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Microbial rennet-like milk-clotting enzymes are aspartic proteinases that catalyze milk coagulation, substituting calf rennet. Crude enzymatic extract produced by the thermophilic fungus, Thermomucor indicae-seudaticae N31, on solid state fermentation (SSF) using wheat bran, exhibited high milk-clotting activity and low proteolytic activity after 24 h of fermentation. Highest milk-clotting activity (MCA) was at pH 5.7, at 70 °C and in 0.04 M CaCl2; it was stable in the pH range 3.5–4.5 for 24 h and up to 45 °C for 1 h. MCA was highly inhibited by pepstatin A. Hydrolytic activity profile of the crude enzymatic extract on whole bovine casein, analyzed by gel electrophoresis (Urea–PAGE) and RP-HPLC revealed low proteolytic action towards casein fractions and a peptide profile similar to the one obtained with commercial Rhizomucor miehei protease (Hannilase).  相似文献   

A novel milk-clotting serine protease, named religiosin B, is purified from Ficus religiosa. The molecular mass of the protein is 63,000 with pI value of pH 7.6. The proteolytic activity of the enzyme is strongly inhibited by phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) and chymostatin. Religiosin B acts optimally at pH 8.0-8.5 and temperature 55 °C. The molar absorption coefficient of the enzyme is 149,725 M−1cm−1 with 23 tryptophan, 15 tyrosine and 7cysteine residues per molecule of the enzyme. The enzyme shows broad substrate specificity with natural as well as synthetic substrates. Religiosin B is highly stable against denaturants and metal ions as well as over a wide range of pH and temperature. The de novo sequencing confirms the novelty of the enzyme. In addition to its high milk-clotting ability, it could be used in the cheese industry, as well as other food and biotechnological industries.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to evaluate the effects of 2 levels of raw milk somatic cell count (SCC) on the composition of Prato cheese and on the microbiological and sensory changes of Prato cheese throughout ripening. Two groups of dairy cows were selected to obtain low-SCC (<200,000 cells/mL) and high-SCC (>700,000 cells/mL) milks, which were used to manufacture 2 vats of cheese. The pasteurized milk was evaluated according to the pH, total solids, fat, total protein, lactose, standard plate count, coliforms at 45°C, and Salmonella spp. The cheese composition was evaluated 2 d after manufacture. Lactic acid bacteria, psychrotrophic bacteria, and yeast and mold counts were carried out after 3, 9, 16, 32, and 51 d of storage. Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes, and coagulase-positive Staphylococcus counts were carried out after 3, 32, and 51 d of storage. A 2 × 5 factorial design with 4 replications was performed. Sensory evaluation of the cheeses from low- and high-SCC milks was carried out for overall acceptance by using a 9-point hedonic scale after 8, 22, 35, 50, and 63 d of storage. The somatic cell levels used did not affect the total protein and salt:moisture contents of the cheeses. The pH and moisture content were higher and the clotting time was longer for cheeses from high-SCC milk. Both cheeses presented the absence of Salmonella spp. and L. monocytogenes, and the coagulase-positive Staphylococcus count was below 1 × 102 cfu/g throughout the storage time. The lactic acid bacteria count decreased significantly during the storage time for the cheeses from both low- and high-SCC milks, but at a faster rate for the cheese from high-SCC milk. Cheeses from high-SCC milk presented lower psychrotrophic bacteria counts and higher yeast and mold counts than cheeses from low-SCC milk. Cheeses from low-SCC milk showed better overall acceptance by the consumers. The lower overall acceptance of the cheeses from high-SCC milk may be associated with texture and flavor defects, probably caused by the higher proteolysis of these cheeses.  相似文献   

