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骨桥蛋白促创面愈合的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 探讨骨桥蛋白 (OPN)在创面愈合中的作用和意义 ,为筛选促进伤口愈合的外用药物提供实验依据和理论基础。方法 建立创伤实验性模型 ,将其分为OPN组、血清组、EGF组。采用免疫组织化学染色 ,Westernblot分析等方法检测Ⅰ型胶原和羟脯氨酸含量。结果  (1)形态学改变 :术后第 1天 ,OPN组创面可见有少量的渗出物。术后第 2~ 3天 ,血清组虽有肉芽组织增生 ,但没有充满伤口底层 ;而OPN组、EGF组的创面肉芽组织增生明显。术后第 4~ 7天 ,OPN组肉芽组织层明显较血清组、EGF组薄。 (2 )免疫组织化学染色显示 ,术后第 7天 ,在OPN处理的肉芽组织中Ⅰ型胶原含量略少于EGF组 ,但比血清组高 ,其Westernblot结果与免疫组织化学基本一致。 (3 )羟脯氨酸含量 :各实验组肉芽组织中羟脯氨酸含量差异无显著性 (P >0 .0 5 )。结论 OPN是一种促炎因子 ,具有诱导创伤早期炎症反应的和愈合后期抑制肉芽组织过度增生的功能。  相似文献   

In a previous experiment using TNF inhibition in the rat it was accidentally found that adhesion and scar formation was reduced compared to previous experience. Wound and bone healing also seemed enhanced. The present study was conducted to assess if this observation could be verified in a controlled setting using a standardized laminectomy in the rat. Five rats received doxycycline and five other rats received saline and served as control. Macroscopic blinded evaluation 1 week after the laminectomy revealed that adhesion and scar formation was less in doxycycline-treated animals than in control animals. Wound and bone healing was found to be better in doxycycline-treated animals. The mechanisms for the observed effects cannot be fully understood but the data indicate that further research may lead to opportunities to design pharmacological modalities to reduce adhesion and scar formation, maybe in combination with suitable barriers.  相似文献   

Wound healing is a dynamic, interactive process that is initiated in response to injury. A number of investigations and clinical studies have been performed to determine new approaches for the improvement of wound healing. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of dexpanthenol, a molecule that is widely used for improving wound healing, and nebivolol, a molecule that increases nitric oxide release, on wound healing. A total of 30 rats were divided into three equal groups (n = 10). A linear 2 cm incision was made in the rats' skin. No treatment was administered in the first (control) group. Dexpanthenol cream was administered to the rats in the second group and 5% nebivolol cream was administered to the rats in the third group. The wound areas of all of the rats were measured on certain days. On the 21st day, all wounds were excised and histologically evaluated. The wound healing rates of the dexpanthenol and nebivolol groups were higher than those of the control group (P < 0·05). However, the wound healing rates of the dexpanthenol and nebivolol groups were not significantly different. Nebivolol and dexpanthenol have comparable effects on wound healing.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo determine the radiologic, histologic and biomechanical effects of curcumin on bone healing using a total rat femur fracture injury model.Materials and methodsSixty four male Wistar–Albino rats weighing 170–210 g were used in this study. The animals were randomly divided into eight groups and 5 or 6 animals were placed in each cage. A transverse femur shaft fracture model used. The animals in study groups received oral curcumin at a dose of 200 mg/kg for 14 days or 28 days. Remaining animals received only saline solution by oral gavage for a period of 14 days and 28 days as control groups. After sacrification the left femurs used for radiological, histological and biomechanical evaluation.ResultsThe groups treated with curcumin showed no significant difference in terms of radiological, histological and biomechanical evaluations in 14 days groups. Also there was no significant difference between curcumin and control groups for 28 days according to radiological, histological and biomechanical tests.ConclusionsAccording to our results, curcumin has no positive effect on fracture healing not only histologically but also radiologically and biomechanically. Curcumin’s antioxidant effect may be more noticeable with long term follow up investigation as it may have a positive effect in remodelling phase. Long term follow up designed studies may be planned to investigate its effect on remodelling phase of fracture healing.  相似文献   

