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This study's purpose was to describe the occupational needs and goals of women residing in a domestic violence shelter and their self-perceived changes in satisfaction and occupational performance. Using a retrospective design, data from 68 occupational therapy evaluations from two domestic violence shelter settings were examined. Data were analyzed by coding problem areas and occupational goals and calculating frequencies for these variables. Where data were available, we also analyzed changes in pre- and postscores for self-perceived satisfaction and occupational performance (n = 25). The most common problem areas were leisure, education, work, child rearing, and health management. The most common goals were in the areas of education, work, health management, child rearing, and home management. Retrospective pre- and postchange scores in performance and satisfaction for 25 women were statistically significant. Findings provide direction for, and highlight the importance of occupational therapy services within domestic violence shelters as women regain their life skills.  相似文献   



Violence against women is a universal phenomenon that persists in all communities and in all countries of the world and the perpetrator of that violence is often well-known to the victim. Domestic violence in particular continues to be frighteningly common and well-accepted as “normal” within too many societies.


(1) The primary aim of this study is to find out the extent of different type of domestic violence and to identify various risk factors for domestic violence against married women. (2) The secondary aim is to identify the various protective factors of domestic violence against married women.

Materials and Methods:

The present study was a population based cross-sectional study carried out in the urban area of Gwalior city for a period of one year. Stratified random sampling technique was used for the selection of the samples. The study participants were interviewed using a pretested semi-structured open-ended questionnaire. Proportion, Pearson''s, chi-square test and odds ratio were calculated for the analysis of the study.


Of the 144 study participants, 68 participants reported some form of domestic violence, which was either physical, sexual or emotional. The most common type of violence reported was physical violence. The most important risk factor for domestic violence was alcoholism followed by literacy status. Majority of the abused women were dependent on their husbands for money, material assets and expenditure.


The study hereby recommends that to prevent domestic violence government has to take stringent action for making women more self-reliant especially by making the women more literate and more financially independent.  相似文献   

妇女遭受家庭暴力已日益成为一个重要的公共健康和社会问题.无论在发达国家还是发展中国家,针对妇女的暴力事件都不同程度地存在.产生家庭暴力的因素可以分为受害者因素、施暴者因素和社会文化因素.家庭暴力不仅会使妇女更容易罹患各种妇科疾病和生殖道感染,而且会使妇女更容易发生意外妊娠、流产、妊娠期并发症甚至死亡,从而对妇女生殖健康...  相似文献   



It is over the last decade that research in this field of domestic violence has led to greater recognition of the issue as public health problem. The paper aims to study the prevalence of physical, psychological, and sexual violence and potential risk factors of the women confronting violence within the home in India.

Materials and Methods:

A multicentric study with analytical cross-sectional design was applied. It covers 18 states in India with 14,507 women respondents. Multistage sampling and probability proportion to size were done.


The result shows that overall 39 per cent of women were abused. Women who have a lower household income, illiterate, belonging to lower caste, and have a partner who drinks/bets, etc. found to be important risk factors and place women in India at a greater risk of experiencing domestic violence.


As India has already passed a bill against domestic violence, the present results on robustness of the problem will be useful to sensitize the concerned agencies to strictly implement the law. This may lead to more constructive and sustainable response to domestic violence in India for improvement of women health and wellbeing.  相似文献   



Violence against women is a major public health and human rights issue in the world today. This study was conducted to assess the consequences of domestic violence on the mental health of women of reproductive age group.

Materials and Methods:

A community-based, cross-sectional study was conducted in Raj Nagar- I, urban locality in west Delhi near Palam. 350 women of 15-49 years age group residing in the community were selected by stratified random sampling. These women were administered an interview schedule adapted from WHO multi-country study on women’s health and domestic violence. They were assessed for the presence of domestic violence. Mental health status of these women was estimated by using self-reporting questionnaire 20. Data were analyzed using SPSS 12 software. The test applied was chi square test for proportion and binary logistic regression.


42.8% of the women reported one or the other types of violence. 34.9% of the women reported either physical or sexual violence ever in life. 29.1% of the women reported either physical or sexual violence in past 1 year (current violence). 12% of the women reported mental ill health. Women who had experienced domestic violence were more likely to report mental ill health status and suicidal tendencies as compared to women who had not experienced violence.


