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史宗君  杨梓强  梁正 《中国激光》2007,34(8):1081-1085
研究了预群聚电子束团沿周期性理想金属光栅表面平行移动时产生的史密斯-帕塞尔辐射(SPR).详细分析了电子束团能量、束团群聚长度、具有不同电流密度分布的电子束团以及光栅结构对辐射特性的影响,同时研究了多个群聚束团的辐射.分析发现,电子束团能量增加、束团群聚尺寸变小以及光栅周期变短,辐射能量角分布峰值所对应的频率明显向高频方向移动;光栅周期与电子束团参量相同的条件下,三角形光栅辐射能量角分布峰值所对应的频率明显高于正弦光栅;群聚束团尺寸越小辐射能量越大,并且束团的纵向群聚长度对辐射能量与辐射频率起主要作用.研究结果表明,通过合理选择光栅尺寸与束团参量,可获得工作频率锁定的太赫兹(THz)波段辐射.  相似文献   

Frequency-locked coherent Smith-Purcell Radiation (SPR) is emitted when a train of pre-bunched electron beam passes close to the surface of a metallic grating, which develops an energy density spectrum restricted to harmonics of the bunching frequency. For the lamellar grating with narrow grooves, the radiation spectrum from a single electron can also have a feature of narrow band, which is related to the grating structure and the beam energy. The combination of them is proposed in this paper. By properly choosing the parameters, the peak frequency of single electron radiation can be overlapped with the harmonics of the bunching frequency of the electron bunch train, leading to the generation of extremely intense narrow-band THz radiation.  相似文献   

In the modern science and technology a compact and having enough output power terahertz radiation source working in room temperature have earned great attention. This paper is devoted to utilize electron bunches stimulate Vavilov-Cherenkov Radiation (VCR) in a special three-mirror quasi-optical cavity to generate coherent THz waves. This novel three-mirror quasi-optical resonant cavity has the coaxial field pattern which enables field establish in this cavity effectively. The analytical theory of the radiation exited by a train of electron bunches in the special kind of three-mirror cavity has been carried out and the coherent VCR has been achieved by the computer simulation. All those shows that this method can be used to establish useful THz radiation source by the normal electron gun and the commonly used microwave devices.  相似文献   

为适应太赫兹史密斯-珀塞尔辐射源的迫切需求,研究从阴极表面直接产生微米尺度带状电子注的技术和检测方法,获得电流密度50 A/cm2,600μm×100μm的矩形层流电子注。  相似文献   

We report on transient-pulse nonlinear spectroscopy with the radiation of a multimode THz gas laser. The method is demonstrated for studying the nonlinear response of a current-carrying superlattice to THz radiation; the current through a superlattice can be suppressed by a strong THz field. The method makes use of the pulses of a high power multimode THz gas laser. By splitting the laser beam for selected laser modes into a main beam and a reference beam we monitored with a reference detector the transient power in the main beam. The simultaneous measurement of both the instantaneous response and the instantaneous power allows to obtain the power dependence of the response within a single laser pulse. The method is suitable to study the nonlinear response of matter to THz radiation fields in a large dynamic range.  相似文献   

研究了在预调制成团的电子注经过孔阵列时所激发的Smith-Purcell超辐射现象。基于Smith-Purcell辐射公式,利用三维模拟软件对采用的结构进行模拟仿真,得到在太赫兹频率段的超辐射电磁波。采用对冲光栅来对直流电子注进行调制,理论求解了对冲光栅中的色散方程,并对其进行数值计算,得其色散曲线。选取发射电压U=50kV,发射电流I=30A/cm2,通过色散曲线得到该对冲光栅的注波互作用频率点在0.3THz,最终的仿真结果为0.31THz,两者有较好的吻合度。孔阵列采用的是周期为0.3mm的单排孔阵列,由Smith-Purcell辐射公式计算电子注二次谐波0.62THz的辐射角度为60°,仿真结果与理论分析保持高度一致。通过对辐射区Ez(t)场的观察,发现二次谐波场的幅值是其基波场幅值的5倍多,说明大部分能量集中在二倍频0.62THz上,这与理论分析吻合较好。  相似文献   