Ankaferd Blood Stopper® (ABS) is a folkloric medicinal plant extract used as a haemostatic agent in traditional Turkish medicine. The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of ABS on the healing of dermal wounds in a rat model. Twenty Wistar albino rats were divided into two groups. Standard full‐thickness skin defects were created on the back of the rats. In the control group (group 1), dressings moisturised with saline were changed daily. In the study group (group 2), the wounds were cleaned daily with saline, Ankaferd solution was applied, then the wounds were covered with moisturised dressings. The contraction percentage of wound areas were calculated on the 3rd, 7th, 10th and 14th days using a planimetric programme. On day 14, the wound areas were excised for histopathological examination, inflammatory scoring and evaluation of collagen deposition. The study group was superior to the control group in terms of inflammatory scoring, type I/type III collagen ratio and wound contraction rates. ABS® may be used effectively and safely on full‐thickness wounds as a natural product.  相似文献   

目的通过与云南白药比较,观察人唾液对创面愈合的作用,以期初步阐明作用机制。方法 3月龄雄性日本大耳白兔6只,体重2.0~2.5 kg;于每只兔脊柱两侧制备深至皮下、大小为2.5 cm×2.5 cm的创面6个。根据处理方法不同,将36个创面随机分为3组(n=12):空白对照组每天涂抹0.4 mL生理盐水;云南白药组每天涂抹0.5 g云南白药粉,唾液组每天涂抹0.4 mL人唾液,连续15 d。观察创面愈合情况,伤后3、5、8、11、15 d测量创面面积,计算创面愈合率;伤后15 d处死动物取创面组织行组织学观察,计数炎性细胞及微血管密度。结果唾液组和云南白药组创面愈合速度明显快于空白对照组,渗液量少,结痂快。伤后5、8、11 d,唾液组创面愈合率均显著高于空白对照组及云南白药组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。组织学观察显示术后15 d,唾液组创面未见明显出血、坏死,创面基本由表皮覆盖,再生表皮向创面中心覆盖生长,唾液组炎性细胞计数及微血管密度均显著低于云南白药组及空白对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论唾液可明显促进创面愈合,作用机制可能与其减少炎性细胞浸润、防止伤口感染、加速胶原纤维增生及促进创面血管重建有关。  相似文献   

The importance of temperature in the wound-healing process is rapidly being recognised as a novel way in which to manipulate the wound-healing environment. In this study, we aimed to investigate the direct effect of topical radiant heating (TRH), using a novel bandaging system (Warm-Up, Arizant Health care Inc., Eden Prairie MN, USA; Augustine Medical, USA), on wound healing at a physiological and cellular level. Experimental bandages were positioned over split-thickness skin graft donor site wounds of 12 patients undergoing graft harvesting from the anterior thigh. The experimental group (n=6) underwent intermittent heating for 5 hours (three 1-hour heating cycles at 38 degrees C, separated by two 1-hour rest periods), whilst the control group (n=6) received no radiant heating. Physiological blood-flow recordings both in the control group and the topical radiant heat cohort were undertaken using Laser Doppler Imaging (LDI). Skin biopsies were obtained at identical time points, and immunohistochemical analysis was undertaken using antibodies against neutrophils (NP57), lymphocytes (CD3) and macrophages (CD68). We found that TRH significantly increased local dermal blood flow (P<0.001) by up to 100% in both injured and intact skin. Furthermore, this increase in flow was associated with a significant (P<0.05) increase in CD3 immunoreactivity on day 1 postoperatively. This study demonstrates that TRH increases local blood flow and lymphocyte (CD3) extravasation, and we postulate that these changes may enhance local innate immunity within the healing wound environment.  相似文献   

