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产肠毒素大肠杆菌(ETEC)是一种导致仔畜和婴儿腹泻的主要病原之一,它的毒力因子主要有两类:黏附素(CFAs)和耐热性肠毒素(ST)或不耐热性肠毒素(LT)。通过PCR技术及双酶切连接技术,成功构建了含有3个STI突变体和1个黏附素K99基因的重组表达质粒pE3S(S)LK和pE3S(G)LK。重组菌株BL21(DE3) (pE3S(S)LK)和BL21(DE3)(pE3S(G)LK)的表达产物经SDS-PAGE和免疫印迹分析,表明以上两种重组菌株均能高效表达3STI(S)-K99和3STI(G)-K99融合蛋白,且融合蛋白能够被产肠毒素性大肠杆菌强毒株C83922 抗血清特异性识别。其次,利用乳鼠灌胃实验检测重组蛋白的生物学毒性,结果均为阴性(G/C值≤0.083),这表明该菌株已无STI生物学毒性。这些为研发预防大肠杆菌性腹泻的新型高效多价基因工程疫苗提供了基本素材和理论指导。  相似文献   

动物源产肠毒素大肠杆菌(ETEC)黏附素研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
周虹  朱军  朱国强 《微生物学报》2012,52(6):679-686
动物源产肠毒素大肠杆菌(enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli,ETEC)是引起动物(尤其是幼龄动物)腹泻的主要病原菌。已知黏附素和肠毒素是ETEC中两种重要的毒力因子,在致病性中两者缺一不可。其中黏附素结合到宿主易感肠上皮细胞是ETEC感染的第一步,也是最重要的关键步骤。动物源ETEC的菌毛黏附素主要包括K88、K99、987P、F18、F17和F41等。人们从20世纪60年代就开始了ETEC菌毛黏附素的相关研究,包括菌毛的基因、结构组成、生物合成、菌毛表达的调控机制以及黏附素和宿主受体相互作用等,这些研究基础有助于我们深入了解ETEC病原菌的感染机理;并且在疾病诊断和新疫苗的开发中具有重大意义。  相似文献   

采用基因重组技术构建了表达产肠毒素大肠杆菌(ETEC)的耐热肠毒素(ST)基因和热敏肠毒素B亚基(LT-B)基因融合抗原的疫苗候选株。将ST基因的5’端与LT-B基因的3’端连接,并置于同一阅读框。编码ST的基因是通过PCR从pSLM004质粒中扩增得到的,含有ST的pro序列(其编码ST前体的pro区域),并应用寡核苷酸定点突变技术将编码ST的第14位氨基酸残基发生突变,使ST的第14位氨基酸残基Ala突变为Leu。在所构建的结构中,于LT-B和proST之间分别插入了不同长度的氨基酸Linkers。表达的融合多肽同时具有ST和LT-B的抗原性,并保留结合GM-1神经节苷脂的能力,且无LT和ST的生物毒性。表达的融合蛋白免疫动物,能诱导产生相应的特异性抗体。  相似文献   

腹泻是全球范围内引起5岁以下幼童死亡的第二大病因,而产肠毒素大肠杆菌(ETEC)是引起腹泻的最常见病原菌,其产生的细菌定植因子(CFs)和肠毒素是关键的毒力因子。CFs介导细菌黏附宿主小肠上皮细胞并完成定植,产生热敏肠毒素(LT)和热稳定肠毒素(ST)破坏宿主上皮细胞内的体液平衡,使体液和电介质过量分泌从而导致腹泻。预防ETEC腹泻的首选方法是使用能激发宿主产生抗黏附素免疫力和抗肠毒素免疫力的疫苗,阻断ETEC黏附和定植并中和肠毒素。目前一种名为Dukoral~的霍乱疫苗因能刺激机体产生抗热敏毒素免疫,已经被一些国家批准用于短期保护和预防旅行者腹泻。新型试验性ETEC候选疫苗正在研发中,旨在提供保护期长、反应谱广的抗ETEC感染免疫保护力。本文针对疫苗研发的关键问题和研究现状作一综述,并对未来的研究作出展望。  相似文献   