分析俄歇电子辐射对基因结构及成分的影响,探讨其基因损伤的机制.应用激光拉曼散射测定,以放射性碘-125(125 I)标记甲胎蛋白(AFP)基因引物与AFP基因杂交结合辐射后,不同时间内其俄歇电子对基因结构的变化以及对碱基成分的损害程度.结果显示,DNA的骨架构像及碱基的特征振动光谱发生偏移,谱线强度在2~24 h改变较大,而24 h与72 h变化较小.拉曼光谱显示俄歇电子近距离辐照可以引起DNA的磷酸二酯骨架结构损伤,基因中碱基暴露,基团损伤,甚至破坏,基因构像由B型转变为C型特征光谱.结果表明,俄歇电子辐照可改变靶基因骨架结构和构像.损伤或破坏碱基,从而影响靶基因的生物功能.  相似文献   

於海武  孟绍贤 《中国激光》1996,23(9):815-818
通过详细计算给出用超短光脉冲作相干光源的偏振光干涉仪中Wollaston棱镜的设计参数,并仔细分析了棱镜在光路中处于不同位置时对干涉仪性能的影响。  相似文献   

Liquid crystals represent a very interesting material system but their properties in the THz range have not been extensively investigated yet. In this paper we investigate the THz properties of four liquid crystals from the CB family (5CB, 6CB, 7CB and 8CB). In addition to absolute refractive indices and absorption coefficients we present accurate birefringence measurements for different electric fields and temperatures.  相似文献   

实现了基于全光纤参量过程的高相干光差频产生太赫兹波。采用超长腔锁模光纤激光器产生的窄谱宽、低重复 率的光做泵浦,利用光纤参量过程产生一对高相干的种子光。经功率放大后在DSTMS 有机晶体中差频产生1.25THz 的 太赫兹波,脉冲宽度小于700ps,谱宽小于512MHz。  相似文献   

By introducing into the hot electron model, the authors have analyzed the THz radiation, which is excited by femtosecond laser from Large-Aperture InP photoconducting antennas biased electric field. Theoretic simulation shows that the departure of detected electric field from linear relationship with biased electric field comes from the high field effect of the transport process of free carriers.  相似文献   

研究了一种利用光子晶体带隙特性工作的双平板太赫兹传输系统,它结合了光子晶体波导传输能量集中、损耗低以及双平板波导低色散和单模传输的优点.具体设计了工作在O.32THz的传输系统,研究结果表明:光子晶体双平板波导不但可以实现单模的高效传输,而且也具有良好的输入输出匹配性能.该设计中,采用矩形波导的输入输出结构在316~360 GHz的带宽内可以获得S11<-10 dB的匹配.而且,和普通双平板波导相比更具有结构紧凑、易于集成等优点,因此具有较高的实用价值.  相似文献   

In this paper the Backward Wave Oscillator (BWO) based spectroscopy technique and its application to molecular spectroscopy especially to diatomic molecules have been discussed. This is a new and electronically controlled technique with enormous capabilities most of which are yet to be exploited. This paper also presents a part of the culmination of the collective efforts in developing a cohesive and consolidated enunciation of the spectroscopic parameters and their relationship to effective molecular Hamiltonians for diatomic formalism, linear four- atomic formalism & quasi-linearity, Watson Hamiltonian and the complexities in symmetric and asymmetric top spectral structures and its relationship to optical pumping and / or interstellar space. All these considered together present a beautiful and consistent picture of molecular spectroscopy and THz Electromagnetic sources.  相似文献   

干涉仪利用通道间的相关运算进行测量,是干涉式成像的基本单元。太赫兹成像在安全检查、军事侦查等方面有着广泛的应用前景。将干涉成像测量引入太赫兹领域后,为解决相关运算中高速信号的相位同步问题,该文提出基于低速FPGA控制的交叉同步方案,用低硬件代价解决高速采样信号的相位同步问题,并完成了一套多通道高速数字相关系统。系统的最高采样速率为5 GHz, ADC有效位数大于等于6位,相关器积分时间可调。最后,利用该数字相关器和相应的太赫兹微波元器件搭建了中心频率为0.44 THz的干涉仪,并得到了清晰的干涉条纹,其线性相位误差小于2 。该研究为今后设计太赫兹干涉成像仪提供了基本单元。  相似文献   

现有的TBD方法基本思想通过对多帧数据作非相参积累改善检测性能来检测弱小目标,但是非相参积累存在固有的积累损失.文中提出了基于相参积累的TBD方法,将若干帧数据中可能航迹上的点作相参积累,有效利用了回波信号的相位信息,克服了非相参积累的固有积累损失.仿真结果表明该方法与非相参积累的TBD方法相比,在检测概率为0.9条件下信噪比有1.5 dB以上的改善.  相似文献   

