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A single ^40Ca^+ ion is loaded in a miniature Paul trap and the probability of directly loading a single ion is above 50%. The signal-to-noise ratio and the storage time for a single ion have been improved by minimizing the ion micromotion and locking a 397nm cooling laser to a Fabry-Perot interferometer and optogalvanic signal. From the fluorescence spectrum, the ion temperature is estimated to be about 5mK.  相似文献   

A cloud of laser-cooled ^40Ca^+ is successfully trapped and manipulated under well control in our home-built linear ion trap, which is designed and constructed solely for studying quantum information processing. By exploring the variation of the ion cloud with respect to the trap parameters, we have optimized the trapping condition and obtained very good fluorescence spectra. We observe the dynamics of the ion cloud, and estimate the temperature of the ion cloud to be of the order of milli-Kelvin.  相似文献   

The ratio of the mean kinetic energy and the spatial width of ion clouds in Paul traps has been measured. The result is compared with predictions of various models that describe ion cloud dynamics in Paul traps.  相似文献   

We have studied the nonstationary effects in saturated absorption spectroscopy of the 87Rb D2 line. Varying the size of the σ+ polarized pump laser beam, we observed saturated absorption spectra for the σ± polarized probe beam. For equal polarizations of the pump and probe beams, we found that the resonance signal for the Fg = 1 → Fe = 2 line, and the crossover lines between Fg = 1 → Fe = 2 and Fg = 1 → Fe = 1 (and 0) lines increased to a greater extent than the others. This observation can be understood from the calculated time evolution of the populations of the ground-state sublevels by means of a rate equation model. We also compared experimental data for other conditions with the calculated results. We found good agreement between the calculated results and the data.  相似文献   

From a combination of radiative lifetime measurements, performed with a time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence technique, for nine odd-parity levels of Ir I and four odd-parity levels of Ir II and branching fraction calculations, extended sets of transition probabilities have been derived for transitions of astrophysical interest. The new results are compared with the few experimental data available in the literature and a good agreement is found. They extend considerably the previous sets of transition probabilities available in the literature. Implications of the new results regarding the solar content of iridium are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We carried out experimental and theoretical research on dark Raman resonances in the absorption of the probe monochromatic wave in a thin vapor cell, whose length is much less than the diameters of probe and coupling laser beams. In this case, only the slow atoms have enough time to settle down to the dark quantum state during a free flight between the end walls of the cell. As a result, a sub-Doppler structure is observed when one sweeps both the coupling and probe laser frequencies keeping the Raman resonance condition. Second harmonic lock-in detection is used to evaluate sharpness of the dark-resonance line. The cell-length dependence of the observed spectral profile is satisfactorily reproduced by the steady-state analysis of the density matrix in which the velocity-dependent transit time effect is taken into account.  相似文献   

We investigate the production of long-lived metastable (43 P 2 ) calcium atoms in a magneto-optical trap (MOT) operating on the 41 S 0 ?41 P 1 transition at 423 nm. For excited 41 P 1 atoms a weak decay channel into the triplet states 43 P 2 and 43 P 1 exists via the 31 D 2 state. The undesired 43 P 1 atoms decay back to the ground state within 0.4 ms and can be fully recaptured if the illuminated trap volume is sufficientlylarge. We obtain a flux of above 1010 atoms/s into the 43 P 2 state. We find that our MOT lifetime of 23 ms is mainly limited by this loss channel, and thus the 43 P 2 production is not hampered by inelastic collisions. If we close the loss channel by repumping the 31 D 2 atoms with a 671 nm laser back into the MOT cycling transition, a non-exponential 72 ms trap decay is observed, indicating the presence of inelastic two-body collisions between 41 S 0 and 41 P 1 atoms. Received: 10 July 2001 / Revised version: 22 October 2001 / Published online: 23 November 2001  相似文献   

We measure the properties of coherent population trapping (CPT) resonances in Cs vapor cells as a function of temperature. We expected the CPT signal to increase with higher vapor density, but instead the signal fades away above a certain density. Two possible density-dependent explanations are discussed: spin-exchange collisions, which are found to give no relevant contribution at the temperatures considered here, and increased absorption due to the optical thickness of the vapor. The dependence of the dark-line resonance amplitude as a function of cell temperature can be well represented by a simple model based on the optical thickness of the vapor as a function of temperature. Received: 30 November 2001 / Published online: 7 February 2002  相似文献   

Effects of the traps are investigated on the dynamics of two coupled Bose-Einstein condensates, and the atom population transfer between the two condensates is discussed. It is found that the traps and the initial condition determine the switching and self-trapping effects on the atom population imbalance. There are the critical potential amplitude and the critical potential width, by which the oscillation manner of the population transferring ratio can be analyzed as time changes.  相似文献   

