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大豆7S球蛋白α-亚基缺失型种质创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用常规杂交育种方法,人工去雄、授粉,以10份综合农艺性状优良的黑龙江省主栽品种(或优良品系)为母本、亚基组成为(α'+α+11S酸性亚基)-缺失型育种材料日B为父本进行有性杂交。将F1杂交种南繁,单粒点播、单株收获得到F2代分离群体。聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)法分析表明,F1代杂交种子7S球蛋白α'-与α-亚基的表现型全部为正常型。在杂交F2代种子中获得了具有中国大豆遗传背景的α-缺失、(α+A1aA1bA2)-缺失、A3-缺失、(α'+A4)-缺失和(α'+α)-缺失的贮藏蛋白亚基组成新类型种质,为我国大豆蛋白组分育种选择提供了重要的中间材料。  相似文献   

7S球蛋白α''与α亚基是大豆种子贮藏蛋白的重要组分,是影响大豆营养价值与加工品质的重要因子,同时还是主要的大豆致敏原,降低它们的含量是大豆品质改良育种的最新研究热点之一。以日本育种材料7S球蛋白(α''+α)-亚基双缺失型日B为供体亲本,黑龙江省主栽大豆品种东农47为受体亲本,采用回交转育方法,将α''与(α''+α)-亚基缺失特性导入东农47。结果表明,α''-缺失型(Cc)和(α''+α)-双缺失型(Cd)品系均能正常生长、结实,并能稳定遗传;Cc、Cd产量组分性状的平均值均远高于轮回亲本,蛋白质含量平均值均高于双亲,部分Cd株系籽粒蛋白质总量高达46.7%,脂肪含量平均值介于双亲之间,略高于日B;导入α''-缺失和(α''+α)双缺失性状后,绝大多数氨基酸组分含量和氨基酸总量提高,其中精氨酸和天门冬氨酸平均含量变幅最大。Cd株系籽粒含硫氨基酸含量(蛋氨酸与胱氨酸之和)及氨基酸总量分别比东农47高出0.11和5.56个百分点。说明通过常规育种重组α¢-缺失或(α''+α)-双缺失性状即可提高大豆含硫氨基酸含量,并提高其他氨基酸组分含量及氨基酸总量,在Cc、Cd的BC2F3后代群体中有望筛选到α''-缺失或α''与α同时缺失的高产、高含硫氨基酸、优质大豆新品种。  相似文献   

采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法(SDS-PAGE)对大豆7S球蛋白(α+β)-亚基双缺失体后代的亚基组成表现进行分析,为明晰该缺失体的遗传规律提供理论依据。结果筛选到β-低含量型、(α-缺失+β-低含量)型、β-缺失型、(α+11S group Ⅰ+llSA4A5B3)-缺失型和(α′+α)-亚基缺失型5种新的7S球蛋白亚基缺失变异类型。首次在(α+β)-亚基缺失型材料系统内检测到(α-缺失+-低含量)型和β-缺失型重组个体,说明该系统内α-亚基缺失与β-亚基缺失特性的独立遗传是可能的。  相似文献   

为了分析大豆7S球蛋白β-伴大豆球蛋白不同亚基氨基酸组成对大豆营养品质的影响,利用生物信息学软件(BIOEDIT,DNAMAN)对已在GenBank数据库中注册的大豆7S球蛋白β-伴大豆球蛋白亚基氨基酸序列分析各亚基氨基酸组成和氨基酸序列比对。结果表明,3种亚基中色氨酸、蛋氨酸、半胱氨酸含量较低,其中β-亚基则不含色氨酸;3种亚基富含谷氨酸和亮氨酸,其中α-亚基谷氨酸最高,为13.16%,β-亚基中亮氨酸的含量最高,为10.48%。谷氨酰胺、精氨酸、丝氨酸的含量也较高。氨基酸序列比对分析结果表明,序列保守位点较多,同源进化树分析证明3种亚基亲缘关系较近。  相似文献   

