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基于Zernike矩及支持向量机的猪的姿态识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为监控猪的行为,提出了基于Zernike矩及支持向量机的猪的行走姿态识别方法。首先对原始图像进行预处理,提取出原始图像中猪的轮廓图像。然后,根据标准矩对上述图像进行归一化,再对归一化后的二值轮廓图提取Zernike矩特征。在此基础上,利用支持向量机理论设计了多种姿态分类器,实现对猪的正常行走、低头行走、抬头行走、躺卧等四种姿态进行识别。实验结果表明,此方法对猪的姿态分类识别的准确度达到了95%以上。该项研究对猪的姿态识别方面具有显著价值。  相似文献   

基于Zernike矩的三维目标多视点特性视图建模   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
目标的模型化是三维目标识别的一个重要环节。由于从多视点特征法建立的模型能够避免从二维图像中恢复目标的三维结构.在三维目标识别中应用比较广泛。使用镶嵌式多面体分割视觉空间以得到三维目标的多视点投影图像,采用较小的镶嵌单元尺寸以完备地描述目标各种姿态的信息。Zernike矩具有旋转不变性,并能够方便地由各阶矩重建图像。计算多面体各个单元的投影图像的Zernike矩.所需的矩的最高阶次由重建图像与原图像的差别确定,通过聚类方式合并那些图像的矩变化很小的投影对应的几个小单元.每个新单元可以提取一幅特性视图.实现较小数目的多视点特性视图的建模。实验证明了这种方法的可行性。  相似文献   

一种广义正交不变图像矩:雅可比-傅立叶矩   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提出一种多畸变不变的正交图像矩:雅可比-傅立叶矩.其核函数由径向雅可比多项式和角向傅立叶复指数因子组成.雅可比多项式中的两个参数p和q的变化能够形成各种正交多项式,因而形成各种正交图像矩:勒让德-傅立叶矩(p=1,q=1)、切比雪夫-傅立叶矩(p=2,q=3/2)、正交傅立叶-梅林矩(p=2,q=2)和Zernike矩以及变形Zemike矩,等等.因此雅可比-傅立叶矩是核函数由径向多项式和角向傅立叶复指数因子组成的正交图像矩的一般形式,为这种正交图像矩的数学分析和优化提供了理论基础.  相似文献   

一种基于Zemike矩和稳态遗传算法的遥感图像匹配方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文提出了一种基于稳态遗传算法和Zernike矩的遥感图像匹配方法。将稳态遗传算法快速而有效的全局寻优特点应用于遥感图像的匹配定位。考虑到旋转畸变,采用遥感图像的Zernike矩作为相似性量度,实现遥感图像的匹配。实验结果表明,该算法可以克服图像的旋转畸变,在保证一定的匹配精度下,具有较高的匹配效率。  相似文献   

Zernike矩不变性分析及其改进   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在分析了Zernike矩不变性后,提出了一种基于图像整个区域形状描述算子的改进Zernike矩。改进的Zernike矩不仅具有旋转不变性,而且还具有改进前不具有的比例不变性。试验结果证明,和改进前的Zernike矩相比,改进后的Zernike矩具有更好的不变特征,可用作基于区域的形状描述算子。  相似文献   

针对Ghosal算法检测出的边缘较粗以及手动反复调节阶跃强度阈值引起的效率低的问题,提出了一种改进算法.首先,推导出模板系数,并计算得出Zernike矩.其次,利用推导出的公式计算出距离阈值和边缘阈值,利用Otsu法计算得到最佳阶跃强度.最后,通过设计三组实验,来验证改进算法的有效性.实验证明,改进算法能够更加有效地检测出图像的边缘,减少伪边缘的存在并且细化了边缘,提高了定位精度,同时降低了算法的执行时间.  相似文献   

针对低信噪比红外目标图像,分析了Zernike矩的基本原理、计算方法和旋转不变性,提出了基于Zernike正交矩的低信噪比红外目标检测方法,并比较了模板匹配、Hu矩、Zernike矩方法的目标识别效果.理论分析与实验验证了所提方法的有效性.  相似文献   

辜嘉  罗立民  舒华忠 《电子学报》2001,29(3):350-353
本文针对心脏超声图的特性 ,介绍了一种计算二维光流场的邻域优化算法 ,通过对Zernike矩的正交性、旋转不变性等特性的分析 ,论证了Zernike矩在心脏超声图中作为运动不变特征的优越性 ,从而将传统光流场计算中的亮度不变假设推广到了亮度各阶Zernike矩不变 .另外 ,由于Zernike矩计算了像素点附近其余像素的贡献 ,使得单个像素点引起的误差对特征的影响大大减小 ,从而提高了算法的鲁棒性  相似文献   

一种基于Zernike矩的直线提取算法   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
提出了一种新颖的基于Zernike矩(ZMs)的直线提取算法。该算法首先是利用ZMs在局部坐标系中计算边缘点所在直线方程,然后通过坐标变换将直线方程变换到图像坐标系中,从而建立了边缘点和所在直线参数之间的一一映射关系,最后对于所求出的直线参数在参数空间对参数单元投票取阈值提取直线。实验表明,该算法速度快、精度高和抗干扰性强。  相似文献   

