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石家庄市春节期间大气颗粒物有机碳和元素碳的变化特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为研究石家庄市大气颗粒物的污染特征及其来源,于2013年2月6—19日春节期间在石家庄市采集大气颗粒物TSP、PM10、PM2.5样品,对其有机碳、元素碳进行分析测定。结果表明,石家庄TSP、PM10、PM2.5日平均质量浓度分别为389、330、245μg/m3,颗粒物污染严重;碳组分在颗粒物中占有较大比重,且随着粒径的减少,碳组分比重逐渐增加;存在不严重的次生有机碳污染;OC与EC的相关系数较高,说明两者有较为相似的污染源,主要为燃煤、机动车排放源。各种气象条件对PM2.5、OC、EC浓度和OC/EC的变化都有不同程度的影响。  相似文献   

利用2020年12月1日至2021年2月28日合肥市细颗粒物(PM2.5)、有机碳(OC)和元素碳(EC)等环境空气质量监测数据和气象观测数据,分析了合肥市大气PM2.5中OC和EC的污染特征,并探讨了其来源以及气象因素影响。结果表明:合肥市冬季碳质气溶胶是PM2.5中主要组分,随着污染程度的加重,碳质气溶胶的质量浓度逐步增加,但其在PM2.5中的占比先减小后增加。在以PM2.5为首要污染物的不同污染级别天气条件下,OC和EC的相关性说明不同程度下碳质气溶胶来源复杂。OC/EC表明机动车尾气和燃煤源排放是碳质气溶胶的主要来源。二次有机碳(SOC)会随着污染程度的加重而呈现升高趋势。OC和EC在冬季受温度影响较小;较大的相对湿度对OC和EC具有一定的清除作用,明显降水或连续降水的清除作用更加显著;而风速对含碳气溶胶的影响主要出现在污染天气背景下。  相似文献   

西宁市城区冬季PM2.5和PM10中有机碳、元素碳污染特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2014年11月—2015年1月对西宁市冬季开展PM_(2.5)和PM_(10)的连续监测。利用DRI 2001A型热光碳分析仪(美国)对有机碳和元素碳进行分析,结果表明:西宁市冬季PM_(2.5)和PM_(10)中碳气溶胶所占比例分别为33.13%±6.83%、24.21%±6.27%,说明碳气溶胶主要集中在PM_(2.5)中;OC/EC值均大于2,说明西宁市大气中存在二次污染;SOC占PM_(2.5)和PM_(10)的质量浓度比例分别为46.50%和57.40%,PM_(2.5)中SOC浓度占PM_(10)中SOC浓度的61.88%,说明SOC主要存在于PM_(2.5)中,且SOC形成的二次污染和直接排放的一次污染都是西宁市碳气溶胶的主要来源;与其他城市比较发现,西宁市冬季PM_(2.5)中的碳气溶胶含量普遍高于其他城市,PM_(10)中OC质量浓度相对其他城市较高,EC质量浓度偏低;OC和EC的相关性不显著,说明来源不统一;进一步对OC和EC各组分质量浓度进行分析知,西宁市冬季碳气溶胶主要来源于机动车汽油排放、燃煤和生物质燃烧。  相似文献   

宁波PM10中有机碳和元素碳的季节变化及来源分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
为了探讨宁波市大气颗粒物中浓度水平与季节变化,2010年1、5、8、11月分季节采集了宁波市大气中PM10样品,在宁波连续观测了PM10以及有机碳(OC)、元素碳(EC)的浓度变化,并探讨宁波全年各季碳气溶胶污染变化特征;PM10中OC和EC相关性较好,说明OC与EC的来源相同,各采样点PM10中OC/EC的各季均值大部分超过2.0,表明宁波空气中存在一定的二次污染。宁波秋季SOC占OC含量高于其他季节。从PM10中8个碳组分丰度初步判断宁波市颗粒物中碳的主要来源是汽车尾气、道路扬尘及燃煤。  相似文献   

为全面测量固定源湿法脱硫烟气中多形态颗粒物的排放浓度及其离子组成特征,提出了一种基于一级冷凝、二级过滤和一级冲击吸收的多形态烟气颗粒物的同步测量方法,外场实测了3种湿法脱硫和除尘工艺的排放水平。现场测试表明:简易湿法除尘脱硫(NaOH法)一体化装置烟气中可过滤颗粒物(FPM)浓度为(36±11)mg/m3,可逃逸颗粒物(EPM)浓度为(33±7)mg/m3;氧化镁法+布袋除尘工艺烟气中FPM浓度为(14±5)mg/m3,EPM浓度为(13±6)mg/m3;石灰石-石膏脱硫+电袋除尘工艺烟气中FPM浓度低,小于3 mg/m3,EPM浓度为(6±1)mg/m3;烟气中EPM是传统滤膜法检测FPM浓度的0.7~5.7倍,EPM的主要存在形态为冷凝液中的可溶解颗粒物(DPM),颗粒物的组分与脱硫方法密切相关,各形态颗粒物的主要组分是SO42-、SO32-、NO3-、NO2-、NH4+、Cl-、Na+、Mg2+和Ca2+等离子。  相似文献   

