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Classroom discourse is the primary medium through which teaching and learning occur. Managed skillfully, it can provide an opportunity for students to develop their understanding and to profit from the ideas of their peers and the teacher. Yet it is difficult for teachers to be mindful of the nature and distribution of classroom discourse at the same time as they juggle other instructional concerns. It is possible to record, transcribe, and analyze classroom discourse, but it is not possible to do this quickly enough to give a teacher timely feedback. We report on the development and validation of an automated system for recording and analyzing aspects of classroom discourse that can result in timely feedback. Based on the LENA system, it aims to identify three common discourse activities: teacher lecturing, whole class discussion and student group work. The system consists of a speech processing module (diarisation performed by the LENA system) and an activity detection module that detects the discourse activities by using classification analysis. Results showed that our automatic detection of discourse activities converged well with those of human coders. The system enables timely and relatively inexpensive generation of a classroom discourse profile, which helps teachers to visualize and potentially improve their classroom discourse management skills.  相似文献   

To investigate the benefits and perceived effectiveness of instructional technology, students enrolled in several courses were compared on student evaluations of instruction, grades and an attitudinal questionnaire. The instructors of the courses taught the same course across two successive semesters, using traditional “chalk-and-talk” methods the first semester, and PowerPoint the next; all other techniques (e.g., exams, lecture material) were held constant. Results suggest that organization and clarity, entertainment and interest, professor likeability, and good professor behaviors were enhanced with PowerPoint although final grades were not.  相似文献   

This exploratory study investigated the relationships between students' perceptions of their classroom experiences and instructional and contextual factors involved with the use of Classroom Communication Systems (CCS) technology. A mixed methods approach was employed to examine these relationships using data collected from 931 students enrolled in one public university. Thematic analysis explored students' perceptions of the use of CCS. Three logit models with a sound predictability and model fit were established using logistic sequential regression. These models identified crucial instructional and contextual factors and examined the degree to which each of these factors was associated with student perceptions of classroom experiences with CCS. This study found that positive student perceptions of classroom experience with CCS were closely associated with the use of specific types of questions, formative feedback and assessment approaches, and the pedagogical training of the classroom instructors. These findings elucidate specific aspects of CCS use that are related to how students perceive the effectiveness of this technology, and may ultimately assist instructional designers and faculty developers in designing and implementing CCS to enhance students' classroom experiences.  相似文献   

In March 2005, the Department for Education and Skills published its e-strategy, Harnessing Technology (DfES, 2005, Harnessing technology: Transforming Learning and Children’s Services). Within this, two of its key objectives were: firstly to transform teaching and learning, and help to improve outcomes for children and young people, through shared ideas, more exciting lessons, and online help for professionals. Secondly, to engage ‘hard to reach’ learners, with special needs support, in more motivating ways of learning, and give them more choice about how and when they learn.  相似文献   

The term ‘interactive’ appears in two distinct strands of educational research discourse: one concerning pedagogy and the other concerning new technologies in education. As new technology increasingly pervades most classrooms in the UK, it seems likely that it would be fruitful to explore, both theoretically and empirically, links between the concepts of ‘interactive teaching’ and ‘interactive technology’.  相似文献   

Studying teacher enactment of an innovation helps us understand the process of effective spread of a curricular innovation to teachers who have differing levels of content readiness, pedagogical orientations, teaching competency, different student profiles, and professional development experiences. Towards this, we explore how different teachers in the same grade level appropriated a common science curriculum enabled by mobile technologies in their classrooms. The innovative science curriculum: Mobilized 5E (Engage–Explore–Explain–Elaborate–Evaluate) Science Curriculum was developed through an iterative cycle of design-based research. As curriculum designs were not self-sufficient by themselves, the enactments of the teachers differed in how they leveraged on students' artifacts, how they integrated the technology into the class, the ways in which they interacted with the students, and how they scaffolded students' activities in a mobile learning setting. In this study, the teachers' enactments of mobilized 5E lessons were observed, analyzed and compared, with the aim of exploring the differences of lesson enactment amongst them. The results showed that teachers' different pedagogical orientations affected their instructions, especially their ways of technology integration in the class, and their patterns of interactions with the students. Based on the exploration of the teacher enactment of the mobilized 5E curriculum, implications are drawn concerning the implementation of innovative curricula implementation and the supports for teacher professional development of such innovation with the ultimate purpose of sustaining and scaling.  相似文献   

