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三维复杂介质中转换波走时快速计算   总被引:13,自引:9,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
复杂介质中转换波走时计算是多波勘探地震学中重要内容之一.本项研究利用惠更斯原理和费玛原理,获得了三维复杂介质中转换波快速计算的改进型最小走时树方法.其中,在保证精度的条件下,为了提高三维转换波走时计算效率,首先对初至波最小走时树基本算法进行了改进.本方法通过将转换波分为上、下行波分别进行射线追踪以实现三维转换波走时的快速计算.模型计算表明,方法的计算速度快,而且稳定性强,对多波地震勘探具有较大的应用价值.  相似文献   

采用多分量地震数据进行处理,可以得到高质量的转换波成像结果,进而为流体识别和裂缝预测等提供有效支持.本文在前人研究的基础上,通过求解各向异性介质qPSV转换波运动学和动力学射线追踪方程,获得转换波中心射线走时、路径及动力学信息;同时,通过修改动态聚焦型传播算子,构建出各向异性介质动态聚焦束,提出了一种各向异性介质转换波...  相似文献   

在北京地震台NCDSN宽频带地震图集编辑工作中,发现Pn波在远至震中距16.8°的地震中仍然作为初至波被清晰记录,而PnPn波则延续至震中距30°左右仍以非常明显的震相特征被记录下来。  相似文献   

收集2008-2016年山西地震台网记录的震中距30°-90°范围内1 253个远震事件波形,拾取7 600余条高质量P波初至到时,使用IASP91模型计算相对到时残差,分析残差水平分布特征,结果显示:①以山西地区中部的山西断裂带为界,西部地震台站记录的P波初至主要表现为早到时,东部位于大同火山区的地震台站记录则主要表现为晚到时;②位于山西断裂带内部的地震台站记录的P波初至主要表现为早到时,残差水平显著低于西部地震台站;③研究区P波到时整体呈现自西向东逐渐由早到晚的分布特征。推测山西断裂带西部地区下方可能存在高速异常结构,山西断裂带内部及大同火山区下方可能存在低速异常结构。  相似文献   

收集2008—2016年山西地震台网记录的震中距30°—90°范围内1 253个远震事件波形,拾取7 600余条高质量P波初至到时,使用IASP91模型计算相对到时残差,分析残差水平分布特征,结果显示:①以山西地区中部的山西断裂带为界,西部地震台站记录的P波初至主要表现为早到时,东部位于大同火山区的地震台站记录则主要表现为晚到时;②位于山西断裂带内部的地震台站记录的P波初至主要表现为早到时,残差水平显著低于西部地震台站;③研究区P波到时整体呈现自西向东逐渐由早到晚的分布特征。推测山西断裂带西部地区下方可能存在高速异常结构,山西断裂带内部及大同火山区下方可能存在低速异常结构。  相似文献   

郑晓东 《地球物理学报》1991,34(06):781-787
本文对Aki固体-固体分界面的反射和透射公式进行适当变换,使之成为一组适合不同坐标系下,固体、液体、气体和真空之间所有可能形成的分界面上,入射P、SV和SH波所形成的反射和透射公式,从而把不同边界条件的反射和透射方程统一起来,并且阐明了转换波和非转换波动力学特征的差异.指出:在不同弹性介质分界面上入射平面弹性波,转换波的反射系数和透射系数是射线参数p的奇函数;非转换波的反射系数和透射系数是射线参数p的偶函数.根据奇函数和偶函数的性质可见:垂直入射时不存在转换波.同时也为简化Zoeppricz方程,开展AVO分析打开新思路.  相似文献   

转换波和非转换波与射线参数p的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文对Aki固体-固体分界面的反射和透射公式进行适当变换,使之成为一组适合不同坐标系下,固体、液体、气体和真空之间所有可能形成的分界面上,入射P、SV和SH波所形成的反射和透射公式,从而把不同边界条件的反射和透射方程统一起来,并且阐明了转换波和非转换波动力学特征的差异.指出:在不同弹性介质分界面上入射平面弹性波,转换波的反射系数和透射系数是射线参数p的奇函数;非转换波的反射系数和透射系数是射线参数p的偶函数.根据奇函数和偶函数的性质可见:垂直入射时不存在转换波.同时也为简化Zoeppricz方程,开展AVO分析打开新思路.  相似文献   

