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Rb-Sr mineral ages and palaeomagnetic data are presented for nine dolerite dykes and sills in central and southern Sweden. The intrusions are representative of widespread dolerites, mainly dykes, which cut pre-Sveconorwegian (Svecofennian) crust and trend parallel to the Sveconorwegian Front Zone (or Schistosity Zone) over a band up to 150 km wide along most of its 700-km length. The Rb-Sr ages suggest emplacement through the approximate interval 1000?900 m.y. Cooling ages on country rocks show little evidence of significant Sveconorwegian (e.g. 1000 m.y.) heating effects, and the new isotopic and palaeomagnetic results are taken to represent the time of dolerite intrusion.The dolerites were emplaced in response to net tensional stresses in the Svecofennian crust: it is proposed that these were caused by marginal upwarping related to post-orogenic uplift of the adjacent Sveconorwegian region.The palaeomagnetic poles for the dolerites are similar to poles from the Sveconorwegian Province and the Front Zone, indicating that these also have a ca. 1000?900-m.y. age. The similar cooling histories of the Sveconorwegian Province and the Grenville Province of Canada allow this age to be assigned also to the Grenville poles. If so, it is not necessary to postulate plate motions during Grenville-Sveconorwegian magnetisation, and the agreement between dolerite poles and Sveconorwegian poles suggests that the orogenic belt cooled essentially in place against its bounding cratons. A possible continental fit shows Scandinavia and North America contiguous in late Grenville time, though relative motions before 1000 m.y. are not ruled out.  相似文献   

Topography evolves under the coupled effect of exogenic and endogenic governing factors, and their scale-(in)variant dynamics. This results in a self-affine topography across a finite range, with a characteristic fractal dimension. Fractal analysis has been used to classify geological terrains having distinct litho-tectonic settings. However, process-based understanding of the fractal behaviour of a natural landscape is still limited. The current study aims to substantiate and expand upon the present knowledge of topographic response to the complex actions of the governing factors using fractal characteristics. We examined the association between the litho-tectonic, climatic settings and the fractal characteristics of the topography in the tectonically active Northwest Himalaya. Our analysis was carried out in three separate sectors having diverse litho-tectonic settings. We used the roughness–length method to calculate the fractal parameters (fractal dimension, D; ordinate intercept, q). The Higher and the Lesser Himalaya were found to be characterized by low D and high q, while the tectonically active Sub Himalaya was found to have moderate D and low q. The southernmost foreland alluvial plains were characterized by high D and low q. Clusters of the fractal parameters were found to be consistent in spatial pattern across the three sectors. Our results showed that the geological–geomorphological settings and the associated processes (e.g. uplift, erosion and diffusion) can be well inferred using the fractal characteristics of the topography. Further, our results implied first-order control of lithology in sustaining and shaping the topographic geometry (both its amplitude and texture) in the tectonically active Northwest Himalaya. The spatial distribution of the fractal parameters also suggested the secondary control of tectonic uplift and, to a much lesser extent, mean annual rainfall on the topographic geometry. These results collectively point to the role of complex actions of the governing factors in the landscape evolution process. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Infrastructure and communication facilities are repeatedly affected by ground deformation in Gharwal Himalaya, India; for effective remediation measures, a thorough understanding of the real reasons for these movements is needed. In this regard, we undertook an integrated geophysical and geotechnical study of the Salna sinking zone close to the Main Central Thrust in Garhwal Himalaya. Our geophysical data include eight combined electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and induced polarization imaging (IPI) profiles spanning 144–600 m, with 3–10 m electrode separation in the Wenner–Schlumberger configuration, and five micro-gravity profiles with 10–30 m station spacing covering the study region. The ERT sections clearly outline the heterogeneity in the subsurface lithology. Further, the ERT, IPI, and shaliness (shaleyness) sections infer the absence of clayey horizons and slip surfaces at depth. However, the Bouguer gravity analysis has revealed the existence of several faults in the subsurface, much beyond the reach of the majority of ERT sections. These inferred vertical to subvertical faults run parallel to the existing major lineaments and tectonic elements of the study region. The crisscross network of inferred faults has divided the entire study region into several blocks in the subsurface. Our studies stress that the sinking of the Salna village area is presently taking place along these inferred vertical to subvertical faults. The Chamoli earthquake in March 1999 probably triggered seismically induced ground movements in this region. The absence of few gravity-inferred faults in shallow ERT sections may hint at blind faults, which could serve as future source(s) for geohazards in the study region. Soil samples at two sites of study region were studied in a geotechnical laboratory. These, along with stability studies along four slope sections, have indicated the critical state of the study region. Thus, our integrated studies emphasize the crucial role of micro-gravity in finding fine subsurface structure at deeper depth level; supported by ERT and IPI at shallow depth intervals, they can satisfactorily explain the Salna sinking zone close to Lesser Himalaya. The geotechnical studies also lend support to these findings. These integrated studies have yielded a better understanding of the mass-wasting mechanism for the study region.  相似文献   