基于目标规格化与Zernike矩相结合的目标识别算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
平面形状的识别是计算机视觉研究的一个重要领域,它也是许多二维或三维视觉处理任务的基本步骤。文章提出了一种基于图像规格化与Zernike矩相结合的目标识别方法。该方法通过把图像进行紧凑化,再结合紧凑化后图像边缘轮廊Zernike矩的计算,使得由于人眼或摄像机的观察视角的不同而引起的物体的各种形变,校正到一个紧凑图像,再通过各高阶Zernike矩的不同特征,进行不同模式的目标识别,实验表明该方法原理简单明了,计算量小,对于特征相关较明显的目标,具有很好的识别效果。  相似文献   

In multimedia forensics, it is important to identify those images that were captured by a specific camera from a given set of N data images as well as detecting the tampered region in these images if forged. This paper presents a new technique based on Zernike moments feature extraction for blindly classifying correlated PRNU images as well as locating the tampered regions in image under investigation. The proposed clustering algorithm is based on estimating the Zernike moments and applying a hierarchical clustering for classification. The forgery detection algorithm is based on picking up the peak Euclidean distance between the Zernike moments vector of blocks of the scaled-down forged image and its corresponding ones in the capturing camera PRNU. As Zernike moments are scale and rotational invariant, its feature when computed using scaled-down PRNU images lead to considerable computation time saving. Simulation examples are given to verify the effectiveness of the proposed techniques when compared to other state-of-the-art techniques even in case of very weakly correlated PRNU.  相似文献   

两级Zernike矩算子在喷射沉积坯尺寸检测中的应用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
为了检测沉积坯尺寸,提出了采用2个模板尺寸不同的Zernike矩亚像素边缘算子进行边缘检测的方法。首先推导了2套Zernike矩模板,3×3模板用于快速粗检测边缘,7×7模板用于重新精确定位边缘。试验结果表明,该算法具有检测速度快和定位精度高的双重优点,沉积坯尺寸检测的平均运行时间为0.11 s,最大相对误差为0.67%,可为未来沉积坯尺寸实时控制提供准确的反馈数据。  相似文献   

An all adder systolic structure for fast computation of moments   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Moment invariants play an important role in pattern recognition and computer vision. They have the nice properties of being invariant under translation, rotation and scaling. In this paper, we propose a new systolic array for computing ordinary moments from which moment invariants can be derived. The array exploits parallelism of the computation maximally and has an ideal time complexity ofO(n). Each computation step involves a single addition only and is thus far superior to most existing solutions that require multiplication. The systolic array can be directly implemented in VLSI and we also provide an estimate of the realizability of the array in a 0.8 micron BiCMOS technology. To achieve effective tradeoff between area and time requirement, we also propose a scalable array that allows us to fold the computation into a much smaller area. Our solution is suitable for both binary images and gray level images and is thus superior to an earlier work that has similar characteristics.  相似文献   

本文提出一种FFT新算法,其计算量不大于现有的各种基2DFT算法.然后,与Winograd小DFT(4,8,16点)结合使用,得出一种计算DFT的最快速算法.  相似文献   

将最佳一致有理逼近理论和矩量法(MoM)相结合,提出了一种新的二维外推技术并对任意形状复杂目标雷达散射截面的空域二维特性进行了快速计算。与渐进波形估计(AWE)技术相比,Maehly逼近的优势在于不需要计算阻抗矩阵元素的高阶导数,能在更宽的范围内精确逼近MoM计算结果,并且很容易和MoM计算机代码相结合。与MoM逐点计算相比,Maehly逼近结合MoM能有效地提高计算效率。数值结果表明Maehly逼近结合MoM与MoM逐点计算的结果吻合良好,证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a generalized mixed-radix decimation-in-time (DIT) fast algorithm for computing the modified discrete cosine transform (MDCT) of the composite lengths N=2×qm, m≥2, where q is an odd positive integer. The proposed algorithm not only has the merits of parallelism and numerical stability, but also needs less multiplications than that of type-IV discrete cosine transform (DCT-IV) and type-II discrete cosine transform (DCT-II) based MDCT algorithms due to the optimized efficient length-(N/q) modules. The computation of MDCT for composite lengths N=qm×2n, m≥2, n≥2, can then be realized by combining the proposed algorithm with fast radix-2 MDCT algorithm developed for N=2n. The combined algorithm can be used for the computation of length-12/36 MDCT used in MPEG-1/-2 layer III audio coding as well as the recently established wideband speech and audio coding standards such as G.729.1, where length-640 MDCT is used. The realization of the inverse MDCT (IMDCT) can be obtained by transposing the signal flow graph of the MDCT.  相似文献   

The large computation amount of multiple signal classification (MUSIC) spectrum function seriously affects the timeliness of direction finding system using MUSIC algorithm, especially in the two-dimensional directions of arrival (DOA) estimation of azimuth and elevation with a large antenna array. This paper proposes a fast computation method for MUSIC spectrum. It is suitable for any circular array. First, the circular array is transformed into a virtual uniform circular array, in the process of calculating MUSIC spectrum, for the cyclic characteristics of steering vector, the inner product in the calculation of spatial spectrum is realised by cyclic convolution. The computational amount of MUSIC spectrum is obviously less than that of the conventional method. It is a very practical way for MUSIC spectrum computation in circular arrays.  相似文献   

MEI系数的快速算法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
不变性测试方程法已被证明是解决电磁问题的一种有效方法。目前电大尺寸问题中MEI系数的计算已成为一个瓶颈。提出了一个快速算法用于加速MEI系数的计算,它使用快速多极子方法计算测试子的散射场,使得MEI系数的计算速度从O(N^2)变为O(N^1.5Log2N)。  相似文献   

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