叠前同时反演是油气探测的一种有效工具.其理论基础是平面P波Zoeppritz方程计算的反射系数的近似,是入射角的函数.叠前同时反演可以利用三项或两项Fatti方程进行反演分析.本文针对实际油田的测井数据,利用反射率法模拟了仅包含P波一次反射记录,包含P波一次反射和P波层间多次波记录以及全波场地震记录,再利用叠前同时反演对合成地震记录进行反演研究.研究结果表明,在大偏移距处P波主要反射受到其它模式波的污染,从而影响了叠前同时反演结果的精度.对于薄互层介质当转换波影响严重时,使用小角度数据的两项AVO反演比使用大角度数据的三项AVO反演更合理可靠.  相似文献   

转换波转换点的位置对转换波道集的抽取和叠加都非常重要.目前对于单一倾斜反射界面或水平层状介质模型,已经能较好地计算转换波转换点的位置.本文针对多层倾斜层状介质,提出最佳角度搜索法求取P-SV转换波转换点的位置,此方法是通过搜索最符合Snell定律的入射角和反射角来确定最佳的P-SV转换波转换点的位置.在搜索最佳转换点位置的同时,该方法也能给出最佳的P-SV波的传播路径.本文在单层和双层倾斜层状介质模型中测试了该方法,获得了精确的P-SV转换波转换点的位置和P-SV波的传播路径.  相似文献   

Anisotropic common S-wave rays are traced using the averaged Hamiltonian of both S-wave polarizations. They represent very practical reference rays for calculating S waves by means of the coupling ray theory. They eliminate problems with anisotropic-ray-theory ray tracing through some S-wave slowness-surface singularities and also considerably simplify the numerical algorithm of the coupling ray theory for S waves. The equations required for anisotropic-common-ray tracing for S waves in a smooth elastic anisotropic medium, and for corresponding dynamic ray tracing in Cartesian or ray-centred coordinates, are presented. The equations, for the most part generally known, are summarized in a form which represents a complete algorithm suitable for coding and numerical applications.  相似文献   

深度域地震波速度模型是地震勘探中最重要的参数之一,是获得精确深度域偏移剖面的基础.本文基于成像射线的概念,阐述了时间偏移域和深度域之间的关系,明确了时间偏移后的像点是通过成像射线与深度域的散射点联系起来的.在有横向变速的情况下,时间偏移剖面需要经过时深转换才能真实反映深度域层位,同样,从时间偏移剖面上提取的速度也需要经过时深转换才能得到深度域的速度.与前者不同的是,在速度的时深转换中,不仅速度的位置需要改变,且其数值也需要进行校正.该校正因子有几种等价的描述形式:度规量、速度扩散因子和几何扩散因子.  相似文献   

Ray path of head waves with irregular interfaces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Head waves are usually considered to be the refracted waves propagating along flat interfaces with an underlying higher velocity. However, the path that the rays travel along in media with irregular interfaces is not clear. Here we study the problem by simulation using a new approach of the spectral-element method with some overlapped elements (SEMO) that can accurately evaluate waves traveling along an irregular interface. Consequently, the head waves are separated from interface waves by a time window. Thus, their energy and arrival time changes can be analyzed independently. These analyses demonstrate that, contrary to the case for head waves propagating along a flat interface, there are two mechanisms for head waves traveling along an irregular interface: a refraction mechanism and transmission mechanism. That is, the head waves may be refracted waves propagating along the interface or transmitted waves induced by the waves propagating in the higher-velocity media. Such knowledge will be helpful in constructing a more accurate inversion method, such as head wave travel-time tomography, and in obtaining a more accurate model of subsurface structure which is very important for understanding the formation mechanism of some special areas, such as the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

We demonstrate how multiples, generated at the interfaces of plane parallel beds, modify the propagation characteristics of an originally coherent seismic wave. For waves propagating at an angle to the bedding plane we find that theSV andP-waves couple so that neither is a pure mode. TheSH-wave, while modified in its propagation characteristics by multiples, remains a pure mode. The coupling ofSV-multiples into the quasi-P-mode appears weaker than the coupling ofP-wave multiples into the quasi-SV mode; at least this is so for the two simple cases of (a) density fluctuations only and (b) correlatedV p andV s fluctuations which conserve Poisson's ratio.We also find that the coupling is sensitive to both the angle of propagation and frequency. In addition there is a cut-off angle forP-wave multiples influencing the quasi-SV mode. Propagation angles larger than the cut-off permit theP-multiples to modify the phase of the quasi-SV mode, but not its effective attenuation. No such cut-off effect is found for SV-multiples influencing the quasi-P mode, whose angle-dependent and frequency-dependent phase distortion and effective attenuation are influenced both byP-wave multiples andSV-multiples.In view of the mathematical complexity of the expressions describing the phase, and effective attenuation of modes when allowance is made forP-andS-wave multiples, we strongly advocate numerical coding of the major mathematical formulae. By so doing a systematic study can be undertaken of the frequency and offset dependence of seismic waves as a function of seismic source input and power spectral behavior of the fluctuations in density and elastic constants of beds. It is our opinion that the full mathematical expressions are too involved to permit an analytic, systematic investigation to be given of the phase and attenuation of seismic waves with any degree of sophistication or generality.  相似文献   