Milk-clotting enzyme is considered largely denatured after the cooking step in hard cheeses. Nevertheless, typical hydrolysis products derived from rennet action on alpha(s1)-casein have been detected during the ripening of hard cheeses. The aim of the present work was to investigate the influence of residual milk-clotting enzyme on alpha(s1)-casein hydrolysis in Reggianito cheeses. For that purpose, we studied the influence of cooking temperature (45, 52, and 60 degrees C) on milk-clotting enzyme residual activity and alpha(s1)-casein hydrolysis during ripening. Milk-clotting enzyme residual activity in cheeses was assessed using a chromatographic method, and the hydrolysis of alpha(s1)-casein was determined by electrophoresis and high performance liquid chromatography. Milk-clotting enzyme activity was very low or undetectable in 60 degrees C- and 52 degrees C-cooked cheeses at the beginning of the ripening, but it increased afterwards, particularly in 52 degrees C-cooked cheeses. Cheese curds that were cooked at 45 degrees C had higher initial milk clotting activity, but also in this case, there was a later increase. Hydrolysis of alpha(s1)-casein was detected early in cheeses made at 45 degrees C, and later in those made at higher temperatures. The peptide alpha(s1)-I was not detected in 60 degrees C-cooked cheeses. The results suggest that residual milk-clotting enzyme can contribute to proteolysis during ripening of hard cheeses, because it probably renatures partially after the cooking step. Consequently, the production of peptides derived from alpha(s1)-casein in hard cheeses may be at least, partially due to this proteolytic agent.  相似文献   

The seeds of Solanum dubium were blended and extracted using different types of buffers. The most reliable, quick, and efficient buffer was found to be 5% NaCl in acetate buffer (pH 5.0) which was used throughout the study. The extract was filtered and fractionated twice with ammonium sulphate. The partially purified enzyme was characterised by SDS–PAGE which showed a band of molecular weight of 66 kDa with the presence of other bands of low density. When compared with other plant enzymes, S. dubium enzyme was found to have higher clotting and proteolytic activities. The activity of the enzyme was steadily increased with enzyme and substrate concentration. The enzyme was found to be very stable against a wide range of pH values as well as a wide range of temperature (20–90 °C). The results of substrate specificity of the enzyme showed that the partially purified enzyme preferred both hydrophilic and hydrophobic amino acid residues at P1 position. The catalytic efficiency of the purified enzyme was enhanced by an aliphatic amino acids (Leu) compared to aromatic residue (Phe) at P1 position at the same site.  相似文献   

Turkish White-brined cheese was manufactured using Lactococcus strains (Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis NCDO763 plus L. lactis ssp. cremoris SK11 and L. lactis ssp. lactis UC317 plus L. lactis ssp. cremoris HP) or without a starter culture, and ripened for 90 d. It was found that the use of starters significantly influenced the physical, chemical, biochemical, and sensory properties of the cheeses. Chemical composition, pH, and sensory properties of cheeses made with starter were not affected by the different starter bacteria. The levels of soluble nitrogen fractions and urea-PAGE of the pH 4.6-insoluble fractions were found to be significantly different at various stages of ripening. Urea-PAGE patterns of the pH 4.6-insoluble fractions of the cheeses showed that considerable degradation of αs1-casein occurred and that β-casein was more resistant to hydrolysis. The use of a starter culture significantly influenced the levels of 12% trichloroacetic acid-soluble nitrogen, 5% phosphotungstic acid-soluble nitrogen, free amino acids, total free fatty acids, and the peptide profiles (reverse phase-HPLC) of 70% (vol/vol) ethanol-soluble and insoluble fractions of the pH 4.6-soluble fraction of the cheeses. The levels of peptides in the cheeses increased during the ripening period. Principal component and hierarchical cluster analyses of electrophoretic and chromatographic results indicated that the cheeses were significantly different in terms of their peptide profiles and they were grouped based on the use and type of starter and stage of ripening. Levels of free amino acid in the cheeses differed; Leu, Glu, Phe, Lys, and Val were the most abundant amino acids. Nitrogen fractions, total free amino acids, total free fatty acids, and the levels of peptides resolved by reverse phase-HPLC increased during ripening. No significant differences were found between the sensory properties of cheeses made using a starter, but the cheese made without starter received lower scores than the cheeses made using a starter. It was found that the cheese made with strains NCDO763 plus SK11 had the best quality during ripening. It was concluded that the use of different starter bacteria caused significant differences in the quality of the cheese, and that each starter culture contributed to proteolysis to a different degree.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the pH stability and effect of salts on the activity of a partially purified enzyme from Solanum dubium seeds as well as its hydrolytic power on caseins and caseins components. The seeds of S. dubium were blended and extracted using 50 g/L NaCl in 50 mmol/L acetate buffer, pH 5.0. The enzyme was then partially purified using ammonium sulfate. The results obtained showed that both NaCl and CaCl2 enhanced the proteolytic activity of the enzyme and the enhancement was found to be significant when NaCl was used. Moreover, the stimulatory effect was found to be concentration dependent. The proteolysis of bovine whole casein and casein subunits by the enzyme during incubation was studied by SDS-PAGE. The results obtained revealed that both κ-casein and β-casein are the most susceptible to hydrolysis than α-casein. The three main casein components α-, β-, and κ-caseins were sensitive to the action of the enzyme and the order of hydrolysis obtained was κ- casein, β- casein, and α- caseins.  相似文献   