Major thrust sheet in the Daqing Shan Mountains Inner Mongolia, China   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Small thrust faults in the Daqing Shan that were previously mapped as separate structures belong to a single Mesozoic thrust, herein named the Daqing Shan thrust. It extends more than 155 km along the northern margin of the Daqing Shan, obliquely cutting the Daqing Shan along the western flank of the Jinluandian peak to the southeast and taking its way to Chayouzhongqi to the east. Kinematic markers indicate tectonic transport of the thrust sheet to the NNW. Minimum displacement, based on the observable outcrops, is 22 km, and the inferred thrusting distance may be larger than 35 km. The thrust sheet covers the whole eastern area of the Daqing Shan. The thrust truncates the E-W trending, somewhat older South-directed Panyanshan thrust and, therefore, the two faults are not as a result of counter thrusting. Such major intraplate tectonic deformation that occurred in the Inner Mongolia Axis or the Yin Shan latitudinal tectonic belt during late Jurassic time calls for deep thought on its tectonic significance in dynamics. It is most likely that the Daqing Shan thrust represents major intraplate shortening during Jurassic-Cretaceous closure of the Mongolo-Okhotsk ocean about 1000 krn away to the north. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of Chlna (Grant No. 49070135) and by the Natlonal Science Foundation of the Unlted States (Grant No.EAR-9627909).  相似文献   

Abstract   The Dras 1 Volcanic Formation of the Ladakh Himalaya, India, represents the eastern, upper crustal equivalent of the lower crustal gabbros and mantle peridotites of the Kohistan Arc exposed in Pakistan. Together these form a Cretaceous intraoceanic arc now located within the Indus Suture zone between India and Eurasia. During the Late Cretaceous, the Dras–Kohistan Arc, which was located above a north-dipping subduction zone, collided with the south-facing active margin of Eurasia, resulting in a switch from oceanic to continental arc volcanism. In the present study we analyzed samples from the pre-collisional Dras 1 Volcanic Formation and the postcollisional Kardung Volcanic Formation for a suite of trace elements and Nd isotopes. The Kardung Volcanic Formation shows more pronounced light rare earth element enrichment, higher Th/La and lower ɛNd values compared with the Dras 1 Volcanic Formation. These differences are consistent with an increase in the reworking of the continental crust by sediment subduction through the arc after collision. As little as 20% of the Nd in the Dras 1 Volcanic Formation might be provided by sources such as the Karakoram, while approximately 45% of the Nd in the Kardung Volcanic Formation is from this source. However, even before collision, the Dras–Kohistan Arc shows geochemical evidence for more continental sediment contamination than is seen in modern western Pacific arcs, implying its relative proximity to the Eurasian landmass. Comparison of the lava chemistry in the Dras–Kohistan Arc with that in the forearc turbidites suggests that these sediments are partially postcollisional, Jurutze Formation and not all pre-collisional Nindam Formation. Thus, the Dras–Eurasia collision can be dated as Turonian–Santonian (83.5–93.5 Ma), older than it was previously considered to be, but consistent with radiometric ages from Kohistan.  相似文献   

