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基于元数据的信息共享机制研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
元数据作为关于数据的数据,是目前信息共享的关键技术,也是当前研究的热点。在对比国际、国内元数据标准的基础上,采用元数据管理的三个层次:元数据子集、元数据实体和元数据元素,建立了“数字成都”元数据标准模板。它主要包括:标识信息、数据质量信息、空间参考信息、数据集的内容信息、分发信息、元数据参考信息。讨论了“数字成都”中基于元数据信息共享系统的结构、模块和特点,实现了分布式数据组织与管理、分布式数据共享、分布式数据快速索引机制以及跨平台数据访问。  相似文献   

The evolution of the Earth's climate over geological time is now relatively well known. Conversely, the causes and feedback mechanisms involved in these climatic changes are still not well determined. At geological timescales, two factors play a prevailing role: plate tectonics and the chemical composition of the atmosphere. Their climatic effects will be examined using palaeoclimatic indicators as well as results of climate models. I focus primarily on the influence of continental drift on warm and cold climatic episodes. The consequences of peculiar land sea distributions (amalgamation/dispersal of continental blocks) are discussed. Plate tectonics also drive sea level changes as well as mountain uplift. Marine transgressions during the Mid-Cretaceous favoured warmth within the interiors of continents, although their effect could be very different according to the season. Mountain uplift is also an important factor, which is able to alter climate at large spatial scales. Experiments relative to climatic sensitivity to the elevation of the Appalachians during the Late Permian are discussed. To affect the whole Earth, the chemical composition of the atmosphere appears to be a more efficient forcing factor. The carbon dioxide driven by the long-term carbon cycle has influenced the global climate. Geochemical modelling simulates more or less accurately the long-term evolution of pCO2, which corresponds roughly to the icehouse/greenhouse climatic oscillations. However, the uncertainties on pCO2 are still important because different parameters involved in the long-term carbon cycle (degassing rate, chemical weathering of silicates, burial of organic matter) are not well constrained throughout the past. The chemical composition of the atmosphere is also altered by the emissions of modern volcanic eruptions leading to weak global cooling. The influence of large flood basalt provinces on climate is not yet known well enough; this volcanism may have released huge amounts of SO2 as well as CO2. At last, the chemical composition of the atmosphere may have been altered by the release of methane in response to the dissociation of gas hydrates. This scenario has been proposed to explain the abrupt warming during the Late Palaeocene.  相似文献   

Rouainia  M.  Helm  P.  Davies  O.  Glendinning  S. 《Acta Geotechnica》2020,15(10):2997-3016
Acta Geotechnica - Observations show that many soils in linear geotechnical infrastructure including embankments and cuttings undergo seasonal volume changes, and different studies confirm that...  相似文献   

Mercury is a federated metadata harvesting, search and retrieval tool based on both open source packages and custom software developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). It was originally developed for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and the consortium now includes funding from NASA, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Mercury is itself a reusable software application which uses a service-oriented architecture (SOA) approach to capturing and managing metadata in support of twelve Earth science projects. Mercury also supports the reuse of metadata by enabling searches across a range of metadata specification and standards including XML, Z39.50, FGDC, Dublin-Core, Darwin-Core, EML, and ISO-19115. It collects metadata and key data from contributing project servers distributed around the world and builds a centralized index. The Mercury search interfaces allows the users to perform simple, fielded, spatial, temporal and other hierarchical searches across these metadata sources. This centralized repository of metadata with distributed data sources provides extremely fast search results (Table 1) to the user, while allowing data providers to advertise the availability of their data and yet maintain complete control and ownership of that data.  相似文献   

The recent Heliophysics Virtual Observatory (VxO) effort involves the development of separate observatories with a low overlap in physical domain or area of scientific specialization and a high degree of overlap in metadata management needs. VxOware is a content and metadata management system. While it is intended for use by a VxO specifically, it can also be used by any entity that manages structured metadata. VxOware has many features of a content management system and extensively uses the W3C recommendations for XML (Extensible Markup Language), XQuery (XML Query), and XSLT (Extensible Style Sheet Language Transformations). VxOware has features such as system and user administration, search, user-editable content, version tracking, and a wiki. Besides virtual observatories, the intended user-base of VxOware includes a group or an instrument team that has developed a directory structure of data files and would like to make this data, and its associated metadata, available in the virtual observatory network. One of the most powerful features of VxOware is the ability to link any type of object in the observatory to other objects and the ability for every object to be tagged.  相似文献   