Proteolysis in enzyme-modified cheese was investigated with natural crude enzyme or recombinant aminopeptidase, both derived from Lactobacillus rhamnosus S93 in the presence of a commercial proteinase, Neutrase. For production of enzyme-modified cheeses, a cheese slurry was produced and pre-incubated with Neutrase. Natural enzyme or recombinant aminopeptidase (50 units 200 g−1 slurry) was added alone or in combination to the cheese slurries, which were then incubated anaerobically under vacuum at 37 °C for 1, 3 and 6 d. The greatest levels of phosphotungstic acid soluble nitrogen and free amino acids were observed in the enzyme-modified cheese containing natural enzyme followed by the one treated with a combination of the natural enzyme and recombinant aminopeptidase. The enzyme-modified cheese containing the recombinant aminopeptidase alone resulted in the complete disappearance of proline after 1 d of maturation time.  相似文献   

Cínthia H.B. Souza 《LWT》2009,42(2):633-640
The effect of a probiotic culture of Lactobacillus acidophilus (La-5), added solely or in co-culture with a starter culture of Streptococcus thermophilus, on texture, proteolysis and related properties of Minas fresh cheese during storage at 5 °C was investigated. Three cheese-making trials were prepared and produced with no addition of cultures (T1 - control), supplemented with La-5 (T2), and with La-5 + S. thermophilus (T3). Viable counts of La-5 remained above 6.00 log cfu g−1 during the whole storage for T2, reaching 7.00 log cfu g−1 on the 14th day. For T3, the counts of La-5 remained above 6.00 log cfu g−1 after 7 days of storage. Due to the presence of S. thermophilus, T3 presented the highest proteolytic index increase and titratable acidity values. Nevertheless, these results and S. thermophilus addition had no influence on viability of La-5 which presented satisfactory populations for a probiotic food. Moreover, the use of a yoghurt culture for the production of Minas fresh cheese T3 supplemented with La-5 resulted in a good quality product, with a small rate of post-acidification, indicating that traditional yoghurt culture could be employed in co-culture with La-5 to improve the quality of this cheese.  相似文献   

