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The Weinebene spodumene deposit is located in Carinthia, about 270 km southwest of Vienna. It is hosted by the medium- to high-grade metamorphic rocks of the Koralpe. The spodumene-bearing pegmatites form unzoned, dikelike bodies in eclogitic amphibolites and kyanite-bearing micaschists with concordant foliations. Their lateorogenic emplacement is probably of Variscan age. A younger, probably Alpine metamorphic event affected the pegmatites; it caused extensive recrystallization of the micaschist-hosted pegmatites, but had only a minor impact on the amphibolite-hosted ones. The spodumene-bearing pegmatites have been traced over a length of 1.5 km along strike and to about 450 m down dip. Their average thickness is 2 m, with a maximum of 5.5 m. Emplacement of the pegmatites caused an alteration halo of several dm in the hosting amphibolites, characterized by biotitization and formation of holmquistite. An aplitic spodumene-free seam of about 10 cm symmetrically borders the pegmatites. No contact phenomena are observed along the micaschist-hosted dikes. Spodumene is the only lithium-bearing mineral. Its average content is 22 vol% (equivalent to 1.68 wt% Li2O) in the amphibolite-hosted pegmatites and 15 vol% (equivalent to 1.13 wt% Li2O) in the micaschist-hosted dikes. Such a significant difference is also shown by rubidium (1,100 ppm vs 880 ppm) and cesium (60 ppm vs 25 ppm). Beryllium and tin are the only other significant trace elements. They show average contents of about 100 ppm and 120 ppm, respectively, with maxima of 1,690 ppm beryllium and 1,500 ppm tin. No correlation is found between lithium, tin, and beryllium. Niobium and tantalum are very low. A Na/K ratio of 1.2 emphasizes the predominance of albite over microcline. There is no discernable correlation between spodumene and albite contents, or between lithium and any other alkalies. The average K/Rb ratio is 20, pointing to the high degree of fractionation. Spodumene contains 7.4% Li2O and 0.45% FeO. There is no difference in the spodumene chemistry between the amphibolite-hosted and the micaschist-hosted pegmatites. Strong structural and textural evidence, mineral zoning, bulk composition corresponding to thermal minima in relevant experimental systems, and trace-element signature support an igneous derivation of the pegmatites. However, no granitic intrusion is exposed in the area, and the pegmatites could have been displaced from their source by tectonic events.  相似文献   

Summary The mineral chemistry of several Pliocene alkali basaltic rocks from Burgenland and Styria (Eastern Austria) have been investigated in order to determine the evolution path of the basalt magmas prior to eruption. With their wide range of substitutions, clinopyroxenes provide the best records of the evolution history of rocks. Pyroxene phenocrysts of the investigated basalts show both concentric and sector zoning. The investigation of sector zoned crystals shows, that not only Ti, Al and Fe contents are different in different sectors but there can be significant differences also in their Cr content. This fact apparently suggests that the distribution of Cr between clinopyroxene and melt could be influenced by crystallization kinetics.The depth of crystallization and differentiation of the basalts can be estimated from Ti and Al contents of clinopyroxene phenocrysts. From a combination of data on clinopyroxene composition, compatible trace element contents and mg-values of the rocks, it is concluded, that the alkali basalts of Pauliberg and Steinberg underwent slight olivine and clinopyroxene fractionation in shallow magma chambers prior to eruption, while the nephelinite of Stradnerkogel evolved mainly through clinopyroxene fractionation under high pressure conditions, probably in the upper mantle.
Chemie der Pyroxene und Entwicklung von Alkalibasalten aus dem Burgenland und der Steiermark, Österreich
Zusammenfassung Einige pliozäne alkalibasaltische Gesteine aus dem Burgenland und der Steiermark wurden mineral-chemisch untersucht, um Aufschluß über ihre Evolution vor der Eruption zu erhalten. Klinopyroxene mit ihren vielfältigen Subtitutionsmöglichkeiten erlauben am besten eine Abschätzung der Evolution der Basalte. Pyroxen-Einsprenglinge der Basalte zeigen sowohl konzentrischen als auch sektoralen Zonarbau. Die von uns untersuchten Einsprenglinge zeigen in den verschiedenen Sektoren nicht nur unterschiedliche Gehalte an Ti, Al und Fe, sondern vielfach auch unterschiedliche Cr-Gehalte. Dies macht es wahrscheinlich, daß die Verteilung von Cr zwischen Klinopyroxen und Schmelze von der Kristallisations-Kinetik beeinflußt wird.Die Tiefe in der die Basalte kristallisierten und differenzierten kann von den Ti- und Al-Gehalten der Klinopyroxen- Einsprenglinge abgeschätzt werden. Die Zusammensetzung der Klinopyroxene im Verein mit den Gehalten an kompatiblen Spurenelementen und denmg-Werten der Gesteine erlauben den Schluß, daß die Alkalibasalte von Pauliberg und Steinberg vor ihrer Eruption eine geringfügige Olivinund Klinopyroxen-Fraktionierung in einer seichten Magmakammer erlebten. Der Nephelinit vorn Stradnerkogel hingegen erfuhr hauptsächlich eine Klinopyroxen Fraktionierung unter Hochdruck-Bedingungen, möglicherweise im oberen Erdmantel.