In the treatment and monitoring of a diabetic or chronic wound, accurate and repeatable measurement of the wound provides indispensable data for the patient's medical record. This study aims to measure the accuracy of the laser‐assisted wound measurement (LAWM) device against traditional methods in the measurement of area, depth and volume. We measured four ‘healing’ wounds in a Play‐Doh®‐based model over five subsequent states of wound healing progression in which the model was irregularly filled in to replicate the healing process. We evaluated the LAWM device against traditional methods including digital photograph assessment with National Institutes of Health ImageJ software, measurements of depth with a ruler and weight‐to‐volume assessment with dental paste. Statistical analyses included analysis of variance (ANOVA) and paired t‐tests. We demonstrate that there are significantly different and nearly statistically significant differences between traditional ruler depth measurement and LAWM device measurement, but there are no statistically significant differences in area measurement. Volume measurements were found to be significantly different in two of the wounds. Rate of percentage change was analysed for volume and depth in the wound healing model, and the LAWM device was not significantly different than the traditional measurement technique. While occasionally inaccurate in its absolute measurement, the LAWM device is a useful tool in the clinician's arsenal as it reliably measures rate of percentage change in depth and volume and offers a potentially aseptic alternative to traditional measurement techniques.  相似文献   

鞘内肌腱愈合细胞参与形态学的实验研究   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:17  
目的:研究鞘内肌腱损伤修复后的愈合机制,以期为防止粘连提供一新的途径。方法:应用鸡趾鞘内屈肌腱横断修复模型,不同时间组取材,通过光镜和扫描电镜观察腱愈合细胞参与形态学的过程。结果:鞘内肌腱具有白愈能力,自身细胞可分裂增殖并分泌胶原及基质,腱内膜和束内细胞,术后即表现出桥接吻合口活性,腱外膜细胞5天开始迁移,10天达高峰,15天后吻合口出现成熟胶原纤维。两残端间距离小,以健内膜和束内细胞参与为主,否则以外膜细胞迁移充填占优,前者胶原纤维成熟早于后者。结论:若能增加腱内膜和束内膜细胞活性,抑制或降低外膜细胞活性,可能会有效地防止粘连形成。  相似文献   

不同照射方式对放射复合伤大鼠伤口愈合的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:建立放射复合伤伤口愈合模型,观察不同照射方式对放射复合伤伤口愈合的影响。方法:清洁级Wistar大鼠90只,按体重随机分为单纯创伤(单伤组)、全身照射+创伤(照伤组)和创伤+伤口局部照射(伤照组)3组。照射采用^60Co γ-源单次全身照射5Gy(照伤组)或单次伤口局部照射25Gy(伤照组)。血细胞计数仪观察外周血像的变化;麦格-姬姆萨(MGG)方法检测外周血淋巴细胞凋亡指数;图像分析仪测量伤口愈合面积;病理学观察各组大鼠伤口愈合的动态变化。结果:与单伤组比较,照射后两组体重明显下降,照射后3~28d差异均有显著性,而伤照组体重于照射后3~28d较单伤组和照伤组均明显降低;照射后不同时间两照射组伤口均较单伤组愈合延迟,伤照组于照后3、7、10和15d与单伤组比较差异有显著性,且照射后15和21d伤口面积明显大于照伤组。与单伤组比较,两照射组动物外周淋巴细胞凋亡指数在照射后3d即明显升高,两组均于照射后15d升至最高,分别约为单伤组的1.49和1.62倍(P〈O.01);而WBC计数结果表明,照射后1~28d两个照射组WBC均显著低于单伤组(P〈0.01)。病理学观察表明,照射后早期伤口出血坏死较为明显;中期伤口区肉芽组织生机不良,毛细血管较少;晚期伤口愈合较慢,伤照组较照伤组愈合延迟4d,较单伤组延迟1周左右。结论:全身照射和伤口局部照射均可使伤口愈合明显延迟,创伤后再局部照射伤口愈合延迟更为明显,约较单伤组延迟1周左右。  相似文献   

