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Poliovirus polysomal RNA is naturally uncapped, and as such, its translation must bypass any 5' cap-dependent ribosome recognition event. To elucidate the manner by which poliovirus mRNA is translated, we have determined the translational efficiencies of a series of deletion mutants within the 5' noncoding region of the mRNA. We found striking differences in translatability among the altered mRNAs when assayed in mock-infected and poliovirus-infected HeLa cell extracts. The results identify a functional cis-acting element within the 5' noncoding region of the poliovirus mRNA which enables it to translate in a cap-independent fashion. The major determinant of this element maps between nucleotides 320 and 631 of the 5' end of the poliovirus mRNA. We also show that this region (320 to 631), when fused to a heterologous mRNA, can function in cis to render the mRNA cap independent in translation.  相似文献   

The c-abl proto-oncogene encodes a cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase which is homologous to the src gene product in its kinase domain and in the upstream kinase regulatory domains SH2 (src homology region 2) and SH3 (src homology region 3). The murine v-abl oncogene product has lost the SH3 domain as a consequence of N-terminal fusion of gag sequences. Deletion of the SH3 domain is sufficient to render the murine c-abl proto-oncogene product transforming when myristylated N-terminal membrane localization sequences are also present. In contrast, the human BCR/ABL oncogene of the Philadelphia chromosome translocation has an intact SH3 domain and its product is not myristylated at the N terminus. To analyze the contribution of BCR-encoded sequences to BCR/ABL-mediated transformation, the effects of a series of deletions and substitutions were assessed in fibroblast and hematopoietic-cell transformation assays. BCR first-exon sequences specifically potentiate transformation and tyrosine kinase activation when they are fused to the second exon of otherwise intact c-ABL. This suggests that BCR-encoded sequences specifically interfere with negative regulation of the ABL-encoded tyrosine kinase, which would represent a novel mechanism for the activation of nonreceptor tyrosine kinase-encoding proto-oncogenes.  相似文献   

To determine which sequences or structures in the poliovirus 5' noncoding region (5'NCR) are involved in binding proteins used for internal ribosome binding and protein synthesis initiation, translation competition assays were performed in rabbit reticulocyte lysates in the presence and absence of HeLa cell extract. The results revealed two functional domains in the poliovirus 5'NCR. One, requiring nucleotides (nts) 457 to 626, binds proteins that are required for translation of all mRNAs and that are present in both reticulocyte lysates and HeLa cell extracts. Another, contained within nts 286 to 456, interacts with proteins that are specific for poliovirus translation and are present in HeLa cells but not in significant amounts in rabbit reticulocyte lysates. In order to detect HeLa cell proteins that interact stably with the 5'NCR of poliovirus, UV cross-linking was used. At least four major protein-RNA complexes were identified, three of which were shown by RNA competition analysis to bind specifically to defined domains within the 5'NCR. Protein A (54 kDa) cross-linked to RNA sequences and/or structures located between nts 457 and 626; proteins B (48 kDa) and C (38 kDa) bound to nts 286 to 456.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that the 5' noncoding region of mouse c-myc mRNA has a negative effect on translational efficiency in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate (A. Darveau, J. Pelletier, and N. Sonenberg, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 82:2315-2319, 1985). We wanted to localize and characterize the inhibitory translational element(s) in the mRNA and to study its effect in other in vitro and in vivo systems. Here we report that the restrictive element is confined to a 240-nucleotide sequence of the 5' noncoding region of mouse c-myc mRNA and that this sequence acts in cis to inhibit the translation of a heterologous mRNA. In addition, we report that the cis-inhibitory effect is also exhibited in microinjected Xenopus oocytes and wheat-germ extracts but not in HeLa cell extracts. Transfection of corresponding plasmid DNA constructs into several established cell lines did not produce the cis-inhibitory effect. A model to explain these results is presented.  相似文献   

The 5'' flanking region of human epsilon-globin gene.   总被引:10,自引:12,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
The structural analysis of the 2.0 kb region upstream from the epsilon-globin gene has been carried out. A genomic DNA map around the gene was worked out in some detail to ensure that the cloned DNA was representative of the actual chromosomal arrangement. Furthermore, a new technique was developed to precisely map a reiterated DNA sequence present 1.5 kb to the 5' side of the gene. The complete nucleotide sequence of the 2.0 kb 5' flanking region was then determined and overlapped with the gene. The sequence included the reiterated DNA sequence which is homologous to the so-called AluI family of repeats. Unusual stretches of sequence 50 nucleotides long, where A + T represent about 90% of the bases, are present at both the 5' and 3' sides of the repeat.  相似文献   