With 8 Figures  相似文献   

Pale-blue to pale-green tourmalines from the contact zone of Permian pegmatites to mica schists and marbles from different localities of the Austroalpine basement units (Rappold Complex) in Styria, Austria, are characterized. All these Mg-rich tourmalines have small but significant Li contents, up to 0.29 wt% Li2O, and can be characterized as dravite, with FeO contents of ?~?0.9–2.7 wt%. Their chemical composition varies from X (Na0.67Ca0.19?K0.02?0.12) Y (Mg1.26Al0.97Fe2+ 0.36Li0.19Ti4+ 0.06Zn0.01?0.15) Z (Al5.31?Mg0.69) (BO3)3 Si6O18 V (OH)3? W [F0.66(OH)0.34], with a?=?15.9220(3), c?=?7.1732(2) Å to X (Na0.67Ca0.24?K0.02?0.07) Y (Mg1.83Al0.88Fe2+ 0.20Li0.08Zn0.01Ti4+ 0.01?0.09) Z (Al5.25?Mg0.75) (BO3)3 Si6O18 V (OH)3? W [F0.87(OH)0.13], with a?=?15.9354(4), c?=?7.1934(4) Å, and they show a significant Al-Mg disorder between the Y and the Z sites (R1?=?0.013–0.015). There is a positive correlation between the Ca content and?<?Y-O?>?distance for all investigated tourmalines (r?≈?1.00), which may reflect short-range order configurations including Ca and Fe2+, Mg, and Li. The tourmalines have XMg (XMg?=?Mg/Mg?+?Fetotal) values in the range 0.84–0.95. The REE patterns show more or less pronounced negative Eu and positive Yb anomalies. In comparison to tourmalines from highly-evolved pegmatites, the tourmaline samples from the border zone of the pegmatites of the Rappold Complex contain relatively low amounts of total REE (~8–36 ppm) and Th (0.1–1.8 ppm) and have low LaN/YbN ratios. There is a positive correlation (r?≈?0.91) between MgO of the tourmalines and the MgO contents of the surrounding mica schists. We conclude that the pegmatites formed by anatectic melting of mica schists and paragneisses in Permian time. The tourmalines crystallized from the pegmatitic melt, influenced by the metacarbonate and metapelitic host rocks.  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study about the perception of landslide risk. Following a major set of landslides in the eastern part of Austria in June 2009, we surveyed local experts, residents who had suffered losses from the landslides, and others living in the affected communities. Overall, the risk perception was significantly higher among those who had been personally affected by a landslide, had knowledge of the geology in the study region, had been affected by another natural hazard, or spent a lot of time outdoors and in touch with nature. Non-experts viewed natural factors as the main causes for the occurrence of landslides, while experts viewed anthropogenic factors as more important. Likewise, non-experts placed a greater emphasis on hard measures (such as retaining walls) to reduce the risk, whereas the experts tended to focus on better information and land-use planning. In terms of responsibility for mitigative actions, a majority of inhabitants believed that public authorities should undertake most of the costs, whereby those who had personal experience with landslides were more likely to favor the government paying for it.  相似文献   