Background and aims Clinically, the immunosuppressive drug sirolimus, used in organ transplantation, appears to impair wound healing. Little is known about the mechanisms of action. We investigated the effect of sirolimus on wound healing, and we analyzed the expression of stimulating mediators of angiogenesis (VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor) and collagen synthesis (nitric oxide) in wounds. Materials and methods Groups of ten rats underwent dorsal skin incision, and polyvinyl alcohol sponges were implanted subcutaneously. Beginning at the day of wounding, rats were treated with 0.5, 2.0, or 5.0 mg sirolimus/kg/day. Animals were killed 10 days later to determine wound breaking strength and reparative collagen deposition. Expression of VEGF and nitric oxide was studied in wounds. Results Splenic lymphocyte proliferative activity was significantly decreased by sirolimus (p < 0.05). Sirolimus levels in wound fluid were found to be approximately two- to fivefold higher than blood levels (p < 0.01). Sirolimus (2.0 and 5.0 mg kg−1 day−1) reduced wound breaking strength (p < 0.01) and wound collagen deposition (p < 0.05). This was paralleled by decreased expression of VEGF and nitric oxide in wounds. Conclusion Experimentally, our data show that sirolimus impairs wound healing, and this is reflected by diminished expression of VEGF and nitric oxide in the wound. Best abstracts — Surgical Forum 2007.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to clarify the relationship between maceration and wound healing. A prospective longitudinal design was used in this study. The wound condition determined the type of dressings used and the dressing change frequency. A total of 62 participants with diabetic foot ulcers (70 wounds) were divided into two groups: non‐macerated (n = 52) and macerated wounds (n = 18). Each group was evaluated weekly using the Bates–Jensen Wound Assessment Tool, with follow‐ups until week 4. The Mann–Whitney U test showed that the changes in the wound area in week 1 were faster in the non‐macerated group than the macerated group (P = 0·02). The Pearson correlation analysis showed a moderate correlation between maceration and wound healing from enrolment until week 4 (P = 0·002). After week 4, the Kaplan–Meier analysis showed that the non‐macerated wounds healed significantly faster than the macerated wounds (log‐rank test = 19·378, P = 0·000). The Cox regression analysis confirmed that maceration was a significant and independent predictor of wound healing in this study (adjusted hazard ratio, 0·324; 95% CI, 0·131–0·799; P = 0·014). The results of this study demonstrated that there is a relationship between maceration and wound healing. Changes in the wound area can help predict the healing of wounds with maceration in clinical settings.  相似文献   

目的:观察法舒地尔(HA1077)促进创面愈合的效果,并探讨HA1077与创面愈合的量效关系,寻找出促进创面愈合的最佳剂量。方法:18只Wistar大鼠背部左右两侧致直径为2cm的圆形皮肤缺损。随机3只动物6个创面为一组,分为6组,分别给予10、20、40、80和160μmol/L盐酸法舒地尔和生理盐水(对照组)创面喷洒,每个创面0.5ml,隔日创面追加喷洒。实验3、7、10d计算伤口面积,实验10d取创面组织,观察组织学变化。结果:各组大鼠创面面积随伤后时间延长而逐渐缩小,20μmol/L组创面面积明显小于同时间点其他各组,除实验7d与80μmol/L组创面面积比较差异无显著性外,其余各时间点差异均有显著性(P〈0.05)。病理学变化显示,创伤后10d,应用20μmol/L法舒地尔组创面新生肉芽组织生长及新生表皮生长速度明显优于其他各组。结论:HA1077可促进皮肤缺损创面愈合,以20μmol/LHA1077效果更为明显。  相似文献   

Better care for patients and improved health care depends on the availability of good information which is accessible when and where it is needed. The development of technology, more specifically the Internet, has expanded the means whereby information can be acquired and transmitted over large distances enabling the concept of telemedicine to become a reality. Telemedicine, defined as the practise of medicine at a distance, encompasses diagnosis, education and treatment. It is a technology that many thought would expand rapidly and change the face of medicine. However, this has not happened and during the last decade although certain telemedicine applications, such as video-consulting and teleradiology, have matured to become essential health care services in some countries, others, such as telepathology, remain the subject of intensive research effort. Telemedicine can be used in almost any medical specialty although the specialties best suited are those with a high visual component. Wound healing and wound management is thus a prime candidate for telemedicine. Development of a suitable telemedical system in this field could have a significant effect on wound care in the community, tertiary referral patterns and hospital admission rates.  相似文献   

