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到乡镇市场去!这是自金融危机爆发之后,中国化妆品企业发出的最振聋发聩的声音。9亿农民收入不断提高,乡镇不断城市化发展,消费意识不断提升,这片最为广阔的消费市场对化妆品产业来说,蕴藏着巨大的发展潜力。  相似文献   

当消费者知道企业进行广告信息宣传时,他们的心理信息接受通道就会有意地收窄或关闭。而当品牌信息被化整为零。分散地布置在消费者各个可能接触到的地方。他们往往就会在无意识中接受了信息的渗透,这就是--[编者按]  相似文献   

“从周边城镇包围中心城市”、“集中优势兵力专打敌人薄弱的地区”,这些在战争年代为我们创造了无数奇迹的战术,如今用在化妆品行业也是如此有效,泊西品牌就上演了一个用“迂回战术”进行侧翼包抄的区域运行成功案例。[编者按]  相似文献   

市场不变的法则就是永远在变,企业只有以精细的传播策略做引导,利用细化的立体渗透策略做执行,同时在竞争中做好传播创新,才能在二三级市场的竞争中,实现王者的霸业!  相似文献   

Seigne R 《Anaesthesia》2000,55(3):304-305

V N Demin 《Khirurgiia》1967,43(3):136-139

V N Demin 《Khirurgiia》1966,42(11):140-144

Traumatic retroperitoneal hematoma spreads through the interfascial planes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ishikawa K  Tohira H  Mizushima Y  Matsuoka T  Mizobata Y  Yokota J 《The Journal of trauma》2005,59(3):595-607; discussion 607-8
BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to reevaluate extension of traumatic retroperitoneal hematoma (RH) and related management strategies in light of the new concept of retroperitoneal fascias as interfascial planes communicating with three compartments. METHODS: Diagnostic computed tomographic images of 169 patients with traumatic RH treated between 1997 and 2003 were retrospectively reviewed. The extension of RH was measured in relation to 10 components: 3 compartments and 7 parts of the interfascial planes. On the basis of careful horizontal and vertical assessment of computed tomographic images, distribution, extent, and volume in each component of RH were assessed. RESULTS: In 88.8% of patients, RH was detected in interfascial planes. Interfascial planes absorbed a large amount of hematoma (mean, 223 +/- 309 mL; range, 0-1,519 mL), whereas the anterior and posterior pararenal spaces absorbed only 5 +/- 16 mL and 21 +/- 30 mL, respectively. The volume of RH in interfascial planes accounted for 78.1% of the total volume. In all cases, RH spread within interfascial planes with regularity: transversely by means of retromesenteric planes and vertically by means of combined interfascial planes. Regular extension patterns allowed RH to be classified by bleeding source. RH originating from retrorenal or combined interfascial plane had a poor prognosis; 51.7% of such patients died as a result of uncontrollable hemorrhage. CONCLUSION: RH was based in the interfascial planes, not the three compartments. Our findings that RH extends and is largely confined within interfascial planes, regardless of cause or volume, could be useful in estimating the extent of RH and developing breakthrough strategies for RH.  相似文献   

西安地区正常青年颅面形态的三维测量研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
目的:对西安地区正常青年人颅面形态进行三维测量,从三维角度描述西安地区正常青年的面部特征。方法:选择西安籍年满18岁面部形态正常的汉族人100名,男、女两组,每组50名,平均年龄为18岁8个月。采用Dr.Farkas颅面部表面测量方法对颅部和面部进行表面三维测量。每个对象颅面部选取了12个测量点(颅部6个,面部6个),进行18项测量(颅部6项,面部12项)。测量结果经SPSS10.0统计软件处理,分别计算出男女各测量项目的均值和标准差,并进行两组之间的配对t检验。结果:①获得西安地区正常青年颅面部18项三维测量的正常值范围;②18项测量中有14项存在性别差异(P<0.05),男性大于女性;③与广东、四川、山东三个地区正常汉族成人初步比较测量值存在差异。结论:面部的三维测量能反映出颅面部的三维特征。面部的测量值有性别和地区的差异,临床应用中应有不同的标准。  相似文献   

青少年特发性脊柱侧弯研究国外进展   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
青少年特发性脊柱侧弯(adolescent idiopathic scoliosis,AIS)还有很多争论和未解决的问题,最困难的问题是病理发病机制不清楚.尽管支具治疗已经作为有曲线进展危险的侧弯患者标准的治疗方法,无论在功效和作用方面还不能经历严格的评价.随着对手术治疗的重视,技术大大改进,增加了手术安全性,保持脊柱的平衡,但是这些治疗方法长期的效果还不得知;外科手术可以减少畸形,防止曲线进一步进展,因此可以减少将来心肺功能出问题的危险,但是长期防止脊柱侧弯的其他负面作用还不清楚.本文讨论一下目前关于青少年特发性脊柱侧弯病理发病机制,自然病史,非手术治疗和手术治疗概念.  相似文献   

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