Summary The crystal structure of a scapolite (52% Me) with strong superlattice (h+k+l=odd) reflections has been determined in the space groupP 42/n. The three-dimensional intensity data were collected with a normal beam single-crystal diffractometer using Zr-filtered Mo radiation.The result of the present structural investigation, together with two reported previously (Lin andBurley, 1973 a, b) confirms the theoretical conclusions (Lin andBurley, 1973 c). Two quantitative relationships in scapolite have also been established, (1) the exponential relationship between the intensity ratio (r) I h+k+l=odd/I h+k+l=even and the atomic displacement of atoms from the mirror plane consistent with the space groupI 4/m; (2) the linear relationship betweenr and the difference in the Al occupancy between T (2) and T (3) sites.The horizontal disposition of the positionally disordered CO3 groups in this scapolite is the same as in other scapolites, but the vertical disposition is different; the planar CO3 groups are tilted from the horizontal (001) plane.
Die Kristallstruktur eines intermediären Skapolithes-Wernerit
Zusammenfassung Die Kristallstruktur eines Skapolithes (52% Me) mit starken Überstrukturreflexen (h+k+l=ungerade) wurde in der RaumgruppeP 42/m bestimmt. Dreidimensionale Intensitätsdaten wurden auf einem Normalstrahl-Einkristall-Diffraktometer mit Zr-gefilteter Mo-Strahlung gesammelt.Das Ergebnis der vorliegenden Strukturuntersuchung bestätigt zusammen mit früheren Ergebnissen (Lin undBurley, 1973a, b) die theoretischen Schlüsse vonLin undBurley (1973c). Zwei quantitative Beziehungen bei Skapolith wurden aufgezeigt: 1. Die Exponentialbeziehung zwischen dem Intensitätsverhältnis (r) I h+k+l=ungerade/I h+k+l=gerade und der atomaren Verschiebung der Atome von der mit der RaumgruppeI 4/m konsistenten Spiegelebene, und 2 die lineare Beziehung zwischenr und dem Unterschied in der Al-Besetzung der Positionen T 6; 7 und T (2).

With 5 Figures  相似文献   

An approach to establish the recharge component of managed aquifer recharge (MAR) has recently been proposed that uses small-diameter shallow wells installed using relatively inexpensive drilling methods such as direct push. As part of further development of that approach, a generalized procedure is presented for a technical and economic assessment of the approach’s potential in comparison to other systems. Following this procedure, the use of small-diameter wells was evaluated both experimentally and numerically for a site located in southern Styria, Austria. MAR is currently done at the site using a horizontal pipe infiltration system, and system expansion has been proposed with a target rate of 12 l/s using small-diameter wells as one possible option. A short-duration single-well field recharge experiment (recharge rate 1.3–3.5 l/s) was performed (recharge by gravity only). Numerical modeling of the injection test was used to estimate hydraulic conductivity (K). Quasi-steady-state, single-well recharge simulations for different locations, as well as a long-term transient simulation, were performed using the K value calibrated from the field injection test. Results indicate that a recharge capacity of 4.1 l/s was achievable with a maximum head rise of 0.2 m at the injection well. Finally, simulations were performed for three different well fields (4, 6 and 8 wells, respectively) designed to infiltrate a target rate of 12 l/s. The experimental and numerical assessments, supported by a cost analysis of the small-diameter wells, indicate that the small-diameter wells are a viable, cost-effective recharge approach at this and other similar sites.  相似文献   

