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Application of the wavelet Galerkin method (WGM) to numerical solution of nonlinear buckling problems was studied with classical elastic thin rectangular plates. First, the discretized scheme of the von Kármán equation were introduced, then a simple calculation approach to the Jacobian and Hessian matrices based on the WGM was proposed, and the wavelet discretized scheme-based eigenvalue equation method, the extended equation method and the pseudo arc-length method for nonlinear buckling analysis were discussed. Second, the secondary post-buckling equilibrium paths of elastic thin rectangular plates and the effects of aspect ratios, boundary conditions and bi-directional compression on the mode jumping behaviors, were discussed in detail. Numerical results show that, the WGM possesses good convergence for solving buckling loads on rectangular plates, and the obtained equilibrium paths are in good agreement with those from the stability experiments, the 2-step perturbation method and the nonlinear finite element method. Given the feasibility of combination with different bifurcation computation methods, the WGM makes an efficient spatial discretization method for complex nonlinear stability problems of typical plates and shells. © 2023 Editorial Office of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Based on the homotopy analysis method, the nonlinear vibration of porous functionally graded material (FGM) conveying pipes under generalized boundary conditions was studied. Based on the power-law distribution of the FGM and the Voigt model, the physical properties of the porous pipe material were described. Under the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory and the von Kármán nonlinear theory, and by means of Hamilton’s variational principle, the dynamic control equations and generalized boundary conditions for porous FGM conveying pipes were established. The homotopy analysis method was used to solve the nonlinear vibration characteristics of the porous FGM conveying pipe under generalized boundary conditions. The numerical results show that, the translation spring has little effect on the critical velocity of instability, while the rotation spring increases the critical velocity of instability, making the system more stable; in the nonlinear system, the viscoelastic coefficient does not change the critical velocity; the pipe length, the power-law exponent and the porosity all influence the nonlinear free vibration of the porous FGM conveying pipe. © 2023 Editorial Office of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The dam break flow poses a common free surface flow problem in hydraulic engineering, and its ac⁃ curate simulation is of great engineering significance. The B⁃spline material point method (BSMPM), as an im⁃ proved algorithm of the material point method (MPM), has optimized accuracy and convergence in material point calculations and unique algorithmic advantages in free surface flow problems. Based on the BSMPM, a weakly compressible BSMPM (WC⁃BSMPM) was developed through introduction of an artificial equation of state. The simulation of the dam break flow problem was carried out, with the effects of the order of the B⁃ spline interpolation basis function on the simulation results analyzed. The results show that, the simulated fluid wavefront position, the wavefront velocity and the elevation variation at a given position are basically consistent with the existing experimental results. As the order of the basis function increases, the computation time will lengthen for about 1.5 times. However, the computation times of the BSMPM of different orders will uniformly increase approximately linearly with the background grid size. The validity of the WC⁃BSMPM simulation of the dam break flow problem was verified. The research provides a new idea and method for the simulation of dam break flow problems. © 2023 Editorial Office of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

采用PDE灵敏度滤波器可以消除连续体结构拓扑优化结果存在的棋盘格现象、数值不稳定等问题,且PDE灵敏度滤波器的实质是具有Neumann边界条件的Helmholtz偏微分方程.针对大规模PDE灵敏度滤波器的求解问题,有限元分析得到其代数方程,分别采用共轭梯度算法、多重网格算法和多重网格预处理共轭梯度算法对代数方程进行求解,并且研究精度、过滤半径以及网格数量对拓扑优化效率的影响.结果表明:与共轭梯度算法和多重网格算法相比,多重网格预处理共轭梯度算法迭代次数最少,运行时间最短,极大地提高了拓扑优化效率.  相似文献   

