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Using disc electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel, studies have been made on the content of isoenzymes of lactate dehydrogenase in the mitochondria and cytoplasm from the brain, heart and liver after thyroxine administration to embryonal, early postnatal and adult hens. After this administration, the isoenzymic composition becomes more complex, redistribution of separate isozymes being observed in ontogenesis. The level of aerobic form of LDH increases at early stages of ontogenesis, that of anaerobic ones--in adult birds. Basing on their different functional role due to the presence of H- and M-subunits, it may be suggested that thyroxine administration results in a compensatory increase of the oxidative or glycolytic processes at the corresponding stages of ontogenesis, these changes reflecting phylogenetic peculiarities of the formation of the hormonal control of lactate dehydrogenase in tissues of birds.  相似文献   

Glyoxylate dehydrogenase activity of lactate dehydrogenase   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Isoenzyme patterns, total lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, E.C. activity and H and M subunit activity were determined in the tissues of Czech Spotted bovine foetuses. Total LDH activity rose in the skeletal muscles throughout the whole of the prenatal period. In the viscera it usually attained the maximum at a foetal length of 66.7 cm. Differences in the isoenzyme patterns of the various organs of an 8.1-cm foetus were relatively small (41.9--66.1% H subunits). In the heart and kidneys, in which LDH1 and LDH2 markedly predominate in adulthood, the isoenzyme pattern resembled the adult one at a length of only 13.3 cm, but in the liver, spleen and lungs not until 66.7 cm. The proportion of H subunits also rose in the part of the gastrointestinal tract where secretory and resorptive activity predominate (the abomasum, the small and the large intestine). Conversely, it fell in organs concerned mainly with the mechanical processing of food (the rumen, reticulum and omasum). The proportion of M subunits rose in all the skeletal muscles up to a foetal length of 66.7 cm. Later on, differentiation into muscles in which M subunits predominated (the longissimus dorsi and the triceps brachii), into muscles with approximately the same proportion of H and M subunits (the iliopsoas) and to muscles with a preponderance of H subunits (the masseter and the muscular part of the diaphragm) occurred.  相似文献   

Changes of outflux, extractability and activity of lactate dehydrogenase (LDG) and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6PhDG) of muscles under the action of heating (at 32--44 degrees for 15 min) and urea (1 M during 10 min, 30 min, 2 hr. and 9 hr.) on the skeletal muscles of R. temporaria L. were studied. Under the thermal action not accompanied by contracture and fall of the excitability (32--36 degrees), the increase of outflux of LDG out of muscles into surrounding solutions is observed. G-6-PhDG in the external medium under any heating action was not revealed. Extractibility of LDG and G-6-PhDG did not change. Under the thermal action accompanied by the fall of excitability and by the contracture, along with the prolong increase of outflux of LDG, a decrease of extractability of LDG takes place. The decrease of G-6-PhDG is set at 42 degrees. Under the alteration of muscles by urea in the period of the temporary fall of excitability and contracture (10 and 30 min) an increase of the outflux of LDG out of muscles is observed. G-6PhDG in the surrounding medium was not revealed up to 9 hr. of incubation of muscle. In the period of the recovery of the excitability and relaxation of muscles (2hr.) the outflux of LDG approaches the control level. During the temporary loss and recovery of excitability, the extractability of LDG and G-6-PhDG does not change. In the period of irreversible contracture and loss of the excitability (6--10 hr.) a sharp increase of outflux of LDG out of muscles takes place. The extractability of the examined enzymes, especially of LDG, decreases.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. In the mitochondria of chicken liver cells there is lactate dehydrogenase activity that catalyses the reduction of the oxaloacetate by the NADH.
  • 2.2. The presence of lactate dehydrogenase in the malate dehydrogenase preparations causes an apparent activation in the double-reciprocal plot at high oxaloacetate concentrations that depends on the lactate dehydrogenase/malate dehydrogenase ratio in the preparation.
  • 3.3. The separation of the two molecular forms of chicken liver mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase, free from lactate dehydrogenase, is described.