Within the field of educational technology, Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) has been theorized as a seven-factor construct to describe teacher’s integration of information and communication technology (ICT) in their teaching. However, this framework has yet to be successfully validated through survey instruments. This paper examines the construct validity of a TPACK survey that was contextualized for the pedagogical approaches employed in a 12-week ICT course designed with reference to the TPACK framework for Singaporean primary school pre-service teachers. Using this framework, the researchers were able to uncover five of the seven TPACK constructs which were a better model fit as compared with several extant studies of TPACK surveys. Using these results, pre and post-course structural equation models were constructed to explain the relationships amongst the different constructs of teachers’ TPACK perceptions. It was found that pedagogical knowledge had a direct impact on TPACK at the beginning of the course. As teachers made connections between their technological knowledge and pedagogical knowledge to form technological pedagogical knowledge during the course, the direct relation between pedagogical knowledge and TPACK became insignificant where as the relations between pedagogical knowledge and technological pedagogical knowledge, and technological pedagogical knowledge and TPACK were strengthened. The comparison between the pre and post-course models also revealed that the pre-service teachers’ perceived relations between content knowledge and TPACK changes from insignificant to significant. The implications of these findings and suggestions to improve the construct validation of the TPACK framework are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Many argue that digital technologies have the potential to enhance the teaching and learning of mathematics. However, the availability of technology is not sufficient to realise this potential. The study reported takes a detailed approach to investigate the utility of the particular offerings of the available technologies in the teaching and learning of a specific area of mathematics, functions. Sixteen affordances identified in the data are described. The complexity of the process involved in resolving a situation where particular affordances would be useful so as they are perceived and enacted is detailed. Finally, a grounded theory framework arising from the data analysis from this study that can be used to explain, predict and guide action in other digital environments is presented.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the design and development of an instructional approach to develop oral presentation skills. The theoretical base builds on the social cognitive perspective, and self-regulated learning. The aim of the study is to investigate whether the design of a multimedia-based instructional format - comprising of a standardised multimedia instruction, practical activities and feedback - will enhance oral presentation skills. In the study, the differential effect of three ‘modes of feedback’ on performance has been researched. The results reveal that oral presentation skills did improve significantly after the instruction. The multimedia nature of the design was favoured by all participants. In contrast, no significant impact of feedback was found. Nevertheless, feedback proved to be a useful process that was highly welcomed by participants.  相似文献   

Nurturing children into thinking creatively needs to take account of what interest them. Therefore, the study conducted engaged students with computer games development as it corresponded with the young generation’s habits and interests. This was done with the purpose to enhance the creative process experienced by students. It involved 69 Malaysian form one (grade seven) students, aged 13–14 year-old. Appreciative learning approach, which consisted of discover, dream, design and destiny stages, was applied in treatment group whiles control group applied self-paced learning, followed by do-it-yourself session. Findings showed students in treatment group gained accelerated mean score in creative process experienced on the second week and stabilized thereafter for the following weeks. These mean scores were significantly higher than control group, throughout the study. Although students in control group exhibited significantly lower mean scores in creative process, yet these mean scores gradually getting higher and higher each week significantly. As a conclusion, appreciative learning approach contributes significantly on the level of creative process experienced by students. However, creative process experienced did not happen in a clear-cut order of inspiration, clarification, evaluation, distillation, incubation, perspiration (ICEDIP). In addition, it is not true that without appreciative learning approach, students will not experience any creative process. Creative process happens all the time when the mind is active but the level can be accelerated by appropriate pedagogical approach. Caution is warranted, as this article is just part of the action research being carried out in applying appreciative learning approach as a teaching practice in computer games development class.  相似文献   