The attenuation properties of the crust in the Chamoli region of Himalaya have been examined by estimating the frequency-dependent relationships of quality factors for P waves (Qα) and for S waves (Qβ) in the frequency range 1.5–24 Hz. The extended coda normalization method has been applied on the waveforms of 25 aftershocks of the 1999 Chamoli earthquake (M 6.4) recorded at five stations. The average value of Qα is found to be varied from 68 at 1.5 Hz to 588 at 24 Hz while it varies from 126 at 1.5 Hz to 868 at 24 Hz for Qβ. The estimated frequency-dependent relations for quality factors are Qα = (44 ± 1)f(0.82±.04) and Qβ = (87 ± 3)f(0.71±.03). The rate of increase of Q(f) for P and S waves in the Chamoli region is comparable with the other regions of the world. The ratio Qβ/Qα is greater than one in the region which along with the frequency dependence of quality factors indicates that scattering is an important factor contributing to the attenuation of body waves in the region. A comparison of attenuation relation for S wave estimated here (Qβ = 87f0.71) with that of coda waves (Qc = 30f1.21) obtained by Mandal et al. (2001) for the same region shows that Qc > Qβ for higher frequencies (>8 Hz) in the region. This indicates a possible high frequency coda enrichment which suggests that the scattering attenuation significantly influences the attenuation of S waves at frequencies >8 Hz. This observation may be further investigated using multiple scattering models. The attenuation relations for quality factors obtained here may be used for the estimation of source parameters and near-source simulation of earthquake ground motion of the earthquakes, which in turn are required for the assessment of seismic hazard in the region.  相似文献   


Studies of the chemical composition of snowpack and stream water were carried out in a catchment having an area of 53km2 (31°03′-30°55′N and 78°40′-78°51′E) in the Garhwal Himalaya, India. The dominant ions in the snowpack and stream water were Ca2+, Na+, NO? 3, SO2- 4 and HCO? 3. Solute patterns in the snowpack show preferential elution. Investigation of the chemical composition of stream water shows that meltwater changes its composition substantially as it passes through soil pathways to the stream. The groundwater flushing perhaps controls the chemical composition of meltwater in the early spring. However, in the period from July to September, the stream water carries the chemical signature of monsoonal precipitation.  相似文献   

Samples of Upper Devonian sedimentary ironstones from the eastern Hindukush, Chitral (Pakistan), give a characteristic palaeomagnetic direction: declination D = 318°, inclination I = ?6.5°; believed to represent the primary magnetization direction. The samples come from an area which lies north of a major ophiolite zone that recent workers suggest is the southwestern continuation of the Indus Suture. As the present palaeomagnetic results are in fair agreement with palaeomagnetic data from the Siberian platform but not with data from Gondwanaland they can be taken as additional evidence that this suture does indeed constitute the main collision zone between the Gondwanic Indian subcontinent and Asia. The palaeomagnetic data presented here from the Devonian of Chitral suggests additionally: (1) in excess of 100° of counterclockwise rotation of the area, associated most likely with the formation of the regional Hindukush-Pamir-Karakoram syntaxial bend; (2) more than 2000 km of crustal shortening between Chitral and the Siberian platform due to the northward indentation of the Indian Gondwanaland fragment subsequent to collision.  相似文献   

The study analyses the long-term biophysical and demographic changes in Dal lake, located in the heart of Srinagar city, Kashmir India, using a repository of historical, remote sensing, socio-economic and water quality data supported by the extensive field observations. The lake faces multiple pressures from the unplanned urbanization, high population growth, nutrient load from intensive agriculture and tourism. The data showed that the lake has shrunk from 31 km2 in 1859–24 km2 in 2013. Significant changes were observed in the land use and land cover (LULC) within the lake (1859–2013) and in the vicinity of the lake (1962–2013). Analysis of the demographic data indicates that the human population within the lake has shown more than double the national growth rate. Additionally, 7 important water quality parameters from 82 well distributed sites across the lake were analyzed and compared with the past data to determine the historical changes in the water quality from 1971 to 2014. The changes in the LULC and demography have adversely affected the pollution status of this pristine lake. Ortho-phosphate phosphorous concentration has increased from 16.75 μg L−1 in 1977–45.78 μg L−1 in 2014 and that of the nitrate-nitrogen from 365 μg L−1 to 557 μg L−1, indicating nutrient enrichment of the lake over the years. Built-up area within the lake has increased 40 times since 1859, which, together with the changes in the population and settlements, have led to the high discharge of untreated nutrient-rich sewage into the lake. Similarly the expansion of floating gardens within the lake and agriculture lands in the catchment has contributed to the increased nutrient load into the lake due to the increasing use of fertilizers. The information about the existing land cover, demography and water quality was integrated and analyzed in GIS environment to identify the trophic status of the lake. The analysis indicated that 32% of the lake falls under sever degradation, 48% under medium degradation while as 20% of the lake waters are relatively clean. It is believed that the results provide improved knowledge and insights about the lake health and causal factors of its degradation necessary for effectively restoring its ecological and hydrological functionality.  相似文献   