V.O. Adetunji  R.K. Singh 《LWT》2008,41(2):331-336
As an important protein source for West African consumers, wara cheese made from the leave extract of Calotropis procera has extremely short shelf life of only 2-3 days [Adegoke, G. O., Nse, E. N., & Akanni, A. O. (1992). Effects of heat, processing time, and pH on the microflora, aflatoxin content, and storability of wara, a soft white cheese. Die Nahrung, 36(3), 259-264; Umoh, V. J., & Solomon, O. (2001). Safety assessment and critical control point of milk product and some cereal beverages in Northern Nigeria. In: Proceedings of USDA/USAID/NIGERIA international conference on food safety and security, August 1-3 (pp. 122-127). Ibadan, Nigeria: IITA; Belewu, M. A., Belewu, K. Y., & Nkwunonwo, C.C. (2005). Effect of biological and chemical preservatives on the shelflife of West African soft cheese. African Journal of Biotechnology, 4, 1076-1079; Adetunji, A. O., Alonge, D. O., & Chen, J. (Unpublished). Microbial quality of wara, a southwestern Nigerian soft cheese]. Lemon juice was used in this study as a substitute coagulant during wara manufacture in order to improve the microbial quality of wara. The cheese was manufactured from pasteurized milk inoculated with 101 or 102 CFU ml−1 of Listeria monocytogenes. Samples of the milk or cheese were taken along the manufacturing steps and during a 5 d storage period at 15 and 28 °C in order to determine the populations of L. monocytogenes, total aerobes, Enterobacteriaceae, and psychrotrophs, as well as mold and yeast. On the 4th day of storage, portions of the un-inoculated control cheese from 28 °C were deep fried in vegetable oil, mimicking the practice of West African local cheese processors. The results showed that L. monocytogenes, at both inoculation levels, did not survive the manufacture of wara. In samples initially inoculated with 101 CFU ml−1 of L. monocytogenes, the Enterobacteriaceae counts decreased from the initial 1.78 to 1.00 Log10 CFU g−1 with the addition of lemon juice, and became undetectable (<1.00 Log10 CFU g−1) at the curdling point as well as during the 5 d storage period at both temperatures. The total aerobic counts increased from the undetectable level on the 1st day of storage to 7.65 and 3.39 Log10 CFU g−1, respectively at 28 or 15 °C on the 5th day of storage. The psychrotrophic, as well as the yeast and mold counts increased from the undetectable levels on the 1st day of storage to 7.11 and 5.03 Log10 CFU g−1, respectively at 28 °C. At 15 °C however, the population of pyschrotrophs remained undetectable throughout the 5 d storage period whereas, the yeast and molds count increased to 3.08 Log10 CFU g−1 on day 3 before quickly decreasing to the undetectable levels on the 5th day of storage. A similar trend was observed in cheese made from the milk with an initial Listeria inoculation level of 102 CFU ml−1. The results of this study showed that lemon juice significantly reduced the populations of the sampled microorganisms, especially the populations of Enterobacteriaceae.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to characterize Staphylococcus aureus isolates from Swiss raw milk cheeses that had been found to be contaminated with coagulase-positive staphylococci and to estimate the frequency of the various genotypes, in particular the mastitis-associated Staph. aureus genotype B (GTB). The isolates were also tested for staphylococcal enterotoxin (SE) genes and other virulence factors. From 623 coagulase-positive staphylococci isolated from 78 contaminated raw milk cheeses, 609 were found to be Staphylococcus aureus. Genotyping of all Staph. aureus isolates was performed by PCR amplification of the 16S–23S rRNA intergenic spacer region, as this method was used previously to differentiate between mastitis subtypes associated with their clinical outcome. In total, 20 different genotypes were obtained and the 5 most frequently occurring genotypes were distributed in 6.4% or more of the samples. The enterotoxin-producing Staph. aureus GTB, known for its high contagiousness and increased pathogenicity in Swiss mastitis herds, was found to be the most abundant subtype at the sample level (71.8%) as well as among the isolates (62.0%). A subset of 107 isolates of the different genotypes were analyzed for the presence of SE genes and revealed 9 different SE gene patterns, with sed being most frequently detected and 26% being PCR-negative for SE genes. Almost all isolates of the major contaminant GTB contained the SE gene pattern sed, sej, ser, with half of them additionally carrying sea. Production of SE in vitro was consistent with the SE genes detected in most of the cases; however, some isolated GTB did not produce SEA. Staphylococcus aureus Protein A (spa) typing revealed 30 different subtypes and most GTB isolates belonged to the bovine spa type t2953; GTB/t2953 was linked among other subtypes to SE production in cheese and staphylococcal intoxication cases. Furthermore, 1 of the 623 isolates was a methicillin-resistant Staph. aureus, which was an seh-carrying Staph. aureus spa type tbl 0635 (non-GTB). We conclude that control and reduction of enterotoxigenic Staph. aureus GTB in dairy herds in Switzerland will not only prevent economic losses at the farm level but also improve the safety of raw milk cheeses; distribution of methicillin-resistant Staph. aureus via raw milk cheese is of less concern.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven Leuconostoc (Ln.) isolates from Manchego cheese were characterized by phenotypic and genotypic methods, and their technological abilities studied in order to test their potential use as dairy starter components. While phenotypic diversity was evaluated by studying the biochemical characteristics of technological interest (i.e. acidifying and aminopeptidase activities), genotypic diversity was evidenced by using Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RAPD-PCR). Additional technological abilities such as lipolytic, proteolytic and autolytic activities, salt and pH tolerance and production of dextran, flavour compounds and biogenic amines, were investigated. The marked differences among strains reflected the existing biodiversity in naturally fermented products. After statistically evaluating their performance, strains C0W2, belonging to Ln. lactis, and C16W5 and N2W5, belonging to Ln. mesenteroides subsp. dextranicum, revealed the best properties to be used in mixed dairy starter cultures. This study evidences the fact that natural environments can be considered as a proper source of useful strains, for the dairy industry.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was the genetic characterization at the strain level of 39 presumed Geotrichum candidum isolates isolated throughout the artisanal manufacturing and ripening of Armada cheese and tentatively identified at genus and/or species level by phenotypic characteristics. The molecular identification of the strains included among others the amplification and sequencing of the D1/D2 domains of the 26S rRNA gene. A restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis with the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 PCR amplicons and a randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis with five different primers were carried out. The bands pattern profile obtained through RFLP by enzymatic restriction with HinfI was the same for all the strains studied, which confirmed the classification of the strains at species level. A RAPD-PCR analysis with three different primers was applied to assess the intraspecific diversity, in this way 16 band profiles were obtained for the 39 strains studied by the combined use of primers Ari1 and Omt1. This study contributes to know the occurrence and genotypic biodiversity of G. candidum in Armada cheese.  相似文献   