The shores of the Golden Horn—once most important seaport of the region—represented throughout history a romantic and recreational venue. This tributary to the Bosphorus, however, became seriously polluted with the extensive industrialization and rapid population growth in Istanbul over the past century. Two main tributaries, the Alibeykoy and the Kagithane, dumped both liquid and solid waste from residential areas and industry (small and large-scale) into the Golden Horn. As a result of this pollution, the landward three to four kilometers of the estuary became swamped with sediment. The dominance of anaerobic activity resulted in a highly unpleasant smell, and the shallow depth as one progressed up the bay restricted navigation. In early 1997 The Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality began a dredging operation and gradually diverted all domestic and industrial wastewater discharge from the Golden Horn. Since then there have been remarkable improvements in water quality. This paper presents the state of eutrophication through the water body of the Golden Horn; parameters such as DO, TKN, NH3-N, NO3-N, the total phosphorus (TP) and dissolved phosphorus (PO4-P), phytoplankton and chlorophyll-a have been were analyzed in samples of water taken from various points in the Golden Horn. The presence of DO and the phytoplankton, both indicators of primary productivity in an aquatic body, has been evaluated in relation to former conditions.  相似文献   

Spatial structure analysis and kriging analysis have been identified to be useful tools in illustrating the spatial patterns of variables. Taihu Lake is one of the largest fresh water lakes in China, and has suffered serious eutrophication in recent years due to the rapid economic development and growing environmental pollution in the Taihu Catchment. In this paper, spatial structural analysis, kriging interpolation and eutrophication assessment were carried out for chlorophyll a in the lake. Studies show that spherical model could be applied to fit all experimental variograms. Positive nuggets were observed for three directions except NE–SW direction. The variograms show some anisotropy with anisotropic ratio falling within 1.76. The spatial structural patterns of chlorophyll a in the lake were affected by factors such as distribution of pollution sources, water flow and wind. Two-dimensional ordinary block kriging was applied for interpolation process. An eutrophication assessment map was also made based on a water-quality evaluation standard. Results show that the content of chlorophyll a in Taihu Lake was quite high. The whole lake has suffered serious eutrophication. However, the eutrophic situation varied in space. Higher contents of chlorophyll a appeared mainly in the northern part of the lake.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition (13C and 15N) and C:N ratio of sediment and particulate were investigated to assess the origin and dynamic of the organic matter in two river basins located in the Parana State, Brazil. The main sources of organic matter, plants, litter and soil, were analyzed in the study. This study was carried out during the dry and wet seasons. Although organic matter contribution for the particulate material has been mixed, the main contribution in the two seasons for both rivers was autochthonous characterized by δ13C and C:N ratio values ranging from −31.0 to −21.8‰ and from 5.1 to 11.4, respectively. The soil with δ13C values ranging from −25.9 to −20.6‰, and C:N ratio from 10.2 to 15.8, was the main carbon source for the river sediment for the two tributaries in the wet and dry seasons. The sediment δ15N values for both the rivers in the wet season showed an 15N enrichment trend in most of studied sites when compared to the dry season values, suggesting major input of nutrients as dissolved organic nitrogen and sewage nitrate. In the dry season, 14N enriched compounds, could have been used by phytoplankton, causing 15N enrichment. The isotope and C:N ratio data clearly showed that the agricultural activity has been influencing the origin and dynamic of organic matter in the two rivers, with potential biochemical consequences for the lower basin of the major Tibagi river.  相似文献   

基于2013-2021年渤海遥感反射率和叶绿素a浓度等实测数据,开展了该海域MODIS影像的叶绿素a浓度遥感反演模型研究。选择OC3经典模型形式,采用渤海的实测数据进行拟合分析,获取了适用于渤海的模型局地化参数,通过真实性检验得到叶绿素a浓度的遥感反演结果与实测值的决定系数为0.84,平均相对误差为24.77%,均方根误差为5.56 μg/L,反演精度较佳。利用该算法反演获取了渤海2002-2021年叶绿素a的月度、季度和年度平均浓度,分析了其时空变化特征,同时结合2001-2021年渤海非优良水质比例开展了环境响应分析。分析结果显示:2001-2021年,渤海非优良水质比例与同时期叶绿素a浓度变化趋势基本一致,呈现先变差后变好的倒V形趋势;5年平均的非优良水质比例与叶绿素a浓度变化趋势更直观地反映了2001-2021年渤海整体的水环境变化趋势,与非优良水质比例相比,叶绿素a浓度对渤海水环境的改善响应更快。  相似文献   

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