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The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of the somatic cell count (SCC) in milk on reproductive performance, such as pregnancy status in the prepartum period and ovarian function in the postpartum period, in dairy cows. Blood samples were collected every week from one month prepartum to parturition in order to measure the concentrations of 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGF (PGFM), estrone sulfate (E1S) and progesterone. Milk samples were collected three times per week in both the prepartum (for one month before the dry period) and postpartum periods (for 3 months immediately after parturition) to measure the SCC. Progesterone was also determined in the whole milk of postpartum cows to define the day of the first ovulation. In the prepartum period, the maximum SCC negatively correlated with the pregnancy period (r = –0.77), but not the calf birth weight. Positive and negative correlations were observed between the average SCC and PGFM or progesterone concentrations in plasma, respectively (r = 0.84 or –0.92, respectively), at 39 weeks of pregnancy. In the postpartum period, a correlation was observed between the day of the first ovulation and both the average and maximum SCC (r = –0.74 and –0.75, respectively), whereas days open was not related to the SCC. These results suggest that a high SCC in the prepartum period may advance parturition by increasing PGF and decreasing progesterone and that the first ovulation in the postpartum period was affected by a high SCC.  相似文献   

Individual cow somatic cell count (SCC) patterns were explored over a one year period in 33 dairy herds to investigate the reason for a summer rise in bulk milk somatic cell counts (BMSCC). Cow test day somatic cell counts were categorised according to the magnitude of change since the previous test day reading, to examine which categories were responsible for the summer increase. Multilevel models using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods were specified to estimate the number of somatic cells/ml produced by different cell count categories. Stage of lactation and parity were accounted for in the models. There was an increase in the proportion of cows that remained above 200,000 cells/ml for two consecutive recordings in summer and this group of cows were responsible for 70.8% of the increase in somatic cells/ml produced from May to September compared with October to March. There was no evidence that a greater new infection rate (somatic cell counts moving from below 100,000 cells/ml to over 200,000 cells/ml) contributed to the increased summer bulk milk somatic cell counts. There was no indication that a general small increase in all somatic cell counts played an important role in the increased summer somatic cell counts. Markov chain Monte Carlo methods provided a valuable and flexible platform for parameter estimation in reasonably complex multilevel models.  相似文献   

An increase in clinical mastitis infections was observed in a high-producing 77-cow Holstein herd. Low bulk tank somatic cell counts and individual cow Dairy Herd Improvement Association somatic cell counts observed before, during, and after the epizootic were suggestive of herd environmental mastitis. However, bacteriologic culture survey of the total herd indicated that, in addition to infections possibly attributable to environmental pathogens, 22% (17/77) of the cows were infected with coagulase-positive Staphylococcus spp. Conceivably, investigative efforts and management changes, without bacteriologic culturing, might have resulted in reduction of the clinical infection rate in this herd. However, the continued high prevalence of a contagious pathogen with potential future implications would have gone unnoticed. Somatic cell count in milk from individual cows generally is a useful tool for monitoring the probability of intramammary infection, but must be complemented with bacteriologic culture of milk to determine whether contagious or environmental pathogens are responsible.  相似文献   

A time-to-event study for mastitis at first-lactation in Valle del Belice ewes was conducted, using survival analysis with an animal model. The goals were to evaluate the effect of lambing season and level of milk production on the time from lambing to the day when a ewe experienced a test-day with a recorded SCC greater than or equal to 750,000 cells/ml, and to estimate, for this trait, its heritability and the percentage of variation explained by the flock-year of lambing effect. A dataset with 2468 first-lactation records, collected from 1998 to 2003 in Valle del Belice ewes allocated in 17 flocks, was used. The Cox model used included lambing season and total milk yield adjusted for lactation length as fixed effects and flock-year of lambing effect and individual additive genetic effect as random effects. In total 40.5% of the records were censored. Results indicated that ewes lambing from April to July were at a higher risk of mastitis than those lambing from August to November (conventional season), and that ewes in the highest class of milk production were at a higher risk of mastitis than those in the lowest level. The heritability for the time interval between lambing and first test-day with mastitis was 3% on the logarithmic scale and 4% on the real scale. The proportion of variation, in the time interval between lambing and first test-day with mastitis, explained by the flock-year of lambing effect was 19% on the logarithmic scale and 27% on the real scale; this seems to stress the importance of flock management.  相似文献   