The use of probiotic cultures in the production of Dutch-type cheeses did not lead to significant changes in their chemical composition but it lowered their acidity. The availability of calcium and magnesium analyzed by in vitro enzymatic hydrolysis was 19 and 35%, respectively; the availability of phosphorus was significantly higher, at >90%. The use of probiotic cultures significantly increased the availability of calcium (~2.5%), phosphorus (~6%), and magnesium (~18%). The in vitro method supports accurate determination of the effect of the Lactobacillus spp. cultures on the availability of mineral compounds ingested with Dutch-type cheese.  相似文献   

The use of free and immobilized Lactobacillus casei ATCC 393 on whey protein as starter culture in probiotic Feta-type cheese production was evaluated. The probiotic cultures resulted in significantly higher acidity; lower pH; reduced counts of coliforms, enterobacteria, and staphylococci; and improved quality characteristics compared with cheese with no culture. Microbiological and strain-specific multiplex PCR analysis showed that both free and immobilized L. casei ATCC 393 were detected in the novel products at levels required for conferring a probiotic effect at the end of the ripening. The effect of starter culture on production of volatile compounds was investigated by the solid-phase microextraction gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis technique. The immobilized cells resulted in an improved profile of aroma-related compounds and the overall high quality of the novel products was ascertained by the preliminary sensory test. Finally, the high added value produced by exploitation of whey, which is an extremely polluting industrial waste, was highlighted and assessed.  相似文献   

Sixty yeast cultures were isolated from samples of water buffalo Mozzarella, a popular “pasta filata” cheese, originating on 16 farms located in the provinces of Salerno, Caserta, and Frosinone (Italy). Strains were identified by means of 5.8S internal transcribed spacer rDNA PCR-RFLP combined with 26S rRNA gene partial sequencing and characterized for their ability to exert biochemical properties of technological interest. The recorded dominance of fermenting yeasts such as the lactose-fermenting Kluyveromyces marxianus (38.3% of the total isolates) and the galactose-fermenting Saccharomyces cerevisiae (21.6% of the total isolates) suggests that these yeasts contribute to the organoleptic definition of the water buffalo Mozzarella. The speciographic analysis revealed the presence of 7 other species rarely or never reported in a dairy environment belonging to the genera Pichia and Candida, whose role in Mozzarella cheese organoleptic properties need to be further investigated.  相似文献   

Judith Jiménez-Guzmán 《LWT》2009,42(9):1508-1176
An exopolysaccharide (EPS) producing strain of Streptococcus thermophilus was evaluated for the production of Panela cheese using two total solids milk (TSM) concentrations (12.5 and 17.5 g/100 mL). This ropy strain increased cheese yield; nevertheless, with 12.5 TSM the increment was higher than with 17.5 TSM. Analysis of cheese composition showed that with 12.5 TSM, the ropy strain increased moisture, but did not change the fat or non fat solids on dry weight basis (dwb), suggesting that the increment of the yield is only due to water retention. In 17.5 TSM cheeses the ropy strain caused an increase in the moisture and fat (dwb), suggesting that besides water retention, fat also contributed to the yield. The difference in yield increment could be explained by cheese composition: higher fat content creates a more hydrophobic environment, which would expel more water than the cheese with lower fat content. Electron microscopy showed EPS attached to the protein matrix of the cheeses. In 17.5 TSM cheeses EPS was observed around the milk fat globules (MFG), confirming that higher TSM causes EPS to bind the MFG besides binding the protein matrix, retaining fat within the cheese. Sensory evaluation demonstrated that ropy cheeses were softer and creamier.  相似文献   

