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In this paper,the Mean-Field Approximation is applied to the soliton bag model to calculate static physical proporties of hadrons of hadrons numerically.After taking account of the quark masses and the corrections of the center of mass the gA/gV value is improved evidently and the hadron mass spectrum,the r.m.s charge radius and the magnetic moments of the hadrons are basically in agreement with their experimental values.A preliminary derivation of the mass differencs between the d and u guarks is presented.  相似文献   

Based on the many-body theory of confined quarks and gluons[l], the ultraviolet divergence of the self energy in the bag model is discussed. It is shown that for massless quark the self energy is finite and it is 1ogarithmically divergent for massive quark. The numerical calculation is performed for m=0 and m=1.0(in unit 1/R). The self energy has important effects on the bag model and changes the parameters in this model considerably. Furtherstudy of selfenergy and mass renormalization is necessary.  相似文献   

In this paper the virtual exchange effect of pseudoscalar mesons in the MZT bag model is discussed and the mass spectrum of hadrons,the magnetic moment's and the mean square values of charge radius are calculated. It is pointed out that our model can pre-serve and improve the static properties of the MIT bag model and provide an explanation for the origin of the meson cloud outside.  相似文献   

李整武 《物理学报》1957,13(1):30-57
近年原子核反应能量(包括核衰变能)的精密测定的累积,使我们有可能单独从核反应能的测量来确定轻原子核的质量。本文用近似的最小二乘统计平差,由原子核实验数据得出从中子到Ca41各同位素的原子量。主要结果如下:(1)由核反应能导出的、质量差2D2-He4的数值和质谱测定的比较,给质量和能量联系公式,E=mc2,提供了最精确的实验证明。准确度为1/6000。(2)从A=1到41一共79个同位素的原子量(表8),和统计平差后的Q值(表1)。这是现在由原子核转变的数据所能得到的,一组最可几的质量值。主要的质量是:n=1.008 9842(±17),H1=1.008 1440(±17),D2=2.014 7381(±29),He4=4.003 8732(±21),C12=12.003 807(±5),S32=31.982 188(±26),Ca40=39.975 204(±39)。(3)本文所得的结果显示作者所用的方法,在现阶段原子核实验知识的限度下,和全盘的最小二乘平差方法具有同样意义,达到同等的精密度,而手续较为简单有利,且便于发现实验结果中的系统偏差。(4)核反应能测定和最近质谱测定的比较表明,对于H1,D2,He4的质量,这两种方法已经符合。至于C12的质量,则仍有确定的差异;S32和Ca40则两种测定差异较大,尚未一致。  相似文献   

杜东生 《物理学报》1976,25(3):265-267
最近在DESY和SLAC又发现了一些族粒子的新成员。当然,目前实验上还有些争议,但大体上共八个:J(3.1),'(3.7),'(4.1),'(4.4),χ(2.8),P(3.41),P(3.51),P(3.53)。这八个新粒子,能较自然地填充在我们这个新模型里。 我们假定构成强子的基础粒子总共七个:通常的SU_3三重态轻层子u,d,s和SU_4四重态重层子u′,d′,s′,c′,其中 u′,d′是同位旋二重态,电荷分别为2/3,—1/3。s′,c′均  相似文献   

In terms of the chiral bag model and SD(3) Skyrme wave-functions of baruons, we investigate Δ+ →Pγ (SU(2)) and Σp+ → Pπ0 (SU(3) case) hyperon decays. We have found that for Δ+ →Pγ the Skyrme contribution is more important whereas in Σp+ → Pπ0 the quark content transition dominates.  相似文献   

本文利用重子和介子的SU(6)波函数,讨论强子内部的层子作用,分析各个质量关系的动力学根源,建立重子和介子质量的联系,并求得了几个联系二者的新关系:(ρ-π)/(K*-K)=(△-N)/(Σ*-Σ), 4(∧-N)=3(K*-ρ)+(K-π), (ρ-π)/(△-N)=((φ-ρ)-2(K-π))/(2(Ω-△)-3/2(K-π)-9/4(φ-ρ)).研究了它们的成立与层子-层子力和层子-反层子力的对称性的联系。  相似文献   

Using the chiral bag model a quark theory of N-N interaction is formulated. In terms of the Green's functions of quark, gluon and Goldstone boson('pion')fields in the model,the effective nuclear potentials have been calculated for the different (TS) channels.There is a repulsive core in the potentials.The strength is about several hundreds MeV.About one fourth of the repulsion is due to 'pion' exchange.  相似文献   

