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与震害指数相联系的地震损失估计公式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李杰 《世界地震工程》1992,(1):45-47,72

描述地震作用与工程破坏之间关系的易损性曲线及其概率分布对于地震灾害损失的可靠评估至关重要.以对数正态分布为主体的现行易损性概率分布模型无法很好地描述完好无损和完全破坏这2种边界条件.文中基于新西兰近40万栋房屋的历史震害信息,确认了这2种边界条件的存在,并对各种给定地震动水平下结构的损失分布进行了研究,提出了考虑上述2...  相似文献   

震害与地震损失的估计方法   总被引:26,自引:4,他引:26  

首先介绍了宁蒗6.2级地震的概况、震区主要断裂与发展构造,然后分析了各类建筑物和生命线工程的震害,评估了震害经济损失,总结了防御和减轻震害的经验与教训。  相似文献   

柏美祥  王克元 《内陆地震》1993,7(4):393-399,T001
0 引言 1990年6月14日哈萨克斯坦斋桑州发生7.3级地震,8月3日发生6.7级强余震,9月28日又发生5.5级余震。斋桑地震使哈萨克斋桑以东地区、中国新疆阿勒泰地区5个县和塔城地区2个县受到严重破坏与损失。为了了解新疆境内地震破坏情况,新疆维吾尔自治区地震局先后4次派人赴新疆境内受灾地区进行考察,并对新疆境内受灾情况与经济损失作出评估。对哈萨克、斋桑州地震破坏与损失情况,哈方也先后2次派人进行了考察,中方、哈方在此次地 震中人员伤亡、房屋破坏、经济损失总的情况见结论。  相似文献   

宋立军  张勇 《内陆地震》1994,8(3):253-261
新疆疏附6.0级地震震害与损失宋立军,张勇,朱令人(新疆维吾尔自治区地震局,乌鲁木齐)0前言1993年12月1日凌晨4时37分新疆疏附县境内发生6.0级地震,使喀什地区疏附县和克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州阿克陶县所辖5乡(镇)的51个大队,5个直属场遭受不...  相似文献   

引言过去的20年中,开展了许多区域地震损失的研究。然而,这些研究结果的可能使用者,诸如应急响应决策者和当地政府,发现这些结果比他们所期望的内容要少。造成这种状态的原因是多方面的,其中一部分原因是单一的研究不可能满足各级政  相似文献   

在日本神户和美国加州北岭破坏性地震发生后,美国和日本加强了在地震政策方面的合作.1996年4月,"减轻自然灾害活动"成为两个面临全球严峻挑战的国家之间正在进行的美日全球远景规划合作计划(the United States-Japan Common Agenda for Cooperation in the Global Perspective)的一部分.  相似文献   

地震灾害损失评估是地震部门的一项职责。科学、准确地进行地震灾害损失评估是震后抢险救灾、重建家园、争取国内国际援助的重要依据。本文从城震灾害评估队伍的建立、充分利用灾区掌握的灾情、应用多种评估技术和方法,开展震灾预测以及编制地震灾害损失评估标准图集等几个方面,对我国目前的地震灾害损失评估工作提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

对6.0级以下地震震害评估中评估区的划分进行了研究.建议将灾区分为二子区,分界线为极灾区中心到灾区边界线的1/3距离处,并应用实例说明了该划分方法的科学性。  相似文献   

In addition to the mean values of possible loss during an earthquake, parameters of the probability distribution function for the loss to a portfolio (e.g. fractiles and standard deviation) are very important. Recent studies have shown that the proper treatment of ground‐motion variability and, particularly, the correlation of ground motion are essential for the estimation of the seismic hazard, damage and loss for distributed portfolios. In this study, we compared the effects of variations in the between‐earthquake correlation and in the site‐to‐site correlation on seismic loss and damage estimations for the extended objects (hypothetical portfolio) and critical elements (e.g. bridges) of a network. A scenario earthquake approach and a portfolio containing a set of hypothetical building and bridges were used for the purpose. We showed that the relative influences of the types of correlation on characteristics of loss distribution and the probability of damage are not equal. In some cases, when the median values of loss distribution or the probability that at least one critical element of a lifeline will be damaged are considered and when the spatial correlation of ground motion is used, the possible variations in the between‐earthquake correlation may be neglected. The shape of the site‐to‐site correlation function (i.e. the rate of decrease of the coefficient of spatial correlation with separation distance) seems also to be important when modelling spatially correlated ground‐motion fields. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Earthquake damage and loss estimation with Geographic Information System   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IntroductionAsesingthepotentialearthquakedamageandlosinaregionisimportantformanyaspects,suchasriskmitigation,resourcesalocat...  相似文献   

The assessment of building damage caused by liquefaction-induced ground deformations requires the definition of building capacity and vulnerability as a function of the demand, as well as damage scales to describe the state of the damaged building. This paper presents a framework for resolving these issues within the context of earthquake loss estimations, where large variations in building stock and ground conditions must be considered. The principal modes of building response to both uniform and differential ground movements are discussed and the uncertainties in their evaluation are highlighted. A unified damage scale is proposed for use in both reconnaissance and assessment of all modes of building damage, including ‘rigid body’ response of structures on stiff foundations to uniform or differential ground movements. The interaction of ground shaking and liquefaction in the context of induced structural damage is also briefly considered. The paper raises important aspects of earthquake loss estimations in regions of liquefaction potential, which remain relatively poorly defined at present.  相似文献   