Domestic violence is associated with mental ill health.  相似文献   

农村地区受暴妇女对家庭暴力的处理情况研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:了解我国农村地区已婚妇女遭受家庭暴力的情况及其对家庭暴力的处理情况。方法:2004年11月~2005年1月期间,在吉林、安徽和重庆的人口基金项目县,采用多阶段容量比例抽样方法选择了25个乡镇,对3 998名18岁及以上的已婚育龄妇女进行问卷调查。结果:我国家庭暴力发生非常普遍,约65%的调查妇女有过暴力经历,但受暴妇女对家庭暴力的处理多采用被动方式,即便获取他人帮助时,大多也是身边的人,对妇联、公、检、法司及医疗机构等政府部门在反家暴中的作用了解较少。医疗系统在反家暴中存在很多问题,缺乏对家庭暴力的敏感性和应对能力。结论:在我国家庭暴力非常普遍,受暴妇女对家庭暴力的处理方面存在一定的缺陷,需要加大宣传教育力度,增强受暴妇女及相关部门特别是医疗机构正确处理和应对家庭暴力的能力。  相似文献   

《Women & health》2013,53(2-3):121-133

Background: State laws mandating health care personnel to contact police when treating patients injured as a result of domestic violence are controversial. Attitudes toward these laws have been studied in select groups, but never in a large population-based sample.

Methods: We measured support for mandatory reporting (MR) among 845 women in 11 cities who participated in a telephone survey assessing risk factors for intimate partner violence. Abused women were over-sampled to create equal groups (427 abused and 418 non-abused); results are presented stratified by abuse status or weighted based on prevalence of abuse among women who were screened.

Results: The estimated prevalence of physical violence or threat of physical violence from an intimate partner during the past two years was 11.7%; 72% (95% CI = 69%–75%) of women supported MR. Abused women were significantly less likely to support MR compared to non-abused women (59% versus 73%, p < 0.01). Reasons that endorsed support included: victims would find it easier to get help (81%) and would like health care personnel to call the police (68%). Reasons that endorsed opposition included: victims would be less likely to disclose abuse (77%), would resent someone else having control (61%), and reporting would increase the risk of perpetrator retaliation (44%).

Conclusions: Most women support mandatory reporting by health care personnel. However, abused women were significantly less supportive than those not abused.  相似文献   

Violence disproportionately affects African American men and their communities. Research is needed to inform programming efforts to reduce racial/ethnic disparities in violence exposure, involvement, and victimization. The current study examined involvement in and perceptions of neighborhood violence and relation to perpetration of intimate partner violence (IPV) among a sample of urban, African American men. Participants of this cross-sectional study were sexually active African American men (n = 703) between the ages of 18 and 65 years, recruited from urban community health centers. Age-adjusted logistic regression models were used to assess associations between neighborhood violence variables and perpetration of IPV. In age-adjusted logistic regression models, involvement with street violence in the previous 6 months (Odds Ratio (OR) = 3.0; 95% Confidence Interval (CI): 1.9–4.6), ever being involved with gangs (OR = 2.0; 95% CI: 1.3–3.2), and perceptions/beliefs that violence occurs in one’s neighborhood (ORs = 2.0–3.1) were found to be significantly associated with IPV perpetration. Findings demonstrate that involvement in neighborhood violence as well as perceptions/beliefs that violence occurs in one’s neighborhood are associated with increased likelihood of IPV perpetration among urban, African American men. While socioeconomics and substance use contribute to high rates of these forms of violence, the relation between these forms of violence and perpetration of IPV was significant beyond the influences of these factors. Findings suggest that future violence prevention and treatment efforts will be most successful by addressing multiple forms of violence.  相似文献   

《Women & health》2013,53(2-3):41-54

Domestic violence is a significant problem that adversely affects the health and safety of millions of women throughout their life-span. Most cases of what is considered elder abuse occurs at home rather than in institutions, and the evidence suggests that only 1 in 5 cases are recognized. Frequently the perpetrator is a spouse, adult child, or other family member. Given the demographics of aging women and their longer life expectancies, clinicians are increasingly likely to see patients whose injuries or poor health status are caused or affected by abusive relationships. Improving the ability of physicians to identify domestic violence is an important skill needed for establishing comprehensive intervention and prevention efforts. In addition to conducting universal screening of all female patients, using clinical and behavioral indicators is a critical component of the intervention.  相似文献   

This study explored community perceptions of factors associated with domestic violence, with an emphasis on events occurring during pregnancy. Ten focus group discussions, 14 key‐informant interviews and four case vignettes were conducted in Wakiso district, Uganda between August and December 2003. Data were analysed using thematic content analysis. Perceived motives and meanings, triggering as well as associated factors, perceived coping mechanisms and community support available for reducing domestic violence, especially that occurring during pregnancy, were identified. Urban migration, changing cultural values and men's unemployment shift the balance of power in gender relations. Resultant male uncertainty and gender antagonism is associated with domestic violence. Family institutions such as extended family structure, relatives and in‐laws were perceived as offering little protection. Factors triggering violence included failed negotiation of sexual relations, disagreement concerning the division of labour within the household and misconceptions about the physical and physiological changes, both dietary and behavioural, which occur in pregnancy.  相似文献   