产肠毒素大肠杆菌快速检测方法的建立和评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的利用环介导等温扩增(LAMP)技术,建立产肠毒素大肠杆菌(ETEC)的快速、便捷、敏感、特异的检测方法,并对该方法的特异性和敏感性进行评价,为实验动物检测和细菌性腹泻的诊断提供技术支持。方法根据GenBank公布的产肠毒素大肠杆菌的LT毒素基因序列(S60731.1)设计外引物和内引物进行LAMP扩增,对LAMP特异性和敏感性与PCR方法做比较。结果建立的LAMP方法检测最低浓度为100 pg/μL,灵敏度是PCR的10倍以上并具有较高的特异性,利用该方法对27份猴腹泻样品进行LAMP和PCR方法检测,发现PCR检出率为33.3%,LAMP(60 min内)结果与PCR相同,而LAMP(90 min内)检出率为92.6%,约是PCR检出率的3倍。结论建立了一种用于检测肠毒性大肠杆菌(ETEC)的LAMP检测方法,该方法特异性强,灵敏度高,方便快捷,适合于ETEC临床快速检测。  相似文献   

大肠杆菌不耐热肠毒素B亚单位的克隆、表达及初步纯化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究大肠杆菌不耐热肠毒素B亚单位(LTB)的佐剂活性。从大肠杆菌中调出LTB的原始基因,将该基因克隆、构建pET21b—LTB表达载体、转化大肠杆菌B121(DE3)进行表达,并对表达产物进行初步纯化;经DNA测序、SDS—PAGE、ELISA检测,结果表明成功构建了能够稳定表达可溶性LTB的菌株,并获得初步纯化LTB的方法。为今后LTB的研究及应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

大肠杆菌肠毒素的基因融合及其免疫原性的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用重组基因工程技术,将热敏肠毒素B亚基(LT-B)基因与含有部分前体的耐热肠毒素(pro-ST)基因融合在一起,构建了表达LT-B/pro-ST融合蛋白的重组质粒.该融合蛋白不仅保持结合神经节苷脂(GM1)的能力,而且具有热敏肠毒素和耐热肠毒素的抗原性.乳鼠实验证明,融合蛋白虽然含有野生耐热肠毒素,但不具耐热肠毒素的生物毒性.腹腔免疫和鼻饲免疫均能激发产生抗ETEC两种肠毒素的抗体.  相似文献   

人产肠毒素大肠杆菌ST、LT—B肠毒素基因融合的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将人产肠毒素大肠杆菌(ETEC),编码耐热肠毒素(ST)的基因片段与编码不耐热肠毒素B亚基(LT-B)的基因进行融合,并在此基础上进行不同数目ST基因的串联,ELISA检测融合基因表达蛋白产物观察到ST与LT-B之间存在着相互影响。ST的检测滴度随基因串联个数增加而逐渐升高,而LT的ELISA滴度则减弱。说明了ST可以通过基因串联提高表达产物抗原活性,这为产肠毒素大肠杆菌多价疫苗的研制提供了重要的研究基础。  相似文献   

人产肠毒素大肠杆菌ST、LT—B肠毒素基因融合的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将人产肠毒素大肠杆菌(ETEC),编码耐热肠毒素(ST)的基因片段与编码不耐热肠毒素B亚基(LT—B)的基因进行融合,并在此基础上进行不同数目sT基因的串联,ELJlSA检测融合基因表达蛋白产物观察到sT与LT-B之间存在着相互影响。ST的检测滴度随基因串联个数增加而逐渐升高,而LT的ELISA滴度则减弱。说明了ST可以通过基因串联提高表达产物抗原活性,这为产肠毒素大肠杆菌多价疫苗的研制提供了重要的研究基础。  相似文献   

肠毒原性大肠杆菌(ETEC)不耐热肠毒素(LT)基因探针的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经氯化铯-溴化乙锭密度梯度离心分离纯化重组质粒pMMO 30 DNA 琼脂糖凝肢电泳回收的1.TDNA—HindII片段,用DNA缺口转译技术制备a-32p标记的LT基因探针,与标准ETFC(LT+)杂交为阳性,与非ETEC杂交则无同源性。从腹泻儿童和腹泻病猪粪便中分离的、经兔肠段结扎试验和免疫沉淀测定LT呈阳性的EFEC,与基因探针杂交呈现阳性:而且一个单菌落在硝酸纤维素滤膜上裂解的DNA印迹,与探针杂交可以进行放射自显影。如果采用不同的杂交条件,还可以鉴删测定ETEC的LT基因和霍乱弧菌的CT基因,一次可以进行几百个菌落的测定。结果表明,该探针可以用于实验室诊断和流行病学调查。  相似文献   