Ray theory based upon real rays is presented for high frequencyP andS waves in continuously inhomogeneous isotropic linear media. Simple explicit formulae for the polarization anomalies described by higher order terms of the ray asymptotic expansions are considered.  相似文献   

The objective is to provide, in one single paper, a complete collection of equations governing kinematic and dynamic ray tracing related to a symmetry plane of an anisotropic medium. Well known systems for kinematic ray tracing and in-plane dynamic ray tracing are reformulated for the purpose of clarity, by taking advantage of a vector representation of the Christoffel matrix elements and related quantities. A generalized formula is derived for the integrand in out-of-plane dynamic ray tracing, pertaining to a monoclinic medium. Integrands corresponding to non-tilted orthorhombic and transversely isotropic media are obtained as special cases.  相似文献   

界面二次源法是最近提出的一种最小走时射线追踪方法,尤其适合层状介质中走时和射线路径的计算.该方法相对于传统的最小走时树方法(如Moser法),仅在物性界面上设置二次源,射线路径的方向只在层界面处发生改变,该方法最大程度地消除了射线路径的锯齿状现象,同时也避免了低变速区的射线路径多值现象,因此,它具有更高的追踪精度和效率.本文采用界面二次源法在各向同性介质中实现了PS转换波射线追踪,理论模型的计算证实了界面二次源法追踪PS转换波的准确性和高效性,同时该方法在各向异性介质中也很好地追踪出分离的PSV波和PSH波,因此该方法有利于横波分裂在地震勘探中的研究和应用  相似文献   

The paper presents a method for correction of amplitude of prestack migration using the reflectivity function. The solution of wave equations for heterogeneous media expressed in the form of Neumann series for converted waves was used to find the reflectivity function. The performance of the proposed method was verified using synthetic models of wavefields. The synthetic models of wavefields were also used to compare amplitude correction levels required by the presented method and the standard amplitude correction methods, i.e., the methods using the spherical divergence and extention factor.  相似文献   

The paper outlines the most important results of the paraxial complex geometrical optics (CGO) in respect to Gaussian beams diffraction in the smooth inhomogeneous media and discusses interrelations between CGO and other asymptotic methods, which reduce the problem of Gaussian beam diffraction to the solution of ordinary differential equations, namely: (i) Babich’s method, which deals with the abridged parabolic equation and describes diffraction of the Gaussian beams; (ii) complex form of the dynamic ray tracing method, which generalizes paraxial ray approximation on Gaussian beams and (iii) paraxial WKB approximation by Pereverzev, which gives the results, quite close to those of Babich’s method. For Gaussian beams all the methods under consideration lead to the similar ordinary differential equations, which are complex-valued nonlinear Riccati equation and related system of complex-valued linear equations of paraxial ray approximation. It is pointed out that Babich’s method provides diffraction substantiation both for the paraxial CGO and for complex-valued dynamic ray tracing method. It is emphasized also that the latter two methods are conceptually equivalent to each other, operate with the equivalent equations and in fact are twins, though they differ by names. The paper illustrates abilities of the paraxial CGO method by two available analytical solutions: Gaussian beam diffraction in the homogeneous and in the lens-like media, and by the numerical example: Gaussian beam reflection from a plane-layered medium.  相似文献   

界面二次源波前扩展法全局最小走时射线追踪技术   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
以Moser方法为代表的最短路径射线追踪算法可以快速稳定地获得整个追踪区域的全局最小走时和路径,但它存在两个缺陷:一是射线大多由折线呈锯齿状相连,长度和位置偏离真实射线路径;二是在低变速区容易出现射线路径多值现象.本文提出的界面二次源波前扩展法全局最小走时射线追踪技术(以下简称界面源法)旨在解决上述两个问题.不同于Moser方法,界面源法只在物性分界面上设置子波源点,子波出射射线可以到达任何不穿越物性界面而直接到达的空间点和界面离散点,在均匀块体内或层内地震波以精确的射线路径传播.显然,界面源法的子波出射方向数远远大于传统方法,算法的追踪误差主要由界面离散引起的,因此,界面源法很好地解决了Moser法存在的问题,大大提高了追踪的精度.同时,由于界面源法的子波源点数远远小于Moser法,因而效率也很高.模型实算证实了该算法的高效性.  相似文献   

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