大豆7S球蛋白亚基组成对品质性状的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以7S球蛋白亚基组成各异的稀有大豆种质为试材, 分析大豆7S球蛋白亚基组成对大豆营养品质性状的影响, 探索优质大豆品种选育的新思路。结果表明, 大豆7S球蛋白亚基组成对蛋白质、脂肪、蛋脂总量以及除缬氨酸和异亮氨酸外的15种氨基酸和5种脂肪酸含量都有一定的影响,对大豆籽粒内半胱氨酸含量的影响较大。另外, 各种亚基缺失型大豆材料的油酸、亚油酸和硬脂酸含量与该系统内正常型大豆材料的相应指标间的差异显著。  相似文献   

通过对204份大豆种质进行聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)分析,筛选出5份球蛋白含量11S/7S比值高于3的种质,以之为亲本进行有性杂交,从F2代分离群体中,筛选出了3份球蛋白11S/7S比值高于3.4的种质,大大拓宽了我国蛋白质组分改良育种的种质基础。  相似文献   

利用我国高油大豆品种东农47与日本引进多亚基缺失型育种材料日B,采用回交、三交的育种方法,综合系谱选择,通过SDS-PAGE技术分析亚基组成,在BC1、BC3及三交种F8群体内,选育到(α+11S groupⅡa)-缺失型、(α′+11S groupⅡa)-缺失型、[(α′+α)+11S groupⅡa、Ⅱb]-缺失型、[(α′+α)+11S groupⅡa]-缺失型、[(α′+α)+11S groupⅡb+X1X2]-缺失型、[(α′+α)+11S groupⅡb]-缺失型和(α′+11S groupⅠ、Ⅱa)-缺失型共7种具有中国大豆遗传背景的7S球蛋白α′、α亚基与11S球蛋白groupⅠ(A1aB1b,A2B1a,A1bB2)、groupⅡa(A4A5B3)和groupⅡb(A3B4)不同亚基缺失组合新种质。测定优良品系的综合农艺性状及氨基酸组成、含量,结果表明,与对照相比,各种缺失突变体的各种氨基酸组分含量普遍提高,蛋白总量普遍高于轮回亲本,精氨酸含量特别是游离精氨酸的含量大幅提高。其中亚基组成为(α+11S groupⅡa)-缺失型品系G2-2-3的17种氨基酸含量、氨基酸总量、蛋氨酸含量均显著高于轮回亲本东农47,特别是游离精氨酸含量高出7.27mg/g。以上结果表明,7S与11S多亚基缺失型优良品系在有效去除致敏蛋白的同时,可以提高大豆蛋白氨基酸含量, 改善大豆蛋白氨基酸组分配比。各种致敏蛋白缺失型大豆优良新品系的获得,大大丰富了我国蛋白质组分改良育种的种质基础。  相似文献   

本研究以大豆优良品种中品661的298份甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)诱变株系和610份大豆品种(系)为试验材料,利用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)技术,分离大豆种子蛋白并计算各蛋白亚基的相对含量及11S/7S值。研究结果表明,突变群体与自然群体中不同亚基的变异系数差异极显著,但均以β亚基变异范围最大。另外,突变群体的α、β和酸性蛋白亚基的变异范围均大于自然群体。相关性分析显示:11S球蛋白与7S球蛋白含量呈极显著负相关;11S/7S值与蛋白含量相关性不显著,11S/7S值与11S和7S球蛋白各组成亚基均呈显著相关。此外,本研究还筛选出亚基明显变异材料6份,其中Ax亚基突变体尚未见报道,11S/7S值大于3的材料10份,蛋白含量大于48%的材料7份。本研究鉴定和筛选的种子蛋白变异种质为大豆品质相关基因发掘和品种改良提供了材料基础。  相似文献   