A recombinant fusion protein consisting of native Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin (STa) and a dimer of a synthetic IgG-binding fragment (ZZ), derived from Staphylococcus aureus protein A was produced in E. coli. The fusion protein (ZZSTa) was secreted in large quantities into the growth medium and recovered by affinity chromatography on IgG-Sepharose. Rabbits immunized with the fusion protein responded by producing high serum levels of anti-STa antibodies that also effectively neutralized STa toxicity in infant mice. The fusion peptide ZZSTa had a substantially decreased toxicity as compared with native STa. A polymeric form of ZZSTa separated by size fractionation was about 100 times less toxic than the monomeric fusion protein, yet both forms had the same capacity to induce neutralizing antibodies. This suggests that modified non-toxic forms of ZZSTa with retained immunogenicity may be produced and tested for their usefulness as functional components in a vaccine against diarrhoea caused by enterotoxigenic E. coli.  相似文献   

大肠杆菌K99噬菌体的分离鉴定及在小鼠上的防治效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【背景】产肠毒素大肠杆菌K99是引起仔猪腹泻的主要致病菌之一,目前对该病的治疗主要依赖于抗生素,但大量抗生素的长期使用造成了病原菌耐药性的增强,亟待寻求一种新的产品来解决这一问题。【目的】以一株产肠毒素大肠杆菌K99为宿主菌,从畜禽粪水中分离噬菌体并对其基本生物学特性进行研究,同时在小鼠上检验噬菌体对小鼠大肠杆菌感染的防治效果。【方法】双层平板法分离筛选烈性噬菌体并观察噬菌斑形态;纯化后进行电镜观察、核酸类型鉴定;测定噬菌体热稳定性、p H稳定性、最佳感染复数及一步生长曲线;通过小鼠体内实验检测噬菌体对小鼠大肠杆菌感染的防治效果。【结果】从畜禽粪水中分离出1株产肠毒素大肠杆菌K99强裂解性噬菌体,命名为ФK99-1,经电镜观察及核酸类型鉴定,应属于肌尾噬菌体科(Myoviridae)。噬菌体能耐受50°C左右的高温,在p H 3.0-10.0范围内效价稳定。最佳感染复数为0.000 01,暴发量为108 333 PFU/cell;运用噬菌体ФK99-1预防和治疗小鼠产肠毒素大肠杆菌K99感染,结果显示小鼠发病症状较阳性对照组明显减轻,小鼠血液内大肠杆菌K99含量也显著低于阳性对照组,通过病理切片观察显示脏器发病情况也较阳性对照组减轻。【结论】ФK99-1是一株在不同温度、不同酸碱性环境中有较强适应能力,且在小鼠大肠杆菌感染上表现出良好防治效果的裂解性肌尾科大肠杆菌噬菌体。  相似文献   

Abstract STb is a heat-stable enterotoxin elaborated by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains associated with weaning piglets and is responsible for diarrhoea in those animals. The maltose binding protein (MBP) of E. coli was used as a carrier for STb, a poorly immunogenic molecule. Constructions were produced where the gene coding for mature STb toxin (MBP-STb) and a fragment of the gene spanning the major epitopic region of STb (AA8–AA30)(MBP-STb2) were fused to malE gene coding for MBP. The fusion proteins accumulated in the periplasm and were detected with a polyclonal antibody raised against the purified toxin. MBP-STb induced secretion in the biological model whereas MBP-STb2 was non-toxic. Immunization of rabbits evoked an antibody response to STb for these two fusion proteins. However, only MBP-STb elicited antibodies that effectively neutralized the toxicity of pure STb toxin as determined in the rat loop assay.  相似文献   