Arterial and venous blood samples from babies' umbilical cord vessels before lung breath beginning were used to measure arterial-venous difference between lactate dehydrogenase activity, pH and oxygen blood saturation (sO2). Enzyme activity was 735.4 +/- 90.8 U/L in venous blood and 672.0 +/- 108.1 U/L in arterial one, pH 7.21 +/- 0.06 and 7.32 +/- 0.06, sO2 32.9 +/- 12.7 and 56.5 +/- 18.3%, respectively. Reverse correlation between enzyme activity, pH and sO2 was found.  相似文献   

Lysine-rich histone isolated from different chicken tissues was separated electrophoretically into 4-5 subfractions. The subfrations reffered to as 1, 2, 3, and 4, occur in each the tissue studied, erythrocyte lysine-rich histone containing an additional subfraction 1a. F1 histone from mitotically active tissues (intestinal mucosa, thymus, testes) has a higher content of subfraction 2, while the same histones from mototically inactive tissues (liver, heart, brain) contain an elevated amount of subfraction 3. F1 histone isolated from liver, brain and heart of 21-day embryo has much more of subfraction 2, than the same histone of adult animal. During the chicken development from hatching till maturation the content of subfraction 2 in these organs decreases, and the content of subfraction 3 increases. The rate of this change in liver corresponds to the rate of DNA synthesis. In F1 histone of erythrocytes the content of subfraction 4 falls down during the post hatching ontogenesis.  相似文献   

The effects of cold acclimation on the activity levels of creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes in various tissues/ organs of the rat (Rattus norvegicus) were investigated. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into two groups. One group was housed at 4+/-1 degrees C (experimental group) and the other at 24+/-1 degrees C (control group) for six months. The rats were housed in single cages and had access to food and water ad libitum. The tissues/organs investigated were heart, liver, lung, kidney, gastrocnemius muscle and interscapular brown adipose tissue as well as serum. With the exception of lung, (which showed a decrease of 24%) total creatine kinase activity levels were significantly increased (P< 0.05) in all the tissues/organs investigated (17-51%) as well as serum (34%), in cold acclimated animals. Cold acclimation also resulted in significantly increased (P< 0.05) activity levels of lactate dehydrogenase in all the tissues/organs investigated (14-24%) as well as serum (35%). Cold exposure resulted in an increase of the activity levels of all the detectable isoenzymes of lactate dehydrogenase, although not always significant, in all the tissues/organs investigated as well as serum. The M(4)tetramer of lactate dehydrogenase was the only detectable isoenzyme in serum.  相似文献   

The pattern of lactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme spectrum changes on different stages of T-lymphocyte differentiation was studied An enriched population of stem cells has LDH-5, 4 and 3 isoenzymes, and much less LDH-2 activity. The isoenzyme pattern of thymic cell precursors consists of LDH-5, 4, 3 and 2. All the five LDH isoenzymes were found in cortical thymocytes. Medullary thymocytes reveal LDH-5, 4 and 3 isoenzymes. T-lymphocytes of peripheral lymphoid organs contain mainly LDH-5 and in a lesser degree LDH-4 activity.  相似文献   

An electrophoretically homogeneous lactate dehydrogenase was isolated from soybean seedlings, the specific activity of which was approximately 1800 times higher than the crude extract. From the dependence of the rate of reaction catalyzed by lactate dehydrogenase on substrate concentration, Michaelis constants and Hill coefficients were determined for four natural substrates,i.e. lactate, pyruvate, NAD and NADH. The enzyme from soy-bean plants is non-competitively inhibited by oxalate and mesoxalate,i.e. by the compounds analogous to the substrate. At pyruvate concentrations above 0.8 mM, the rate of reaction catalyzed by lactate dehydrogenase from soy-bean plants decreases, fructose diphosphate and ATP function as inhibitors as well. The inhibition by ATP is pH dependent, which seems to be of importance for the regulation of enzyme activityin vivo.  相似文献   

Lactate dehydrogenase activities were measured along two sinusoidal paths (1) between small portal tracts and central veins and (2) between regions of adjoining septal branches and central veins in the livers of male Wistar rats, using a Lowry technique. The established profiles of enzyme activity provide further support of functional heterogeneity of liver sinusoids and their abutting hepatocytes related to morphological differences of the sinusoidal bed. Within the hepatocytes a pronounced heterogeneity in enzyme activity was recorded surrounding small portal tracts and central veins. The lowest values of activity were determined in those cells located in close proximity to the vessels, which emphasizes their exceptional morphological and functional position.  相似文献   

Summary Lactate dehydrogenase activities were measured along two sinusoidal paths (1) between small portal tracts and central veins and (2) between regions of adjoining septal branches and central veins in the livers of male Wistar rats, using a Lowry technique. The established profiles of enzyme activity provide further support of functional heterogeneity of liver sinusoids and their abutting hepatocytes related to morphological differences of the sinusoidal bed. Within the hepatocytes a pronounced heterogeneity in enzyme activity was recorded surrounding small portal tracts and central veins. The lowest values of activity were determined in those cells located in close proximity to the vessels, which emphasizes their exceptional morphological and functional position.Supported by grants of the Forschungsförderung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, No. 40002585 and the Verein der Freunde und Förderer der Universität KölnDedicated to Professor Dr. Dietrich Eichner on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

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