基于超快电子自旋动力学的太赫兹辐射研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾了近年来利用超快自旋动力学过程产生太赫兹(THz)辐射的研究进展。介绍了基于逆自旋霍尔效应和逆Rashba-Edelstein效应的瞬态自旋流-电荷流转换,指出铁磁/非磁性异质结构已被用于设计低成本、高效率的THz辐射源。通过优化膜厚、生长条件、衬底和结构,可进一步提高基于自旋电子学的THz发射器的效率和带宽。简述了THz发射光谱在研究超快自旋泽贝克效应形成动力学中的应用。  相似文献   

A terahertz modulator based on the Type-II superconductor flux flow oscillator has been proposed. Analytical calculations are presented and the effects of intrinsic and extrinsic parameters such as disorder strength of crystal, penetration depth, frequency, and amplitude of the modulated current on the radiation power spectrum have been studied. The proposed structure also exhibits a mixer-like behavior, in the sense that its output harmonics range from the washboard frequency up to the superconductor gap frequency, so the input signal is practically mixed with the washboard frequency and its harmonics. The modulation index for each harmonic of this modulator has also been investigated. This well-featured modulator has a potential to be used in next-generation terahertz integrated transceivers.   相似文献   

胡伟  常天英  王玮琪  张谨  崔洪亮 《半导体光电》2015,36(3):478-481,490
为了实现太赫兹探测系统快速控制、逆向聚焦、长距离和大范围扫描等功能,基于共焦Gregorian反射系统(CGRS),采用ZEMAX光学仿真软件对光路进行仿真分析.首先,理论计算并确定该系统中主要反射镜的参数,予以建模;在此基础上,进行光路仿真、分析结果和计算误差.经分析知,该系统能够实现1.74m扫描范围内的25 m远距离探测;并且调制传递函数接近衍射极限,成像良好.最后,利用高斯光束分析光信号在光路中传播的能量损耗情况,即当输入辐照度为63.6 mW/mm2时,可以得到14.6 mW/mm2的辐照度输出,为实际系统光源和探测器的选择提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

外加电场和磁场对太赫兹辐射产生的影响   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:6  
通过对半导体太赫兹发射极在有和没有外加电场和磁场作用下发射光谱的测量。说明了外加电场和磁场对太赫兹电磁辐射的产生具有增强作用。采用反射式发射极在飞秒激光作用下辐射太赫兹脉冲的装置,同时利用电光取样方法探测太赫兹电场,得到了这些发射极的时域发射光谱,并通过快速傅里叶变换(FFT)得到了相应的频域光谱。实验表明,太赫兹时域发射光谱和频谱在外加电场、磁场作用下都有增强,但是所发射的频率成分和带宽都没有改变。借助于经典电磁理论的定性分析,认为太赫兹发射光谱在外加电场、磁场作用下的增强起源于半导体中载流子的加速运动受外加电场和磁场的影响。  相似文献   

We present a theoretical analysis of the statistical fluctuations in the coherent spontaneous harmonic radiation (CSHR) generated by a free electron laser (FEL) under the conditions applicable in a previously published experiment [1] where sub-Poisson optical fluctuations were observed. The numerical analyses presented here document the conclusion that the emission of CSHR can serve as a useful test bed for analyses of the nonclassical aspects of electron beam formation and radiation. Two possible explanations for the observed fluctuations in the CSHR are investigated as limiting physical mechanisms: the fluctuations in the number density of the radiating electrons, the so-called "shot noise," and the quantum fluctuations in the radiation field. When the uncertainties in the radiation field are considered as the only noise source as in the "quasi-classical" analysis, the statistical fluctuations in the CSHR would result in Poisson statistics. On the other hand, when the electron shot noise is regarded as the only noise contribution as assumed by the shot-noise model, we find numerically and analytically that the fluctuations, as characterized by the Fano factor, would be much smaller than those due to the quantum uncertainties in the radiation field in the "quasi-classical" analysis. The experimentally observed fluctuations are larger than those due to shot noise, but smaller than those due to quantum fluctuations in the field. Hence, neither the classical shot-noise model nor the quasi-classical analysis can explain the experimental results. Given the results presented in this report, it is clear that attention must be given to the other phenomena-including the quantum fluctuations in the electromagnetic field and the nonclassical electron correlation, which contributed to the observed laser fluctuations.  相似文献   

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