栽培大豆蛋白亚基11S/7S组成及过敏蛋白缺失分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
以175份中国大豆品种资源为材料,利用SDS-PAGE电泳和Western杂交技术,分析蛋白亚基11S和7S的含量,以及Gly m Bd 28K和 Gly m Bd 30K两种过敏蛋白的缺失情况。结果表明,参试品种的11S和7S的含量呈极显著负相关(r=-0.95),11S/7S比值范围为0.77~4.67,并鉴定出1份自然缺失β亚基的材料。在175个品种中没有检测到缺失30  相似文献   

黔西及黔南山区大豆脂肪氧化酶缺失种质鉴定研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以黔南、黔西山区海拔300 ̄2010m种植大豆品种资源为材料,进行大豆脂肪氧化酶缺失种质的鉴定筛选,结果表明,海拔310 ̄2010m处均存在大豆脂肪氧化酶缺失异型材料,显示贵州地域蕴有丰富的大豆可用基因源。  相似文献   

Soybean is the most important oilseed and protein crop worldwide, but in Europe, the acreage is comparably low. Thus, Europe strongly depends on imports of soy products and consequently recent efforts aim at expanding the acreage of soybean, particularly in Central Europe. The aim of this study was, therefore, to assist these breeding efforts by characterizing Central European soybean germplasm, employing a genotyping‐by‐sequencing approach yielding 7741 genomewide distributed markers. Our analysis on genetic diversity and population structure revealed that the Central European lines are most closely related to Swiss and Canadian lines and somewhat more distant from the investigated Chinese and US lines. In addition, we analysed patterns of allelic diversity and the extent of linkage disequilibrium. Collectively, our results can assist breeding of Central European soybean and suggest that further progress can be made by crosses among adapted material but a long‐term success also requires introgression of alleles from non‐European germplasm to further broaden the genetic diversity and incorporate novel traits.  相似文献   

Soybean seed includes various bioactive substances. Also, they contain a variety of antinutritional factors including lipoxygenase, Kunitz trypsin inhibitor (KTI), lectin, and 7S α' subunit proteins. The genetic removal of these proteins will improve the nutritional value of soybean seed. The objective of this research was to breed new soybean with tetra recessive alleles (lox1lox2lox3/lox1lox2lox3ti/tile/lecgy1/cgy1) for lipoxygenase, KTI, lectin, and 7S α' subunit proteins. Seven parents were used to breed tetra null strain. SDS‐PAGE and Western blot analysis were used to determine the presence or absence of lipoxygenase, 7S α' subunit, KTI, and lectin proteins in mature seed. Tetra null soybean line has a purple flower, determinate growth habit, tan pod, and yellow seed coat colour. Stem height of the breeding line was 62.3 cm. The 100‐seed weight of the breeding line was 27.1 g and yield (t/ha) was 2.84. This is the first soybean strain with lox1lox2lox3/lox1lox2lox3ti/tile/lecgy1/cgy1 genotype (absence of lipoxygenase, KTI, lectin, and 7S α' subunit proteins).  相似文献   

Summary The soybean seed storage protein β-conglycinin has a low amino acid score, shows lower functional gelling properties compared with glycinin and contains a major allergen. The wild soybean (Glycine soja Sieb et Zucc.) QT2 lacks all the subunits of β-conglycinin, and this deficiency is controlled by a single dominant gene Scg-1 (suppressor of β-conglycinin). Scg-1 was introduced into a soybean cultivar Fukuyutaka from QT2 and this near-isogenic line was designated as QY7-25. Segregation analyses of the progeny derived from a cross between QY7-25 and the wild type did not show any significant changes caused by Scg-1 in the germination ratio and seed weight. Low amounts of mRNAs for the α ’, α and β subunits of β-conglycinin were detected by RT-PCR in QY7-25. We revealed that an α subunit mRNA expressed from a region which replaced with mutant line in the near-isogenic line QY7-25 by single nucleotide polymorphisms analysis. In addition, an abnormal splicing event in a cDNA clone for the β subunit isolated from immature seed of QY7-25 was observed. Southern analysis using the coding region of α ’ subunit gene as a probe revealed a polymorphism between QY7-25 and wild type and this genotypes co-segregate with the deficiency of β-conglycinin subunits. These results suggest that the β-conglycinin deficiency might be controlled by a claster region of β-conglycinin subunit genes. In the present study, no agronomical disadvantage in QY7-25 was observed, confirming that Scg-1 is a valuable gene for soybean breeding.  相似文献   

