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不同预处理方法对玉米秸秆吐温-80/酶水解的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
比较了稀硫酸、氢氧化钠、氨水和氢氧化钙4种预处理方法对玉米秸秆吐温-80/酶水解的影响,结果表明:氢氧化钠预处理方法效果最佳,得到的总还原糖产率比未处理时提高了10.7倍.其红外光谱和广角X-谢线衍射谱图表明:经氢氧化钠预处理后,玉米秸秆中的木质素含量降低了62%,纤维素的结晶度也有所降低.  相似文献   

采用水抽提方法得到玉米秸秆中的水抽提液,研究水抽提液、水抽提液的稀酸水解液对水抽提玉米秸秆和稀酸预处理的水抽提玉米秸秆酶水解性能的影响。研究结果表明,与未处理玉米秸秆相比,水抽提玉米秸秆的酶水解性能有所提高,从48 h的9.88%提高到23.56%;与稀酸预处理玉米秸秆相比,稀酸预处理的水抽提玉米秸秆酶水解性能略有提高,从48 h的67.07%提高到73.44%;通过向水抽提玉米秸秆和稀酸预处理的水抽提玉米秸秆中添加水抽提液的酶水解结果表明,与未添加的空白样相比,添加水抽提液对酶水解得率的影响极小(2%以内),但水抽提液经过稀酸水解后再添加到水抽提玉米秸秆和稀酸预处理的水抽提玉米秸秆中,可以发现与未添加的空白样相比,酶水解得率大幅度降低,酶解48 h时分别下降了15.03%和13.96%,这说明水抽提液在稀酸预处理过程中产生了对酶水解有抑制作用的物质。因此,通过水抽提去除部分水抽提物可减少稀酸预处理过程中抑制物的产生,从而提高酶水解得率的能力。  相似文献   

采用间歇式水热预处理方法,考察了不同水热预处理温度和处理时间对玉米秸秆主要成分变化的影响以及水热预处理后的纤维素酶解效率。在180~220℃,10~25 min范围内,随温度升高和时间延长预处理后半纤维素移除率和纤维素损失率也随之增大,但木质素质量并未减少反而有所增加。在210℃,25 min时得到最大半纤维素移除率为86.0%。以半纤维素移除率、木质素移除率和纤维素损失率为因变量,处理温度和处理时间为自变量通过多元线性回归分析或二次方程(多元线性回归方程拟合度不佳时)拟合分别获得回归模型。模型显示处理温度和处理时间对三者均具有显著影响。分析敏感性显示处理温度对三种因变量的影响均大于处理时间。经210℃,20 min处理后,纤维素酶解率最高为76.2%,继续提高处理温度和延长处理时间半纤维素移除率提高,但纤维素酶解率下降。  相似文献   

利用不同预处理方法获得的玉米秸秆底物研究木质素脱除对纤维素酶吸附量及酶解效率的影响。相比于其他处理方法,2%(质量分数)NaOH处理的底物具有最高的木质素脱除率(85%),最高的底物可及性[4.7 mg·(g 葡聚糖) -1]及酶解效率(18.9%)。通过对不同处理获得的底物进行Langmuir吸附等温曲线模拟,获得了最大吸附量(Wmax)与吸附平衡常数(K),且木质纤维素酶水解效率与纤维素酶吸附量具有很好的线性关系(R2>0.8),表明脱除木质素能很好地提高底物可及性与酶解效率。然而,提高NaOH浓度(3%,4%)进一步脱除木质素时,底物可及性与碳水化合物转化为单糖的效率反而明显下降。因此,适当脱除木质素而提高底物对纤维素酶的可及性将有助于获得更有效的酶水解效果。  相似文献   

促进玉米秸秆酶解效率的化学预处理方法比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分别用八种化学方法对玉米秸秆进行预处理,将预处理后的试样用纤维素酶在最优条件下催化水解,初步比较了不同的化学方法在促进玉米秸秆酶解糖化方面的效果。通过比较各试样酶解后产糖量大小,得到最佳的预处理方案:采用0.176%(m/V)NaOH及0.9%(V/V)H2O2混合液在常温下按固液比1∶50振荡作用24 h,即在纤维素酶用量为50 FPU/g时,产糖量可从0.055 g/g提升到0.333 g/g,提高了83.51%;此时的木质素降解量亦为最大,达到了49.8%,此结果表明木质素的降解有利于纤维素酶敏感性的提高。  相似文献   