This study investigated EFL learners’ online reading strategies and the effects of strategy use on comprehension. To fulfill the purposes of this study, a Web-based reading program, English Reading Online, was created. Thirty applied English majors, divided into a high group and a low group based on their proficiency levels, were asked to read four authentic online texts; two were appropriate to the students’ level of proficiency, and two were more difficult. Results from data analysis showed that the use of support strategies dominated the strategy use and contributed to most of the comprehension gains, but an exclusive dependence on support strategies did not successfully predict the increase in scores on main ideas and details when the students were reading more challenging texts. On the whole, the use of global strategies significantly contributed to better comprehension, especially for low proficiency students.  相似文献   

The swift introduction of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) into schools is the aim of initiatives involving the teaching profession, parents and pupils, government and commercial interests. Teachers’ attempts to integrate ICT into their classroom practice may be affected by such factors as access to updated technology, appropriate training, and realistic time management. Nevertheless the British governments aim is that all teachers acquire network literacy by the year 2002. Using a linked group of schools, teachers’ opinions and ideas about ICT were gathered as the National Grid for Learning was introduced. Theories of learning as ‘community joining’ were applied in an analysis of the data to create an emerging model of teachers as users of ICT. This model was then used to help formulate the ICT Development Policy of a case study school. On the basis of this empirical evidence, some key factors enabling teachers to work towards network literacy and ‘Adept User’ status are discussed. In conclusion this paper suggests that successful implementation of ICT initiatives generating educationally effective practice is ultimately dependent on the professional development of teachers.  相似文献   

Studies have demonstrated that students prefer PowerPoint and respond favorably to classes when it is used. Few studies have addressed the physical structure of PowerPoint. In this study, students enrolled in several psychology classes on two campuses completed a 36 item questionnaire regarding their preferences for the use of PowerPoint in the classroom. Students preferred the use of key phrase outlines, pictures and graphs, slides to be built line by line, sounds from popular media or that support the pictures or graphics on the slide, color backgrounds, and to have the lights dimmed. It is recommended that professors pay attention to the physical aspects of PowerPoint slides and handouts to further enhance students’ educational experience.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to describe an integrated pedagogical approach, aimed at advancing preservice teachers' learning on the use of technology and investigate its impact on participants' knowledge (i.e., TPACK) and practice. The integrated approach juxtaposes an educational technology course with methods courses and field experience through careful instructional design. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected. Quantitative data were collected through a pre-post administration of the Survey of Preservice Teachers' Knowledge of Teaching and Technology. Qualitative data were collected through open-ended survey responses and preservice teacher case narratives reporting on the design and implementation of technology-integrated lessons in a field placement. Finding revealed that participants experienced significant gains in all TPACK constructs. Further, findings indicated that participants applied their knowledge in practice though there was variability in the ways in which knowledge domains were represented in participants' narratives. Findings have implications for teacher education programs and for researchers interested in the development and assessment of preservice teacher knowledge of teaching with technology.  相似文献   

The changing profile of students, the expectations of business and the capabilities offered by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) makes it necessary to change teaching practices, particularly in higher education. This paper proposes a methodological framework destined to force disciplinary course modules to evolve in order to integrate high-level cognitive skills and professional competencies. In this paper, we examine this framework in terms of the primary currents in educational psychology: behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism and social constructivism. We present and analyze three case studies showing the evolution of three disciplinary course modules. We show that the lessons taught in these three modules are more motivating and more efficient, producing results that are closer to what employers are asking of their employees.  相似文献   

