactions). In order to investigate this concept, the interaction of hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HPBCD) with melittin is studied with steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence, fluorescence polarization, circular dichroism, and IR spectroscopy. HPBCD inhibits the aggregation of melittin. This inhibition and the spectroscopic results are consistent with the lone aromatic tryptophan of the peptide being intercalated within HPBCD.  相似文献   

In rheumatoid arthritis, T cells and B cells participate in the immune responses evolving in the synovial lesions. Interaction between T cells and B cells is probably antigen specific because complex microstructures typical of secondary lymphoid organs are generated. Differences between patients in forming follicles with germinal centers, T-cell–B-cell aggregates without germinal center reactions, or loosely organized T-cell–B-cell infiltrates might reflect the presence of different antigens or a heterogeneity in host response patterns to immune injury. Tertiary lymphoid microstructures in the rheumatoid lesions can enhance the sensitivity of antigen recognition, optimize the collaboration of immunoregulatory and effector cells, and support the interaction between the tissue site and the aberrant immune response. The molecular basis of lymphoid organogenesis studied in gene-targeted mice will provide clues to why the synovium is a preferred site for tertiary lymphoid tissue. B cells have a critical role in lymphoid organogenesis. Their contribution to synovial inflammation extends beyond antibody secretion and includes the activation and regulation of effector T cells.  相似文献   

In order to determine the involvement of T-B cell contact vs lymphokine production in mediating B cell cycle entry and progression, Th cell clones "defective" in lymphokine production were cloned. Th-3.1 is one such clone that required IL-2 to produce significant levels of IL-4 and IFN-gamma. Unlike conventional Th clones, Th-3.1 induced B cell proliferation only in the presence of Ag and IL-2. In contrast to the absolute requirement of IL-2 for Th-3.1-induced B cell proliferation, IL-2 was not required for the formation of stable Th-3.1-B cell conjugates or Th-3.1-induced B cell entry into the G1 phase of the cell cycle. In the absence of IL-2 and under conditions that promoted Th-B cell interactions, Th-3.1 induced 10 to 20% of resting B cells to enter G1. B cell entry into the cell cycle was not inhibited by anti-lymphokine mAb or promoted by exogenous lymphokines, suggesting that endogenous lymphokine activity was not required for Th-3.1-induced G0 to G1 transition. The data suggested that the IL-2-independent induction of B cells into G1 by Th-3.1 was a cell contact-dependent event. Direct proof that Th-3.1-B cell contact was necessary for B cell cycle entry was provided by comparative in situ analysis of the RNA synthetic activity and the RNA content of B cells that were in physical contact with Th-3.1 or not in contact with Th-3.1. In situ autoradiography of RNA synthesis illustrated that a high frequency of B cells in contact with Th-3.1 expressed heightened RNA synthetic activity, whereas "bystander" B cells were less frequently induced into cycle. In situ laser cytometry of B cell size and total RNA content showed that B cells in physical contact with Th-3.1 had a higher RNA content and were larger than "bystander" B cells present in the same microcultures. This model system has allowed the dissection of T cell help into IL-2-dependent and IL-2-independent phases. Early cell contact-dependent events and B cell cycle progression into G1 were IL-2 independent, whereas the production of lymphokines (IL-4, IFN-gamma) by Th-3.1 and Th-3.1-induced B cell proliferation was IL-2 dependent.  相似文献   