Peatlands contain approximately 25% of the total soil organic carbon, despite covering only 3% of earth’s land surface. The ecological, hydrological and biogeochemical functions of peatlands are tightly coupled to climate. Therefore, both direct human impacts and indirect effects of climate change can threaten the ecological function of peatlands through changes in hydrology. However, little is known about how peatland ecosystems, and specifically their biogeochemistry, carbon cycling, and development, may respond to climatic change. In this study, the Peat Accumulation Model was adapted to investigate the response of peatland development and carbon cycling to climatic change through simulating changes in precipitation and temperature at different stages of peatland development history. The warming and wetting were imposed on this system at 10,000 years since its initialization (mid-development stage) and at 20,000 years since its initialization (late-development stage). Here, it was revealed that peatlands can switch between carbon sinks and sources suddenly, but the extent to which the change takes place depends on the developmental stage of peatland ecosystems. The simulation results for the late-development stage showed that peatlands could function as carbon sources once warming and wetting was imposed but that peatland ecosystems during the mid-development stage can still function as carbon sinks under warming and wetting conditions. Moreover, peatland ecosystems have self-regulation capabilities so that they can go back to their normal ecological and biogeochemical functions under newly stabilized climates. Also, it is the change in temperature that results in the fundamental change in peatland development and carbon cycling. This study indicates that the response of peatland ecosystems to climate change is largely determined by their developmental stages.  相似文献   

Feeding multisource Earth observation (EO) data into Earth science models (ESM) remains a daunting challenge. This paper presents a service-oriented approach as an alternative solution. It uses geospatial web services to process the EO data and geoprocessing workflow for automation. Different from existing approaches, it takes advantage of virtual data products (VDP) to release modelers from intensive data processing. It can directly connect ESMs to public EO sources via Cyberinfrastructure. A prototype called CyberConnector is implemented. CyberConnector supports intuitive building of VDP, automatic execution of workflows and effortless retrieval of model-ready input files. We used it to stream multiple datasets to several ESMs including finite-volume coastal ocean model (FVCOM) and cloud-resolving model (CRM). The results show that CyberConnector can truly benefit modelers on time saving and effort minimizing.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - Extreme risks associated with natural and man-made disasters involve disruptions to the production of goods or provision of services in interdependent systems. The reduced supply...  相似文献   

The Centroid Moment Tensor is a good summary of the fault rupture happening during an earthquake. We here describe a method for its determination in case of large earthquakes (with magnitude greater than 6.5) recorded world-widely by permanent digital seismic stations networks, as well as how deploying it on a Grid computing facility finally enabled its fast completion. Two different approaches of this process used over the last years are herein detailed and discussed. Some important impacts of this work are then highlighted and future trends are foreseen.  相似文献   

The paper illustrates a Linked Thesaurus Framework for the Environment, named LusTRE, to facilitate data sharing across different environmental disciplines. It provides a knowledge infrastructure of multilingual thesauri and code lists, interlinking them so that they can be used as one integrated linked data source. This multilingual thesaurus is published according to the Linked Data Best Practices and supports metadata compilation and data discovery for describing and finding Environmental geodata. A human readable web interface is provided for the exploitation of LusTRE as well as a set of web services for programmatic access to the knowledge infrastructure. LusTRE has been exploited within the European directive INSPIRE and SEIS piloting testbeds implemented within the EU project eENVplus in order to support cross-border and cross-domain data sharing. It is aimed at supporting multilingual data search and query refinement. In order to show how interlinked content can help users to more easily express metadata within Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI), LusTRE web services have been integrated within existing metadata editors and geoportals.  相似文献   

韩冰  路来君 《世界地质》2011,30(2):307-312
地学G4 I 系统是以四学科( 地质学、地理学、地球化学及地球物理学) 地学数据集成为基础,以中大比例尺矿产资源评价为服务目标的计算机系统。由于跨学科地学空间数据集成涉及到众多技术,其中空间元数据的内容与应用构成本系统的重要组成部分。笔者就元数据的概念及元数据在本系统中的具体内容、作用、标准及研究现状等进行探讨,并针对本系统提出元数据管理子系统的设计框架。  相似文献   

The Numerical Modeling of Mantle Convection (NMMC3D) application is calculating mantle convection models in 3D Cartesian domain. Our main goal is to study the structure and the surface manifestation (topographic and geoid anomalies) of the mantle plumes. The parameter study support tools of the P-GRADE grid Portal give an effective possibility to make an systematic investigation of the parameters influencing the character of mantle plumes. In collaboration with the MTA SZTAKI Application Porting Centre the NMMC3D has been ported to the SEE-GRID-SCI infrastructure. The paper introduces the steps that were taken to enable NMMC3D application on gLite based grid infrastructure and some results of the calculations. The main parameters influencing the mantle convection are the Rayleigh-number and the viscosity distribution of the mantle. In this paper the effect of these parameters is investigated on the thermal structure and surface manifestations of mantle plumes.  相似文献   