Sr- and Ca-rich waylandite, $ {\left( {{\hbox{B}}{{\hbox{i}}_{0.{54}}}{\hbox{S}}{{\hbox{r}}_{0.{31}}}{\hbox{C}}{{\hbox{a}}_{0.{25}}}{{\hbox{K}}_{0.0{1}}}{\hbox{B}}{{\hbox{a}}_{0.0{1}}}} \right)_{\Sigma 1.12}}{{\hbox{H}}_{0.{18}}}{\left( {{\hbox{A}}{{\hbox{l}}_{{2}.{96}}}{\hbox{C}}{{\hbox{u}}_{0.0{2}}}} \right)_{\Sigma 2.98}}{\left[ {{{\left( {{{\hbox{P}}_{0.{97}}}{{\hbox{S}}_{0.0{3}}}{\hbox{S}}{{\hbox{i}}_{0.0{1}}}} \right)}_{\Sigma 1.00}}{{\hbox{O}}_4}} \right]_2}{\left( {\hbox{OH}} \right)_6} $ , from Wheal Remfry, Cornwall, United Kingdom has been investigated by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and electron microprobe analyses. Waylandite crystallises in space group R $ \overline 3 $ ? m, with the cell parameters: a?=?7.0059(7) Å, c?=?16.3431(12) Å and V?=?694.69(11) Å3. The crystal structure has been refined to R 1?=?3.76%. Waylandite has an alunite-type structure comprised of a rhombohedral stacking of (001) composite layers of corner-shared AlO6 octahedra and PO4 tetrahedra, with (Bi,Sr,Ca) atoms occupying icosahedrally coordinated sites between the layers.  相似文献   

Summary The crystal structure of scotlandite —a=4.505(2),b=5.333(2),c=6.405(6) Å, =106.24(3)o; space groupP21/m; cell content 2 {PbSO3} — was determined from singlecrystal X-ray diffractometer data. Scotlandite is isotypic with molybdomenite, PbSeO3. Lead is coordinated to nine oxygen atoms with Pb-Oav=2.75 Å, and possibly further to one sulphur atom with Pb–S=3.46 Å. The average S–O distance in the pyramidal SO3 group is 1.52 Å. The structural relationships to cerussite, PbCO3, are discussed.
Die Kristallstruktur des Scotlandits, PbSO3
Zusammenfassung Die Kristallstruktur des Scotlandits —a=4,505(2),b=5,333(2),c=6,405(6) Å, =106,24(3)o; RaumgruppeP21/m; Zellinhalt 2 {PbSO3} — wurde aus Einkristall-Röntgendiffraktometerdaten bestimmt. Scotlandit ist mit Molybdomenit, PbSeO3, isotyp. Blei wird von neun Sauerstoffatomen mit Pb–Oav=2,75 Å und möglicherweise zusätzlich von einem Schwefelatom mit Pb–S=3,46 Å koordiniert. Der durchschnittliche S–O-Abstand in der pyramidalen SO3-Gruppe mißt 1,52 Å. Die strukturellen Beziehungen zu Cerussit, PbCO3, werden diskutiert.

With 2 Figures  相似文献   

The Koralpe of the Eastern European Alps experienced high-temperature/low-pressure metamorphism (∼650 °C and 6.5 kbar) during the Permian and eclogite facies metamorphism (∼700 °C and 14 kbar) during the Eo-Alpine (Cretaceous) metamorphic event. In the metapelitic Plattengneiss shear zone that constitutes much of the Koralpe, the second metamorphism caused only partial re-equilibration of the assemblages formed during the first metamorphism. It is shown here that the Eo-Alpine mineral assemblage, garnet + biotite + muscovite + plagioclase + quartz (with or without kyanite), formed under low water activity conditions that are consistent with the level of dehydration that occurred during the Permian event. This implies that the rocks were essentially closed-system from the peak of the Permian metamorphism through the Eo-Alpine event. The evolution of water content of the rocks is traced through time: that prograde dewatering during the Permian metamorphic event terminated at the metamorphic peak with a water content around 3–4 mol.%. The water content remained then constant and led to water-undersaturation during the subsequent Eo-Alpine metamorphism. From the water content and activity evolution a post-peak isothermal decompression path close to the solidus is inferred for the Eo-Alpine event.  相似文献   