目的:在不同地域的较大范围内初步了解我国孕期及产后妇女家庭暴力的发生现况,分析产生家庭暴力的原因及其影响因素。方法:采用整体抽样的方法,于2004年3月~2004年9月在河南省和广东省的部分城镇医院产科门诊和住院部对待产及产后复查的2 835名妇女进行问卷调查。结果:2 835人中孕期曾发生家庭暴力的327人,发生率为11.5%;河南省孕期家庭暴力发生率为16.8%,广东省发生率为6.4%。1 776名产后妇女调查对象中464人遭受家庭暴力,发生率26.1%;河南省发生率为33.7%,广东省发生率为17.4%,两地发生率明显不同(P<0.001,OR=3.0)。孕妇家庭暴力发生的影响因素主要包括:文化程度和职业、家庭收入、家庭生活状况、社会文化背景等。在与非暴力组相比,暴力组孕妇的各种身心健康问题发生率明显增高(P<0.001)。结论;家庭暴力在我国城镇妇女孕期及产后有一定发生,且产后发生率较高,家庭暴力严重影响孕产妇身心健康,应该从多方面进行干预。  相似文献   



Globally, domestic violence against females is common across culture, religion, class and ethnicity. There are various reasons for domestic violence and it might have serious health outcomes.


The study was undertaken to determine the prevalence, characteristics, reasons and the socio-demographic correlates of domestic violence, if any, and to find out the perceptions of the females to cope with the act of violence and to overcome the situation.

Materials and Methods:

A cross-sectional observational study was undertaken by interviewing 141 adult and adolescent females residing in a village of West Bengal, with the help of a pre-designed and pre-tested questionnaire. Data were analyzed statistically by simple proportions and tests of significance (Chi-square test).


Out of 141 respondents, 33 (23.4%) adult and adolescent females in this village were exposed to domestic violence in the past year. Among the demographic characteristics, statistically significant maximum prevalence was observed among 30-39 years age group, illiterate and unmarried females. For most of the females who were exposed to domestic violence, their husbands acted as the perpetrators (72.73%) and they reported slapping as the specific act of physical assault (72.73%). Majority of the respondents reported that opportunity of education (31.9%), being economically productive (31.9%) and better family income (23.4%) would help them to overcome the situation.


This study emphasizes the need for justified female empowerment and this calls for multidisciplinary approach to develop public health measures, which would most effectively address the problem of domestic violence.  相似文献   

目的:了解上海市流动人口已婚妇女对家庭暴力的态度以及相关影响因素,为制定干预措施提供依据。方法:本研究为横断面调查,采用同性别调查员匿名面对面访谈形式进行问卷调查,共收回有效问卷958份。用SAS9.1软件对数据进行统计分析。结果:80.8%调查对象同意“任何情况下,丈夫都不应该打妻子”,15.7%妇女认为“丈夫发现妻子对他不忠时,可以打妻子”,11.1%妇女同意“妻子不孝敬公公婆婆时,可以打妻子”;17.1%的妇女不同意“妻子自己不想要时,可以拒绝与丈夫过性生活”。多因素分析结果显示,年龄越大,由父母亲戚介绍/相亲方式结婚的研究对象更容忍家庭暴力,而文化程度越高的对象越反对家庭暴力。结论:上海市流动人口已婚妇女对家庭暴力态度较积极,但仍有部分流动人口已婚妇女对家庭暴力仍存在错误认识,需要加强对其进行性别平等意识、家庭暴力意识及反家庭暴力意识的宣传教育,提高她们预防和制止家庭暴力的能力。  相似文献   