We propose a novel technique of sub-Doppler spectroscopy using a thin vapor cell. Optical pumping in a thin cell transfers atoms with small velocity components to a specific quantum state. The resultant velocity distribution appears as a sub-Doppler structure in the absorption spectrum of a probe light. A single laser beam from a laser diode is split into two paths: one beam optically pumps Cs atoms on the D2 line, and the other probes the absorption on the same line from a perpendicular direction. Observed hyperfine-resolved spectra and their parameter dependence are analyzed on the basis of rate equations. Received: 16 January 2002 / Revised version: 11 February 2002 / Published online: 24 April 2002  相似文献   

This paper describes trapping and laser cooling of a Ca+ ion in an rf quadrupole ion trap. A single Ca+ ion is laser cooled to below 130 mK and quantum jumps are observed by exciting the ion into the metastable D 5/2 state via the P 3/2 state. The lifetime of the metastable D 5/2 state is estimated from the distribution of the dark periods of the quantum-jump signal. Collision-induced jumps between the metastable D 3/2 state and the D 5/2 state in a background gas are also directly observed.  相似文献   

We report experimental demonstration of a magneto-optical trap (MOT) of Rb atoms with a high optical density. With 2.2-cm-diameter cooling laser beams, we achieve an optical density of nearly 11 for about 2.6× 10^10 trapped Rb atoms with the beam intensity of about 6.6 mW/cm^2 per beam. The temperature of the cold atoms is about 250 μK. Furthermore, by ramping the magnetic field gradient from 8 G/cm to about 20 G/cm, the atomic cloud in the MOT is compressed and the optical density is up to 16.  相似文献   

An atomic clock system based on coherent population trapping (CPT) resonance in 85Rb is reported, while most past works about the CPT clock are in ST Rb. A new modulation method (full-hyperfine-frequency-splitting modulation) is presented to reduce the effect of light shift to improve the frequency stability of the CPT clock in SSRb. The experimental results show that the short-term frequency stability of the CPT clock in SSRb is in the order of 10^-10/s and the long-term frequency stability can achieve 1.5 × 10^-11/80000s, which performs as well as 87 Rb in CPT resonance. This very good frequency stability performance associated with the low-cost and low-power properties of SSRb indicates that an atomic clock based on CPT in SSRb should be a promising candidate for making the chip scale atomic clock.  相似文献   

A new method for the measurement of motional frequencies and amplitudes of stored ions in a radio-frequency trap is presented. Ions oscillating in the trap potential and additionally subjected to a small magnetic field, undergo sublevel transitions between adjacent Zeeman states when their motional frequency is identical with the Larmor frequency in the applied magnetic field. These transitions can be sensitively detected by means of an optical pumping scheme. As they are related to a coherent superposition of adjacent states and originate from the inherent motion of the ions in a slightly inhomogeneous magnetic field, this phenomenon is termed self-induced Zeeman coherence.  相似文献   

The stability of two-ion crystals in a Paul trap with a dc component in the quadrupole potential has been studied with the use of the monodromy matrix. The pseudopotential model predicts crystals with the ions at rest either along the trap axis or in the radial plane. The solutions of the full equations of motion disagree with the predictions of the pseudopotential model when the radial and axial secular frequencies are nearly degenerate: the crystal is either unstable (as first noted by Emmertet al.) or exists in a previously unanticipated configuration in which the ions lie at an angle to the trap axes. A bifurcation diagram near the edge of the crystalline stability range does not support a frequency-doubling route to chaos.Dedicated to H. Walther on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

As a new method for measuring the spatial distribution of Bose–Einstein condensates, the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) method is proposed and studied in detail. The basic concepts, the resolution limit and the formalism of the MRI method are presented. It is expected that a resolution higher than that in optical imaging methods can be obtained by using the MRI method. Results of simulation of expected MRI signals for Bose–Einstein condensates containing dark solitons are also presented. Received: 27 September 2001 / Revised version: 24 October 2001 / Published online: 17 January 2002  相似文献   

We study the energy eigenvalue and the yrast states for a harmonically two-component weak-interacting Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) when the intra-species and interspecies scattering length are different. The energy shift for different energy eigenvalues related to intra-and interspecies scattering lengths is calculated with the perturbation method. The actual yrast spectrum is more complicated than that when intra-species and interspecies scattering length are equal. The degenerated features disappear and so do the perfect symmetric features.  相似文献   

Radiative lifetimes of 20 odd-parity excited energy levels in Zr I, out of which 10 for the first time, have been investigated in the energy range 17 400-29 300 cm−1. The levels belong to the 4d25s5p and 4d35p electronic configurations. Time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy technique in supersonic free-jet has been employed in the present work to circumvent the effects of collision in lifetime measurements.  相似文献   

Based on the energy functional and variational method, we present a new method to investigate the ground state properties for a weakly interacting Bose-condensed gas in an anisotropic harmonic trap at zero temperature. With this method we are able to find the analytic expression of the ground-state wavefunction and to explore the relevant quantities, such as energy, chemical potential, and the aspect ratio of the velocity distribution. These results agree well with previous ground state numerical solutions of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation given by Dalfovo et al. [Phys. Rev. A 53 (1996) 2477] This new method is simple compared to other methods used to solve numerically the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, and one can obtain analytic and reliable results.  相似文献   

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