创面治疗中心建设的实践   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The construction of wound healing or wound care center in China is necessary for patients and about 10 wound healing or care centers have already been established during the past years. In this paper, we summarize their experience and expect their development in the future.  相似文献   

It is important for caregivers and patients to know which wounds are at risk of prolonged wound healing to enable timely communication and treatment. Available prognostic models predict wound healing in chronic ulcers, but not in acute wounds, that is, originating after trauma or surgery. We developed a model to detect which factors can predict (prolonged) healing of complex acute wounds in patients treated in a large wound expertise centre (WEC). Using Cox and linear regression analyses, we determined which patient‐ and wound‐related characteristics best predict time to complete wound healing and derived a prediction formula to estimate how long this may take. We selected 563 patients with acute wounds, documented in the WEC registry between 2007 and 2012. Wounds had existed for a median of 19 days (range 6–46 days). The majority of these were located on the leg (52%). Five significant independent predictors of prolonged wound healing were identified: wound location on the trunk [hazard ratio (HR) 0·565, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0·405–0·788; P = 0·001], wound infection (HR 0·728, 95% CI 0·534–0·991; P = 0·044), wound size (HR 0·993, 95% CI 0·988–0·997; P = 0·001), wound duration (HR 0·998, 95% CI 0·996–0·999; P = 0·005) and patient's age (HR 1·009, 95% CI 1·001–1·018; P = 0·020), but not diabetes. Awareness of the five factors predicting the healing of complex acute wounds, particularly wound infection and location on the trunk, may help caregivers to predict wound healing time and to detect, refer and focus on patients who need additional attention.  相似文献   

The main objective of this case‐cohort‐type observational study conducted at different Surgical Departments of the Charité‐Universitätsmedizin in Berlin was to evaluate the sequential use concept first described by Systagenix Wound Management in 2007. Fifty‐two patients with different wound healing by secondary intention were treated for 7 weeks at the Charité‐Universitätsmedizin in Berlin. A multidisciplinary team worked together to reach consensus in wound assessment; in classification of infection status according to the criteria described by European Wound Management Association (EWMA); in treatment protocol and on dressings to be used to ‘cover’ wounds. Before dressing application, all wounds were cleaned from debris. Following the sequential use concept, wounds classified as stages 2 and 3 were dressed with SILVERCEL® and TIELLE® or TIELLE PLUS® to ‘clean’ the wounds. After 2–3 weeks, treatment was changed to PROMOGRAN PRISMA® and TIELLE® to ‘close and cover’ wounds, thus providing optimal wound healing. Wounds classified as non infected were dressed with PROMOGRAN PRISMA® and TIELLE® during the complete treatment period. Patients were asked to evaluate the treatment using a simplified questionnaire developed at the Charité‐Universitätsmedizin in Berlin. Wounds comprised 37 surgical procedures, 8 chronic mixed ulcer, 4 pressure sores, 1 diabetic foot ulcer, 1 venous leg ulcer, and 1 mixed arterial/venous ulcer. At baseline, 12 wounds were classified as stage 3, 38 wounds as stage 2 and 2 wounds as stage 1. After 7 weeks of treatment, all patients showed a positive clinical response to the sequential use treatment. Results of wound size showed a high significant progression of wound healing expressed with a profound reduction of wound area (P in all measurements <0·001, chi‐square test) and improved granulation. This study summarises the clinical experiences derived from the evaluation of the sequential use concept in the daily clinical practice of wound treatment. On the basis of the wound healing results, patients' evaluation of treatment and the clinicians' and staff experiences, this concept was implemented at different Surgical Departments of the Charité‐Universitätsmedizin in Berlin.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether a skin-specific bioengineered regenerating agent (RGTA) heparan sulphate mimetic (CACIPLIQ20) improves chronic wound healing. The design of this article is a prospective within-subject study. The setting was an urban hospital. Patients were 16 African-American individuals (mean age 42 years) with 22 wounds (mean duration 2.5 years) because of either pressure, diabetic, vascular or burn wounds. Two participants each were lost to follow-up or removed because of poor compliance, resulting in 18 wounds analysed. Sterile gauze was soaked with CACIPLIQ20 saline solution, placed on the wound for 5 min, then removed twice weekly for 4 weeks. Wounds were otherwise treated according to the standard of care. Twenty-two percent of wounds fully healed during the treatment period. Wounds showed a 15.2-18.1% decrease in wound size as measured by the vision engineering research group (VERG) digital wound measurement system and total PUSH scores, respectively, at 4 weeks (P = 0.014 and P = 0.003). At 8 weeks there was an 18-26% reduction in wound size (P = 0.04) in the remaining patients. Wound-related pain measured by the visual analogue pain scale and the wound pain scale declined 60% (P = 0.024) and 70% (P = 0.001), respectively. Patient and clinician satisfaction remained positive throughout the treatment period. It is concluded that treatment with CACIPLIQ20 significantly improved wound-related pain and may facilitate wound healing. Patient and clinician satisfaction remained high throughout the trial.  相似文献   

