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Seventy-two strains of Microsporum canis, of different origins, were examined from a morphological point of view and tested in relation to their hydrolytic activity on tyrosine, xanthine, casein, gelatin, their ureasic activity and their capacity to assimilate different nitrogenous substances.The morhological aspects, that vary within the M. canis isolates, were constant in the strains isolated from rabbits.A strain with particular features was isolated many times from the dogs and cats coming from the same breeder. In one case of pseudomycetoma, different isolates suggested the co-existence in animals of two different strains, one present on fur, the other responsible for deep lesions.  相似文献   

The genus Salmonella consists of two species S. enterica and S. bongori. S. enterica has a well defined subspecies structure with seven subspecies consistently delineated by sequence variation. Frequency of recombination between subspecies and within a subspecies is markedly different. Subspecies I undergoes frequent recombination as demonstrated recently, demystifying the long-held belief that Salmonella is a highly clonal organism. The majority of disease causing serovars are from subspecies I with the most important serovars in human health being Typhimurium and Typhi. Typhimurium has developed considerable diversity and may be a very old serovar. The majority of the isolates belong to a single clonal complex by multilocus sequence typing. Typhimurium isolates are divided into phage types and some of the phage types do not have a single origin as determined using mutational changes. Phage type DT104 is heterogeneous and represented in multiple sequence types, with its multidrug-resistant variant most successful causing epidemics in many parts of the world. Typhi, a human restricted serovar, is relatively young compared to Typhimurium, and has a low level of sequence variation. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been shown to be very useful for typing and resolving relationships within Typhi. Genome sequences of 19 isolates revealed more than 1700 SNPs. The fully resolved phylogenetic tree allows one to trace the mutational changes occurred during clonal diversification. Genome wide SNPs have greatly enhanced our understanding of the evolution of Salmonella clones.  相似文献   

In an unusual nosocomial outbreak, 13 staff and 11 patients in an acute and chronic health care facility were infected with the zoophilic dermatophyte, Microsporum canis. The dermatophyte was apparently introduced into the facility by a single infected patient. Likely modes of subsequent disease transmission include person-to-person contact, handling of contaminated laundry, and use of a shared razor. Infection control measures for managing such outbreaks are discussed.  相似文献   

By looking at drug addiction from an evolutionary perspective, we may understand its underlying significance and evaluate its three-fold nature: biology, psychology, and social influences. In this investigation it is important to delve into the co-evolution of mammalian brains and ancient psychotropic plants. Gaining an understanding of the implications of ancient psychotropic substance use in altering mammalian brains will assist in assessing the causes and effects of addiction in a modern-day context. By exploring addiction in this manner, we may move towards more effective treatment early prevention, treating the root of the issue rather than the symptoms.  相似文献   

Southeast Asian Ovalocytosis (SAO) is a common red blood cell disorder that is maintained as a balanced polymorphism in human populations. In individuals heterozygous for the SAO-causing mutation there are minimal detrimental effects and well-documented protection from severe malaria caused by Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum; however, the SAO-causing mutation is fully lethal in utero when homozygous. The present-day high frequency of SAO in Island Southeast Asia indicates the trait is maintained by strong heterozygote advantage. Our study elucidates the evolutionary origin of SAO by characterizing DNA sequence variation in a 9.5 kilobase region surrounding the causal mutation in the SLC4A1 gene. We find substantial haplotype diversity among SAO chromosomes and estimate the age of the trait to be approximately 10,005 years (95% CI: 4930–23,200 years). This date is far older than any other human malaria-resistance trait examined previously in Southeast Asia, and considerably pre-dates the widespread adoption of agriculture associated with the spread of speakers of Austronesian languages some 4000 years ago. Using a genealogy-based method we find no evidence of historical positive selection acting on SAO (s = 0.0, 95% CI: 0.0–0.03), in sharp contrast to the strong present-day selection coefficient (e.g., 0.09) estimated from the frequency of this recessively lethal trait. This discrepancy may be due to a recent increase in malaria-driven selection pressure following the spread of agriculture, with SAO targeted as a standing variant by positive selection in malarial populations.  相似文献   

The epidemiology and the natural distribution of Mycobacterium marinum, M. fortuitum, M. chelonae, M. porcinum, M. farcinogenes, M. smegmatis, M. scrofulaceum, M. xenopi, M. kansasii, M. simiae and M. genavense are described. In addition to the bacteriological, biochemical and genetic characteristics, the authors review the pathology of these species, including the natural and experimental diseases and the accompanying lesions, diagnosis, antibiotic sensitivities and treatment of animal infections caused by these mycobacteria.  相似文献   