Mastitis is one of the major threats to animal health and thus to productivity in all dairy farming systems. Previous studies of organic dairy herds have indicated better udder health in organic herds, as compared to conventional herds but opposite results have also been reported. In view of the great implications that the dry period (DP) has on udder health, we aimed to compare milk performance data between organic and conventional dairy herds by specifically addressing the relation of somatic cell counts in milk (SCC) before and after the DP. On 68 farms (35 organic, 33 conventional) in Western Germany individual cow and herd production data were recorded next to data on SCC (herd, individual) between June 2002 and June 2004. For data analysis, SCC values > 150,000 cells/mL were defined as indicative for disorders of udder health.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of dietary organic sources of zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and selenium (Se) for dairy cows on somatic cell count (SCC), occurrence of subclinical mastitis, number of clinical mastitis cases and concentration of superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and ceruloplasmin (CP). Nineteen dairy cows, with confirmed pregnancy, were selected by body weight, body condition score (BCS), number of lactation, and milk yield in previous lactation, and randomly distributed among two groups, one to receive organic (n = 9) and the other the inorganic (n = 10) source of Zn, Cu and Se. Diets were formulated to meet the nutritional requirements of animals from 60 days before the expected date of calving up to 80 days of lactation. Blood samples were collected at − 60, − 21, 1, 21, 40 and 80 days in relation to the expected date of calving for analysis of CuZnSOD, GSH-Px and CP concentration. Milk samples for SCC determination were collected weekly after 15 days of lactation, also at day 1 and 7 and when a clinical case was diagnosed for microbiological culture. The number of new and total cases of subclinical mastitis was lower for the group of cows fed with organic sources of Zn, Cu and Se compared to animals receiving inorganic sources. Average SCC during the first 80 days of lactation tended to be lower for the group fed with organic Zn, Cu and Se. Feeding organic Zn, Cu and Se did not alter the concentration of CuZnSOD, GSH-Px and CP.  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨不同蛋白水平日粮对西农萨能羊公羔肥育性能的影响。选择21只健康、体重相近的6月龄西农萨能羊公羔,随机分为3组,分别饲喂蛋白水平为19.5%、16.0%、13.4%的日粮。试验为期50 d,测定试验羊的体重、体尺、血液生化指标、屠宰性能和羊肉品质。结果显示:高蛋白组试验羊体重、日增重、胸围、体斜长最大,料重比最小(P>0.05);血浆中总蛋白、白蛋白、球蛋白、总胆固醇含量高于中、低蛋白组(P>0.05);屠宰率、净肉重、肉骨比、眼肌面积具有最大值(P>0.05);羊肉失水率最低(P>0.05)、嫩度最好(P<0.05)。经综合评定,19.5%蛋白水平日粮更有利于西农萨能羊公羔短期育肥。  相似文献   

Natural antibodies (NAb) are defined as antibodies that circulate in normal healthy individuals under the absence of deliberate antigenic stimulation. Two types of NAb are distinguished: NAb towards exogenous antigens and NAb towards autoantigens (N(A)Ab). The objectives of the current study were threefold. First, we studied the relation between metabolic health and concentrations of NAb binding keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) or lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in milk and plasma of dairy cows in early lactation. Second, we determined the presence of N(A)Ab binding transferrin, myosin and thyroglobulin in bovine milk. Third, we studied the relation between N(A)Ab in bovine milk and mammary health. For the first objective, dairy cows were either fed a control (C) (n = 8) or a diet where 2 kg of concentrates were replaced by an iso-energetic concentrate containing marine algae (ALG) from week −3 till 8 postpartum (experiment 1). Plasma and milk samples were analyzed weekly for NAb binding either KLH or LPS. Plasma was analyzed for glucose, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA). For the second and third objective, milk samples were collected weekly from 96 dairy cows from week 2 till 9 postpartum and analyzed for milk composition and N(A)Ab binding myosin, transferrin and thyroglobulin (experiment 2). For both datasets, N(A)Ab titers are expressed as 2log values of the highest dilution giving a positive reaction. Data are expressed as means ± SEM. Repeated observations were analyzed in a mixed model. In experiment 1, no diet effect (P > 0.05) was observed on NAb binding LPS in plasma or milk, NAb binding KLH in milk was greater (P = 0.05) for cows fed the control diet. Concentration of NAb binding KLH and LPS in plasma was negatively related to plasma NEFA concentration (P < 0.05). In experiment 2, NAb binding myosin (5.66 ± 0.06), thyroglobulin (4.85 ± 0.06), and transferrin (5.76 ± 0.07) were identified in milk. Clinical mastitis incidence (9%) tended to be positively related to concentration of NAb binding myosin (P = 0.06) and negatively related to Nab binding transferrin (P = 0.08). In conclusion, NAb binding KLH and LPS in plasma and milk are related to metabolic health, as indicated by plasma NEFA concentration. Furthermore, this study demonstrates the presence of N(A)Ab in bovine milk and shows trends for a relation between N(A)Ab binding auto-antigens and mastitis. Future studies should confirm these trends and shed light on the predictive value of N(A)Ab in bovine milk for mammary health.  相似文献   