One of the major causes of chemotherapy failure in cancer treatment is multidrug resistance (MDR) which is mediated by the ABCB1/P-glycoprotein. Previously, through the use of an extensive screening process, we found that vardenafil, a phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE-5) inhibitor significantly reverses MDR in ABCB1 overexpressing cancer cells, and its efficacy was greater than that of tadalafil, another PDE-5 inhibitor. The present study was designed to determine the reversal mechanisms of vardenafil and tadalafil on ABC transporters-mediated MDR. Vardenafil or tadalafil alone, at concentrations up to 20 μM, had no significant toxic effects on any of the cell lines used in this study, regardless of their membrane transporter status. However, vardenafil when used in combination with anticancer substrates of ABCB1, significantly potentiated their cytotoxicity in ABCB1 overexpressing cells in a concentration-dependent manner, and this effect was greater than that of tadalafil. The sensitivity of the parenteral cell lines to cytotoxic anticancer drugs was not significantly altered by vardenafil. The differential effects of vardenafil and tadalafil appear to be specific for the ABCB1 transporter as both vardenafil and tadalafil had no significant effect on the reversal of drug resistance conferred by ABCC1 (MRP1) and ABCG2 (BCRP) transporters. Vardenafil significantly increased the intracellular accumulation of [(3)H]-paclitaxel in the ABCB1 overexpressing KB-C2 cells. In addition, vardenafil significantly stimulated the ATPase activity of ABCB1 and inhibited the photolabeling of ABCB1 with [(125)I]-IAAP. Furthermore, Western blot analysis indicated the incubation of cells with either vardenafil or tadalafil for 72 h did not alter ABCB1 protein expression. Overall, our results suggest that vardenafil reverses ABCB1-mediated MDR by directly blocking the drug efflux function of ABCB1.  相似文献   

The drug disulfiram is a thiol-reacting drug that is relatively nontoxic when used alone and has been used in the therapy of alcohol abuse for more than 40 years. Several effects of this drug have been reported for DNA synthesis and cell proliferation. In this study, the inhibitory effect of disulfiram on topoisomerase I and II activity was investigated by measuring the relaxation of superhelical plasmid pBR322 DNA. Disulfiram (1-100 microM) inhibited topoisomerase I and II in a concentration-dependent manner (IC(50) congruent with 42 +/- 8 and 30 +/- 9 microM, respectively). Consistent with the assumption that a thiol residue is involved, dithiothreitol (1 mM) markedly prevented the inhibitory effect of disulfiram on the activity of both classes of topoisomerases. These findings might explain certain aspects of disulfiram toxicity and encourage new studies to determine the usefulness of this drug and its analogues as antineoplastic agent.  相似文献   

Two forms of activated BCR/ABL proteins, P210 and P185, that differ in BCR-derived sequences, are associated with Philadelphia chromosome-positive leukemias. One of these diseases is chronic myelogenous leukemia, an indolent disease arising in hematopoietic stem cells that is almost always associated with the P210 form of BCR/ABL. Acute lymphocytic leukemia, a more aggressive malignancy, can be associated with both forms of BCR/ABL. While it is virtually certain that BCR/ABL plays a central role in both of these diseases, the features that determine the association of a particular form with a given disease have not been elucidated. We have used the bone marrow reconstitution leukemogenesis model to test the hypothesis that BCR sequences influence the ability of activated ABL to transform different types of hematopoietic cells. Our studies reveal that both P185 and P210 induce a similar spectrum of hematological diseases, including granulocytic, myelomonocytic, and lymphocytic leukemias. Despite the similarity of the disease patterns, animals given P185-infected marrow developed a more aggressive disease after a shorter latent period than those given P210-infected marrow. These data demonstrate that the structure of the BCR/ABL oncoprotein does not affect the type of disease induced by each form of the oncogene but does control the potency of the oncogenic signal.  相似文献   

Viral chimeras have been constructed through in vitro manipulations of the infectious cDNA clones of two prototypes of Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus: (i) the virulent GDVII strain and (ii) the less virulent BeAn and VL strains. Previous studies have suggested that the phenotypic differences in virulence between the BeAn and GDVII strains map to both the 5' noncoding and the coat protein regions of these viral genomes. It is shown here that attenuation mapped to the 5' noncoding region is due, at least in part, to an inadvertent deletion resulting from a cloning artifact of one C nucleotide out of four between positions 876 and 879 in the BeAn sequences. The in vitro growth characteristics in BHK-21 cells, however, do not reflect the large differences in neurovirulence between chimeras that are identical except for the deleted C. Another chimera with a mutation at position 877 and a deletion at 976 is also attenuated. The wild-type sequences from the less virulent strains BeAn and VL between nucleotides 1 and 933, in an otherwise GDVII chimera, do not attenuate virulence. Sequences of the 500 nucleotides of the 5' noncoding region proximal to the translation initiation codon were obtained for nine additional Theiler's virus strains. The attenuating deletions are discussed in the context of these sequences and the proposed secondary structures for the 5' noncoding region.  相似文献   