四川汶川8级大地震灾害损失快速评估研究   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
王晓青  丁香  王龙  王岩 《地震学报》2009,31(2):205-211
地震发生之后,在没有开展地震现场调查之前,迅速对地震造成的人员伤亡、直接经济损失等进行评估,对地震应急救援决策非常重要.本文叙述了基于宏观经济指标的地震灾害损失评估方法,根据我国1989——2004年地震现场灾害损失调查资料重新确定的地震易损性模型,给出了汶川8级大地震发生后依据估计的经验地震烈度图得到的地震损失快速评估结果,并与依据现场调查确定的地震烈度分布图给出的地震损失评估结果进行了比较.表明根据近20年我国实际地震震例确定的地震易损性模型具有较好的适用性,损失评估结果的最大不确定来自于对地震影响场的估计.  相似文献   

The paper introduces firstly the seismic loss assessment method based on macro-economic indicators and new vulnerability models determined by the data from the on-site damage and loss survey to earthquakes occurred in China during the last two decades.The fast assessment for the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake with MS8.0 is given based on an empirical intensity attenuation relationship.Compared with the assessment based on the practical seismic intensity map of the event according to the on-site investigation, the...  相似文献   

Spatial correlation of earthquake ground motion: non-parametric estimation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A non-parametric method, called multidimensional correlation mapping (MCM), is used to describe the local spatial correlation of different components of earthquake ground acceleration. The method estimates spatial correlation without presuming homogeneity or isotropy of the phase-aligned local ground motion fields. For selected events recorded by the SMART1 accelerograph array, we obtain contour plots of equal correlation of ground acceleration, with respect to the center of the array. Displacement time-histories are also computed from the accelerograms and the spatial correlation of the displacements is estimated for comparison with that of the accelerations.  相似文献   

Introduction Earthquake often brings large catastrophe to the mankind, especially in recent years when a large number of destructive earthquakes occur in the whole globe, which have caused tremendous casualties and losses to the people. Obviously, it is not very reasonable to make up financial losses and carry out post-seismic reconstruction by the government only for such kind of huge earth- quake losses. Therefore, as an effective measure to raise fund and make up financial losses, earth- qu…  相似文献   

郭丽娜      刘金龙  温卫平  杜轲  丁勇    林均歧  孙刚 《世界地震工程》2021,(4):064-72
本文整理了云南大理州"5.21"6.4级地震震害调研与科考过程的部分成果。穿斗木架构结构和框架结构是云南大理州在低矮建筑和多高层建筑中广泛应用的两种结构形式。该研究基于震害调查结果,描述了地震过程中穿斗木架构结构和框架结构破坏的宏观现象,总结了两种典型结构的破坏形式,对震害成因进行了探讨。在此次震害调查过程中,科考人员还通过智能手机对结构基频进行了快速评估。在震后,研究人员对智能手机智能测振应用软件进行了更新,结合应用需求加入了测振地点和路线的地图信息,为震害调查与记录提供了便利。基于漾濞县震害科考与调研结果,为云南省穿斗木架构建筑及框架建筑的抗震方法与策略提出了建议,为震后建筑结构快速评价提供了新手段。  相似文献   

The paper introduces firstly the seismic loss assessment method based on macro-economic indicators and new vulnerability models determined by the data from the on-site damage and loss survey to earthquakes occurred in China during the last two decades. The fast assessment for the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake with MS8.0 is given based on an empirical intensity attenuation relationship. Compared with the assessment based on the practical seismic intensity map of the event according to the on-site investigation, the result demonstrates the usability of the seismic vulnerability models introduced in the paper. In addition, it is indicated that the main uncertainty of losses in the fast loss assessment comes from the uncertainty of the estimation of seismic ground motion.  相似文献   

2021年5月22日青海玛多发生了Ms7.4级地震,从地震中桥梁震害情况看:此次地震的特点是断层北侧震害轻,南侧震害重。位于断层南侧的野马滩大桥是简支梁桥,发生大量落梁,是此次地震中受损最为严重的大桥之一;而位于北侧的大野马岭大桥是连续梁桥,仅发生了部分挡块开裂。其中原因值得深入研究。本文通过有限元分析软件Midas/Civil建立大野马岭大桥(上行线)模型,进行地震反应分析,讨论分析了大野马岭大桥在此次地震中的震害机理。发现南北向的地震动是造成该桥横向挡块破坏的主要原因,东西向地震动因受到桥台和纵向挡块的约束并没有出现严重损伤。若将该桥由连续梁桥变成简支梁桥,地震反应会有所变化,但总体趋势特点变化并不大。另外,本文通过现有资料选定5组地震动作为输入,进行地震反应分析,比较分析不同地震动对该桥的影响,并验证地震动模拟效果。  相似文献   

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