Creativity is an important entity in developing human capital while computer games are the current generation’s contemporary tool. This study focused on the teaching of computer games development in order to enhance the creative perception of secondary school children. The study applied randomised subjects, with control group experimental design, which involved 69 Malaysian form one students, aged 13–14 year-old. Different pedagogical strategies were being investigated on the abilities to enhance students’ creative perception. Treatment group adopted appreciative learning approach, which was based on Appreciative Inquiry (AI) theory. Meanwhile, control group adopted self-paced learning, followed by do-it-yourself session. Previous studies indicated that although appreciative learning approach is still in its infancy development, the approach is gaining its momentum in educational settings as it focuses on strengthening a person’s capacities and potential. Students’ creative perception was assessed using Khatena-Torrance Creative Perception Inventory (KTCPI). It was found students in treatment group gained a mean score of 71.82, which was significantly higher at .05 level of significance compared to the mean score of 50.49 exhibited by the control group. Yet, both treatment and control groups showed significant increases in pre-to-post-test scores. Dimensions within KTCPI were further analysed in order to present a better picture of students’ creative perception. As a conclusion, different pedagogical strategy generated different level of creative perception enhancement.  相似文献   

In this paper, several issues regarding the epistemology of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK) are first raised for the purpose of clarifying the construct. Specifically, the transformative and integrative views are juxtaposed for exploring the epistemology of TPCK, and, at the end, the transformative view is adopted concluding that TPCK is a unique body of knowledge that is constructed from the interaction of its individual contributing knowledge bases. Then, ICT–TPCK is introduced as a strand of TPCK, and is described as the ways knowledge about tools and their affordances, pedagogy, content, learners, and context are synthesized into an understanding of how particular topics that are difficult to be understood by learners or difficult to be represented by teachers can be transformed and taught more effectively with technology in ways that signify its added value. One model for the development and another for the assessment of ICT–TPCK are then discussed. Technology Mapping is proposed as a situative methodology for the development of ICT–TPCK, and three forms of assessment, namely, expert assessment, peer assessment, and self-assessment are proposed for assessing teachers’ competencies to teach with technology. The paper also reports on the empirical findings of a study that was undertaken to investigate the impact of the proposed models on student learning within the context of two design tasks in a pre-service primary teacher education course. Repeated measures within-subject effects were tested and the results indicated that ICT–TPCK competency significantly improved over the course of a semester. The results of this study clearly show that the theoretical models proposed herein can positively impact the development of ICT–TPCK. Lastly, these results can be used as baseline data in future studies that may be conducted to further validate or improve the proposed models in different contexts.  相似文献   

The use of PowerPoint slides has become an almost ubiquitous practice in university classrooms, however little research has examined whether the timing of lecture slide availability to students (either before or after lecture) affects classroom behaviour or exam performance. Using a 2 (slide availability condition) × 2 (course type) between-subjects design, the present study examined lecture slide availability differences in attendance, participation, and exam performance in two courses – Research Methods and Cognitive Development – taught in both the Fall and Winter semesters. For each type of course, lecture slides were made available on the course website before lecture in one semester and after lecture in the other semester. Course material was held constant across semesters. Results showed that mean attendance was higher when slides were available before lecture, but only for the type of course that did not include attendance points as part of students’ final grades. For students who participated in class, participation was more frequent when slides were available before lecture. No significant difference in exam performance was found between lecture slide availability conditions, however. These findings suggest that making lecture slides available to students before lecture may lead to better overall attendance and participation, but exam performance is determined by more than just whether or not students have lecture slides available for their note-taking.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to examine the nature and experiences of children's computer use in the home and school. Past research suggests a growing gap between computer use in the home and the school. This study was conducted to find out how children perceive and enjoy computer use in these two environments. Using a sample of year 3 and 5 pupils in three primary schools, qualitative and quantitative data were gathered. The results suggest that children make more use of the computer at home than at school. The most popular activity on the home computer which all children enjoyed was playing games. The most frequent activity at the school computer was word processing which pupils considered boring. Interesting gender differences showed that boys spent more time playing computer games whereas girls spent more time on the Internet emailing friends. The study concludes that schools should learn from what works at home and enable children to work on activities they find valuable, motivational and worthwhile.  相似文献   

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