Phenolic compounds in fruits of 27 cultivars of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) grown in Norway were characterised and quantified by HPLC-DAD-MSn. Total phenolic content, calculated as the sum of the individual compounds, varied 2.3-fold among cultivars, i.e., from 57 to 133 mg/100 g of fw. There were significant differences among cultivars in concentration of all phenolic compounds. The highest variation between cultivars was found for cinnamoyl glucose (0.6-24.9 mg/100 g of fw). Concentration of anthocyanins, the most abundant class of phenolic compounds in the majority of the cultivars, varied from 8.5 to 65.9 mg/100 g of fw. Flavan-3-ols (11-45 mg/100 g of fw) and ellagitannins (7.7-18.2 mg/100 g of fw) contributed on average 28% and 14% to total phenolic contents in the strawberry cultivars, respectively. In three cultivars harvested at three stages of ripeness, anthocyanins and cinnamic acid conjugates were the compounds most affected by ripening. The anthocyanin profile for the individual cultivars was only slightly affected by ripening and growing conditions.  相似文献   

The behaviour of Listeria monocytogenes in a processed cheese product was evaluated over time by inoculating the product with three different L. monocytogenes strains (Scott A, CA and a strain isolated from processed cheese) at three different inoculation levels (ca. 6 × 105, ca. 6 × 103 and 102 CFU/g of cheese or less) and after storage of the contaminated products at 4, 12 or 22 °C. Growth of L. monocytogenes was not observed in any of the experimental trials (experiments involving different combinations of strain, inoculum level and storage temperature) throughout the storage period. L. monocytogenes populations decreased over time with a rate that was strain- and storage temperature-dependent. Nonetheless, for cheeses that had been inoculated with the higher inoculum and stored at 4 °C viable populations of L. monocytogenes could be detected for up to nine months post-inoculation. The L. monocytogenes survival curves obtained from the different trials were characterised by a post-inoculation phase during which the populations remained essentially unchanged (lag phase) followed by a phase of logarithmic decline. The duration of the lag phase and the rate of inactivation of L. monocytogenes in the different trials were estimated based on data from the linear descending portions of the survival curves. In addition, a non-linear Weibull-type equation was fitted to the data from each survival curve with satisfactory results. The results of the present study emphasize that, according to the definition laid down in the European Union Regulation 1441/2007, the processed cheese product tested in this work should be considered and classified as one that does not support the growth of L. monocytogenes under reasonable foreseeable conditions of distribution and storage. However, post-processing contamination of the product should be austerely avoided as the pathogen can survive in the product for extended periods of time, particularly under refrigerated storage (4 °C).  相似文献   

Several Enterococci were isolated from Cotija cheese, which is a Mexican farmhouse-made product prepared from whole raw milk. No thermal step, neither starter cultures, are used in its manufacturing process. From the isolated strains two were outstanding for their extracellular lytic activity against Staphylococcus aureus, and were identified by 16S rDNA sequencing as Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium, respectively. They also showed bacteriolytic activity against other pathogenic bacteria, such as Yersinia enterocolitica, Salmonella enterica Typhimurium and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, as demonstrated by agar diffusion tests. By zymography it was shown that they produced proteins with bacteriolytic activity with molecular masses of 95 and 81 kDa, respectively. Protein identification by LC/ESI–MS/MS showed that they correspond to different enzymes with peptidoglycan hydrolase (PGH) activity of N-acetylglucosaminidase. Two of them were considered as putative enzymes and had not been studied before. Concentrated protein preparations from both strains showed lytic activity on S. aureus growth in liquid culture, as well. Considering that the PGHs studied are produced by lactic bacteria isolated from a dairy product and their spectrum of bacterial inhibition, these enzymes have a potential use in food preservation.  相似文献   

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