地球系统、成矿系统到勘查系统   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
翟裕生 《地学前缘》2007,14(1):172-181
面对21世纪,矿床学和矿业发展有两大趋势(1)全球化;(2)矿产开发和环境保护的协调发展。矿床研究要扩展到全球背景。在简述地球系统和地球系统科学的基础上,提出了地质突发事件具有灾害和资源的两重性的观点。强调要从地球系统的大背景来研究成矿环境和成矿过程,也即将矿床成因和成矿系统研究提高到地球系统科学的层次,这是新世纪中矿床学发展的一个显著特点。成矿系统是一个有特色的地质系统,文中提出成矿系统论的5个要点(1)根据构造动力体制划分成矿系统大类;(2)多因耦合、临界转换的基本成矿机制;(3)矿床系列和地质-物探-化探-遥感异常系列共同构成的矿化网络;(4)矿床形成—变化—保存的全过程;(5)成矿系统的资源-环境双重效应。成矿系统论对于指导矿产勘查有重要意义。文中提出了成矿系统研究向勘查系统转化的原则和方法。通过对成矿系统的整体分析、空间分析、时间分析和历史分析,有助于明确找矿方向和目标。西藏朱诺斑岩铜矿的实践表明,勘查选区的核心问题是对找矿信息的分析、理解和把握。要将筛选关键找矿信息与分析成矿地质环境、控矿因素二者有机结合,赋予各种信息以客观、准确的地质内涵,是勘查选区成功的必要条件。最后,用“三环图”表示了地球系统、成矿系统和勘查系统的辩证关系。  相似文献   

大规模高性能地球系统建模及模拟集成框架的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
完整的地球系统包含大量的物理元素,这些元素相互作用影响,导致我们整个地球不断变化,甚至会产生地球灾害。高性能计算机的出现为这个复杂系统的研究开辟了新的道路——高性能计算模拟。文中详细介绍并分析了地球系统建模及模拟研究从最初单个物理模型的模拟到多个物理模型紧耦合模拟,再到软件框架集成模拟这一整个发展历程。重点介绍了三个由美国多个研究团队开发的建模框架:日地系统建模框架(SWMF),地表系统建模框架(ESMF),固体地球系统建模框架(GeoFramework)。然而这些基于特殊领域的框架仍存在一些缺陷,尤其是三个框架中的物理模型无法互操作,无法集成,从而无法实现从太阳到地核这一跨越整个地球空间的完整地球系统的建模及模拟。为了解决这些问题,文中提出了采用近年来新提出的适用于大规模高性能科学计算的标准组件规范CCA构建整个地球系统的模拟及分布式协同工作平台——分布式高性能地球系统建模集成框架(DHEMF)。DHEMF以其特有的面向服务基于组件的特性,使其能够解决地球系统模型(组件)的建模、集成、应用、管理、互操作等复杂问题,并最终实现完整地球系统的模拟及预报。  相似文献   

The behavior of the solid Earth system is often overlooked when the causes of major Neoproteozoic (1000–542 Ma) climate and biosphere events are discussed although  20% of the present continental crust formed or was remobilized during this time. Processes responsible for forming and deforming the continental crust during Neoproterozoic time were similar to those of the modern Earth and took place mostly but not entirely at convergent margin settings. Crustal growth and reworking occurred within the context of a supercontinent cycle, from breakup of Rodinia beginning  830 Ma to formation of a new supercontinent Greater Gondwana or Pannotia,  600 Ma. Neoproterozoic crust formation and deformation was heterogeneous in space and time, and was concentrated in Africa, Eurasia, and South America during the last 300 million years of Neoproterozoic time. In contrast, the solid Earth system was relatively quiescent during the Tonian period (1000–850 Ma). The vigor of Cryogenian and Ediacaran tectonic and magmatic processes and the similar timing of these events and development of Neoproterozoic glaciations and metazoa suggest that climate change and perhaps increasing biological complexity was strongly affected by the solid Earth system.  相似文献   

G. Rasula  M. Rasula   《Engineering Geology》2001,60(1-4):351-360
Protection of groundwater already is and will also be in the future, a particularly important environmental, socio-economic, social welfare and political task. The fact that the costs of preventive measures are 10–20 times lower than the funds needed to clean up and revitalize polluted aquifers, as well as the fact that the area to be occupied with transport communications and other infrastructure facilities will aggravate protection, both call for an urgent introduction of modern methods of monitoring and preserving all the existing and potential groundwater resources. The basic principle of groundwater protection against pollution means constant control and preventive measures of protection, namely prevention of incidental and other kinds of pollution. The very construction of communications and all accompanying facilities changes and degrades the existent natural geological environment, and when in use they may become structures in whose immediate surrounds surface and ground waters may be polluted by the toxic and waste substances transported. The experience gained through the following activities: the ‘pilot model’ for groundwater monitoring in the zone of Makis, the investigations and monitoring of critical sites polluted with xylene (CIP, Belgrade, 1994/95), and information on the latest achievements in this field in the world (obtained while working on the study of methodology of hydrogeological investigations needed for groundwater quality monitoring system — Jaroslav Cerni Institute for the Development of Water Resources, Belgrade, 1998), stresses a necessity to obligatory design and construct operational systems for groundwater quality monitoring, particularly in the zones of infrastructure facilities (roads, railway, gas pipelines, oil pipelines), which can be considered as potential linear polluters. In that light, this paper is a contribution to developing hydrogeological investigation methodology for designing and operating a monitoring system in the zones of roads, and its legal and practical incorporation in the technical documents of each project. Besides, an emphasis is put on multidisciplinary approach to system implementation, its full automation, rational management, and effective and optimal measures for groundwater protection.  相似文献   

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