Human beings are susceptible to sustained weight gain in the modern environment. Although both men and women can get fat, they get fat in different ways, and suffer different consequences. We review differences between men and women in the incidence of obesity, fat deposition patterns, fat metabolism, and the health consequences of obesity, and examine potential evolutionary explanations for these differences. Women generally have a larger proportion of body mass as fat, and are more likely to deposit fat subcutaneously and on their lower extremities; men are more likely to deposit fat in the abdominal region. Excess adipose tissue in the abdominal region, especially visceral fat, is associated with more health risks. Women have higher rates of reuptake of NEFA into adipose tissue; however, they also have higher rates of fat oxidation during prolonged exercise. Oestrogen appears to underlie many of these differences. Women bear higher nutrient costs during reproduction. Fat and fertility are linked in women, through leptin. Low leptin levels reduce fertility. Ovarian function of adult women is associated with their fatness at birth. In our evolutionary past food insecurity was a frequent occurrence. Women would have benefited from an increased ability to store fat in easily metabolisable depots. We suggest that the pattern of central obesity, more commonly seen in men, is not adaptive, but rather reflects the genetic drift hypothesis of human susceptibility to obesity. Female obesity, with excess adiposity in the lower extremities, reflects an exaggeration of an adaptation for female reproductive success.  相似文献   

Aquatic environments are the most important source for Legionella spp. infections such as Legionnaires’ disease and Pontiac fever. The reservoirs of Legionella spp. are mostly unclear in sub-Saharan Africa. The aim of this study, conducted in 2013, was to identify geographical areas of an increased risk for exposure to Legionella spp., and to describe the population structure of Legionella spp. from different water sources in a cross-sectional study in Gabon. Fresh water samples (n = 200) were cultured on Legionella selective agar; species were confirmed by MALDI-TOF, a Legionella pneumophila specific real-time PCR and 16S RNA gene sequencing. Serogroups were identified by agglutination test. The population structure was assessed by multilocus sequence typing (MLST).Legionella spp. isolates (n = 29) were frequently found in the hospital setting particularly in hot water systems. Open water bodies (i.e. rivers, lakes) were not contaminated with Legionella spp. Isolated L. pneumophila mainly belonged to serogroups 2–14 (n = 19) and MLST sequence type ST1, ST75 (and related STs) and ST1911.In conclusion, hospitalized patients might have an increased risk to become infected with Legionella spp. in the studied areas in Gabon, particularly if they have risk factors such as comorbidities. Both broadly extended (ST1, ST75) and local lineages (ST1911) were present in our setting.  相似文献   

Using a novel multilocus DNA marker analysis method, we studied the population genetic structure of Trypansoma brucei stocks and derived clones isolated from animal and rhodesiense sleeping sickness patients during a national sleeping sickness control program in Mukono district, Uganda. We then performed a cladistic analysis to trace relationships and evolution, using stocks and clones recovered from geographically and temporally matched hosts, including inter-strain comparisons with T. b. gambiense stocks and clones. Our results show that while there was close genetic relatedness among parasite populations from the same geographical region, micro-heterogeneities exist between different stocks. Data are presented that indicate that not every human sleeping sickness focus may be associated with a particular human-infective trypanosome strain responsible for long-term stability of the reference focus. We provide evidence of genetic sub-structuring among type 1 T. b. gambiense stocks, which has potentially important implications for molecular epidemiology of T. brucei.  相似文献   

Following occurrence of a rare case of human Brucella canis in Memphis, Tennessee, the free roaming and confined dog populations of that community and a similar geographical location were surveyed for B canis positivity to identify the foci of infection and to compare positivity rates. Three hundred and two dogs were sampled. Positivity was found only in free roaming dogs in both communities. It is concluded that presence of B canis positivity in free roaming dogs may pose an additional medical threat to communities, thus providing one more sound reason for controlling strays and confining dogs.  相似文献   

The evolution of paramyxoviruses is still poorly understood since past phylogenetic studies have revealed conflicting evolutionary signals among genes, and used varying methods and datasets. Using Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of full length single and concatenated sequences for the 6 genes shared among paramyxovirus genera, we reassess the ambiguous evolutionary relationships within the family, and examine causes of varying phylogenetic signals among different genes. Relative to a pneumovirus outgroup, the concatenated gene phylogeny, splits the Paramyxovirinae into two lineages, one comprising the avulaviruses and rubulaviruses, and a second containing the respiroviruses basal to the henipaviruses, and morbilliviruses. Phylogenies for the matrix (M), RNA dependent RNA polymerase (L) and the fusion (F) glycoprotein genes, are concordant with the topology from the concatenated dataset. In phylogenies derived from the nucleocapsid (N) and phosphoprotein (P) genes, the respiroviruses form the most basal genus of the Paramyxovirinae subfamily, with the avulaviruses and rubulaviruses in one lineage, and the henipaviruses, and morbilliviruses in a second. The phylogeny of the hemagglutinin (H) gene places the respiroviruses basal to the avula-rubulavirus group, but the relationship of this lineage with henipa and morbillviruses is not resolved. Different genes may be under varying evolutionary pressures giving rise to these conflicting signals. Given the level of conservation in the M and L genes, we suggest that together with F gene, these or concatenated datasets for all six genes are likely to reveal the most reliable phylogenies at a family level, and should be used for future phylogenetic studies in this group. Split decomposition analysis suggests that recombination within genera, may have a contributed to the emergence of dolphin morbillivirus, and several species within respiroviruses. A partial L gene alignment, resolves the relationship of 25 unclassified paramxyoviruses into 4 clades (Chiopteran-, Salmon-, Rodentian- and Ophidian paramyxoviruses) which group with rubula-, respiro-, morbilliviruses, and within the paramxyovirinae respectively.  相似文献   

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