Summary Tumor immunity induced by bacillus Calmette-Guérin was studied in the line 10 hepatocellular carcinoma (line 10) in the strain-2 guinea pig. Line 10 immunity was investigatedin vitro with a lymphocyte proliferation assay using line 10 tumor protein extracted with 3 M KCl andin vivo by adoptive transfer of line-10-immune spleen cells. Monoclonal antibodies against guinea pig leucocyte markers were used to block functional properties of the immune cells in order to determine which cell types or cell markers are involved in the immune response to the line 10 tumor.In vitro cells from the spleen, peripheral blood and regional lymph node of immune animals reacted with a proliferative response to line 10 protein. This antigen-specific response was caused by T cells and was regulated by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules. In blocking experiments it was found that CT5 (anti-PanT), or MSgp4 [anti-(MHC class I antigen)] monoclonal antibodies did not block but some-times stimulated the proliferative response. The effect of H159 (anti-PanT) was irregular, while H155 [anti-(T helper)], and 5C3 [anti-(IL-2 receptor)] monoclonal antibodies blocked the response almost completely. We studied the relevance of the resultsin vitro obtained and found that mAb 5C3 [anti-(IL-2 receptor)] inhibited the adoptive transfer of line 10 immunity, suggesting that the rejection of line 10 cells is caused by a mechanism that is interleukin-2 (IL-2)-dependent. Moreover, complement lysis of MHC-class-II-antigen-positive immune spleen cells inhibited completely the rejection of the line 10 tumor cell challenge in the adoptive-transfer experiments. In conclusion, our data show that MHC class II molecules or cells possessing these molecules are involved in immunity against line 10 tumor cells, as (a) monoclonal antibodies against MHC class II antigens inhibited thein vitro proliferative response of T cells to tumor antigens and (b) removal of MHC-class-II-positive immune spleen cells abrogated the antitumor effect in the adoptive-transfer experiments. Interleukin-2-dependent proliferation of immune T cells is required for the rejection of line 10 tumor cells.  相似文献   

In the early phases of an immune response, T cells of appropriate antigen specificity become activated by antigen-presenting cells in secondary lymphoid organs. Two-photon microscopy imaging experiments have shown that this stimulation occurs in distinct stages during which T cells exhibit different motilities and interactions with dendritic cells (DCs). In this paper, we utilize the Cellular Potts Model, a model formalism that takes cell shapes and cellular interactions explicitly into account, to simulate the dynamics of, and interactions between, T cells and DCs in the lymph node paracortex. Our three-dimensional simulations suggest that the initial decrease in T-cell motility after antigen appearance is due to "stop signals" transmitted by activated DCs to T cells. The long-lived interactions that occur at a later stage can only be explained by the presence of both stop signals and a high adhesion between specific T cells and antigen-bearing DCs. Furthermore, our results indicate that long-lasting contacts with T cells are promoted when DCs retract dendrites that detect a specific contact at lower velocities than other dendrites. Finally, by performing long simulations (after prior fitting to short time scale data) we are able to provide an estimate of the average contact duration between T cells and DCs.  相似文献   

In culture medium supplemented with 10% clotted blood serum, the saturation density of BALB/c-3T3 cells is determined jointly by cell replication and cell loss. By prelabelling cellular DNA with 3H-thymidine and also by time lapse photography, we studied cell loss independently of replication. Cell loss was accelerated when BALB/c-3T3 cells were transferred from serum-supplemented medium, which contains the platelet derived growth factor (PDGF), to medium supplemented with platelet-poor plasma which lacks it. Loss occurred via the disintegration of cell attached to the surface of the tissue culture dish. Cytolysis of individual cells occurred rapidly; less than 15 minutes transpired between the first indication of a perturbance (by phase contrast microscopy) and fragmentation of the cell cytoplasm. Kinetic analysis was consistent with random cell death rather than a fixed lifetime. The percentage of cells undergoing cytolysis was governed by the cell density; at high densities, such as are present in confluent cultures, a higher percentage of cell loss was noted than at low density. Cell death was antagonized by partially purified or electrophoretically homogenous preparations of-PDGF. Pure PDGF stimulated cell survivial at ng/ml in a concentration dependent fashion. The process of cell replication was not necessary for survival because PDGF prevented cytolysis in the presence of methotrexate, an inhibitor of DNA synthesis. A brief (4 hour) treatment with PDGF prevented cell death; such PDGF treated cells displayed increased survival after being taken up with trypsin and planted onto a fresh surface in plasma supplemented medium. Pituitary fibroblast growth factor, a functional analogue of PDGF for induc of DNA synthesis in BALB/c-3T3 cells, also functioned as an anticytolytic agent. By contrast, epidermal growth factor and insulin did not. Cytolysis of SV40-transformed cells occurred at a constitutively low rate and was insensitive to PDGF.  相似文献   

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