Domestic violence: the Lebanese experience   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Usta J  Farver JA  Pashayan N 《Public health》2007,121(3):208-219
OBJECTIVES: To estimate the prevalence of domestic violence among women presenting to primary health care facilities in Lebanon; to identify presenting symptoms and responses to varied forms of violence; and to examine variables associated with domestic violence. STUDY DESIGN/METHODS: A cross-sectional survey of all women presenting to four primary health care centres in different geographic areas of Lebanon from September 2002 to October 2002. A questionnaire was administered in interview format. The following information was collected from participants: demographic characteristics, perceived health status, prior exposure and responses to domestic violence, and characteristics of the perpetrators. RESULTS: Of the 1418 participants, 494 (35%) reported experiencing domestic violence and 307 (22%) had family members who had been exposed to domestic violence. Among the women exposed to violence, verbal abuse or insult was most common (88%) followed by physical violence (66%); 57% reported their experiences to family, friends or authorities, whereas the remainder kept silent. Women who were exposed to domestic violence had higher frequencies of reported physical symptoms than those who were not exposed. Generally, the perpetrators were spouses who had demographic backgrounds comparable to their wives. Multiple regression analyses showed that women's education levels, work status, health status, and familial violence predicted domestic violence. CONCLUSIONS: Women readily talk about their abuse when asked. The rate of domestic violence is high among Lebanese women and is a significant health issue. Additional research is needed to better understand the extent of the problem and to develop more effective reporting methods.  相似文献   

This paper examines the interrelationships between urban young adult women’s experiences of discrimination and community violence and their reports of involvement in intimate partner violence (IPV). We explore whether such experiences are independent risk factors for IPV victimization and perpetration, even when accounting for aggressive behaviors and related risk taking, including drinking and sexual initiation, during early adolescence. We use data from the Reach for Health study, in which a sample of 550 urban African American and Latina women was followed from recruitment in economically distressed middle schools into young adulthood, over approximately 7 years. At the last wave, respondents were 19–20 years old; 28% were raising children. More than 40% reported experiencing at least one form of racial/ethnic discrimination sometimes or often over the past year. About 75% heard guns being shot, saw someone being arrested, or witnessed drug deals within this time period; 66% had seen someone beaten up, 26% had seen someone get killed, and 40% knew someone who was killed. Concurrent reports of lifetime IPV were also high: about a third reported being a victim of physical violence; a similar proportion reported perpetration. Results of multivariate regression analyses indicate that discrimination is significantly associated with physical and emotional IPV victimization and perpetration, controlling for socio-demographic characteristics, including ethnic identity formation, and early adolescent risk behaviors. Community violence is correlated with victimization, but the relationship remains significant only for emotional IPV victimization once early behaviors are controlled. Implications for violence prevention are discussed, including the importance of addressing community health, as well as individual patterns of behavior, associated with multiple forms of violence victimization and perpetration. Stueve is with the Health and Human Development Center, 96 Morton Street, 7th Floor, New York, 10014, New York NY, USA. O`Donnell is with the Health and Human Development, Education Development Center, Newton, MA, USA.  相似文献   

目的:了解丈夫的身体暴力或性暴力对流动人口已婚育龄妇女性与生殖健康的影响。方法:在上海市某中心城区采用以社区为基础的多阶段整群抽样方法对符合条件的流动人口已婚育龄妇女进行问卷调查,共收回有效问卷958份。结果:曾经或最近1年遭受过身体暴力或性暴力的对象有不良妊娠结局、曾经或最近1年有生殖道感染症状、性生活不和谐、曾经感到缺乏性欲和最近1年感到缺乏性欲的比例显著高于同一时期从未遭受过任何暴力的对象。Logistic回归分析发现,遭受过身体暴力或性暴力的对象有不良妊娠结局、生殖道感染、妇科疾病、性生活不和谐和缺乏性欲的危险性是未遭受过任何暴力对象的2.05~4.79倍。结论:身体暴力或性暴力对流动人口已婚育龄妇女的性与生殖健康状况有显著影响。  相似文献   

The US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) now recommends screening for intimate partner violence (IPV) as part of routine preventive services for women. However, there is a lack of clarity as to the most effective methods of screening and referral. We conducted a 3-year community-based mixed-method participatory research project involving four community health centers that serve as safety net medical providers for a predominately indigent urban population. The project involved preparatory work, a multifaceted systems-level demonstration project, and a sustainability period with provider/staff debriefing. The goal was to determine if a low-tech system-level intervention would result in an increase in IPV detection and response in an urban community health center. Results highlight the challenges, but also the opportunities, for implementing the new USPSTF guidelines to screen all women of childbearing years for intimate partner violence in resource-limited primary care settings.  相似文献   


This paper presents three exploratory studies of life skills interventions (employment, money management or food/nutrition) with 73 homeless individuals from four shelters and supportive housing programs located in the urban Midwest for youth, victims of domestic violence and adults with mental illness. The Ansell Casey Life Skills Assessment was administered prior to the eight group and individual sessions. Quizzes and posttests indicated clinical change in all groups, with statistical significance in the domestic violence group. The intervention implementation, challenges encountered, and strategies developed for implementing shelter-based interventions are discussed. Recommendations for successfully providing collaborative university-shelter clinical interventions are provided.  相似文献   

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