Background Secondary peritonitis causes considerable mortality and morbidity. New strategies have been introduced like relaparotomy and temporary abdominal closure in the management of such persistent intra-abdominal infections. Materials and methods Rats were divided into five groups each having ten animals. After induction of peritonitis, relaparotomies were done, and the abdomen was closed by different temporary abdominal closure techniques. After performing two relaparotomies during a 48-h period, all fascias closed primarily and incisional tensile strengths, hydroxyproline contents, and adhesions were measured on the following seventh day. Results The median values of tensile strength and hydroxyproline concentrations were lowest in skin-only closure rats. Intraperitoneal adhesion scores were highest in Bogota bag closure group. Conclusion Primary, Bogota bag, and polyprolene mesh closures seem to be safe in terms of early fascial wound healing. Although it is easy to perform, skin-only closure technique has deleterious effects on fascial wound healing probably due to fascial retraction. Interestingly, Bogota bag has caused increased intraperitoneal adhesion formation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Research has shown that pulsed electromagnetic fields (EMFs) promote wound healing in experimental colonic anastomosis; however, the effects of static EMFs in this setting have not been investigated to date. METHODS: Fifty male Wistar rats were used. Ten served as controls for mechanical strength testing, and the other 40 underwent descending colon resection and anastomosis. Twenty of these 40 animals (M group) had NeFeB magnets placed in contact with the anastomosis site (magnetic field strength at the site 390 to 420 G). The other 20 animals (sham [S] group) had non-magnetized NeFeB bars of the same dimensions and weight implanted. Half of the animals in each group were killed and assessed for healing parameters on postoperative day 3 (M3 and S3 groups) and the other half on postoperative day 7 (M7 and S7 groups). Four types of assessment were done: gross healing, mechanical strength, hydroxyproline deposition, and histopathology. RESULTS: There were no differences between the M and S animals with respect to gross healing parameters. The mechanical strength was also not different between groups (23.8 +/- 12.7 and 24.7 +/- 9.6 mm Hg for M3 and S3, respectively; P = .863 and 91.3 +/- 65.4 and 94.8 +/- 55.9 mm Hg for M7 and S7, respectively; P = .902). Similarly, hydroxyproline deposition was not different between groups on postoperative day 3 or day 7. On postoperative day 3, the M group had significantly higher scores than the S group for fibroblast infiltration (2.4 +/- 0.7 vs 1.4 +/- 0.7, respectively; P = .008) and capillary formation (2.5 +/- 0.7 vs 0.9 +/- 0.4, respectively; P <.001). However, these effects were reversed and did not endure by day 7. CONCLUSIONS: The study results suggest that static EMF has no effect on experimental colonic wound healing in the rat.  相似文献   

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