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In this paper we consider the maximization of the weighted number of just-in-time jobs that should be completed exactly on their due dates in n-job, m-machine flow shop problems. We show that a two-machine flow shop problem is NP-complete. When job weights are all identical, we show that the problem can be solved in polynomial time. We also show that a three-machine flow shop problem with identical job weights is NP-hard in the strong sense by reduction of the 3-partition problem.  相似文献   

We study the problem of nonpreemptively scheduling n jobs on m identical machines in parallel to maximize the weighted number of jobs that are completed exactly at their due dates. We show that this problem is solvable in polynomial time even if positive set-up times are allowed. Moreover, we show that if due date tolerances are permitted, then already the single-machine case is NP-hard even if all set-up times are zero and all weights are the same.Scope and purposeMost of the literature in the field of deterministic scheduling deals with regular measures of performance, that is with minimizing objective functions that are nondecreasing in job completion times. With the growing interest in just-in-time production, the demand for research into problems with irregular performance measures has considerably increased (see Baker and Scudder, Oper Res 38(1) (1990) 22). This note provides an efficient algorithm for finding nonpreemptive schedules that are optimal with respect to a special type of irregular performance measures in the case of identical machines in parallel.  相似文献   

We consider the following problem of scheduling with agreements: a set of jobs must be scheduled non-preemptively on identical machines subject to constraints that only some specific jobs can be scheduled concurrently on different machines. These constraints are represented by an agreement graph and the aim is to minimize the makespan. This problem is NP-hard. We study the complexity of the problem for two machines and arbitrary bipartite agreement graphs, in particular we prove the NP-hardness of the open problem proposed in the literature which is the case of two machines with processing times at most 3. We propose list algorithms with empirical results for the problem in the general case.  相似文献   

We present a linear programming approach to the problem of scheduling equal processing time jobs with release dates and deadlines on identical parallel machines. The known algorithm with complexity O(n 3log log n) of B. Simons schedules all the jobs while minimizing both the maximum completion time and the mean flow time. Our approach permits also to minimize the weighted sum of completion times and total tardiness in polynomial time for the problems without deadlines. The complexity status of these problems was open. Contract/grant sponsor: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider an identical parallel machine scheduling problem with release dates. The objective is to minimize the total weighted completion time. This problem is known to be strongly NP-hard. We propose some dominance properties and two lower bounds. We also present an efficient heuristic. A branch-and-bound algorithm, in which the heuristic, the lower bounds and the dominance properties are incorporated, is proposed and tested on a large set of randomly generated instances.  相似文献   

The problem of scheduling N jobs on M uniform parallel machines is studied. The objective is to minimize the mean tardiness or the weighted sum of tardiness with weights based on jobs, on periods or both. For the mean tardiness criteria in the preemptive case, this problem is NP-hard but good solutions can be calculated with a transportation problem algorithm. In the nonpreemptive case the problem is therefore NP-hard, except for the cases with equal job processing times or with job due dates equal to job processing times. No dominant heuristic is known in the general nonpreemptive case. The author has developed a heuristic to solve the nonpreemptive scheduling problem with unrelated job processing times. Initially, the algorithm calculates a basic solution. Next, it considers the interchanges of job subsets to equal processing time sum interchanging resources (i.e. a machine for a given period). This paper models the scheduling problem. It presents the heuristic and its result quality, solving 576 problems for 18 problem sizes. An application of school timetable scheduling illustrates the use of this heuristic.  相似文献   

This paper explores a specific combinatorial problem relating to reentrant jobs on parallel primary machines, with a remote server machine. A middle operation is required by each job on the server before it returns to its primary processing machine. The problem, which is new to the literature, is inspired by the logistics of a semi-automated microbiology laboratory. We establish the NP-hard nature of the problem, and demonstrate various structural properties. A heuristic is developed and tested on randomly generated benchmark data. No alternative heuristics are available in the literature for comparison, but results indicate solutions reliably within 1.5% of optimum. Moreover, tests of our heuristic on real-life data from the microbiology laboratory provide a 20% improvement in throughput relative to current practice.  相似文献   

In this note we provide a counter-example to a central result by Ho, Tseng, Ruiz-Torres, and López (2009) who proved that a schedule which minimizes the normalized sum of squared workload deviations is necessarily a makespan-optimal one. We explain why their proof is incorrect and present some computational results revealing the difference between workload balancing and makespan minimization.  相似文献   