In order to enrich the bridge damage detection method and further improve the accuracy of bridge damage identification, a detection method for simply supported beams with cracks under dynamic loads was proposed not based on the complete finite element model. Under the premise of not blocking traffic, the method only needs to analyze and deal with the acceleration responses of the simply supported beam span, which reduces the mounting, dismounting and maintenance of sensors in practical engineering. At the same time, based on the model, an analytical formula of the acceleration at the midspan of the simply supported cracked beam was derived. Based on the theoretical derivation, the instantaneous energy and the mean energy difference were constructed through the variational mode decomposition and the Hilbert transform, and these 2 crack identification indexes were used to effectively identify small cracks with a crack depth ratio of only 5%. Then the influences of different wheel loads, environmental noises and damage degrees on detection results were studied. The results show that: ① the instantaneous frequency has a better recognition effect for crack positions; ② the mean energy difference is sensitive to crack depth ratio δ and the wheel load magnitude; ③ this method has strong noise robustness. © 2022 Editorial Office of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Based on the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method, the transient non-isothermal viscoelastic flows were numerically simulated. First, the viscoelastic Couette flow based on the Oldroyd-B model under isothermal condition was simulated. Then, the simulation was extended to the non-isothermal case, in which the Reynolds exponential model was adopted to evaluate the dependence of the viscosity and the relaxation time on the temperature. The accuracy and effectiveness of the SPH method for simulating transient non-isothermal viscoelastic flows were verified through comparison with the finite volume method and evaluation of numerical convergence. The different flow characteristics of the non-isothermal flow compared with those of the isothermal flow were discussed. The effects of the temperature dependence coefficient and the Péclet number on the flow physics were analyzed. The numerical results demonstrate that, the SPH method can accurately and effectively simulate transient non-isothermal viscoelastic flow problems. © 2023 Editorial Office of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Based on the proper orthogonal decomposition⁃radial basis function (POD⁃RBF), a geometric identification method for pipeline inner wall was proposed to solve the internal corrosion detection problem of natural gas and oil pipelines. In view of the static magnetic field, the simplified finite element model for the pipelines was established, and the variable⁃geometry sample library was constructed, to realize the response prediction of arbitrary geometry by the POD⁃RBF. The proposed method achieves reduced⁃order analysis and avoids repeated solution of the stiffness matrix due to the geometrical change during the identification process. Hence, it can significantly improve the computation efficiency. Finally, the grey wolf optimization (GWO) algorithm was used to optimize the objective function and avoid the calculation of the sensitivity in the process of geometry change. The numerical examples show that, the proposed method has high efficiency and accuracy in the geometric identification of the pipeline inner wall, with good stability even under introduced noises. © 2023 Editorial Office of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

抱杆优化设计需要耗费大量有限元分析计算时间,难以确定可行域.该文采用响应面法(response surface method,RSM)来模拟抱杆结构的真实响应,提出了改进的算术优化算法(improved arithmetic optimization algorithm,IAOA)对抱杆结构进行优化设计.将分数阶积分引入算术优化算法(arithmetic optimization algorithm,AOA),改善了算法的开发能力.采用拉丁超立方抽样,选取抱杆结构杆件截面试验样本,利用最小二乘法对样本点进行分析,构建了抱杆结构应力和位移关于杆件截面尺寸的二阶响应面代理模型.建立以抱杆质量最小化为优化目标,许用应力和位移为约束条件的优化模型,采用IAOA对其进行求解.结果表明:二阶响应面模型能够准确预测抱杆结构的响应值,IAOA的求解精度得到显著提升,代理模型可大幅降低有限元分析所需的计算代价,优化后抱杆结构质量减轻了8.2%.联合使用RSM和IAOA可有效求解大型空间杆系结构的优化设计问题.  相似文献   

针对六参数实用黏弹性阻尼耗能结构,基于Davenport风速谱系列响应问题进行了系统的研究.首先,利用六参数黏弹性阻尼器的微分型本构关系,建立了耗能结构基于Davenport风速谱激励下的运动方程;然后,运用复模态法将耗能结构的运动方程由二阶微分方程转化为一阶方程,获得了耗能结构系统对风振激励响应的频域解和功率谱密度函数表达式;最后,利用数学恒等式,基于随机振动理论获得了耗能结构系统在Davenport风速谱激励下的响应和阻尼器受力的解析解.该文方法不仅考虑了结构系统在风振激励作用下全振型展开的结果,表达式较现有结果更为简便,效率及精度更高,且适用于非经典阻尼结构.  相似文献   

氧化铝陶瓷材料的力学性能受温度影响显著,因此使用相场法模拟热冲击裂纹的扩展时有必要考虑损伤判据的温度相关性.在现有热力学相场模型的基础上通过引入温度相关性损伤判据,修正了相场模型的控制方程.利用该模型对氧化铝陶瓷热冲击实验进行有限元模拟,并将模拟结果与氧化铝热冲击实验结果和不考虑温度相关性损伤判据的有限元模拟结果进行对比.结果表明,通过引入温度相关性损伤判据,可实现对热冲击裂纹的萌生和扩展过程更合理的模拟.  相似文献   

大数据时代,期刊文章数量大幅增长,如何评价和规范期刊质量是摆在期刊工作者和决策者面前的重要问题之一.分析了h指数和复合影响因子在期刊评价中的重要地位,并提出采用集团序方法进行期刊评价的思想,在确定集团离差度的基础上,对33个期刊进行了集团排序,通过确定不同的级内级差得到了满意的排序结果.这一结果不仅为不同期刊差异化发展战略的制定提供了理论依据,也为相关研究提供了新的方法和思路.  相似文献   