In this preliminary study the partitioning of rain-water into various components of the hydrological cycle in three high-altitude forests of contrasting tree physiognomies (namely, Aesculus indica, Quercus semecarpifolia and Abies pindrow) were studied in the Nandadevi Biosphere Reserve, Central Himalaya, India. The results are compared with the hydrological characteristics of low-altitude forests of this region. The study has indicated a significant role of tree physiognomy with regard to rainfall partitioning into the various components of the hydrological cycle. It is suggested that A. pindrow (an evergreen tree) should be considered superior to A. indica (a deciduous tree) with regard to soil and water conservation in this region. This work is of relevance to land management programmes pertaining to afforestation, logging and regeneration. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This research explains the background processes responsible for the spatial distribution of hydrochemical properties of the picturesque eutrophic Himalayan Lake, Dal, located in Kashmir valley, India. Univariate and multivariate statistical analyses were used to understand the spatiotemporal variability of 18 hydrochemical parameters comprising of 12,960 observations collected from 30 sampling sites well distributed within the lake at a grid spacing of 1 km2 from March 2014 to February 2016. Hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) grouped all the sampled data into three clusters based on the hydrochemical similarities, Discriminant analysis also revealed the same clusters and patterns in the data, validating the results of HCA. Wilk’s λ quotient distribution revealed the contribution of ions, nutrients, secchi disk transparency, dissolved oxygen and pH in the formation of clusters. The results are in consonance with the Principal Component Analysis of the whole lake data and individual clusters, which showed that the variance is maximally explained by the ionic component (46.82%) followed by dissolved oxygen and pH (9.36%), nitrates and phosphates (7.33%) and Secchi disk transparency (5.98%). Spatial variability of the hydrochemistry of the lake is due to the variations in water depth, lake water dynamics, flushing rate of water, organic matter decomposition, and anthropogenic pressures within and around the Dal lake ecosystem. Overall, the water quality of the lake is unfit for drinking due to the presence of coliform bacteria in the lake waters.  相似文献   

A preliminary collection of 43 palaeomagnetic samples (10 sites) from the miogeosynclinal and supposedly autochthonous Umbrian sequence in the Northern Apennines, Italy, was analysed by means of alternating magnetic fields and thermal demagnetization studies. The older group of samples, taken from the upper part of the Calcari Diasprini (Malm), the Fucoid Marls (Albian/Cenomanian) and from the basal part of the Scaglia Bianca (Early Late Cretaceous), all showed normal polarity directions and resulted in a mean site direction:D = 290.5°,I = +51.5°,α95 = 11°,k = 74,N = 4.The younger group of samples, taken throughout the Scaglia Rossa sequence (Latest Cretaceous/Middle Eocene) showed normal and reversed polarity directions. In contrast to the older group, the magnetic analysis of these samples resulted in a considerably less dense grouping of site mean directions. This presumably is due to inaccuracies introduced with the very large bedding tilt corrections that had to be applied to the samples of some sites. A tentative mean site direction for these Scaglia Rossa samples was computed as:D = 351°,I = +52.5°,α95 = 23.5°,k = 11.5,N = 5.Despite the low precision of the Scaglia Rossa result, the significant deviation between this Latest Cretaceous/Early Tertiary direction and the Late Jurassic/Early Late Cretaceous direction indicates a counterclockwise rotation of more than forty degrees. This rotation can be dated as Late Cretaceous.How far these data from the Northern Apennines apply to other parts of the Italian Peninsula has yet to be established. The timing of this rotation is not at variance with the data from other parts of Mediterranean Europe (Southern Alps, Iberian Peninsula) and from Africa. However, taking into account the preliminary nature of the results, the amount of rotation of the Northern Apennines seems to surpass the rotation angle which is deduced from the palaeomagnetic data for Africa.  相似文献   