Summary The crystal structure of sarcolite from Monte Somma (Vesuvius), Na(Na, K, Fe, Mg)<1 Ca6[Al4Si6O23](OH, H2O)<2 [(Si,P)O4]0.5[(CO3, Cl)]0.5, space groupI4/m witha=12,343(5)Å,c=15,463(5)Å andZ=4, has been determined from X-ray data collected on an automatic diffractometer. The 1637 independent reflections withI>2 (I) converged to a conventionalR value of 0.054 with partially anisotropic factors.The tetrahedral framework in sarcolite has a sharing coefficient of 1.85. Mean Si–O and Al–O distances are 1.616 and 1.763 Å, respectively. Isolated (Si, P)O4, CO3, OH, H2O and Cl species occupy cavities in the tetrahedral framework in a partially disordered way. The two crystallographically different Ca atoms coordinate respectively with 5 and 6 framework oxygens; further contacts occur with available anions. Ca–O distances range from 2.34 to 2.69 Å. Na atoms coordinate with 4 oxygens of the tetrahedral frame and one from the CO3 groups.A structure analysis of a sarcolite crystal baked out at 1100°C confirmed some structural details involving atoms occupying cavities in the tetrahedral framework.
Die Kristallstruktur des Sarkoliths
Zusammenfassung Die Kristallstruktur des Sarkoliths vom Monte Somma (Vesuv), Na(Na, K, Fe, Mg)<1 Ca6[Al4Si6O23](OH, H2O)<2[(Si, P)O4]0,5[(CO3, Cl)]0,5, RaumgruppeI4/m,a 0=12,343(5)Å,c 0=15,463(5)Å,Z=4, wurde aus Röntgendaten, die auf einem automatischen Diffraktometer gesammelt worden waren, bestimmt. Der konventionelleR-Wert für 1637 kristallographisch unabhängige Reflexe mitI>2 (I) konvergierte mit partiell anisotropen Temperaturfaktoren auf 0.054.Der Verknüpfungskoeffizient des Tetraedergerüstes in Sarkolith ist 1,85. Die mittleren Si–O-bzw. Al–O-Abstände sind 1,616Å und 1,763 Å. Isolierte Strukturbestandteile (Si, P)O4, CO3, OH, H2O und Cl besetzen zum Teil ungeordnet die Hohlräume des Tetraedergerüstes. Die beiden kristallographisch verschiedenen Ca-Atome werden von funf bzw. sechs Sauerstoffen des Gerüstes koordiniert, weitere Kontakte bestehen zu verfügbaren Anionen. Die Ca–O-Abstände variieren von 2,34 bis 2,69 Å. Die Na–Atome sind von vier Sauerstoffen des Tetraedergerüstes und von einem weiteren der CO3-Gruppen koordiniert. Die Strukturanalyse eines bei 1100°C getemperten Sarkolithkristalls bestätigte einige Details über die Atome, welche die Hohlräume des Tetraedergerüstes besetzen.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   