针对模糊随机桁架结构的动力特性分析,提出了一种新的模糊随机有限元方法.当结构的物理参数和几何尺寸同时具有模糊随机性时,利用模糊因子法和随机因子法建立了结构刚度矩阵和质量矩阵;从结构振动的Rayleigh商表达式出发,利用区间运算推导出结构动力特性模糊随机变量的计算表达式;之后利用随机变量的矩法和代数综合法,推导出结构特征值的数字特征的计算式.通过算例分析了模糊随机桁架结构参数的模糊随机性对其动力特性的影响.该方法的优点是能准确反映结构某一参数的模糊随机性对结构特征值及其数字特征的影响.  相似文献   

在模糊综合评价中,如何确定因素的权重是非常重要的,也是非常困难的,它直接关系到评价结果的合理性与真实性.利用模糊推理技术,提出了一种基于模糊推理的因素权重确定方法,其利用人们处理复杂问题的逻辑思维方式,建立评价空间和单位评价空间的映射,得到模糊关系方程并用于确定因素的权重.实验结果表明,利用该模型得到的权重能反映各因素的重要性,用其对待评对象进行模糊综合,其结果也是合理的.  相似文献   

冲击荷载作用下水中悬浮隧道的位移响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立冲击荷载作用下悬浮隧道的动力学模型,将悬浮隧道简化为等距离弹性支撑梁,通过Galerkin(伽辽金)法求解悬浮隧道的振动位移方程,数值模拟悬浮隧道跨中时程响应,分析张力腿竖向刚度、冲击物质量、冲击速度对悬浮隧道跨中位移的影响.结果表明:冲击荷载作用下,张力腿竖向刚度对悬浮隧道位移响应的影响显著,但具有极限性.其次,冲击物质量和冲击速度也会显著影响悬浮隧道的跨中振动位移.研究结论为未来悬浮隧道的研究和建设提供重要的理论参考.  相似文献   

选取xlym形状积分因子,对非恰当方程xayb(cydx+exdy)+xfyh(kydx+pxdy)=0推导出了l,m的计算公式,并给出了具体实例.  相似文献   

应用同伦分析方法,提出了一种求解非线性方程改进的试位法.给出的一些数值例证显示了该运算法则的有效性.  相似文献   

为了研究碳纤维不锈钢层板的冲击动态响应以及热载荷条件下的冲击性能,采用ABAQUS/Explicit,编写基于复合材料渐进损伤用户子程序VUMAT;引入Johnson-Cook模型,仿真计算了碳纤维增强环氧树脂基复合材料-SS304不锈钢层板热载条件下冲击动态响应过程;分析了其冲击动态响应及渐进损伤,着重讨论了热载荷条件对碳纤维金属层板的冲击能量吸收、接触力等抗冲击性能及失效模式的影响.结果显示,高速冲击载荷作用下,纤维层的脆性断裂、金属层的塑性变形以及纤维层与金属层之间的脱层是碳纤维不锈钢层板的主要失效形式.热载荷的存在直接影响了冲头的接触力,随环境温度升高,接触力总体上降低,子弹的速度衰减越慢,剩余速度增大.结果表明,热载荷降低了纤维金属板的冲击动能吸收特性,弱化了碳纤维金属板的抗冲击性能.无论是纤维金属层板的整体破坏,还是纤维失效、基体失效和脱层失效,热载荷都产生了重要影响.  相似文献   

急动度(jerk)在工程实践中具有重要的意义.将径向基函数逼近与配点法相结合,发展了一种能够有效求解动力响应的数值算法.该方法使用径向基函数插值来逼近真实的运动规律,能够用于急动度和急动度(三阶)方程的计算,弥补了传统的数值方法无法计算急动度的不足.并针对微分方程的特点,提出了改进的多变量联合插值函数,同时添加与微分方程同阶的初值条件,可显著减小数值震荡.算例表明,该方法具有计算过程简单、精度高的特点,同时对急动度方程也有很好的适用性.  相似文献   

用因子分析法构建医院顾客让渡价值模型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
使就医顾客满意对于加强医院的竞争力十分重要。本文选择十六项指标构建就医客户满意指标体系,通过因子分析法将其简化为六个主因子,它们分别是医师服务态度、就诊方便程度、医疗水平、候诊方便、收费高低、诊疗手续。基于这些主因子,我们建立医院顾客让渡价值模型。并根据该模型,分析医院的经营策略。  相似文献   

积分非完整可控力学系统运动方程的场方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文将场方法推广应用于积分非完整可控力学系统的运动方程,并举例说明方法的应用.  相似文献   

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