Thirty-two dairy herds, 16 with low somatic cell counts (LSCC; Dairy Herd Improvement Association 12-month mean herd SCC less than or equal to 150,000 cells/ml) and 16 with high somatic cell counts (HSCC; Dairy Herd Improvement Association 12-month mean herd SCC greater than or equal to 700,000 cells/ml) were evaluated to determine the relationship between the prevalence of mastitis in each herd and each herd's mastitis control and management practices. Once for each herd, duplicate quarter milk samples were collected from the lactating cows, a survey of herd mastitis control, milking hygiene, and management practices of each herd was performed, and milking-machine function was evaluated. Of the 16 herds with LSCC, 2 (12.5%) had Streptococcus agalactiae isolated and 7 (44%) had Staphylococcus aureus isolated. Both organisms were found in all of the herds with HSCC. In herds with LSCC, the mean percentage of quarters infected with Str agalactiae was 0.1%, the mean percentage infected with streptococci other than Str agalactiae was 1.9%, and the mean infected with S aureus was 0.7%. In herds with HSCC, 25.7% of the quarters were infected with Str agalactiae, 3.7% were infected with streptococci other than Str agalactiae, and 7.6% were infected with S aureus. A program of postmilking teat dipping and treatment of all cows at the beginning of the nonlactating period was practiced more frequently in the herds with LSCC (81.3%) than in the herds with HSCC (37.5%). Major differences were not found between the 2 groups of herds in the use of the more common milking hygiene techniques or in the maintenance and functional characteristics of the milking equipment.  相似文献   

The somatic cell count (SCC) is considered an important indicator of intra-mammary infection (IMI). The purpose of this study was to determine the accuracy of both SCC and culture to detect IMI and their conditional dependence by means of latent class methods. This study involved 175 dairy cows from 2 herds with different udder infection prevalences. Quarter and composite milk samples were collected for SCC and bacteriological culture. Latent-class models using Bayesian methods were used to estimate test sensitivity (Se) and specificity (Sp) and population prevalence. The models ran involved only major mastitis pathogens and composite SCC (CSCC). Five thresholds between 100,000 and 300,000 cells/mL were evaluated and the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve analysis was performed. Fifty-five percent of the cows had CSCC ≥200,000 cells/mL and 95.4% of the cows had at least one infected quarter either with minor or major pathogens. Considering a threshold of 150,000 cells/mL, the estimated Se and Sp for the CSCC were, 0.80 (95% CrI 0.71–0.88) and 0.57 (95% CrI 0.44–0.71), respectively. The estimated culture Se and Sp were 0.83 (95% CrI 0.73–0.93) and 0.89 (95% CrI 0.74–0.98), respectively. There was no evidence of dependence between CSCC and culture. The area under curve for CSCC was 0.72. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of the CSCC accuracy to detect IMI for major pathogens considering the effect of culture misclassification. The estimates provided here could help to examine the performance of sampling schemes based on CSCC to manage udder health.  相似文献   

Two analytical approaches were used to investigate the relationship between somatic cell concentrations in monthly quarter milk samples and subsequent, naturally occurring clinical mastitis in three dairy herds. Firstly, cows with clinical mastitis were selected and a conventional matched analysis was used to compare affected and unaffected quarters of the same cow. The second analysis included all cows, and in order to overcome potential bias associated with the correlation structure, a hierarchical Bayesian generalised linear mixed model was specified. A Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach, that is Gibbs sampling, was used to estimate parameters.

The results of both the matched analysis and the hierarchical modelling suggested that quarters with a somatic cell count (SCC) in the range 41,000–100,000 cells/ml had a lower risk of clinical mastitis during the next month than quarters <41,000 cell/ml. Quarters with an SCC >200,000 cells/ml were at the greatest risk of clinical mastitis in the next month. There was a reduced risk of clinical mastitis between 1 and 2 months later in quarters with an SCC of 81,000–150,000 cells/ml compared with quarters below this level. The hierarchical modelling analysis identified a further reduced risk of clinical mastitis between 2 and 3 months later in quarters with an SCC 61,000–150,000 cells/ml, compared to other quarters.

