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一种高效的分布式并行数据库日志机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
减少协议中的强制写次数一直是研究分布式原子提交协议的目标.利用超高速网络与磁盘的数据存取速度差距,可以提出一种高效的协同内存缓存日志机制(cooperating memory cached log mechanism,CMCL).它通过在事务参与者的内存中相互备份日志而获得日志的可靠性,从而免除强制写.在给出CMCL的原理,并用它改进两阶段提交协议后,对其性能进行了分析和比较,结果表明CMCL机制在适当的环境下是高效的.  相似文献   

由于网格具有异构性、动态性、自治性和分布性等特点,分布式体系结构下的分布式事务提交机制已经不能适用于网格环境下的事务管理需求.根据网格事务处理的特点,提出一种基于Agent的网格事务模型,设计一种网格环境下的事务提交协议和相应的算法.该协议的思想是放松对事务原子性的要求,保证事务在网格环境中能正确提交,并尽量减少已完成事务对资源的占用时间,以适应网格环境中资源的自治性要求.最后,对协议的正确性进行了证明,并通过理论上与其他提交协议进行性能对比分析,说明所提出的协议具有较好的性能.  相似文献   

基于CORBA的分布式事务处理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了在事务对象服务(OTS)下的分布式事务处理.使用OTS将分布式对象技术与事务处理技术结合起来,利用两阶段提交协议和恢复日志等技术,有效地保证了分布式事务的ACID性质.最后在了解了OTS体系结构的基础上,描述了OTS事务的执行与分解.  相似文献   

2PC协议具有广泛的适用性,但存在易于阻塞和时间延迟的缺点。文中提出了一种改进的基于多站点备份的1-2PC协议。该协议利用"多站点备份"技术和"心跳"技术可减少分布式事务信息交换的次数,降低事务发生阻塞的概率,缩短事务成功提交的时间,从而改善了提交协议的性能。通过性能比较和分析,证明了提出的协议具有高效性和低阻塞性。  相似文献   

分布式工程数据库系统中事务提交机制的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分布式工程数据库事务的特性不同于常规的分布式事务,基本的两阶段提交(B2PC)的协议已不适用,文中建立了基于嵌套结构的分布式工程数据库事务管理子系统的体系结构,并提出了适用于分布式工程数据库的事务两阶段提交协议,包括协议的原理,算法以及对故障的处理方法,能够较好地支持分布式工程设计过程的进行。  相似文献   

分布式实时数据库系统中,事务除具有传统数据库事务的ACID特性外,还具有定时限制(如截止期等)。传统提交协议及已研究出的实时提交协议都不保证分布式实时事务的原子性,结合实时事务截止期要求,描述了分布式实时事务的原子提前及其正确性准则,给出了适合于固(或软)实时事务的原子提前协议RTACP及其处理过程并证明了其正确性,还对RTACP进行了性能比较和评价,表明其分别在不同方面更优越。  相似文献   

徐震  张敏 《计算机学报》2006,29(8):1438-1446
核心化体系结构的多级安全数据库系统中不同级别事务由该级别DBMS实例处理,DBMS实例自行维护事务日志缓存.事务处理过程中高级事务可能读取已提交的低级事务数据,如果低级事务提交日志记录尚未写入持久存储,而高级事务已提交并且提交日志记录写入持久存储后系统崩溃,恢复后系统将进入不一致的状态.为解决上述问题引入一个可信的日志协调实体维护全局的未决提交事务间的依赖关系,并协调各个DBMS实例的提交日志记录写出操作,保证被依赖的提交日志记录先于依赖它们的日志记录写入持久存储.文中还给出了方案的实现算法,并证明了算法的正确性,通过分析论证了方案的实用性.  相似文献   

分布式实时事务调度协议用于实现事务间读写的并发控制,以满足事务的一致性与隔离性要求.本文改进了动态调整时间间隔的乐观并发控制协议,提出了一种分布式实时事务调度协议DOCC-DATI,协议分为读阶段、等待阶段、准备阶段和提交阶段.协议在读阶段和等待阶段利用事务的优先级信息,动态调整事务的串行化顺序,使高优先级事务优先进入验证阶段,并通过阻塞机制避免部分低优先级事务的不必要重启.由于分布式环境下处于准备阶段的数据不可访问,这将增加事务的阻塞时间,因此本文允许处于准备阶段的事务借出数据给低优先事务.为避免传统的两阶段提交协议中由单点故障而导致的实时事务阻塞,本文通过Paxos一致性算法提交分布式实时事务.提议的方法在一个模拟的分布式实时数据库环境中得以应用,显示出了优良的结果.  相似文献   