以稻草秸秆为原料经碱性臭氧预处理后进行酶水解,研究了处理前后稻草秸秆半纤维素、纤维素、木质素含量的变化,通过测定酶水解还原糖含量来判断预处理的效果。结果表明,碱性臭氧预处理与碱预处理相比,在稻草秸秆木质素含量与降解上没有什么差异,但酶水解糖化效果更优。经O3/2%NaOH预处理过的稻草秸秆,在pH值5.0、酶用量31.2mg.(g底物)-1、45℃条件下酶水解120h时,还原糖含量达到了902mg.(g稻草秸秆)-1,糖化率达到了92.57%。  相似文献   

木聚糖酶预处理对NaOH—AQ法麦草浆H2O2漂白效果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了木聚糖酶预处理对麦草化学浆H2O2漂白可漂性等的影响。结果表明:与对照浆漂至相近白度,木聚糖酶预自理后可节省H2O2用量40%以上,且浆的强度变化不大;酶预处理还可以改善H2O2漂后浆的滤水性能,提高漂白浆的白度稳定性。  相似文献   

氨预处理对大豆秸秆纤维素酶解产糖影响的研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
为了提高大豆秸秆酶解产糖能力, 以利于从大豆秸秆中提取生物降解性塑料的原料 ?? 乳酸, 对大豆秸秆纤维素预处理过程的影响因素进行了探索,对预处理前后大豆秸秆的物理结构变化、化学成分变化及预处理条件对大豆秸秆酶水解产糖的影响进行了研究。研究结果表明,粉碎结合氨处理对大豆秸秆酶水解影响较大,较适宜的预处理条件为大豆秸秆粉碎至 140 目,10%氨水处理 24h。经过预处理后大豆秸秆纤维素含量提高 70.27%, 半纤维素含量下降 41.45%, 木质素含量下降 30.16%, 有利于大豆秸秆酶解产糖。  相似文献   

There is a rising interest in bioethanol production from lignocellulose such as corn stover to decrease the need for fossil fuels, but most research mainly focuses on how to improve ethanol yield and pays less attention to the biorefinery of corn stover. To realize the utilization of different components of corn stover in this study, different pretreatment strategies were used to fractionate corn stover while enhancing enzymatic digestibility and cellulosic ethanol production. It was found that the pretreatment process combining dilute acid (DA) and alkaline sodium sulfite (ASS) could effectively fractionate the three main components of corn stover, i.e., cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin, that xylose recovery reached 93.0%, and that removal rate of lignin was 85.0%. After the joint pretreatment of DA and ASS, the conversion of cellulose at 72 h of enzymatic hydrolysis reached 85.4%, and ethanol concentration reached 48.5 g/L through fed-batch semi-simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (S-SSF) process when the final concentration of substrate was 18% (w/v). Pretreatment with ammonium sulfite resulted in 83.8% of lignin removal, and the conversion of cellulose and ethanol concentration reached 86.6% and 50 g/L after enzymatic hydrolysis of 72 h and fed-batch S-SSF, respectively. The results provided a reference for effectively separating hemicellulose and lignin from corn stover and producing cellulosic ethanol for the biorefinery of corn stover.  相似文献   

不同预处理方式对玉米叶和玉米秆酶解率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 INTRODUCTION Enzymatic hydrolysis of the cellulose to glucose from inexpensive and abundant sources, followed by ethanol fermentation to produce alternative liquid transportation fuels is very attractive[1―4]. However, lignocellulosic biomass must first be pretreated to open up its structure, so that the high yields vital to economic success can be realized. Pretreatment is currently one of the most expensive steps in such bio- conversion routes, which account for one-third of the total…  相似文献   

超声波、牛血清蛋白和吐温试剂辅助玉米秸秆酶水解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了超声波、牛血清蛋白(BSA)、表面活性剂Tween20和Tween80作为辅助手段对玉米秸秆酶水解过程的影响。结果显示:虽然三者作用机理不同,但是均能够提高酶水解得糖率。未加辅助方法时酶解48h后的得糖率为26.2%;经30W、10min超声波辐射辅助的酶解得糖率上升为35.7%;添加0.5g/LBSA时的酶解得糖率提高到32.8%;而加入1%的Tween20和Tween80后酶解得糖率分别增加到35.2%和35.9%。  相似文献   

To decrease the cost of bioethanol production, biomass recalcitrance needs to be overcome so that the conversion of biomass to bioethanol becomes more efficient. CO(2) laser irradiation can disrupt the lignocellulosic physical structure and reduce the average size of fiber. Analyses with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, specific surface area, and the microstructure of corn stover were used to elucidate the enhancement mechanism of the pretreatment process by CO(2) laser irradiation. The present work demonstrated that the CO(2) laser had potential to enhance the bioconversion efficiency of lignocellulosic waste to renewable bioethanol. The saccharification rate of the CO(2) laser pretreatment was significantly higher than ultrasonic pretreatment, and reached 27.75% which was 1.34-fold of that of ultrasonic pretreatment. The results showed the impact of CO(2) laser pretreatment on corn stover to be more effective than ultrasonic pretreatment.  相似文献   