野生大豆(G.soja)种子贮藏蛋白组份 11S/7S 的研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
徐豹  林忠平 《作物学报》1990,16(3):235-241
利用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术,分析了中国不同地区(24—51°N,97—135°E,0—2650M)野生大豆213份种子贮藏蛋白组份11S 与7S 的比值,比值范围为0.36—4.40,平均值为1.06。首次发现了11S/7S 值与材料原产地纬度呈极显著正相关(r=0.5689~(**))。并结合野生大豆生态区提出蛋白组份形成与生态诸因素之间的可能联系。从凝胶电泳扫描  相似文献   

Bacterial leaf pustule (BLP) caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. glycines (Xag) is a serious soybean disease. A BLP resistant genotype ‘TS-3’ was crossed with a BLP susceptible genotype ‘PK472’, and a segregating F2 mapping population was developed for genetic analysis and mapping. The F2 population segregation pattern in 15:1 susceptible/resistance ratio against Xag inoculum indicated that the resistance to BLP in ‘TS-3’ was governed by two recessive genes. A total of 12 SSR markers, five SSR markers located on chromosome 2 and seven SSR markers located on chromosome 6 were identified as linked to BLP resistance. One of the resistance loci (r1) was mapped with flanking SSR markers Sat_183 and BARCSOYSSR_02_1613 at a distance of 0.9 and 2.1 cM, respectively. Similarly, SSR markers BARCSOYSSR_06_0024 and BARCSOYSSR_06_0013 flanked the second locus (r2) at distances of 1.5 and 2.1 cM, respectively. The identified two recessive genes imparting resistance to BLP disease and the SSR markers tightly linked to these loci would serve as important genetic and molecular resources to develop BLP resistant genotypes in soybean.  相似文献   

S. Mohring    V. Horstmann  E. Esch 《Plant Breeding》2005,124(2):105-110
Using primers annealing to S locus sequences the cleaved amplified polymorphic sequences (CAPS) method was applied to develop a marker and to characterize different alleles at the self‐incompatibility locus in Brassica napus. A segregating F2 population from a cross of a self‐incompatible (SI) and a self‐compatible parent, as well as seven SI lines representing four different S alleles were used. Several primers specific to the S locus in B. oleracea and B. campestris, chosen from the literature, allow polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of genomic DNA. However, only one primer pair amplified a single specific and reproducible PCR fragment of the expected length in B. napus. Digestion with restriction endonucleases revealed polymorphisms for two CAPS markers absolutely linked to the S locus. Using the codominant marker efMboI it was possible to discriminate all three F2 genotypes. With this marker and an additional marker using another primer pair it was possible to distinguish between three of the four different S alleles and five of the seven SI lines, respectively.  相似文献   

Group A saponins are the principal factors underlying the undesirable bitter and astringent tastes in soybean food products. Therefore, the genetic reduction or elimination of the undesirable tastes is of great significance in soybean taste breeding. Using thin‐layer chromatography and liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry, we identified a novel mutant lacking group A saponins in a wild soybean (Glycine soja Sieb. & Zucc.), reflecting the failed arabinose binding of arabinosyltransferase to the C‐22 hydroxyl group, consequently leading to a lack of group A saponins and the concomitance expression of two new components A‐αg and KA‐αg in seeds. The C‐3 glycosylated soyasapogenol A (SS‐A), A‐αg, is a steady precursor compound in biosynthesis of Aa and Ab types in the seeds of soybean plants and exhibits stable inheritance. In this study, we observed a critical step necessary for arabinose binding to the C‐22 hydroxyl group in the biosynthetic pathway of group A saponins and identified an important germplasm accession for the genetic improvement in the tastes of soybean milk and processed soybean foods.  相似文献   

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