一种分布式实时数据库提交协议   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
传统的事务提交协议不适合实时环境的需要,并且文献中现有的几个实时提交协议限制了实时事务执行的并发度,影响了实时事务的定时限制,该文针对分布式实时数据库系统的提交处理提供了2SC协议,它增加了事务执行的并发度且有助于事务截止期的满足,文中首先提出了一个分布式实时事务经历模型,着重讨论了事务因为冲突操作而引起的提交依赖和夭折依赖,然后给出了2SC(双空间提交)协议规则,根据该协议分布式实时事务的提交处理在两个空间中完成:结点的局部事务空间和系统的全局事务空间,在局部事务空间中,当处于准备状态的参与者夭折时,仅仅夭折其夭折依赖集中的事务而不会夭折其提交依赖集中的事务;在适当的条件下,处于准备状态的参与者允许其它事务访问其锁住的数据,在全局事务空间中,参与者能够在进入准备之前主动夭折,即当一个事务在进入准备状态之前就超过了截止期,其协调者和所有的参与者都将“寂寞死”,接着该文证明了2SC协议的正确性,即确保分布式事务提交的原子性,同时分析了该协议固有的优点比如提高事务执行的并发度和减缓事务的串联夭折等,并且2SC协议能够和现有的并发控制协议有机地结合在一起,确保分布式实时事务可串行化和提交的原子性,最后通过一个模拟实验证实了2SC协议的性能比较优越。  相似文献   

基于WS-C/T协议的Web服务业务事务处理研究与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与原子事务严格遵循ACID特性相比,Web服务业务事务具有异构、分布式、长时间运行、松耦合的特点.它允许参与者独立提交,并使用补偿操作来撤销已提交的子事务所带来的影响.针对传统事务处理模型不适合处理业务事务的情形,设计一个基于WS-C/T协议的Web服务业务事务处理原型系统,把用于协调的WS-C拂议和用于业务事务处理的WS-BA协议相结合来实现Web服务的组合应用.业务事务处理系统主要由客户端、协调者和参与者三个部分组成,客户端发起业务事务,协调者和参与者提供业务事务协调与处珲接口,实现业务事务一致性.最后通过一个业务事务应用实例,验证了原型系统的可行性,它具有协调和补偿能力.  相似文献   

分布式实时事务提交协议   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在分布式实时数据库系统中,保证事务原子性的唯一途径是研究和开发出一个实时的原子提交协议.首先详细分析了事务因数据访问冲突而形成的各种依赖关系,在此基础上提出了实时的原子乐观提交协议——2SC协议,该协议减少了事务的等待时间,提高了事务的并发度,且能无缝地和现有的并发控制协议集成在一起,保证事务的可串行化和原子性.通过模拟实验研究表明,采用该协议能够减少超过截止期的事务数目。  相似文献   

提出了移动事务实时提交协议(MTRTC)和多版本乐观并发控制协议(MVOCC)处理移动分布式实时事务。MVOCC有效性检查分为局部有效性检查和全局有效性检查,采用动态调整串行次序,避免了不必要的事务重启动,改善了只读事务的响应时间。MTRTC是一个实时提交协议,减少了通信信息。实验结果表明结合MVOCC和MTRTC事务处理协议优于其它事务处理协议。  相似文献   

We investigate the performance implications of providing transaction atomicity for firm-deadline real-time applications, operating on distributed data. Using a detailed simulation model, the real-time performance of a representative set of classical transaction commit protocols is evaluated. The experimental results show that data distribution has a significant influence on real-time performance and that the choice of commit protocol clearly affects the magnitude of this influence. We also propose and evaluate a new commit protocol, PROMPT (Permits Reading Of Modified Prepared-data for Timeliness), that is specifically designed for the real-time domain. PROMPT allows transactions to “optimistically” borrow, in a controlled manner, the updated data of transactions currently in their commit phase. This controlled borrowing reduces the data inaccessibility and the priority inversion that is inherent in distributed real-time commit processing. A simulation-based evaluation shows PROMPT to be highly successful, as compared to the classical commit protocols, in minimizing the number of missed transaction deadlines. In fact, its performance is close to the best on-line performance that could be achieved using the optimistic lending approach. Further, it is easy to implement and incorporate in current database system software. Finally, PROMPT is compared against an alternative priority inheritance-based approach to addressing priority inversion during commit processing. The results indicate that priority inheritance does not provide tangible performance benefits  相似文献   

In designing a heterogeneous database systems, one of the main technical challenges is developing techniques for ensuring global commit. That is, guaranteeing that a transaction spanning multiple individual database management systems (DBMSs) either commits at all the participating DBMSs or at none of them. Previous work in this area typically assumes that the participating DBMSs do not provide a mechanism for interacting with their commit facilities. While this is true in many cases, in practice there are systems which support a programmatic interface to their commit protocols. We refer to database systems offering such facilities asexternalized commit DBMSs.The focus of this paper is on commit protocols for these systems. We propose two new commit protocols for externalized commit DBMSs. The first may be used to obtain global commit in heterogeneous database systems composed of DBMSs with different 2-phase commit protocols (e.g., centralized and linear). The second protocol is more general, and ensures global commit even if the participating DBMSs employ 3-phase commit protocols. The more general protocol also preserves database autonomy, since it does not block a DBMS upon failure of another system. We describe both protocols in detail and prove their correctness. Recommended by: M. RusinkiewiczThis work was partially supported by an IBM Research Initiation Grant.  相似文献   