The BCR/ABL gene, formed by the Philadelphia chromosome translocation (Ph1) of human chronic myelogenous leukemia, encodes an altered ABL gene product, P210. P210 is strongly implicated in the malignant process of chronic myelogenous leukemia, but it precise role is unknown. Infection of long-term bone marrow cultures enriched for B-lymphoid cell types with a Moloney murine leukemia virus retroviral vector containing the BCR/ABL cDNA resulted in clonal outgrowths of immature B-lymphoid cells which expressed abundant P210 kinase activity. Surprisingly, infection of long-term myeloid lineage-enriched cultures also resulted in clonal outgrowths of immature B-lymphoid cells. The P210-expressing lymphoid cell lines resulting from either type of culture were resistant to the lethal effects of corticosteroids. These findings indicate that high levels of P210 expressed from a Moloney murine leukemia virus long terminal repeat preferentially stimulate the growth of immature B-lineage cells, and this effect is apparent even in myeloid lineage-enriched cultures, in which few if any lymphoid cells can be detected prior to infection.  相似文献   

The RNA of satellite tobacco necrosis virus (STNV) is a monocistronic messenger that lacks both a 5' cap structure and a 3' poly(A) tail. We show that in a cell-free translation system derived from wheat germ, STNV RNA lacking the 600-nucleotide trailer is translated an order of magnitude less efficiently than full-size RNA. Deletion analyses positioned the translational enhancer domain (TED) within a conserved hairpin structure immediately downstream from the coat protein cistron. TED enhances translation when fused to a heterologous mRNA, but the level of enhancement depends on the nature of the 5' untranslated sequence and is maximal in combination with the STNV leader. The STNV leader and TED have two regions of complementarity. One of the complementary regions in TED resembles picornavirus box A, which is involved in cap-independent translation but which is located upstream of the coding region.  相似文献   

The role of RNA sequences in the 5' leader region between the cap site and initiating AUG in mediating translation was examined in vitro. Hybrid mRNAs were synthesized in which the cognate leader sequence was replaced with either optimized or compromised leader sequences, and translational efficiency was measured for six different coding regions. Translation was most efficient with a leader containing the 5' untranslated region from Xenopus beta-globin and an optimized initiation sequence. Compared with the cognate leaders, this hybrid was observed to increase translation of the various coding regions as much as 300-fold. The translational efficiencies of the different coding regions also varied substantially. In contrast to earlier suggestions that increased leader efficiency results from higher affinity of the leader for a limiting factor, our experiments suggest that increased translation from the beta-globin hybrid leader sequence results from more rapid initiation of translation.  相似文献   

A number of recombinants between the virulent Mahoney and attenuated Sabin strains of type 1 poliovirus were constructed by using infectious cDNA clones of the two strains. To identify a strong neurovirulence determinant(s) residing in the genome region upstream of nucleotide position 1122, these recombinant viruses were subjected to biological tests, including monkey neurovirulence tests. The results of the monkey neurovirulence tests suggested the important contribution of an adenine residue (Mahoney type) at position 480 to the expression of the neurovirulence phenotype of type 1 poliovirus. This nucleotide, however, had only a minor effect, if any, on viral temperature sensitivity. Monkey neurovirulence tests on the recombinant virus whose genome had a guanine residue (Sabin type) at position 480 and variants generated from this recombinant virus in the central nervous system of monkeys strongly suggested that only one nucleotide change, from adenine to guanine, was not sufficient for full expression of the attenuation phenotype encoded by this genome region. These results suggest that the expression of the attenuation phenotype depends on the highly ordered structure formed in the 5' noncoding sequence and that the formation of such a structure is possibly influenced by the nucleotide at position 480. Furthermore, in vitro biological tests performed on viruses recovered from the central nervous system of monkeys injected with a temperature-sensitive recombinant virus showing the small-plaque and d phenotypes revealed that most of the recovered viruses had even higher temperature sensitivities and that all of the recovered viruses that had acquired the large-plaque phenotype had lost the d phenotype to some extent. These results indicate that there may be an unknown selection pressure(s) in the central nervous system and that common determinants might be involved in the expression of the small-plaque and d phenotypes.  相似文献   

The effect of the myo-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) analogue, myo-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphorothioate (IPS3) on the dephosphorylation of D-5-[32P]IP3 by the 5-phosphatase from human erythrocyte membranes has been investigated. DL-IPS3 was found to act as a competitive inhibitor with a Ki of 6 microM, making it the most potent inhibitor currently available for this enzyme. L-IP3 inhibited the enzyme with a Ki of 124 microM and was more potent than D-2,3-diphosphoglycerate (Ki 978 microM).  相似文献   

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