Summary The crystal structure of stringhamite, Ca[Cu(SiO4)](H2O),a=5.030(2),b=16.135(3),c=5.343(1) Å, =102.96(1)o,V=422.7(2) Å3,Z=4, space groupP21/c, has been solved by direct methods and refined by a full-matrix least-squares procedure to anR index of 3.7% for 1009 observed (3 ) reflections measured on a twinned crystal. The structure has one H2O molecule in its unit formula, rather than two as reported by previous study. As suggested by its formula, stringhamite is a neosilicate with Cu2+ in square planar coordination and Ca in [7]-coordination that approximates a diminished square antiprism.The fundametal building block of the stringhamite structure is a [Cu(SiO4)O3]8– heteropolyhedral cluster that polymerizes in two dimensions by corner-sharing between the squares and tetrahedra to form the structure module, a [Cu(SiO4)]2– heteropolyhedral sheet parallel to (010). These sheets are linked together by Ca atoms and hydrogen-bonding involving the H2O anioris in the structure.
Die Kristallstruktur des Stringhamits
Zusammenfassung Die Kristallstruktur des Stringhamits, Ca[Cu(SiO4)](H2O),a=5,030(2),b=16,135(3),c=5,343(1) Å, =102,96(1)o,V=422,7(2) Å3,Z=4, RaumgruppeP21/c, wurde mit direkten Methoden gelöst und für 1009 beobachtete (3 ) Reflexe, die an einem verzwillingten Kristall gemessen worden waren, aufR=3,7 verfeinert. Die Struktur enthält nur ein H2O-Molekül pro Formeleinheit und nicht zwei, wie in einer früheren Arbeit angegeben wurde. In Übereinstimmung mit seiner Formel ist Stringhamit ein Nesosilikat, Cu2+ hat eine planare 4-Koordination und Ca eine 7-Koordination, die einem tetragonalen Antiprisma mit einer unbesetzten Ecke ähnelt.Der fundamentale Baublock in der Struktur des Stringhamits ist eine heteropolyedrische [Cu(SiO4)O3]8–-Gruppe. Diese polymerisieren über gemeinsame Ecken zwischen den Quadraten und den Tetraedern in zwei Richtungen zur Baueinheit, einer heteropolyedrischen [Cu(SiO4)]2–-Schicht parallel (010). Diese Schichten werden durch Ca-Atome und Wasserstoffbrücken, welche die H2O-Anionen einbeziehen, miteinander verknüpft.

With 3 Figures  相似文献   

Sudburyite is known to occur in many copper and nickel sulfide deposits in China. Its ideal formula is PdSb. The three-dimensional parameters as determined by an automatic single crystal X-ray diffractometer PW 1100 are:a 0=4.083,c 0=5.602 Å,Z=2. Space groupD 6h 4 -P63/mmc. It is isostructural with niccolite, with parametes Pd 000,00 1/2; Sb 2/3 1/3 ¼, 1/3 2/3 ¾ andR=0.11.  相似文献   

Graphitic schists from the Pennine Basement, Tauern Window, Austria, contain fragments of pteridophyll leaves. They are preserved, despite the overall strong deformation and metamorphism at amphibolite facies conditions (˜ 525°C, 750°100 MPa), due to a particular strain path with volume loss by pressure solution. They were determined as cf. Callipteridium sp. indicating a Permo-Carboniferous age. This depositional age is similar to radiometric age data obtained for the intrusion of nearby metagranitoids, indicating either tectonic contacts between the metagranitoids and the graphite schists, or a very active and rapidly changing tectonic regime during the Hercynian event.  相似文献   

Garnets from recrystallized, staurolite- and kyanite-bearing mica schists from the central Saualpe basement, representing the host rocks of the type-locality eclogites, give concordant Sm–Nd garnet–whole-rock isochron ages between 88.5±1.7 and 90.9±0.7 Ma. The millimetre-sized, mostly inclusion-free grains show fairly homogeneous element profiles with pyrope contents of 25–27%. Narrow rims with an increase in Fe and Mn and a decrease in Mg document minor local re-equilibration during cooling. According to phengite geothermobarometry, peak metamorphic conditions at 90 Ma were close to 20  kbar and 680  °C and similar to those recorded by the eclogites. The garnet rims record about 575  °C/7  kbar for the final stages of metamorphism. A phengitic garnet–mica schist, sampled at the immediate contact with the Gertrusk eclogite, gave a garnet–whole-rock Sm–Nd age of 94.0±2.7 Ma.
Garnet porphyroclasts separated from a pegmatite–mylonite of the Koralpe plattengneiss near Stainz are unzoned and show spessartine contents of 15%. Composition and Sm–Nd ages of close to 260 Ma point to a magmatic origin for these garnets.
The garnet data from the Saualpe document an intense Alpine metamorphism for this part of the Austroalpine basement. The mica schists recrystallized during decompression and rapid exhumation, at the final stages of and immediately following a high- P event. The Koralpe data show that high Alpine temperatures did not reopen the Sm–Nd isotope system, implying a closure temperature in excess of c . 600  °C for this isotopic system in garnet.  相似文献   

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