We conclude that low concentrations of somatic cells in milk are associated with increased risk of clinical mastitis, and that high concentrations are indicative of pre-existing immunological mobilisation against infection. The variation in risk between quarters of affected cows suggests that local quarter immunological events, rather than solely whole cow factors, have an important influence on the risk of clinical mastitis. MCMC proved a useful tool for estimating parameters in a hierarchical Bernoulli model. Model construction and an approach to assessing goodness of model fit are described.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to determine budgets for specific management interventions to control heifer mastitis in Irish dairy herds as an example of evidence synthesis and 1-step Bayesian micro-simulation in a veterinary context. Budgets were determined for different decision makers based on their willingness to pay. Reducing the prevalence of heifers with a high milk somatic cell count (SCC) early in the first lactation could be achieved through herd level management interventions for pre- and peri-partum heifers, however the cost effectiveness of these interventions is unknown. A synthesis of multiple sources of evidence, accounting for variability and uncertainty in the available data is invaluable to inform decision makers around likely economic outcomes of investing in disease control measures. One analytical approach to this is Bayesian micro-simulation, where the trajectory of different individuals undergoing specific interventions is simulated. The classic micro-simulation framework was extended to encompass synthesis of evidence from 2 separate statistical models and previous research, with the outcome for an individual cow or herd assessed in terms of changes in lifetime milk yield, disposal risk, and likely financial returns conditional on the interventions being simultaneously applied. The 3 interventions tested were storage of bedding inside, decreasing transition yard stocking density, and spreading of bedding evenly in the calving area. Budgets for the interventions were determined based on the minimum expected return on investment, and the probability of the desired outcome. Budgets for interventions to control heifer mastitis were highly dependent on the decision maker's willingness to pay, and hence minimum expected return on investment. Understanding the requirements of decision makers and their rational spending limits would be useful for the development of specific interventions for particular farms to control heifer mastitis, and other endemic diseases.  相似文献   


CASE HISTORY: Approximately 1 hour after the consumption of carnations from a nearby glasshouse 55 animals from a dairy goat herd exhibited signs of possible poisoning.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: Upon clinical examination affected animals exhibited signs of salivation, tympany, tachypnoea, polydipsia, urination, diarrhoea, bradycardia, miosis, tremor and convulsions. As poisoning from an acetylcholinesterase-inhibiting insecticide was suspected, treatment with atropine sulphate was initiated at a dose of 0.3 mg/kg bodyweight. The treatment was repeated for some animals that relapsed, and was effective in all cases, with the exception of one goat kid that died.

DIAGNOSIS: Necropsy of the goat kid showed pulmonary oedema and congestion of internal organs. Toxicological analysis of stomach contents and liver of the dead animal, as well as of the carnations, revealed high concentrations of carbamates.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Carbamate poisoning after consumption of polluted feedstuffs or glasshouse products can be fatal for dairy goats. Atropine sulphate, at 0.3 mg/kg, can be useful in treating this condition.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the association of bulk-tank somatic cell counts (BTSCC) and the value of herd productivity (milk produced, calves born, and net costs for cow replacements) in US dairy herds in 1996. DESIGN: Randomized stratified national survey of dairy producers. SAMPLE POPULATION: Records from 1,219 dairy herds in the top 20 dairy states. PROCEDURE: Responses for 1,178 herds had complete information for economic analysis. Per-cow value of production was determined for each herd. Data for herds with high (> or = 400,000 cells/ml) and medium (200,000 to 399,999 cells/ml) BTSCC were compared with values for herds with low BTSCC (< 200,000 cells/ml), using a multivariable regression model. RESULTS: In 1996, milk was priced at $0.287/kg ($13/cwt). Herds with low BTSCC annually generated $103.90/cow more in herd productivity than herds with medium BTSCC and $292.39/cow more than herds with high BTSCC. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Increased BTSCC (> 200,000 cells/ml) were associated with a reduced value of productivity per cow. Thus, dairy producers have a financial incentive to seek out and implement cost-effective management practices that will enable them to decrease their BTSCC to < 200,000 cells/ml and maximize herd productivity.  相似文献   