By means of the Cloudy Bag Model (CBM), the contributions of pion field to nucleon-nucleon potential are calculated. It is shown that the results given by CBM are in good agreement with One-Pion-Exchange-Potential (OPEP) at large distance. Futhermore, in order to take into account the contributions of vector meson to nuclear force, we extend the CBM to include the vector meson and quark-antiquark-vector meson interaction. Using the Extended Cloudy Bag Model (ECBM) and Breit-Fermi equation of two nucleon system, through Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation, we get the nucleon-nucleon interaction which is in good agreement with naive One-Vector-Meson-Exchange-Potential (OVEP) in nonrelativistic limit, but effects of nucleon structure to nuclear force (form factor) are given.  相似文献   

The effects of short range correlation in nuclei on elastic scattering of hadronsfrom nuclei at high energy are studied by means of Glauber multiple diffraction the-ory, using Jastrow correlated wave functions. To this end, a determinant form ofJastrow correlated wave functions is used. Calculations have been carried out for π--12C elastic scattering at 260 MeV, and they are compared with the experimentdata. The results show that the influence of the short range correlation on the dif-ferent cross section is quite important.  相似文献   

Using the parabolic Fermi distribution of the nucleon number density instead of the average density, a new method of computing the effective color dielectric constant and the nucleon bag radius in nuclei is presented, so that the physical picture is made more realistic, and the results thus obtained are better consistent with the data and have two new features.  相似文献   

Using the hypothesis of the bag-quarks' wave-function with the property of transla-tion invariance, and introducing a Lorentz-invariant effective Lagrangian, we have cal-culated the nucleon deep -inelastic structure functions In our calculation the4-momentum conservation is satisfied automatically, while the resultant structurefunctions are positive-definite and vanish when x>1. Furthermore, using the assumptionof the asymptotic freedom, we obtain explicitly the Bjorken scaling, the approximateexpession F1 (x~1)∝(1--x)4, and by the way, a new counting rule Computercalculation gives the F2(x) curve which seems to be consistent with the data in therange of 0.4<x<1.  相似文献   

Using the Mellin transformation,we get the analytical series expression for the gluon distribution function from Altarelli-Parisi equation.This series converges rapidly.The behaviour of the gluon distribution function is also discussed from this expression.  相似文献   

We examine the possibility of obtaining a model of human vision within the context of a purely wave theory of light, including the zero-point field. We show that the model meets one of the main objections to this assumption, namely that photodetectors should be activated to saturation by the zeropoint field alone. A straightforward consequence of the model is the existence of a minimal signal intensity which may be discriminated by the human eye from the (huge) zeropoint intensity. The threshold predicted by the model roughly agrees with empirical results.  相似文献   

曹昌祺  丁小宏 《物理学报》1992,41(11):1771-1781
利用Jaynes-Cummings(缩写为J-C)模型研究了失谐情况下强相干光的长时间挤压行为,其中原子与光场的作用包括单光子跃迁和双光子跃迁两种情况。给出大N极限下挤压度的解析表达式。研究结果表明:对单光子跃迁,失谐(非共振)时的挤压行为定性上与共振时相似,小的失谐对挤压只有小的影响,双光子跃迁时情况不同,失谐起着重要作用。共振时不出现挤压,失谐时才出现挤压,被压缩的不确定度准周期地出现极小,在大N极限下,此极小值系列并趋于零。  相似文献   

The contributions to the short range nuclear force from the quark-pion interaction in the Chiral Bag Model have been investigated.The antisymmetric wave functions for the physical channels of N-N, Δ-Δ and C-C are obtained in terms of the group classification and fractional parentage reduction. Assuming six quarks in a spherical bag, the separation of the quark triplets is described in terms of two orbitals-left and righ which are composed of the quark S and P states. The results show that the contribution to the short range nuclear force from one pion exchange of the quarks is repulsive about 150 MeV.  相似文献   

朱玲  郑虹  张权 《物理与工程》2011,21(5):17-19,27
本文针对在液晶光阀光学特性实验中,集多种功能于一体的系统控制器,由于功能键频繁切换,导致按键失灵,实验无法正常进行的难题,采用将光强键的功能从系统控制器中分离出来的设计方案,设置独立的电路,将系统控制器中的光强采集及显示独立出来,保证了学生实验教学的正常进行.  相似文献   

In a renormalizable gauge theory of spontaneously broken symmetry, using the path integral method, we derive a formula for calculating the one loop corrections of the effective potentials in the general case and the expressions for the one loop corrections of the fermion masses. Using this results, we calculate the contributions of the one loop corrections of the fermion masses to the QCD CP-violation, and have obtained a more general results than V. Goffins'. We discuss also the weak CP-violation in this paper.  相似文献   

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