This paper presents a tabu search approach for scheduling jobs on identical parallel machines with the objective of minimizing the mean tardiness. Initially, we consider a basic tabu search that uses short term memory only. Local search is performed on a neighborhood defined by two types of moves. Insert moves consist of transferring each job from one machine to another and swap moves are those obtained by exchanging each pair of jobs between two machines. Next, we analyze the incorporation of two diversification strategies with the aim of exploring unvisited regions of the solution space. The first strategy uses long term memory to store the frequency of the moves executed throughout the search and the second makes use of influential moves. Computational tests are performed on problems with up to 10 machines and 150 jobs. The heuristic performance is evaluated through a lower bound given by Lagrangean relaxation. A comparison is also made with respect to the best constructive heuristic reported in the literature.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the general, no-wait and no-idle permutation flowshop scheduling problem with deteriorating jobs, i.e., jobs whose processing times are increasing functions of their starting times. We assume a linear deterioration function with identical increasing rates for all the jobs and there are some dominating relationships between the machines. We show that the problems to minimize the makespan and the total completion time remain polynomially solvable when deterioration is considered, although these problems are more complicated than their classical counterparts without deterioration.  相似文献   

This paper presents a hybrid memetic algorithm for the problem of scheduling n jobs on m unrelated parallel machines with the objective of maximizing the weighted number of jobs that are completed exactly at their due dates. For each job, due date, weight, and the processing times on different machines are given. It has been shown that when the numbers of machines are a part of input, this problem is NP-hard in the strong sense. At first, the problem is formulated as an integer linear programming model. This model is practical to solve small-size problems. Afterward, a hybrid memetic algorithm is implemented which uses two heuristic algorithms as constructive algorithms, making initial population set. A data oriented mutation operator is implemented so as to facilitate memetic algorithm search process. Performance of all algorithms including heuristics (H1 and H2), hybrid genetic algorithm and hybrid memetic algorithm are evaluated through computational experiments which showed the capabilities of the proposed hybrid algorithm.  相似文献   

We introduce and analyze several models of schedulingn different types (groups) of jobs onm parallel machines, where in each group all jobs are identical. Our main goal is to exhibit the usefulness of quadratic programming approaches to solve these classes of high multiplicity scheduling problems, with the total weighted completion time as the minimization criterion. We develop polynomial algorithms for some models, and strongly polynomial algorithms for certain special cases. In particular, the model in which the weights are job independent, as well as the generally weighted model in which processing requirements are job independent, can be formulated as an integer convex separable quadratic cost flow problem, and therefore solved in polynomial time. When we specialize further, strongly polynomial bounds are achievable. Specifically, for the weighted model with job-independent processing requirements if we restrict the weights to be machine independent (while still assuming different machine speeds), anO(mn+n logn) algorithm is developed. If it is also assumed that all the machines have the same speed, the complexity of the algorithm can be improved toO(m logm+n logn). These results can be extended to related unweighted models with variable processing requirements in which all the machines are available at time zero. The research of Frieda Granot was partially supported by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Grant 5-83998. The research of Jadranka Skorin-Kapov was partially supported by National Science Foundation Grant DDM-8909206.  相似文献   

Active schedule is one of the most basic and popular concepts in production scheduling research. For identical parallel machine scheduling with jobs’ dynamic arrivals, the tight performance bounds of active schedules under the measurement of four popular objectives are respectively given in this paper. Similar analysis method and conclusions can be generalized to static identical parallel machine and single machine scheduling problem.  相似文献   

Active schedule is one of the most basic and popular concepts in production scheduling research. For identical parallel machine scheduling with jobs’ dynamic arrivals, the tight performance bounds of active schedules under the measurement of four popular objectives are respectively given in this paper. Similar analysis method and conclusions can be generalized to static identical parallel machine and single machine scheduling problem.  相似文献   

In this work, we tackle the problem of scheduling a set of jobs on a set of unrelated parallel machines with minimising the total weighted completion times as performance criteria. The iterated greedy metaheuristic generates a sequence of solutions by iterating over a constructive heuristic using destruction and construction phases. In the last few years, iterated greedy has been employed to solve a considerable number of problems. This is because it is based on a very simple principle, it is easy to implement, and it often exhibits an excellent performance. Moreover, scalability for high-dimensional problems becomes an essential requirement for modern optimisation algorithms. This paper proposes an iterated greedy model for the above-mentioned scheduling problem to tackle large-size instances. The benefits of our proposal in comparison to existing metaheuristics proposed in the literature are experimentally shown.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of scheduling a set of non-preemptable jobs on two identical parallel machines such that the makespan is minimized. Before processing, each job must be loaded on a machine, which takes a given setup time. All these setups have to be done by a single server which can handle at most one job at a time. For this problem, we propose a mixed integer linear programming formulation based on the idea of decomposing a schedule into a set of blocks. We compare the results obtained by the model suggested with known heuristics from the literature.  相似文献   

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