Fifty-eight enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) strains, isolated from children with and without diarrhea in Sao Paulo, were examined for the presence of colonization factor antigens (CFAs) and their ability to adhere to HeLa cells. Antisera to CFA/I, the coli surface (CS) antigens CS1CS3, CS2CS3, and CS2 of CFA/II, CFA/III, and CS5CS6 and CS6 of CFA/IV were used. CFAs were identified in 43% of the ETEC strains: 40% of the strains with CFAs harbored CFA/I, 24% carried CFA/II (CS1CS3), 24% carried CFA/IV (CS6), and 12% carried CFA/IV (CS5CS6). CFAs occurred mainly among ETEC strains producing only heat-stable (ST-I) enterotoxin and in strains also producing heat-labile toxin (LT-I). No ETEC strains tested expressed CFA/III. A marked change in serotypes of ST-I-producing strains was found in Sao Paulo between 1979 and 1990. Adherence to HeLa cells was detected in 14% of the ETEC strains. All of them had a diffuse adherence pattern and produced only ST-I, and 88% carried CS6 antigen.  相似文献   

肠毒素和定居因子抗原 (CFAs)是肠毒素大肠杆菌 (ETEC)两种主要的致病因素。有效的ETEC疫苗应包括这两种成分。采用基因重组技术 ,将定居因子CFA/II的共有抗原成分CS3菌毛抗原和LT B/ST融合肠毒素基因克隆至以asd基因为选择标记的重组质粒上 ,与asd基因剔除的弗氏志贺氏菌Fwl0 1构成了宿主 载体平衡致死系统。结果表明 ,在无抗生素条件选择的情况下 ,该重组菌可稳定表达CS3菌毛抗原和LT B/ST融合肠毒素抗原。通过口服和鼻饲方式免疫小鼠 ,可诱生相应的血清IgG抗体 ,同时能够检测到分泌型IgA的产生 ,表明该重组菌可以有效的诱导产生粘膜免疫。  相似文献   

Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) strains have been implicated as important etiological agents of diarrheal disease, especially in developing countries. This group of microorganisms has been associated with a diverse range of genotypic and phenotypic markers. In the present study, 21 ETEC isolates previously defined according to the toxigenic genotypes, were characterized on the basis of O:H typing, cell adherence patterns, and colonization factors (CFs) antigens. Genetic diversity was investigated by random amplification polymorphic DNA (RAPD-PCR), pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE). LT-I probe-positive isolates belonged to serotypes ONT:HNT, O7:H24, O48:H21, O88:H25, O148:H28, O159:H17 and O159:H21. ST-h probe-positive isolates belonged to serotypes O159:H17, O148:H28 and O6:H-. Serotypes O148:H28, O159:H17 and O6:H- were associated with the CS6, CFA/I and CS1 CS3 antigens, respectively. Most ETEC strains exhibited a diffuse pattern of adherence to cultured epithelial cells. In general, phenotypic and genotypic characteristics correlated well. RAPD-PCR, PFGE and MLEE showed reproducibility and good discriminatory potential. The application of molecular typing systems allowed the detection of significant diversity among the isolates, indicating a non-clonal origin and revealing intra-serotype variation overlooked by classical epidemiological approaches. The phenotypic and genotypic diversity observed lead us to recommend the use of different typing systems in order to elucidate the epidemiology of ETEC infection.  相似文献   

We have used a recombinant approach to characterise the B- and T-cell epitopes of FanC, the major subunit polypeptide of K99 (F5) fimbriae of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains. This involved the fusion of FanC and its carboxy-terminal truncated derivatives to a reporter, the E. coli alkaline phosphatase (PhoA), generating stable, recombinant fusions. The B-cell epitopes of FanC were characterised by Western blotting of FanC::PhoA fusion proteins with a polyclonal mouse antiserum directed against K99 fimbrial antigen, and with a panel of monoclonal antibodies generated to the K99 antigen. An attempt to characterise the T-cell epitopes of the fimbrial subunit was made by standard in vitro T-cell proliferation assay. Our results suggest that the B-cell epitopes of FanC are likely to be continuous, with a potentially immunodominant epitope at the carboxy-terminus. However, T-cell proliferation assays with the FanC::PhoA fusion proteins did not indicate any immunodominant T-cell epitope(s). We hypothesise that fusion of FanC peptides to PhoA had resulted in altered folding of the peptides for antibody and T-cell recognition, highlighting the potential problems and drawbacks of the recombinant fusion technique in defining the epitopes of certain proteins.  相似文献   

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