The coordinator log transaction execution protocol proposed in this paper centralizes logging on a per transaction basis and exploits piggybacking to provide the semantics of a distributed atomic commit at a minimal cost. The protocol eliminates two rounds of messages (one phase) from the presumed commit protocol and dramatically reduces the number of log forces needed for distributed atomic commit. We compare the coordinator log transaction execution protocol to existing protocols, explain when it is desirable, and discuss how it affects the write ahead log protocol and the database crash recovery algorithm. Recommended by: Tamer Ozsu  相似文献   

The classical Early Prepare (EP) commit protocol, used in many commercial systems, is not suitable for use in multi-level secure (MLS) distributed database systems that employ a locking protocol for concurrency control. This is because EP requires that read locks are not released by a participant during their window of uncertainty; however, it is not possible for a locking protocol to provide this guarantee in a MLS system (since the read lock of a higher-level transaction on a lower-level data object must be released whenever a lower-level transaction wants to write the same data). The only available work in the literature, namely the Secure Early Prepare (SEP) protocol, overcomes this difficulty by aborting those distributed transactions that release their low-level read locks prematurely. We see this approach as being too restrictive. One of the major benefits of distributed processing is its robustness to failures, and SEP fails to take advantage of this. In this paper, we propose the Advanced Secure Early Prepare (ASEP) commit protocol to solve the above problem, together with a number of language primitives that can be used as system calls in distributed transactions. These primitives permit features like partial rollback and forward recovery to be incorporated within the transaction model, and allow a distributed transaction to proceed even when a participant has released its low-level read locks prematurely. This not only offers flexibility, but can also be used, if desired, by a sophisticated programmer to trade off consistency for atomicity of the distributed transaction  相似文献   

介绍了移动分布式实时事务的工作模式,在此基础上提出了应用于移动分布式实时事务的实时原子交换协议:两层实时原子提交协议.通过引入改进的TCP三次握手协议,完成移动终端与固定数据库系统的交互.对协议的正确性进行了证明.两层实时原子提交协议能够有效避免由于网络故障或者移动终端故障引起的通信堵塞.  相似文献   

The two phase commit is an important protocol in distributed database systems. Much of the existing literature on the protocol is restricted to discussing and analyzing the protocol (and its variants) in the absence of failures. Very little, especially in quantitative terms, has been written about its performance in the presence of site failures. In this study, we use a simulation testbed of a distributed database system to quantify the differences in the performances of four widely known variants of the 2PC protocols (the generic 2PC, presumed commit, presumed abort, and early prepare). Our study covers both the no-failure case and the case of site failures. We present a number of interesting results based on our experiments. One is that the performance of these protocols is highly dependent on the message-processing latency at the transaction coordinator site. Another is that the presumed abort protocol does not necessarily yield better performance in the presence of site failures.  相似文献   

Distributed real time database systems: background and literature review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Today’s real-time systems (RTS) are characterized by managing large volumes of dispersed data making real-time distributed data processing a reality. Large business houses need to do distributed processing for many reasons, and they often must do it in order to stay competitive. So, efficient database management algorithms and protocols for accessing and manipulating data are required to satisfy timing constraints of supported applications. Therefore, new research in distributed real-time database systems (DRTDBS) is needed to investigate possible ways of applying database systems technology to real-time systems. This paper first discusses the performance issues that are important to DRTDBS, and then surveys the research that has been done so far on the issues like priority assignment policy, commit protocols and optimizing the use of memory in non-replicated/replicated environment pertaining to distributed real time transaction processing. In fact, this study provides a foundation for addressing performance issues important for the management of very large real time data and pointer to other publications in journals and conference proceedings for further investigation of unanswered research questions.  相似文献   

移动分布式实时嵌套事务提交   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在移动分布式计算环境中,事务移动性和无线网络固有的缺陷使得传统的分布式实时事务管理机制不足以支持移动分布式实时事务的执行,故有必要为移动实时事务研究新的事务处理机制,以提高其成功率.着重研究移动实时事务的提交机制.首先,通过分析移动分布环境中实时事务的特点给出了一个基于功能替代的移动实时嵌套事务模型.然后,提出了一个基于此模型的三层提交结构以及能够保证移动实时事务原子性和结构正确性的三阶段实时提交协议3PRTC(three-phase real-time commit).性能测试表明,所提出的事务模型及其提交机制能够提高实时事务的成功率.  相似文献   

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