Supercritical carbon dioxide, with water-ethanol as co-solvent, was applied to pretreat corn stover to enhance its enzymatic hydrolysis. The efficiency of pretreatment was evaluated by the final reducing sugar yield obtained from the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose. Under the operation conditions of pretreatment pressure 15 MPa, temperature 180 ℃ and time 1 h, the optimal sugar yield of 77.8℅ was obtained. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and chemical composition analysis were applied to the pretreated corn stover. The results showed that the surface morphology and microscopic structure of pretreated corn stover were greatly changed. After the pretreatment, the contents of hemicellulose and lignin were reduced obviously. Thus more cellulose was exposed, increasing the sugar yield.  相似文献   

前期研究发现,平菇预处理稻草表现出比较好的脱木素选择性和纤维素酶水解效果。为了使预处理后的稻草在纤维素酶水解过程中得到更多的单糖,通过向平菇预处理稻草固体培养基中添加麸皮、玉米皮和木聚糖,研究外加碳源对平菇降解稻草木素的选择性及后续酶水解效果的影响。结果表明,添加适量的麸皮和木聚糖可提高平菇处理稻草的脱木素选择性。麸皮和木聚糖添加量为稻草粉的10%时,脱木素选择系数分别由对照的1.86增加至2.58和2.03;预处理样品酶解后原料中总糖的46.8%和45.9%转化为可发酵单糖,分别比对照的35.5%提高了30%和28%。添加玉米皮对平菇预处理酶解效果影响相对较小,添加量为5%时,预处理样品酶解后总糖转化率仅比对照提高15%,增加添加量酶解总糖转化率反而低于对照样品。  相似文献   

Corn stover was separated into four derived streams: ethanol extractives (EE), hot water extractives (HWE), extracted cellulose, and extracted hemicelluloses. They were separately treated with 0.75% dilute sulfuric acid at 180°C for 40 minutes. Over 100 degradation products were separated and identified using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and liquid chromatography (LC). These products contained compounds from several chemical classes, including sugars, aromatics, carboxylic acids, furans, alcohols, aldehydes, and cyclenes. Itaconic acid, succinic acid, fumaric acid, azelaic acid, DL-isoborneol, and 3-methyl-2-furoic acid were detected in the dilute sulfuric acid pretreated corn stover for the first time. Potential microbial fermentation inhibitors and valuable chemical building blocks were evaluated. In an effort to identify and develop inhibitors which are useful for controlling and improving the lignocellulosic biorefinery process, how they originated from the corn stover constituents was examined.  相似文献   

研究了绿液预处理玉米秸秆对里氏木霉产纤维素酶的影响。通过正交试验考察3个预处理条件对玉米秸秆产纤维素酶的影响,从极差和方差分析可知,对绿液预处理玉米秸秆产纤维素酶的影响程度由大到小依次是总碱量、蒸煮温度、硫化度,最大滤纸酶活(FPA)达到2.6 IU/mL。比较在蒸煮温度140 ℃和170 ℃,总碱量4 %,硫化度0、20 %、30 % 与40 %下所产的FPA,经综合评定,在最优条件下蒸煮温度140 ℃,总碱量4 %和硫化度0时可以尽量避免原料损失的前提下,保证FPA的大小,结果表明,里氏木霉利用绿液预处理玉米秸秆来产纤维素酶是可行的。以蒸煮温度140 ℃,总碱量4 %和硫化度0的条件下绿液预处理得到的玉米秸秆为碳源,碳源浓度为12 g/L,FPA和β-葡萄糖苷酶活(β-GA)分别达到2.5 IU/mL和1.3 IU/mL,产酶周期5 d。  相似文献   

对经乙酸预浸汽爆预处理的玉米秸秆进行了组分含量和抑制物分析,并研究了玉米秸秆预处理后的酶水解性和同步糖化发酵。与未经乙酸预浸相比,乙酸预浸玉米秸秆能在相对低温下进行汽爆预处理,在提高半纤维素水解程度的同时,并不会明显增加糠醛等发酵抑制物。酶水解实验表明,玉米秸秆经乙酸预浸,再以 200 ℃ 进行汽爆后的酶水解效果较好,每克原料可获得 284 mg 葡萄糖,提高了 10.2 %,为理论值的 76.8 %;乙酸预浸玉米秸秆经过 96 h 同步糖化发酵,获得了 22.5 g/L 的乙醇浓度,为理论值的 72 %;相比未经乙酸预浸的玉米秸秆,提高了11.9个百分点。  相似文献   

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