The Falcón Basin in northwestern Venezuela has a complex geological history driven by the interactions between the South American and Caribbean plates. Igneous intrusive bodies that outcrop along the axis of the basin have been associated with crustal thinning, and gravity modeling has shown evidence for a significantly thinned crust beneath the basin. In this study, crustal scale seismic refraction/wide-angle reflection data derived from onshore/offshore active seismic experiments are interpreted and forward-modeled to generate a P-wave velocity model for a 450 km long profile. The final model shows thinning of the crust beneath the Falcón Basin where depth to Moho decreases to 27 km from a value of 40 km about 100 km to the south. A deeper reflected phase on the offshore section is interpreted to be derived from the downgoing Caribbean slab. Velocity values were converted to density and the resulting gravimetric response was shown to be consistent with the regional gravity anomaly. The crustal thinning proposed here supports a rift origin for the Falcón Basin.  相似文献   

Palaeomagnetic remanence may be reset by orogeny in a manner analogous to isotopic systems. The heavy mineral seams and associated psammite in the deformed and metamorphosed Lower Morar Division of the Moine Assemblage of northwest Scotland have a palaeomagnetic signature that is characteristic over a wide area. The various components of the magnetization are resolved by detailed thermal demagnetization. These components are post-tectonic, as they are not affected by any structural fabric. They may be classified according to blocking temperature and, when statistically distinguishable, show a systematic change of direction from high to lower temperature possibly associated with apparent polar wander. Comparison to the European palaeomagnetic record suggests a late Silurian to early Devonian age of magnetization for the localities south of the Strath Conon Fault. The distribution of remanance directions and blocking temperatures is not consistent with the pattern of potassium-argon ages in this part of the British Caledonides. If the magnetization is purely of thermal origin, the palaeomagnetic record indicates higher temperatures at later time than does the potassium-argon record. This remagnetization event is related to the closing stages of the Caledonian orogeny.  相似文献   

Geospatial techniques play a crucial role in geomorphic studies, particularly in the challenging terrains like mountainous regions, inaccessible areas and densely vegetated landscapes, where geomorphic features cannot be recorded easily. Tectono-geomorphologic observations provide important clues regarding the landscape evolution, morpho-dynamics and ongoing tectonism of the region. The present study has been carried out in the Zanskar Basin (ZB), located to the south of the Indus Tsangpo Suture Zone (ITSZ), in the hinterland of the NW Himalaya. This study has been carried out to assess and evaluate active tectonics by employing tectono-geomorphic analysis, dynamics in drainage networks, geomorphological field observations and the Geographic Information System (GIS) environment. High-resolution satellite images, topographic maps and the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) were used to generate primary data sets, which were corroborated with field investigations for valid inferences. The geometry of the ZB suggests that continuous tectonic activity exerts first-order control on the overall shape, size and structure of the ZB. This first-order response is clearly reflected in the landforms modified by tectonic processes, namely, linear mountain fronts, elongated shape and tilting of the basin, braided and meandering river courses and lower stream length gradient index values in hard rock terrain. The ZB exhibits several eye-catching geomorphic features, such as well-defined triangular facets with wide base lengths and wine-glass valleys with small outlets along the footwall block of the Zanskar Shear Zone/South Tibetan Detachment System (ZSZ/STDS), as well as the presence of wind gaps, water gaps, bedrock incision, incised and entrenched valleys, narrow gorges and a high incision rate inferring active tectonics and recent uplift in the region. In addition, the existence of uplifted river terraces, as well as the stepped morphology of fans and strath terraces, suggests that the region is experiencing recent activity and ongoing tectonic uplift. These modified geomorphic characteristics suggest that the hinterland, which is part of the NW Himalaya, is tectonically quite active and has experienced a differential rate of tectonics during its evolution. The quantified geomorphic indices and their relations with the tectonics, climate and erosion activity infer that the basin geometry is mostly controlled by the ZSZ/STDS that dips 20°–70° NE, the south-dipping Zanskar Counter Thrust (ZCT) and other local tectonic elements like the Choksti Thrust (CT), Stondgey Thrust, Zangla Thrust and tectonic structures. The synergised results of quantified geomorphic indices and tectono-geomorphic evidence in the ZB strongly indicate that both the past and ongoing tectonism have significantly shaped and modified geomorphology of the ZB.  相似文献   

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