Somatic cell counts (SCC) measurements are typically performed using quantitative methods, such as the Breed method (Breed) and the Fossomatic method (FSCC). The DeLaval cell counter (DCC) developed recently is a quantitative somatic cell counter with a low initial cost and superior portability. However, since the DCC was specifically developed for measuring SCC of ≤ 4 × 106 cells/mL milk from bulk tanks or individual cows, its reliability for estimating SCC that exceed this concentration has not yet been clarified. This study therefore examined whether it is possible to accurately measure SCC by diluting milk samples with initial SCC of 4 × 106 cells/mL, as seen in clinical mastitis milk. We collected milk samples from 99 quarters of 99 Holstein cows with clinical mastitis. These milk samples were diluted 10‐fold with saline and thoroughly mixed before performing SCC measurement with the DCC. The correlation coefficients of SCC measured by the FSCC, Breed and DCC methods indicated strong correlations between each pair of methods. The findings showed that DCC can be used to identify bovine clinical mastitis milk and is useful as a quantitative SCC measurement device on farm sites.  相似文献   

The reduction in milk production caused by subclinical mastitis in dairy cattle was assessed through the regression of test day milk yield on log-transformed somatic cell counts (LnSCC). Data was obtained from Valacta, Quebec, and a total of 312,756 test day records from Ayrshire cows and 1,869,785 test day records from Holstein cows were included in the analyses. A segmented regression was fitted to estimate the cutoff point in the LnSCC scale where milk yield starts to be affected by mastitis. The statistical model used to explain daily milk yield included the effects of herd–year-season of test (random), days in milk, age at calving and LnSCC, and analyses were performed by breed, parity and stage of lactation. The cutoff point where milk yield starts to be affected by changes in LnSCC was estimated from data to be around 2 (approximately 7400 cells/mL) for Canadian Ayrshires and Holsteins. Milk losses per unit increase in LnSCC varied from 0.55 to 0.84 kg/day in first lactation Ayrshires, from 0.33 to 0.55 kg/day in first lactation Holsteins, from 0.74 to 2.45 kg/day in adult Ayrshires and from 0.77 to 1.78 kg/day in adult Holsteins. Daily milk losses caused by changes in LnSCC were dependent on breed, parity and stage of lactation, and these factors should be considered when estimating losses associated with subclinical mastitis.  相似文献   

To determine milk yield and composition, total microbic count (TMC) and somatic cell count (SCC) of browsing goats throughout the first lactation, 100 goats of Sarda breed, equally distributed in four flocks (F1, F2, F3 and F4), were selected. They were exclusively fed pasture and hand‐milked once daily. Individual milk samples and daily milk yield were taken from each goat at monthly intervals, from March to July. Milk samples were analyzed for: total protein, fat, lactose, urea, freezing point (FP), pH, TMC and SCC. The data was subjected to analysis of variance and to correlation matrix. On the whole, in all the flocks, milk yield showed the highest production in April and May. Fat content increased (P < 0.01) throughout the lactation. Protein content showed the lowest value (P < 0.01) in June (4.15%). Urea and pH values were fluctuating. FP was lower (P < 0.01) at the start of lactation (?0.562 Hortvet degrees). TMC log10 values were low, considering the hand milking and inadequacy of facilities on the farms. SCC increased (P < 0.01) throughout the lactation and, on the whole, SCC and TMC were not correlated.  相似文献   



Subclinical mastitis is of concern in veterinary hospitals because contagious mastitis pathogens might be unknowingly transmitted to susceptible cows and then back to their farm of origin.


To evaluate the California mastitis test (CMT) as an indicator of intramammary infection (IMI) in lactating dairy cows admitted to a veterinary hospital.


A total of 139 admissions of 128 lactating dairy cows admitted to the University of Illinois Veterinary Teaching Hospital over a 2‐year period.


A retrospective study with a convenience sample was conducted. Medical records of cows with CMT results and milk culture results for the day of admission were reviewed. Breed, age, season, maximum CMT score for the 4 quarters, maximum CMT score difference, and clinical diagnosis were evaluated as predictors of IMI by the chi‐square test and stepwise logistic regression.


An IMI was identified in 51% of quarters. For cows admitted without evidence of clinical mastitis, the sensitivity of a CMT score ≥trace in predicting an IMI on a quarter or cow basis was 0.45 and 0.68, respectively. The distributions of maximal quarter CMT score and the maximum difference in quarter CMT score for cows without evidence of clinical mastitis did not differ (P = 0.28, P = 0.84, respectively) for cows with and without IMI. Stepwise logistic regression did not identify significant predictors of IMI in cows without clinical mastitis.


Lactating dairy cattle admitted to a veterinary hospital should be managed as if they have an IMI, even in the absence of clinical mastitis.  相似文献   

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